Friday, March 7, 2025

MMD announces candidate for Milanzi by-election


MMD national secretary Katele Kalumba announcing the suspension of Gabriel Namulambe in Lusaka
MMD national secretary Katele Kalumba

The MMD has adopted Whiteson Banda, a Katete business executive as its candidate for the Milanzi parliamentary by-election slated for April 29.

National secretary Katele Kalumba said in an interview yesterday the national executive committee (NEC) that sat in Lusaka on Tuesday unanimously adopted Mr Banda to contest on the MMD ticket.

Dr Kalumba said the party was optimistic that the MMD would retain the seat which fell vacant after the death of area Member of Parliament Reuben Chisanga Banda. He said Milanzi Constituency was a former UNIP stronghold but the ruling party had taken over the whole area.

“We have won the seat two times under Rose Banda and the late Reuben Banda. UNIP got it with the late Chosani Njobvu. Currently the chances of UNIP winning the seat are very limited,” he said.

The Electoral Commission of Zambia has set April 8 for candidates to file in nominations and April 29 as the polling date.

UNIP has adopted a Lusaka businessperson, Musa Banda to contest on the party ticket. Other opposition political parties are yet to announce their candidates.

And Dr Kalumba yesterday unveiled the MMD candidate in the Milanzi by-election, Mr Banda to the electorate in Katete District.

Speaking shortly after introducing Mr Banda at a meeting held at Mphangwe Motel, Dr Kalumba said he was happy that all the people who had applied in order to be considered for adoption had pledged to rally behind Mr Banda.
[Times of Zambia]


  1. Please change the names of Zambia postnewspaper to Sata Newspaper, Times of Zambia to Times of MMD, Zambia Daily Mail to MMD Daily Mail and ZNBC to MMNBC. I am tire of you ba Mukuta

  2. # 1, You are Partisan that is why you see the Post as a Sata paper and others as MMD. Any don’t worry Zambia has always and will always remain a ONE-Party state. Do you know why? Other parties have no way of controlling ruling party activiities in govt. The ruling party’s President is the Head of State and his actions can NEVER be questioned as he does not sit in Parliament and cannot appear before any Court of law in Zambia. Let us not fool ourselves, we are simply a ONE PARTY state with tolerance for other talking alternatives. That is why it will be very difficult to dislodge the party in power unless they self-destruct irrepairably. Hahahaha!!! Keep dreaming about REAL DEMOCRACY which is NEVER attainable in a very POOR Country like Zambia -bwafya!!! God bless you all!!!

  3. But ZNBC is DeadNBC. There is no need to change its name. A kiss in a film shown on TV1 is construed as porno and employees are fired over it. The same chaps firing banzao have stashes of hardcore porn in their homes.

  4. Literally everywhere you go now, especially with matters involving the MMD, it is Banda everywhere. I am really getting sick and tired of listening to the Lieutenants of that despot Ngwazi “I love Mbumba Kazamira” Banda creep everywhere in this country, atase!

  5. Iwe Katele, while you’re at it, you may want to teach your cousins how to think of other names apart from Banda. They’re confusing us!

  6. And Katele also, this wicked wizard, why does he look like he is about to throw a demonic spell on someone? Alah, ubuloshi bobe kaboke iwe bwachilamo sure!

  7. #4 Sebuloni Kamutanda
    If it were Lubinda,Imasiku,Mulonda,Muyunda you will be smiling.Useless tribalist.Face it,Easterners are here to stay.Go to hell and hang!!

  8. “We have won the seat two times under Rose Banda and the late Reuben Banda. UNIP got it with the late Chosani Njobvu. Currently the chances of UNIP winning the seat are very limited,” he said.

    Iwe what`s the difference between UNIP and MMD?

  9. Please people, the OBANDA spirit hasn’t died in AMERICA YET.Let us see how the OBANDA SPIRIT will fare again.As for you ba Chiengi Tv please send you brother to TEST THE OBANDAS. For now bane see me in MILANZI.

  10. unfortunately our eastern cousins dont understand democracy .that is why the pact is strruggling to announce its candidate.the opposition cannot win eastern province .the pact will only particpate for formalities ,otherwise we know how easterners think

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