Change life Zambia Director Father Frank Bwalya has said President Rupiah Banda’s attendance of the Good Friday celebrations at Saint Ignatius Catholic Church last Friday should be viewed as a mockery to the Catholic Church by all Zambians.
Speaking to Qfm in a telephone interview yesterday, father Bwalya said the action by the president is no t different from that of former president Chiluba when he went to the same church and received communion when he very well knew it was wrong for him to do so.
He said it was wrong for the president to attend the celebration because he is sitting on a government that has accused the Catholic Church of promoting genocide in the country.
He said the action is an act of insults to the catholic priests.
He has since given the President a seven day ultimatum to apologize to the Catholic Church failure to which the church shall make him feel unwelcome when ever he attends any service for the rest of his life.
Does this f.o.o.l called Fr bwalya own the Catholic Church? Where is he getting all this courage of giving ultimatums? Who is he anyway?
Father Bwalya just stop it. Anybody has the right to go to any church. This madness is taking zambia backwards.
Good Evening
This man started out with his Red Card campaign which I somehow tried to understand but now this shallow criticism and low calibre of arguments is making him increasingly unpopular to me. So what if the President attends Easter celebrations at a catholic Church? What significance does it have for the development of Zambia?
Who the hell does ths chap Bwalya think he is?? Is the church his house? Who gave him the right to say who can and cannot worship God?
looking at the uncalled for attacks and insults on our integrity and faith showered upon us Catholics by RB led govt both in Parliament, TV, Radio includin attacks on our Arcbishop Mpundu (unfailry dragged into politics by MMD who were trying to screw Sata) i can fully understand Fr Bwalya’s point. Sorry.. but for me I too dont want to see RB, Kunda or Shikapwasha in our Cathedral.. The spiritual matters are dear to us and we catholics have been offended.. RB is just a human bein , naked like all of us before God.. He needs to apologise on behalf of his ministers first.. cause thats what leaders do.
only mmd caders on blog
Father Bwalya is a Lunatic.
Please concentrate on preaching the word, rather than you getting yourself involved in politics. Please make up your mind, I understand the freedom of speech in Zambia, but indeed anyone is welcome to go to any house of worship.
OMG! What drugs is this guy on? This is crossing the line, giving an ultimatum to the President for attending Easter service at a church.
Clearly shows that Bwalya has a personal vandetta against RB…..what a shallow chap.
#1 This chap is the spokesman of Mr Mpundu and Satana so do not be surprised with his utterances he well placed.Walya just remember the government is separate from the church so do mix the two at any time.
My God! This young man is evil indeed. For these words that are alleged to have been spoken by him, clearly show that he has personal hatred against President Banda and this is not a Christian’s thinking. The Catholic Church has given communion to people who have had blood on their hands. KK was always welcome by the Catholic Church, indeed he was the VIP at the ascension of the Archibishop Mpundu as Bishop of Mpika in the 80’s and yet KK incarcerated and muzzled so many people. Indeed Mr Bwalya would have disappeared to Chilubi by now. RB not welcome in the Catholic Church? Sorry, the RCC does not deserve such an innocuous leader.
This is how Sata with his longing for connectedness with any jerk has hurt himself irrepairably. How does a credible political leader flit with such a retard to the extent of dictating his political roadmap on the whims of this insanity? Is this chap now the spokesperson of the Great Catholic Church where the Republican VP, MMD Chairman, many ministers and Party Secretary General with their members belong to? We thought Catholicism was a Christ ministry of all that need fellowship or its now a preserve of those indocrinated with his Die Zambia cult? Such kind of insanity and attention seeking hatred is revealing more of Bwalya’s senseless xenophobic Satanism. Just what scriptures is this retard using? I doubt if he even understand the Bible.President Banda has the right of association.
Go on Father Bwalya, we dont want RB near anything good. Its only that bloggers here have short memory, few months ago MMD cadres went to Ndola diocese, wanting to set it on fire. The Govt didnt protect them or RB didnt condemn action of his party. so its very surprising to visit the people you wanted to Kill. if you a the person with good memory and has been following what has been happening between Govt and RCC, you will understand where Father Bwalya is coming from.
Can some1 advise this mambala priest Bwalya, he has no morals. He has lost his objectives, now a spokes person for Catolicas. Has this church got some rules & administration I wonder? Please bloggers highlight it to me.
Can such pervasion be the spirit of this country or the traditional Catholic Church? All political parties and NGOs affiliated to this nefarious insanity have entrapped themselves in a woeful tale of missed opportunity. Zambians are very sober and disdainful of hatred. I will not be shocked to learn that this Chap’s own xenophobia has made him commit suicide and is found hanging. Demons of hatred and self rejection have taken over this Looney.
Accomplished diplomatic RB like always instead with deafening silence should ignore this wayward Looney struggling in vanity for an image and connectedness. Let him unwittingly finish himself on his way to Calvary and hell. RB should instead stay steadfast on national development and issues of common good than these Grave yard acts of aberration from such an armchair critic. RB has a national constituency, people’s mandate and social contract constitutionally with the people. He has to serve this country with instruments at his discretion. This Looney speaks for his demon spirits, and deluded political losers.
OK, I too am Catholic. But on this one, I totally disagree with you Fr Bwalya. You are a priest yes, but you do not own the Church. Nobody owns the Church Father. You cannot decide who comes and who does not come to Church. Your political differences with RB should remain in the political realm. You might want to interpret RB’s action as a political gimmick. And maybe it was. But do you actually know what was in RB’s heart when he attended Church on Friday? Do you know what kind of relationship RB has with his creator?
I am not a member of the MMD. There are a lot of things that I do not agree with RB. But even then, I still do not see how I can argue that therefore RB should not come to Church. It is not your Church Fr Bwalya. If you cannot welcome others, you can start your own…
Since when did RB become a Catholic? # 11 has answered the reasons why RB is making a mockery of the church as whole, more especially the Catholic church. If its Archbishop can be put in the same class as satan by you MMD cadres, don’t you think it right for Banda to stay away from such a church, you holy ones? Banda has sponsored Chiluba to attack the Catholic church and its leadership, why go there if you are not a Catholic? Just to provoke issues?
Its only that bloggers here have short memory, few months ago MMD cadres went to Ndola diocese, wanting to set it on fire. The Govt didnt protect them or RB didnt condemn action of his party. so its very surprising to visit the people you wanted to Kill. if you a the person with good memory and has been following what has been happening between Govt and RCC, you will understand where Father Bwalya is coming from.
Honestly as much as i support Fr.Bwalya in many things that he says but on this Point i dont Agree with him, and i dont think even Archbishop Mpundu agrees on this one either. On this attack he has missed the target. I believe even though RB is not Performing well, but what people need to do is to guide him to help him change the way he governs the country. The constitution of Zambia allows everyone a freedom of choice to their conscience, and RB thought it wise to go there it could have been with a spirit of reconciliation. For this one Fr.Bwalya should himself apologise to RB. I think Fr. Bwalya needs to be Objective.
This retard must start his own counterfeit religious fellowship unless he has the mandate of the catholic with a decree that anyone MMD and indeed other political atthletees who are not a indocrinated in his “Die Zambia” cult should not have fellowship.
father Bwalya, RB, Nawaki, HH, Sata, Archbishop Mpundu, Tilyenji, FTJ, Mabenga, VJ, Kalumba, Musonda Former zanaco manager, Chungu and The *****s at Access Financial services, Mwansa the Former Zesco manager all make me wanna puke!! Tetamashimba will have lots of company soon!
I understand where Father Bwalya is coming from , there’s nothing wrong with RB going to St Ignatius but with all the horrible things being said about the catholic church by some MMD officials is outrageous, an apology to the church wouldnt be that bad.
this nutter of a priest is becoming more and more unhinged. its just a matter of time before he completely loses it
1st a rumbling disjointed letter to thandiwe, very contemptous and without any direction. a psyche evaluation is called for here. some borderline personality issues are evident, possibly narcissist or grandiose.
in his jesus had to deal with a lot of church ill wishers, pharisees etc, i may be wrong but i do not recall him issuing any banning orders. on the contrary he actively tried to engage all these types. if an ordained priest can fail to refer to this clearly set precendent it speaks volumes about the individual’s church doctrination which could explain why all these negative events in the church… i challenge the catholic church hierachy to come out and denounce…
and disassociate itself from such utterances
enough already!!!
father Bwalya stop this nonsese,going to church is personal and has nothing to do with politics
My support for Fr. Bwalya is 100 % on talking about the ills of government, but this is ludacris. He should close his mouth about certain stuff let Banda go to church that way he can learn a little more about being humble period.
