Friday, March 7, 2025

MTN launches new products


MOBILE Telecommunication Network (MTN) Zambia has launched three new products on the market aimed at improving mobile communication services.

The new products include MTN mobile email services, my choice top up and MTN One World, which is a roaming facility.

Speaking during the official launch at a colourful ceremony held at Kitwe’s Sherbourne Guesthouse where everyone in the audience walked away with an MTN fully connected cell-phone going with all the three new products, company marketing and segment manager Leonard Kawano said this was aimed at making communication become the centre of doing business.

The MTN mobile email product contains among other features a corporate e-mail coupled with personal information management that provided an easy to use, cost effective and continuously updated e-mail that could be accessed by the user whilst away from the office.

This provided great benefits to people who were frequently out in the field as they were able to receive corporate e-mails without needing to go back to their offices.

Mr Kawano said the My Choice package was another product with value added as it would allow MTN post paid customers to enjoy all the benefits of their post-paid contract while enjoying control over their spending.

The MTN One World was a portfolio of roaming services that were significantly simpler and easier to use that had been introduced on the market with favourable rates citing K4, 500 per minute for South-Africa, which was the cheapest so far.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. I’m wondering which brands these products are since the article does not specify. I also wonder if the iPad is among them or is this when the iPhone is being introduced? Also wondering how many Apple-fans are in Zambia with the purchasing power to afford such phones, the cheapest of which go at US$ 499.- here in Germany?

  2. nine chale the new products inlclude email service,my choice top up and MTN one world, i dont know what kind of animal is MTN one world, but atleast thats what the articles says.

  3. Nine Chale, there are several people that I have met, excluding myself that own an iPhone. Blackberry’s are also in that price range and so are Samsung smartphones Having just returned from overseas after being away for almost decade, I can assure you everything is available here – it’s just a matter of having the money to buy it. I have come to appreciate that Zambians are tech savy, gotta love my people!

  4. HH had a meeting with sponsors that also paid for father bwalyas talk show.
    Post is trying very hard and has been for a long while trying to discredit rb corruption fight because evidence has been found of nchito brothers involvement in corrupt practices.
    Oil deal scandals being revealed are only so because others lost tenders and their connections thrown in the toilet, mmembe and nchito again.
    Maureen has a lot of info, this is why she has backers and enemies that are quiet.
    there are a lot of cover ups and rb is so silly he doesnt even know much of it..
    Huawei deal with zamtel, what happpened maureen? why did they get paid but the job not finished?
    Why is the zesco optics being grabbed?? chi rb stop sleeping!!
    Who is calling the shots in the new administration??

    Keeping you…

  5. i used to follow lt silently but av noticed eversince elections that some people are paid guns…after investigation i have found the truth and it would be sad to learn that lt is actually very much a gun…
    but if not you should know ba lt that the people you are tolerating are making a lot more money than you and you know them….just follow the election stories and upto now, people with all that info, do you think they spend all day on lt for nothng????

  6. so much nonsense here, people talkng all sorts of crap…follow the truth, lets open our eyes…why must we be blindfolded so easily….we all don’t like rb that is a fact and lets stick with facts..
    kwacha is appreciating, what has sata promised us? what is satas track record because before someone comes that is somethig we need to check so that we dont end up with another rb or worse.
    what is hh track record, we are following blindly, comeon zambia we are better than that.
    we need to speak ideas not politricking fingerpointing and much more non progressive nonsense

  7. Impressive stuff and continue doing good MTN.

    Have a blessed day all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the knigdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  8. in zambia you get it all. however there is so much keeping up appearances. so many people own phones with features which require input that service providers do not provide as for the products named the auther just gave us the brand names eg colgate without explaining further that it is a tooth paste so that those who have not used it before know.

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