LORD Have Mercy!!!! Iyi yavuta!!!!
.”.He has since given the President a seven day ultimatum to apologize to the Catholic Church failure to which the church shall make him feel unwelcome when ever he attends any service for the rest of his life”
…….I’ve always considered our Fr Bwalya as a man of high ideals , but on this one , if he really said this , it is not consistent with the morality expected of a priest or even former priest .
The issuing of this ultimatum suggests that in spite of giving up the priesthood , fr Bwalya is the most influential person in the whole church …….. And this , obviously , is not the case.
one step to a fatwa
Jesus chirist forgave many i dont think this ***** Bwalya will ever step in the Kingdom of God.He is a mad chap.He is not to be a priest.By the way the father of Bwalya is the same like his son.Just go Ndola and you will prove what iam saying.Kaunda locked his father on same issues like the son is doing.
The spirit Alice Lenshina is indeed manifest in bitter people like Mr Walya and his bosses .Bwana Walya you indeed welcome to start your own little cult somewhere your anescestor Alice Leshina lived am pretty sure you’ll have a massive following !!!!!!You loser .Is this man married.Can someone tell please i suspect his testestorone level is bothering him too much.
President Banda please ignore this lunatic he does not deserve your attention ,you are too busy delivering developmental projects to the people of Zambia .Walya is not normal even Mr Mpundu knows that including Satana.
We really do not know who the lunatic is. According to psychiatric and psychological defense mechanisms, lunatics call those that are normal as lunatics. It is called displacement. So, you guys calling this preacher (man of God) a lunatic, you need to get evaluated. Probably you might be having the problem you are heaping on Fr. Bwalya.
I think Father Bwalya has now lost it. Please ba Father as a catholic priest / ex or whatever your status is you are supposed to be preaching reconcialition esp during this period of easter when Jesus Christ died on the cross for mankind. Instead your message borders on hate! Nothing wrong with having political differences etc but for you to suggest that the whole catholic church will make one person unwelcome for the rest of their life? Does church doctrine ask us to forgive our enemies? Please be responsible in your utterances
This Bwalya is a fool & has no right to be called a Father. The RCC should stop using this term. What a lunatic, a fool who does not know the teachings of Christ. Why is the RCC allowing him to be their spokesman? send him to Rome where a good priest Milingo was exiled.
If I was Bwalya, I would not be looking for reconciliation with animals who want to throw me in jail for a red paper. I would regard them as enemies or zoo bound animals who are trying institute the law of the juggle. Banda and his Mangani, Shikapwasha probably belong to Munda Wanga with those animals that were relocated from State House. Probably they people who moved those monkeys made a mistake. I am told they were told to go and move Banda, but they found him gone to Swaziland, hence the removal of innocent monkeys. If you check the list they were given it had names. Senior Citizen, Rupiah Banda, MMD Bootlicker, Ghost Worker, Mangani, Shikapwasha, William Banda, Yaya, Capitalist and Terence Findlay.
The father has a point; it is hypocritical of Banda to pretend he identifies with the ideals of the catholic faith after the negative campaign waged by MMD against the catholics. It is true that Rupiah has the right to go to any place of worship of his choice. The problem is that it is so blatant that it is not a genuine gesture. And it this indicative of how Rupiah does everything, he has no conviction at all.
Wat a shame, where is this country heading too, Most bloggers talk nonsense. Zambia is a democratic country, so Fr Bwalya has the right to say wat he feels. For as long as we have people that think so shallow like some bloggers we will remain a joke as a country.:d
i feel like its too much from this man. he is simply against everything banda, as a priest you must even lead by example and lead someone into repentance. counsel rb so that he can change, not saying you are change life zambia but when a man has gone to church your a asking him to apologise for it. so we must stop going to church is it? why didnt you also go there and even counsel him, but you decided to be on radio, this campaign of yours we are beginning to see through it ba father bwalya
Kalos2020 you need to repent your sins of insulting adults like me and those you’ve listed above.You know Kalos2020 if you do not have money to send to your PF party better you go and sleep than showing your shallow thoughts on the night.I command you in the name of Jesus to repent before sunset.Amen
Indeed is this man on drugs or demon possessed? The church service he is talking about was attended by Mr Sata, our president, Ms Nawakwi and many people of diverse views and the atmosphere was one of cordiality, a reflection of what the day was about, even estranged Bishop Milingo was in attendance with his wife and how does this low level thinking person utter such words after being given an opportunity to say explain to the people what easter is about, regarding the fact that he is a priest and an ambassador of Christ. What what does he choose to do? Take out his sword and cut Rupiah Banda’s ear. Please, Father Bwalya, put away your sword. Don’t you know Jesus has access to all power in the universe? This is Easter please, go read your bible if you have forgotten
it is so sad to see that the pact has even corrupted a priest into strange behaviours. look at him now
i wonder how they will come and brainwash us all. even this shikapwasha group is beginning to look like a better evil.
chachilamo mwe, red card ununderstandable, now on radio pa good friday instead of in church…who is sponsoring him, they are to blame.
pact was a good way to go, even though it is falling apart i only wish it could hold together….now sata wants to ride in the vehicle, the same person who said it was wrong to buy it, listen to him now????
HH did not even go to good friday prayers, where was he? i hope he has not gone in the ways of mazoka, masonist issues are not zambias strong point, we don’t want to see more universal churches being built. where were you HH????
#42 YAYA, ulimukulu? When I read your postings you sound like you are 12 years old. Sorry, I really thought you are 12. I really await to see how mature you are. It is up to you, not me to make you the age you are. If you are as old as purport you are, please show it.
HH had a meeting with sponsors that also paid for father bwalyas talk show.
Post is trying very hard and has been for a long while trying to discredit rb corruption fight because evidence has been found of nchito brothers involvement in corrupt practices.
Oil deal scandals being revealed are only so because others lost tenders and their connections thrown in the toilet, mmembe and nchito again.
Maureen has a lot of info, this is why she has backers and enemies that are quiet.
there are a lot of cover ups and rb is so silly he doesnt even know much of it..
Huawei deal with zamtel, what happpened maureen? why did they get paid but the job not finished?
Why is the zesco optics being grabbed?? chi rb stop sleeping!!
Who is calling the shots in the new administration??
Keeping you…
Yaya # 42, are you referring to the list I came across the one I have used in # 38? The list is at Munda Wanga. If you have to complain, go to Munda Wanga.
so much nonsense here, people talkng all sorts of crap…follow the truth, lets open our eyes…why must we be blindfolded so easily….we all don’t like rb that is a fact and lets stick with facts..
kwacha is appreciating, what has sata promised us? what is satas track record because before someone comes that is somethig we need to check so that we dont end up with another rb or worse.
what is hh track record, we are following blindly, comeon zambia we are better than that.
we need to speak ideas not politricking fingerpointing and much more non progressive nonsense
There is very little substance in what this dim Priest is saying. The best is to totally ignore his outbusts.Why does he look drunk all the time?
kalos2020 please we need a more mature angle even from you…we need progress in our country, we need unity and not shooting each other down. if we can discuss ideas and developmental issues not just comments and throwing support here and there, we too must stand up for truth and even answer the call to leadership. we all know that the crop and calibre of the leaders around now is so poor. lets not try and defend any leader ati he is better, truth is truth sata is as old as rb and has been here for a long time ****ing up our country, why didnt him and rb change things long ago, HH too has always been big backer of tribal upnd (fact) but why havent all these people that had all the avenues to do so, why idnt they bring develpment or move us forward worward better change???
hh, sata, rb, upnd, mmd, fdd, and others have big supporters, international donors and business people even entire governments…why for all this time they did not ask for development….they just want the power, the control and then what??? why didnt sata ask his taiwanese counterparts to bring us development that just putting oney in his pocket? why are we just having influx of chinese instead rb asking for develpment without strings from the chinese?? fdd dont just blab blab so you get the donor money, father bwalya now is also a party, let your donors build a bridge, rehabilitate a road, open a factory, employ 300 people…these small small things can make big difference, if you want support just open a plant for hiace bus spareparts so they are cheapened…people are employed
# 50 revealer, what ideas can can you discuss with these William Banda, Senior Citizen, Capitalist and Yaya? I will give you 5 days to try to reason with William Banda. Oh no, no, try Senoir Citizen or MMD Bootlicker. Come back and let us know the progress you will make.
CHI-FATHER WALYA NACHIPENA. HE IS DEMON POSSESSED.The man won”t stopm until he sucks some BLOOD.THE BLOOD SUCKER. THE Rwanda KILLINGS started at a radio station and shifted into the streets marking people with RED MARK on the forehead and then a terrible history was recorded.
# 53, if Father Bwalya is mad, what is your diagnoses for Rupiah Banda?
RB needs the truth .chiluba stood for him and spoke against the catholic church,shikapwasha did the same .the president must either apologise or stop being cosmetic and stop going to any catholic church.this is simple ,i cannnot condemn unip and tomorrow iam attending there meeeting.frank has not stopped RB from going to church or from worshipping God.he can go anywhere but not to a catholic church he needs to opologise.thats maturity.afterall a church is like a club, it has members .that is why some churches ask if there visitors every sunday.father bwalya has a serious point that underscores being principled centred unlike majority of us .viva father bwalya
but kalos2020 even as a leader they will be people against you, people causing nonsense, i cannot defend william banda because maybe he will not listen maybe he will that is another issue. what is important is to keep track of truth and of goals, we need zambia to develop and if that is what we really want we will not be swayed by some few ones that are enjoying donor money or from supporters, these mmd bootlickers you are talking about, they are most likely even being payed to post and blog. forget them unless they are talking truth and have genuine interest in our motherland. it all starts from the few that have seen and are sticking to the truth, don’t fear to be insulted or intimidated, even the fools minds will begin to open and progress can be made
its not an issue of insulting the church and not going there…its a matter of truth, did rb have real issues to scorn the church on, i for one very much think so and i stand corrected but the events of the last days are testament, the pope was apologising for church coverups and such things, the church needs to stand against social injustice in our nation, but this change life zambia and red cards, what social injustice is it standing against? and is that the right and best way, the church of late in zambia has been too politicised and has almost turned into a pf gun….we all love the church and some are afraid to scorn it, i am not the biggest fan of rb but on that issue he too should have straight forward pointed out issues, church needs to make action against partisan behaviour
because if our church image is tainted even further by asking our president to not attend church functions, how will we move forward as a christian nation, in church there he should have been counselled, like you heard the priest that day said it, this is good spirit, coming together…take it from there, tell rb you did not speak well because we all know his point was valid unlike this father bwalyas style of instead of being in church he is o radio…let him broadcast sermons please.
and i just want to say that our leaders even those in opposition are doing poor job, because now even rb looks like he is accomplishing a lot when what he has done is little, sata, hh, nawakwi….we are talking too much, call the taiwanese, swedish, german, french even masonist supporters to bring genuine…
Those on were banking on HH being President of the PACT,the writing is on the Wall in SUNDAY POST:
Sata tells Rupiah to take care of presidential vehicle for him.This si shocking especially that Sata was leading the onslaught on the same vehicle he wants to use come 2011.His true colours are coming out naturally devoid of the populism he preaches to his supporters.Here,its clear,it is either HH accepts a lesser position which will be construed as a sell-out or it is the beginning of the END of the PACT.As Russians say:Eto tolko nachalo (Its just the begining) .
When did Fr. Frank Bwalya become the spokesperson for the Catholic church? Who the h.e.l.l does he think he is to be giving ultimatums to the President of this country?
the end of the pact began long ago, george kunda again is not my favourite lawyer, minister or vice president but he spoke the truth even though some tried to just discredit him when he said there was disunity in the pact in upnd and that some in southern province wanted hh gone. those sentiments are actually shared by many, because now some have even gone to the extent of asking mmd to endorse maganda and they will leave pact for mmd. but this tribalism needs to end, we need a pure zambian point of view for zambian develoment. hh is staying in the pact as political tactic, he feels guaranteed that tongas will always vote upnd and he is in pact to try and sway pf voters to his side, even maybe to leave the pact with him, he is also watching for the degree issue to see if it pays him
we need capable leaders, we all need to be ready for the call to leadership, the state of issues in our capital now i just hope the military is well payed because they may end up just grabbing power…(and am not speaking from without)….
to win election unfortunatly one still needs votes, and also people to register, but mmd has so much control over that, over voters and votes. this is partly why i insist that instead of fighting each other too much…lets work together, even work from inside this mmd like bingu wa mutharika did to take power from bakili muluzi…..similar to mwanawasa prosecuting chiluba…..because from mmd we’ll have power to change our country for the better not ichipuba william banda who thinks he owns zambia
@ #52 Kalos2020
Please keep me out of your posts. I do not want to associate with someone like who hopes for Zambia to go the Rwanda way. You are evil and I do not want to associate myself with people as evil as you.
“I pray that Zambia goes the Rwanda way and your family be the first to be hacked.”Kalos2020, Civil society organizations alarmed and concerned at the arrest of Fr. Bwalya, Lusaka Times, May 13 2010
#63 capitalist…it is good to point out wrong doings or wrong sayings in each other but we need to reduce spirit of fingerpointing if we are to move forward, shout at him, scorn her then afterward we move as zambians to common ground, development and well being of our people not rwanda genocide no but if we choose who to associate with and who not to associate with we are just going in the same rwanda path
Mr. Capitalist, YAYA, MMD Chief Bootlicker, Veteran and all objective patriots here, I implore you fine men and women of valor to ignore this rascal called Kalos2020. He is a miserable kid overtaken by bitterness, ignorance, spiritual poverty and immaturity.You are too serious with life to waste your time on this kid. Your respect for human life, cultural values and self dignity are way out of reach for this kid. He is a futureless kid.
The whole Crucifixion story is about reconciliation.Men reconciled to God through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus.If RB’s intention to attend mass was to reconcile, then he is fulfilling the purpose.It is the wiser one or mature one who makes the first step in reconciliation.
Secondly I believe the catholic Church is open to all,just as God’s Kingdom is open to ‘whosoever will maycome’ including RB.
Finally,all you guys calling Fr Bwalya all sorts of names need to repent.Stop attacking him as a person and just deal with the matter/issue at hand.Happy Passover and remember to ”love one another”.
This confused Bwalya with his identity crisis is not the Gand father or spokesperson of the Catholic Church neither is he a Master Priest over all parishes in the country.RB did not go to Bwalya’s Parish at PF headquarters. Thus, Bwalya’s rubbish is his own and not that of the Bible believing Church of christ there for all God’s creation.
#67 Senior Citizen could you kindly elaborate? I have failed to understand the last post.
God’s love is not a preserve of PF cadres only but for all humanity.In short its Unconditional Love. The Bible tells us that “God is Love” (1 John 4:8). But how can we even begin to understand that truth? There are many passages in the Bible that give us God’s definition of love. The most well known verse is John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
senior citizen i am seiously disurbed by how you have ridiculed kalos2020..in as much as his language may not have been palatable by some he had strong points and his views are shared by many zambians…which unity are you prmoting if you will not give good advice but scorn someone like that and just rubbish him..nono, it is not the way to go, yourself many are suspicious of your goals on this blog, because alliances have been made o lt since elections and we know very well which ones are yours, do you speak for the church when you say the things you said about father bwalya, do you know who sponsors him??? you don’t, we do, we have facts….speak to your brother or sister kalos2020 we need unity and peace, it is only harmony that can move our country forward
So one way God defines love is in the act of giving. However, what God gave (or should we say, “who” God gave) was not a mere gift-wrapped present; God sacrificed His only Son so that we, who put our faith in His Son, will not spend eternity separated from Him. This is an amazing love, because we are the ones who choose to be separated from God through our own sin, yet it’s God who mends the separation through His intense personal sacrifice, and all we have to do is accept His gift.
Another great verse about God’s love is found in Romans 5:8, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” In this verse and in John 3:16, we find no conditions placed on God’s love for us. God doesn’t say, “as soon as you clean up your act, I’ll love you; ” nor does He say, “I’ll sacrifice my Son if you promise to love Me.” In fact, in Romans 5:8, we find just the opposite. God wants us to know that His love is unconditional, so He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us while we were still unlovable sinners.
We didn’t have to get clean, and we didn’t have to make any promises to God before we could experience His love. His love for us has always existed, and because of that, He did all the giving and sacrificing long before we were even aware that we needed His love.
God’s love is unconditional, and it’s not based on feelings or emotions. He doesn’t love us because we’re lovable or because we make Him feel good; He loves us because He is love. He created us to have a loving relationship with Him, and He sacrificed His own Son (who also willingly died for us) to restore that relationship.
What this Bwalya should know:
1 John 4:7 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him.” [1 John 4:16]
This is what Bwalya should know:
God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all. If we say, “We have fellowship with him,” while we continue to walk in darkness, we lie and do not act in truth. But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, then we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of his Son Jesus cleanses us from all sin. If we say, “We are without sin,” we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we acknowledge our sins,3 he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from every wrongdoing. If we say, “We have not sinned,” we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.” [1 John 1:5-10]
It must be understood that true love reflects the totality of goodness. Absolute goodness resides in God alone and is shared by Him with those who have sincerely sought association with Him.
# 65, Valor to you is insulting the PF/UPND Pact and those not in support of MMD. This is new definition of valor. Tell me when I have insulted you. By stating the list I saw from Munda Wanga is an insult. If you feel insulted, go pound sand. Everyone here knows where you belong.
#63, Capitalist, I will from now on only mention you in all my discussions. Do what you want. If in your postings you ridicule any people in the opposition, just know that you are also fair game. If you think you are going to eat MMD money without ridicule, you are mistaken.
#54 Kalos2020, Mr Frank Bwalya has now gone completely mad and needs our prayers especially that we are celebrating Easter, the most solemn period of the Christian calender. He has completely lost his marbles and only bitter and blind followers like Kalos2020 can fail to see this fact. Whatever illegal herbs he has been inhaling have turned him into a disciple of the devil. These are the dangerous type clergy who inflamed the genocide in Rwanda and the government needs to watch his misplaced evil activities very carefully.
The Post: Father Joe Keaney of Lusaka’s St Ignatius Parish said it was good to see President Banda, Sata and FDD president Edith Nawakwi together and sharing the same pew in Church. He thanked the three leaders for sitting together and showing a beautiful sign of reconciliation. Fr Keaney hoped that the gesture marked a new chapter in the country’s politics. Fr Keany said that UPND president Hakainde Hichilema sent word that he would not be available….This story is accompanied by a picture of the three leadres and Felix Mutati chatting cordially in church. Sata even joked later that RB should be looking after the presidential vehicle properly because he is going to start using it after the 2011 elections. Now what is this misguided former priest Mr Frank Bwalya hallucinating…
I least expect hooliganism and lumpenism to be conducted by people trained to save sinners. Fr.Bwalya should surely not forget that the training he underwent; for him to be called Priest centres on forgiveness and reconciliation between man and God. It appears he does not adore these values and needs prayers. Christians must pray for lost souls most importantly when such souls seek to change other people, probably away from Godliness. RB is free to congregate in any church of his choice, Sorry Bwalya if you are bitter about it, then you deserve a red card yourself.
The question you should be asking is: why did HH avoid attending church on such an important occassion in the Christian calender? Have you ever seen HH go to church? We all know that late Anderson Mazako was once a freemanson but later denounced the secret cult and converted to Christianity when pressure was mounted on him after forming the UPND. We also know that freemansonery is strictly by invitation from wealthy trustee to another. We also know that cults are afraid of the cross of Jesus Christ. But what we don’t know is why HH avoided attending the passion of Christ…
Reading through these blogs one can see that our country has gone tops-turvy and who is to blame, your guess is as good as mine.
# 79Chinese Eyes you are spot on this chap Kalos2020 is completely lost ,misguided and bitter just as Mr Walya and company.We know he’s waiting for an oppointment as High Commisioner to Zimbabwe if ever PF won elections next year.Kalos 2020 lives in lala land!Too young and ill informed and uneducated migrant.
#77 Senior citizen ,you are indeed very wise. I SAY AMEN, AMEN, AMEN. AS for KOLOS 2020, I HAVE STARTED PRAYING FOR YOUR FORGIVENESS.BUT IT IS NOT YOUR PROBLEM.IT IS THE PROBLEM OF CHI-FATHER WALYA NGOMWA.HE IS JEALOUS OF US WHO HAVE CHILDREN.HE WANTS TO CAUSE chi-genocide. what other name can that father leave on earth. Good day SIR.
ba fr bayitaya mwe,thats not the way 2 go about it
Let us not be so economical about God. He is for all of us. Men of God should not think that they hold the keys to the kingdom of God to determine who goes in and who doesnt. The stories of Jesus about the Prodigal son or the woman caught in adultery and others show that the Love of God is so unfathomably wide, deep, high, etc. Why should we monopolise God as if he is our little creation, making him inaccesible and distorting him? I think everyone is free to go to church and Good Friday was a symbolic day of forgeting our political differences as Fr. Kearney rightly observed. With this Fr. Bwalya should rather apologise to the Church, to God for such unbiblical comment. He must realise that he is not the PR of the Church, and the sooner the Church hierarchy warns him, the better.
On behalf of Fr. Frank Bwalya and his family and the rest that are not of his idea,i apologise to the president and the Nation atlarge.We should learn to forgive and forget especially that we are a christian Nation and a church for that matter.
But ba President should not be insulting us, this is a good example.I support the RED CARD, ba president you are welcome at our Catholic church and no one will stop you at the entrance.
Viva pact we shall rule come 2011
Failed priest Frank Bwalya should heed the wise saying: Those whom the gods want to destroy, they first make mad. The chap is evidently mad and seriously needs redemption before he start wearing sacks on the streets of Kitwe and eating from rubbish bins. Or maybe he will be carted away by the church to spare them the shame. And the time to cart him away is now, archbishop Mpundu, brother-in- law to Sata.
Ba Bwalya naimwe just sit down. Thats the mix when we support u people, u grow huge kahunas and skim u can take on everything. dont get me wrong, still cant stand the presido but criticism has to have an aspect of intelligence to it. I’d go as far as saying that RB was doing a kama Olive branch issue by attending mass at our church and i give him kudos for this gesture. Please, father Bwalya, take a chill pill, the red card issues u started are enough, u just gonna spoil everything if u choose this path dude.
im a strong supporter of Fr. bwalya and his red card…but in this tym around he has taken his hatred for RB get the better of him…i think he needs to apologise to presido and all zambian atlarge..
#85HAAMBILWI-ABANA i thought i was one of the few people who have observed Kalos 2020 insanity,he really needs to shake off Walya’s demonic influence on him.We need to pray for these school boys.
Bwana Walya you indeed finished ,you do not have even possess any common grace at all.
this boy has gone mad, its time for D4 to get involved
Chinese Eyes greetings. Following your “why did HH avoid attending church on such an important occassion in the Christian calender? Have you ever seen HH go to church? ” Be informed now that president and 2011 presidential candidate HH is a Seventh Day Adventist.
While I will not speculate on why president HH did not attend the Catholic Church activities, I will make mention that as a 7th Day Adventist, myself, I can never participate in the Catholic Church’s programmes since that church has a very bad history (see DARK AGES data) and its position in relation to the Holy Bible is that which is against Jesus Christ’s true teachings.
Be blessed all.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
King Solomon,
Did you serve? How did you know about D4? Very interesting indeed.
To those wondering about the behaviour of Kalos2020 greetings and do not worry yourselves much for the character is very sick and needs our collective prayers for mere advice can not help him.
I have had several discussions with him/her but the character is just thick to reality.
Be blessed all.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
Good Afternoon
It is always interesting to read the different opinions on this blog, plus the degree of passionate and partisan confidence with which some comments are posted. I can observe that some people sway between right and wrong, protagonism and antagonism, revealing to us one and all their deep sense of involvement in this and other poltical conflicts.
Whichever case, may we all remember that Christ defeated death on this day, when he arose from the grave and therefore, all who put their hope in him shall equally triumph over death and sorrow. Also remember that life is the greatest gift you will ever possess and just to be alive is a grand thing.
Blessed Easter Sunday to you all and God bless our country Zambia.
Chinese Eyes and other skeptics on HH’s religious activities find “Hichilema said the church was independent and neutral and that they were right to comment on bad governance in the country… “I have no regard for a minister who insults the integrity of the church, I am a Seventh Day Adventist member but those remarks were not only made to the Catholic but to the rest of the Christians in Zambia,” he said” on the POST NEWSPAPER’s “Statutory regulation of media is part of Banda’s dictatorial tendencies – HH ” story dated Monday, August 24, 2009 if I am not mistaken. The POST story can also be found on maraviDOTblogspotDOTcom.
Be blessed all.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto…
Suppoters of this mad man beaware. Cant you see that you are incouraging an illitrate lunatic tribalist thug. That red card issue was only the beginig. His organisation was called “do or die zambia”
Can anyone with a sound judgment, irrispective of tribal affiliations honestly back any action from a person exhibiting such triates ???. The worrying thing is that the pipo on this blogg are supposed to be the educated few, yet some wholeheartedly support a deranged priest who has smelt power because of Sata and his call boys egging him on. Rub that tribalistic mist from your eyes and save the country.
those were those dont worry suffice to say this useless moron must now be dealt with. How can he have the guts to give an ultimatum to the Head of State? its unimaginable. but problem is the chaps on top are not serious. in the days of KK and FTJ D4 would have been on the case immediately.
On Mr Frank Bwalya, I think his observations “… father Bwalya said the action by the president is no t different from that of former president Chiluba when he went to the same church and received communion when he very well knew it was wrong for him to do so” are good if Mr President RB is not a Catholic Church member in good and regular standing – if Catholics believe in good standing at all following issues surrounding Mr PF/MC Sata taking Holy Communion or so when he has a mariage question at stake.
My concern is that let the cries over Mr PF/Sata MC’s participation in Holy Communion apply to Mr President RB as well if the Catholic Church is a serious institution over Creator God.
Be blessed.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and
To start with, let the Catholics equally accept that they have allowed a lot of nonsense in the Church. RB has never fought the Catholics. FTJ was diffending himself from Sata ‘s attacks but all that goes on RB The Catholic if trully Bwalya is speaking for all of you then u must reflect if your committment is just to catholic norms and partriotism or following the teachings of God more espercially on Love, peace and forgiveness. The catholics have embraced so many people who have done so many wrongs. here Fr Bwalya talks about FTJ receiving Holly communion which was wrong. What about Sata with all what has come out?? Be seroius, God will judge u one day soon.
Ma rubbish easter is not even biblical and nobody in the bible celebrated it. Why bother yourselves with man made holidays that hold no wait to your salvation.
Looking at the number of empty heads that are condemning this couragous son of the land little wonder the ruling party feel they can get away with murder even attend church service unencumbered. The kind of pressure Fr Bwalya is putting on this useless government of yours is the kind of pressure our friends in civilised and developed world put on their politicians to remind them who is the boss. Am not catholic but i 100% respect them, if it were not for them and we were left with the likes of my church(SDA), pentes and watchtowers Zambia and indeed Africa as whole would still be in dark ages. I saw on Posts front page RB was made to join the queue to go past the priest but if that was in my church or pente he was going to jump the queue. l salute you catholic church, God bless you.
Now Bwalya has just gone too far! What if this attendance was RB’s way of saying Sorry? Without giving credence to the latter.
#100 Maestro Hhehhehhehhe – Thanks for the insight though we are still yet to see HH attending church. He may have been a member of SDA during his innocent youth, no doubt but let’s wait and see him holding the Bible in church. #106 msana wanzili – you are a lost soul who just like failed priest-cum-lumpen Mr Frank Bwalya needs our prayers to redeem you from the bondage of evil this Easter.
Those who like name-calling on the blog,little do they know that they just describe themselves cos I ve never met an intelligent person who brags but only those that claim(intelligent persons dont claim and brag,it is just there for everyone to see).
First of all, it was wrong to declare Zambia a Christian nation because instead of a blessing it brought a curse with it. Being a Christian you would have to live sacrificially, walk in love towards everyone, including your enemies, take persecution as your cup of tea, show repentance and learn to say “I’m sorry”, when needed. You would have to be “Christ-like”, and remove falsehood from among you. So, having said this I am not surprised that Fr. Bwalya is a good red-card leader, but not a good “Christian” leader. There is a difference, and we will do well to remember that being a Christian to most people means you are not moslem or hindu. They have not had the repentance and regeneration that takes place when one gives their life to Jesus and becomes “Christ-like”**==
#110 continued… And by the way becoming “Christ-like” does not happen overnight because of so many deep set problems and sinful way of living. Leaders calling themselves “Christian” are open to public scrutiny and so if they are, truly, we should see the change happen, but do we, the people, have that kind of patience, and time? I think not. It’s a tall order calling oneself a Christian leader! :-w
Hate can never be a basis for objective inquiry. Pity Mr. Fr. Bwalya and his CSO followers.
Sad that Fr Bwalya has lost too soon…#72-75 Senior Citizen – Your understanding & exposition of Biblical Theology regarding God’s Love & His basis for our salvation is quite good. Please write some more when next you get the chance to do it.
You Kalos
President Banda is a public figure, he is the president of Zambia and not only MMD. He attends every denomination he chooses every time he is going to church. Yes he belongs to a certain denomination as a Christian but he is also welcome to fellowship with other churches, unless you are telling us that catholic is not christian and you don’t accept believers from other churches. Apart from politics Mr Banda has a relationship with God of which no one and I say no one will ever change him. The secret is between him and his God, and Fr B u re suppose to sherpherd people like him but there you are trying to drive him away and confuse the innocent souls who are trying to worship God in truth and in spirit. Can you leave politics and hatred out of church services God bless U.
One wise MMD minister said, “dogs are loyal to their masters” referring to MMD cadres. Are we seeing the same here? Remember, that was not me referring to MMD cadres as dogs, and Banda as the master. It is their own minister.
Now with regard to Fr Bwalya, a private citizen, free to speak in his own capacity, he has never committed an crime, Banda’s with stole from MoE. Capitalist (Nevers Mumba) ran a criminal enterprise at his so called university in Kitwe East until the Flying Squad killed one of his Assistant Pastors from Congo in a gun battle as they were trying to rob near Ndola at gun point. Some of you might not have known why Nevers Mumba’s church went under. So, if Fr Bwalya, who is speaking for the people is a lunatic, what would you call Never Mumba the Ambassador?
# 114, yes I do understand that Banda can attend any church of his choice, but do you really think it is noble for him to attend the Catholic Church at this acrimonious time with church MMD has sworn has its enemy? MMD has chosen to insult and attack the Archbishop of Lusaka and St. Ignicious Church the last time I checked was in his jurisdiction, Lusaka. The MMD paid thugs to even petition the Vatican to remove or demote Archbishop Mpundu. Why go to his church if you believe they are a wrong team under wrong leadership? MMD cadres like Veteran Senior Citizen (Ben Kangwa), Bootlicker, Yaya, The Saint are here preaching ill of the church and the Archbishop. As you may know, these cadres get their talking points from Jere at State House and paid by State House to discredit anyone in the way
Slum dog #105
You don’t read the Bible, Jesus told His disciples to perform services in rememberance of Him during the time of his death. Although you may not see the word easter in the Bible, the ceremony is biblical.
God bless you.
#117 The ceremony in Luke 22 is mentioned explicitly as PASSOVER , theres no mention of Easter you are just trying to reconcile your false church rules with the bible. If something is not mentioned in the bible and not even kept by the messiah himself then it’s from the depths of hell. Lucky for you we know Easter is recorded in history as a pagan festival that even predates the new testament. We all know even your pope that in the year 321 AD in a document called edict of milan , emperor constantine fabricated easter and told christians not to keep passover but instead the pagan easter, whoever kept passover was called a judaizer. If it’s not the bible why keep it? oh wait because men told you to do so . Let me remind you of the warnings of keeping mens laws not scripture Matthew 5:18
I believe there are a lot of MMD who are also members of catholic church, so I do not really understand the concept here. There two or three things here, 1. one is the president for everyone, 2. one is human being with feeling towards his God, 3. one has got rights to choose. While this man is still in office I don’t think it would be a good idea to shun church, be it catholic, ucz, sda or paog. And remember, politically these people voted for him and he will not forget because when he reads his bible, he reads that God allowed or chose him as a leader to rule zambia. Unless this Mr. Banda wants to pretend but that is between him and his God.
what has nevers mumba have to do with this rubbish from frank bwalya? in fact father chilinda today has spoken out against bwalya and says RB was invited by the bishops. bwalya will soon be left alone with his red card and will be exposed nakedly and we will see all his useless glory
# 119 thank you for all the wisdom. Can you now address the issue of the acrimony between MMD and the Catholic Church and the MMD insults hauled at Archbishop Mpundu by Banda’s attack dogs.
The bishops invited RB. So people are arguing about what they don’t even know about.
Father bwalya is on drugs called chamba… and the rape in jail has not help, the guys has gone bananas> The church is for all regardless of political standings:o
The exact origins of this religious feast day’s name are unknown. Some sources claim the word Easter is derived from Eostre, a Teutonic goddess of spring and fertility. Other accounts trace Easter to the Latin term hebdomada alba, or white week, an ancient reference to Easter week and the white clothing donned by people who were baptized during that time. Through a translation error, the term later appeared as esostarum in Old High German, which eventually became Easter in English. In Spanish, Easter is known as Pascua; in French, Paques. These words are derived from the Greek and Latin Pascha or Pasch, for Passover. Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection occurred after he went to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover (or Pesach in Hebrew), the Jewish festival commemorating the ancient…
exodus from slavery in Egypt. Pascha eventually came to mean Easter.
Easter is really an entire season of the Christian church year, as opposed to a single-day observance. Lent, the 40-day period leading up to Easter Sunday, is a time of reflection and penance and represents the 40 days that Jesus spent alone in the wilderness before starting his ministry, a time in which Christians believe he survived various temptations by the devil. The day before Lent, known as Fat Tuesday, is a last hurrah of food and fun before the fasting begins. The week preceding Easter is called Holy Week and includes Maundy Thursday, which commemorates Jesus’ last supper with his disciples; Good Friday, which honors the day of his crucifixion; and Holy Saturday, which focuses on the transition between the…
You are quoting an article that tells you Easter is completely different from passover thereby contradicting yourself. Easter is pagan and is derived from EOSTRE a german pagan goddess and Ishtar from babylon totally unbiblical. The dates for passover and easter are different , the dates for passover haven’t changed since the exodus and yet easter dates are chosen by the pople. This is the typical hypocrisy you christians have and think it’s being humble when you would rather obey Men and ignore scripture.
Call it Easter or Passover, as long as you understand the spiritual meaning behind the symbolism of the Holy Communion and the New Testament. If you do it whole-heartedly, The Lord who sees your heart will not condemn you, though men judge you.
#127 Easter is not passover don’t get it confused, two totally different ceremonies, one is ordained from the bible and kept by all believers while the other is ordained by roman pagans and has no fixed date. And you are right the ‘LORD’ see’s your heart and he see’s whether you obey his son or popular false cultures. Actually the ‘LORD’ warns against those that keep false feast in Isaiah chapter 1 and amos chapter 5. So go on and obey your delusional abominations and I bet you the warnings will come true
for #118 Slum Dog
Acts 12:4 (Whole Chapter)
And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.
#129 If you check the actual greek the word is PESACH which translates to Passover in acts 24:4. The king james version mistranlated it to Easter which is why you see the NEW KING JAMES version corrected it back to passover.This is why you see ALL bibles today have passover in acts 12:4 instead of the 1611 mistranlation. PESACH is just the greek/latin word for passover
Keep lieing to yourself. check the oldest new testament(codex sinaiticus) or a concordance you wll see acts 12:4 is PESACH(PASSOVER)
130# Slum dog you are right easter is coming from Pagan cerebrations. Acts 12:4 is talking about pass over ( Lord’s Supper in today’s cerebrations). I wish you could tell these people who do not understand the origins of easter. Keep faith brother.
The WISE CHILINDA invited,RB, SATA and MAMA NAWAKWI. Fr walya has already been rejected by the right thinking catholic priests. he is confused by the support he got from KBM kaponyas while he was ka radio manager. He has over-rated himself so much that his brain has been misaligned. father walya needs brain alignment.CHAINAMA HOSPITAL IS BEST FOR HIM.
Father Bwalya must be disciplined by his church for misrepresenting the church. RB was invited by the church to attend the mass who is he to stop people visit the church? The priest needs to be re baptized so that he can start afresh.
Fr Bwalya reminds me of a cult leader priest in Uganda a few years ago. The Priest in question gathered a few lunatics around him and praying the rosary burned himself and the people around him believing they had been called to do so by the Virgin Mary. I would not be surprised if this Bwalya becomes a spokeperson for a cult. The man has completely lost it. He is so delusioned and probably a stay at Chainama will do him a lot of good.
Most of the bloggers against Fr Bwalya are from the US and the UK. Genuine bloggers? I doubt. These must be plants by the government to sway public opinions. You can only go to a catholic church if you are catholic why go there To pose for what?
Truth be told; Father Bwalya has messed up bigtime. Anyone supporting him must get serious help.
Senior Citizens you have said it all. AMEN
Frank Bwalya is a devils agent and a liar: Below is what happened
After witnessing the Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion at St Ignatius Church on Friday, which was attended by President Banda, several Cabinet ministers and opposition leaders and members of parliament, Sata chatted with President Banda before they parted. “Don’t damage this vehicle before I use it after 2011,” Sata was heard telling President Banda.
But lands minister Peter Daka responded: “uyu sazakakwelapo Sata will never use it.” After that, President Banda got in his official vehicle and left. Earlier, in his opening remarks, Fr Keaney said it was good to see President Banda, Sata and FDD president Edith Nawakwi together and sharing the same pew in church.
He thanked the three leaders for sitting together and showing a beautiful sigh of reconciliation.
Fr Keaney hoped that the gesture marked a new chapter in the country’s politics.
However, Fr Keaney said UPND president Hakainde Hichilema sent word that he would not be available.
During mass, Fr Anicet Setako urged congregants to ask themselves what they had done for Jesus. He said failing to show love to others was tantamount to crucifying Jesus again.Fr Setako said service to others was also very important
Chilinda is the one who invited the politicians as a way to show reconciliation. tomorrow chilinda is issuing statement to castigate this foolish and mad former priest who is actually on suspension and should not even be called father bwalya
RECONCILE, FORGIVE. Let us put our differences behind and focus on the love that Jesus showed us on the cross. He washes our sins with his blood. let us love one aother. One people one Zambia.
the next thing we will hear that Fr Bwalya has formed a Political party more vote spliting
Fr Bwalya has lately displayed signs of gross immaturity and incapable of taking advantage of the national sympathy and attention towards a noble cause.Fr. Bwalya`s letter to the First Lady had some valid concerns but put sympathisers off by the cheap and shallow rhetoric which made him come out as big headed.This recent episode simply makes things worse and before long,he`ll be viewed as a clown for lack of a better term.
yaya, chinese eyes, senior citizen…what is your game?
how much are you getting
I love Mr. Fr. Bwalya. I will meekly follow him wherever he leads me. I am his loyal servant. Sorry, just joking. Mr. Fr. Bwalya is not worthy the effort. I have not heard him say something I do not already, not only understand, but more so that is not already dialectically communicated.
i understand it is freedom of expression.but surely we can do better than that.the writtings of some of us is like that of a grade five(5).please take time to edit your posts.it is embarrasing to say the least.especially that you identify yourselves like very intelligent people.
coming back to father bwalya ,you must understand and remember that father bwalya has only sympathisers and not members which to me means the response to father bwalya is simply based on your civic knowledge.if u can not convince the people and the father can .accept it .if u can and father bwalya cant .he will accept it .so dont force your views.just air them .thats democracy
@ 146. Please help me. Who is forcing his or her views? And how is he or her doing it? Sorry, I am a bit of an ignoramus, and really do not know how force by words of pen is manifested.
I think we need to be guided by reason in our reaction to this story. Fr. Bwalya is hurt because our government has jailed him and has taken him to court. It is clear he does not like our president and his government. He spoke from a very emotional and personal perspective. His feelings and expriences on the matter are highly subjective. It was difficult for him to see the goodwill and the meaning in the president worshiping in the Catholic church that has come under attack by the presidents government.All of us have been in similar situations in our lives where we have not risen to the challenge of reconcilaition because of the hurt and strong subjective emotional convictions on our enemies. Let him love his enemies and do good to those who persecute him.
Chinese Eyes you are very welcome and take care.
Be blessed all.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
#146 RED CARDER-FUMBI-KOBO—-It is not a matter of going to school here,it is a matter of wisdom.father kawayawaya I UNDERSTAND DID 12 years of primary and SECONDARY SCHOOL.THEN 7 YEARS OF LEARNING BU-FATHER JUST coming out ichikopo. what a waste of resources. I only did lower primary and can at least diagnose ubushilu muli ba father.
#126. slum dog What do you understand about this potion of scripture?
Jesus Christ is our passover lamb.
1 Corinthians 5:7
Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even CHRIST our PASSOVER is sacrificed for us: Now slum dog how many passovers have you killed ever since you became a christian? Jesus has done it all, what you need is to obey his command, that is all.
I concur with #127
Nine Chale says:
April 4, 2010 at 6:36 pmCall it Easter or Passover, as long as you understand the spiritual meaning behind the symbolism of the Holy Communion and the New Testament. If you do it whole-heartedly, The Lord who sees your heart will not condemn you, though men judge you.
Maybe that is why he went to priesthood, because he could not do other things than that. Priesthood is a calling, but people just opt to priesthood because they are afraid to face the challenges of technology and education. But when they are in seminary they discover that they are taught a lot things, and this time when you graduate from university as a father, you have a PhD although they don’t call them Doctors, they are learned people. But this one Bwalya came back without wisdom and knowledge, and he is now trying to make a name out of his ignorance. He is a confused young man. God bless him.
#51 revealer
You are right. I always wonder why these people want to go to plot 1 when we have not even seen what they can do to to the people of Zambia. These people have money, yes it their money but they claim they can do better than the other in terms of development. Why haven’t they done that to show us an example? They just talk, insult instead of openning up big plants, create a lot of jobs, these same people like HH, MC sata have externalised their moneys and you think they can develop Zambia. Let them bring that into our central bank, so that the counrty will not have to borrow to much.
useless chap…..such mediocrity should not be condoned in a sensible country like zambia. the guy is an embarrasment to the church and the country and has just illustrated his hatred for the president
Fellow bloggers, I am not sure that you want to waste time on the likes of Kalos2020.
Let’s debate the obviously demon possessed father, maybe we can help him and his misguided followers.
#155, Shushushu, kwena yama you are behind. The discussion has moved on. I am not surprised with your behavior. Typical of Zambians. You leave the issue at hand and pick on those that do not agree with you. No one here has answered any questions that I asked. No one has answered why Rupiah went to a Catholic Church in the midst of the insults that has been hauled at Archbishop Mpundu by MMD cadres like yourself. No one, not even your Pastor Shikapwasha came to the side of the Catholic church when you shushushu and your friends (non Catholics) tried to bulldoze through the Catholic hierarchy to remove the Godly man Archbishop Mpundu. RB paid you for the nonsense and thank God that white man the Vatican Ambassador saw through your RB and MMD crap and told you to go pound sand .
Now that you have reopened the issue, do you know how many times your God father Veteran Senior Citizen Ben Kangwa and his cohorts like Capitalist (Ambassador Nevers Mumba), MMD bootlicker, Yaya, and the rest spent hauling insults at the Catholic Church and those who worship in that church? I would rather insult you and the politicians who are stealing nation funds and failing to do their jobs than insult the man of God Archbishop Mpundu for the sins of his sister. Do you really know how much Rupiah and MMD have tried to stifle democracy in Zambia? Ask Sata and very Father Bwalya who was arrested for distributing and blank red paper. I am not afraid of Fr. Bwalya, but certainly I know where Zambia is headed with RB and MMD in office.
MMD cadres like Veteran Senior Citizen have time and again tried to sway people’s perception about MMD and the need for opposition parties. You are so lost that you see Zambia just along Independence Road the way Banda sees Zambia. Without Sata or HH, Zambia today would be a one party state and basically ruled by foreigners like William Banda and Rupiah Banda and on tribal basis. If Banda is credible leader and a man of morals, who fears God, when his cadres were busy insulting the Catholic Church, he should have stood up and say enough sniping at each other and please leave the church out of Sata sexual life. Probably you MMD cadres have information, did Archbishop arrange the relationship between Sata and the lady in Ndola? If not why attack the church and the Archbishop?
Not so long ago, FTJ heard a press conference at his not deservedly residence in Kabulonga. For your information, the press conference was a brain child of State House from the press desk of Jere. 100% of people in attendance were MMD and Cabinet Ministers. Why? It was at this conference that the foolish short man unleashed the serpent to try to undercut the good works of the Catholic Church and Archbishop Mpundu in particular. Some fools like yourself, not knowing what was at stake bought into that crap. I also have to remind the readership that the fight with the Catholic church is not accidental. Shikapwasha stood in Parliament and accused the church of genocide. So, the visit by Banda to level headed people and those who are able to see through the MMD crap was a mockery.
Probably some of you have failed to understand the politics of MMD and Rupiah Banda. Knowing that the Catholic holds a huge voting block in Zambia, MMD and its followers have tried to destabilize the Catholic Church. The issue here is not Fr. Bwalya, but how Banda has lately treated the Catholic Church. Fr. Bwalya like any other normal thinking being is concerned with the direction our nation has taken and how the MMD party after failing to deliver has tried to silence those that are opposed to its mediocrity at all levels of leadership. I am not a spokesman for the Catholic or the said priest, but I am fully aware of how MMD operates and how they have failed to deliver hence the nonsense of running after those that seem to have caught up with their antics.
The attacks on Fr. Bwalya in most cases are not out of genuine concern, but purely out of MMD concern of losing power. On LT the attacks are in some cases out of Jealousy since some of you have never had the audience this young preacher is able to command. Yes, you have rights to say what you want about him, but don’t you think him too has a right to say what he wants? The genius in Fr. Bwalya has you talking and blogging about him. Some of you even after working for over 40 years at ZNBC walked out with thumbs in your mouths. The genius in Bwalya has even introduced a Red Card that has left the all entire MMD leadership dreaming about the future of MMD. With a blank paper, MMD is unable to lie to the nation. The best cure for a sluggish mind is to disturb its routine. Fr. Bwalya did it.
If you are not doing something with your life, it doesn’t matter how long it is. When Fr. Bwalya found something to help Zambians, he did something with his life. Hate him or like, he has spoken against the failures and the hate that is coming out of MMD cadres.
Despite our differences we should be willing to compromise. RB shud have respect for those opposing him because we Zambians have a stake in the affairs of our land…… In Georgia there are big billboards against Obama but he has accepted that as a challenge to prove his critics wrong. Father Bwalya shud also respect the president and accept the fact that he has started a fight with people willing to fight back from every angle. I just have concerns with bloggers like Senior fimofimo, ba Capitalist, bootlicker….. do you guys have interest of our great Nation at heart? You wish Rwanda dark history in Zambia? You have a political affiliation we know but lets balance our affiliation with fair judgement. Happy Easter Bloggers….:)>-
is this truly a priest who turns away sinners? my heaven. the catholic shud whip this mad man. RB never goes where he is not invited. this father bwalya quack shud beat the priest at st. ignitius for invitin rb, not the other way round,lol. Fr Bwalya is a paedophile. investigate him
Can someone tell us his email address (Devil walya)
KALOS, dont display your petty ignorance here. read the statement from Father Samasumo and father chilinda who have condemned the ka the useless chap. RB was invited by the church to attend the service as was all the other politicians. only HH did not show up otherwise nawakwi, mcs and other senior govt ministers and opposition leaders were there. frank will be isolated very soon and his source of money is drying up as well as the loopholes have been closed.
Fr. Bwalya’s comments were twisted by the Daily Snail. He said RB should apologise for accusing the Catholic Church of Genocide. He didn’t condemn him for attending mass at St. Igantius Parish.
Since when did a priest start choosing who should attend church service or not?? This is hypocrisy at its best. even a murderer straight from court can attend church service. who knows, may be RB went to repent and pray to become a good leader……………..FB is nothing but trouble for catholics. call a spade a spade.
Awalya has gone mad. Who does this chap think he is?
I can assure you people that,Catholics in Zambia will NEVER vote for the MMD because of the statement made by Foolish Shikapwasha the we are not Christians.Is calling Catholics Non-Christians not an Insult?.Has RB apologised for the statement made by Shikapwasha?.Dont condem Fr.Bwalya because we Catholics are agrieved,Yes,if RB was a wise Man he could have said ‘Sorry’ to the Catholic Church.A Leader has to take responsibility for his misbehaving Ministers.Catholics will NEVER Vote for MMD,and we are sensitising our brethren all over Zambia NEVER to Vote for Fools in MMD.
I once mentioned the motives of Fr Bwalya to bloggers,now you can see for yourselves. This young man wants recognition at all cost and he wants it quick. He will do anything to be in the ranks of Sata, HH and RB. But watch him and mark my words he is just like passing wind and he will regret his actions, if he has any manners. He wants to drag the catholic church into what are his own battles and making the catholics and Zambians at large believe that his stance is the catholic church stance. The church that has so much sanity why allow a person go to this extent.
Those of our Citizens who are supporting RB and his Government,I can assure you that next year,you will gnash your teeth,you shall shed tears of sorrow.I think,its time we changed Government,even using the Captain Solo method,that is a welcome move.President Banda is Not a Leader,if he was,he would have rebuked his foolish Ministers who are making noise and attacking people anyhow.To say that Catholics are not Christian,Is the biggest insult I have ever heard,because Catholics are the Mother of Christianity,the church was formed by Jesus Christ and his Apostles,thats why Peter(the Rock) is the first Pope.Simon Peter died in Rome and was burried exactly where St.Peters is built.Even the first bible which was written in greek,was done by the Catholics,so what is the Foolish Rev.Shikapwasha
Inshort,Shikapwasha was even isulting his coleagues in MMD because we know that the Chief Justice Sakala is a Catholic,just like Vice Pres Kunda although Kunda is insane but his wife is fine.Foolish Shikapwasha was a womaniser,a very big pagan,and he has only known God now that he feels sick after lifting alot of Ladie’s skirts.What does he know about Christianity?.What does he know about God?.Does he even read the Bible?.All these foolish statements are coming because of Chiluba’s decraration which allowed jackals and serpents to use God’s name in Vain.Chiluba is surely destined for hell,Im so sure that he will never taste heaven and his time to go to hell is very near.As long as we do not forgive these stupid fools,FTJ,Shikapwasha,Mangani,and many other,God will never forgive them…
#5, Digga, George Kunda is a devout catholic at Mary Immaculate Parish in Lusaka. He has every right to congregate at his parish where he has been for quite a long time. The church is the body of Christ whose saving grace extends to all, including the criminal who accepted him at calvary.
Insulting over 4 million Catholics in Zambia that they are not Christians,RB and his clones think they will get a vote from them?.He..he..he…,Ha..ha..ha..ha IoI…IoI…IoI,Let President Banda ask KK what happened to him in 1991,Mr Banda and his foolish Ministers will regret ever attacking the Church of Jesus Christ.Let Mr.Banda and his coleagues tell us what development they had done instead of always telling us about the Developmental Projects which people arent seeing.Let Mr.Banda take a secret too of Lusaka at nite in a tinted Car,let him drive to Matero Clinic where there is a Cholera Center and see for himself the pain which the Cholera patients suffer when they are driven to Matero Clinic.Im sure,RB will regret ever ascending to Presidency dubiously next year coz souls are sufferi
the problem here is: Is father Bwalya representing the church or he is on his own? I don’t understand why people should be talking abouting catholic church whenever father bwalya speaks. He speaks and He does not say the CC says, no. When you are attacking father bwalya just atack him alone not the church. When you talk to the church, talk to the church and not father bwalya. Unless you are telling us that father Bwalya is the churchs spokesman for catholics. I thought Father Bwalya was trying to speak for everyone in Zambia but it turned out to be for catholics only, arccoding to you his supporters. I don’t know what kind of politics are these?
Apologise to Catholic Church, Fr Bwalya asks Rupiah
By Patson Chilemba
Tue 06 Apr. 2010, 04:00 CAT [925 Reads, 0 Comment(s)] Text size Print
FR Frank Bwalya yesterday said he asked President Rupiah Banda to apologise for the genocide accusations against the Catholic Church and not for attending mass at St Ignatius Church last Friday.
In an interview, Fr Bwaya said the state-owned and government-controlled media had twisted facts by stating that he condemned President Banda for attending the Good Friday commemoration.
“I am not asking him to apologise for attending service, but for genocide accusations and sponsoring people who are vilifying and scandalising the Catholic Church, specifically Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu. And I speak as a confirmed Catholic with the…
And I speak as a confirmed Catholic with the responsibility to defend my faith,” Fr Bwalya said.
“I maintain my position that Rupiah Banda’s government should apologise for allegations of genocide leveled against the Catholic Church in Zambia. He should also apologise for sponsoring sycophants.”
Fr Bwalya said confirmed Catholics who were determined to defend their faith would make President Banda and his officials feel unwelcome at their religious services in the absence of an apology.
“I am not demanding anything that can be termed unreasonable. It is common sense that you can’t continue attacking an institution or any individual and then dine with them as if everything were normal,” he said.
In the earlier statement, which he said was twisted by the government…
In the earlier statement, which he said was twisted by the government media, Fr Bwalya stated that President Banda’s attendance of the Good Friday service was an act of mockery and should be seen by all Catholics as another slap in the face.
“It is not different from the action of Dr Frederick Chiluba to receive Holy Communion at the same church knowing too well that it was not in order for him to do so,” he stated.
Fr Bwalya stated that President Banda presided over a government whose members, including the government spokesperson Ronnie Shikapwasha, accused the Catholic Church in Zambia of planning genocide.
He stated that even the salvo that was being unleashed on Archbishop Mpundu was packaged and fully sponsored by President Banda’s government.
“This explains why…
“This explains why such people have access to unlimited space and airtime in state-controlled print and electronic media respectively. Moreover, some MMD officials have directly attacked Archbishop Mpundu,” Fr Bwalya stated. “I wish to remind my fellow Catholics that on Tuesday March 30, 2010 the state-controlled Times of Zambia published a feature article under the title ‘The great shame of the Catholic Church’ by one of Mr Banda’s proxies in his government’s smear campaign against us and specific members of the Catholic family in Zambia.”
Fr Bwalya stated that many Zambians know that the state media had been reduced to mouthpieces of the MMD government and was being used to splash cheap propaganda against those perceived to be threatening President Banda’s plan to win…
Fr Bwalya stated that many Zambians know that the state media had been reduced to mouthpieces of the MMD government and was being used to splash cheap propaganda against those perceived to be threatening President Banda’s plan to win elections in 2011 so that he could continue to be President and finish visiting countries in the world.
He stated that up to now President Banda’s government had not apologised over the genocide accusations.
“Against this background, I think that the only source of Mr Banda’s guts to go to St Ignatius Parish on Good Friday was that he would not be snubbed or prevented from attending the service. But time has come for us to challenge Mr Banda’s government and demand that they explain why they keep slapping us in the face,” Fr Bwalya stated. “I…
“I know that shortly after this statement comes out, Mr Banda’s hired people will accuse me of not promoting reconciliation and that my statement does not represent the official position of the Catholic Church in Zambia.”
Fr Bwalya stated that he was ready and many Catholics would like to forgive President Banda’s government.
“But these people want to treat us like fools and they expect us to forgive them regardless of the stubbornness and insolence with which they continue to injure us. They should be reminded that Jesus demanded to know why a guard slapped Him for being forthright,” stated Fr Bwalya.
One of the most important attributes of the prophets of old is their ability to face their opponents. Fr. Bwalya on the other hand refuses to face his opponent! What kind of a man of God is he? The hate language is also not good for anybody. His conduct is contrary to the teaching and life of Jesus Christ he claims to follow. It looks like us Zambians are in the habit of ill talking ourselves deaf! What is all this bad and hate language being used even by some clergy like you know who? The man needs to be taken to “Alangizi,” even to those infamous ones from kalingalinga. Trouble is that we may end up with yet another gowns down situation! you know those “Alangizi” are skillful! Anyway, as long as they tame this lunacy of one so called priest. I propose. Anyone to second?
Hello fellow ZAMBIANS. I dont support whatever Mr Bwalya is doing. The problem is with the Catholic Ambassador Garisoli.