Friday, March 7, 2025

Don’t mislead youths with empty promises, Sata advised


MMD Copperbelt provincial chairperson Joseph Chilambwe has advised Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata not to mislead the youth with promises on employment which he may not fulfill.

He said the opposition leader was so desperate to become Republican president that he was making promises that he could not fulfill.

Mr Chilambwe was speaking yesterday in Kabala area in Chimwemwe Constituency during a meeting with residents who complained of being neglected by the opposition area member of Parliament.

The residents complained of the poor state of roads, the non-functional boat which was damaged by a hippo and the clinic which was only operating during day time because of security reasons.

Mr Chilambwe said he was hopeful that the people had learnt a lesson from voting for an opposition MP who had not fulfilled his campaign promises.

“I get surprised that the people, especially you the youth, get excited when the PF leader says he will create employment and put more money in your pockets.

“You the youth should support the MMD Government because it has a manifesto and policies to improve people’s lives. We have a lot of policies that aim at empowering the youth,” he said.

And MMD Copperbelt task force member Joe Malanji promised the people that a boat worth K72 million would be purchased to replace the damaged boat in the next two weeks.

Mr Malanji, who also donated 1,000 Chitenge materials and K1.5 million to the people in the area, advised them not to fall prey to the promises of opposition politicians.

He advised the youth to desist from involving themselves in violent activities and pursue dialogue with Government on various issues affecting them.

Mr Malanji said the Government was ready to dialogue with anybody and was disappointed that some clergymen were in the forefront of agitating for violence in the country.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Yes he misleading the youth and prying on their ignorance. Like in yesterday’s POST and I quote
    In South Africa you can buy a car with K70,000 rand equivalent but here that amount will only fetch you a bag of mealie-meal.” From the story titled Ongoing issuance of NRCs is discriminatory – Sata

    Youths in Zambia today can afford 70 pin. And this lunatic is now telling them they can buy a car with that. Maybe in his 90 days economic miracle where he will peg the Kwacha to the rand at 1:1. 70 pin is R100 and that can’t buy you even a decent toy. So stop misleading our youths with utopian promises. Sata knows he can’t deliver a 70 pin car anywhere in the world. He is just lying to get to plot 1 , that is just how criminal his mind is.

  2. Iwe Chilambwe don’t be too vocal and short sighted for nothing. While it may be true that opposition MP has abandoned the people, I challenge you to point at an MMD MP who has delivered to the people. All MPs in Zambia are more less the same. It is like they are in the same boat of doom in which RB is the captain. Stop talking nonsense and please leave Sata alone. It is better for him to give those youths hope than the MMD which has left them completely hopeless.

  3. Of course he is misleading the youths. Someone telling you he will transform the economy within 90 days is surely misleading the masses. Till today no one, not the PF cadres, PF sympathizers nor PF LT/ZWD bloggers have been able to explain 90 days economic miracle to me.

    What quick fix formula will he use to achieve 90 days?

  4. Why distribute ifitenge and money, just to deliver a massage? Cheap politics, that defeat the essence of the message.

  5. Both Sata and Banda are not suitable for modern day politics[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x Wisdom does not always come with age

  6. This charp ranting like a dog with rabbies and supported by above cadres liked #1 and 3 must be in jail for thretning to rape Nawakwi. There is no sense that can come from a routen mouth.

  7. RB and his lot can’t see anything that can be done in this Country because they have no plan, no foresight. We believe that with some measures certain change can be registered in the quickest possible time. Most of you bloggers critising the idea that we can achieve someting in 90 days are lazy and you don’t value hard work and results, and you want to contnue in this misery when other countries are making progress. Shame on you

  8. #6 And you call your Sata’s 70 pin car as something that makes sense. You live here in SA, can you tell us where there are selling a R100 car as claimed by your boss. And then answer whose mouth is rotten.

  9. Let MMD Chief Bootlicker and Mr. Capitalist point out what MMD has done to Zambia Youths so that in future youths would be misled by Mr Sata. To you caders donating 1,000 Chitenge materials and K1.5 million to the people in the area is the only solution? Where did you get this Money? How much wee you given by your master? Be realistic and above partsan.

  10. # 11 Above partsan
    “Mr Chilambwe was speaking yesterday in Kabala area in Chimwemwe Constituency during a meeting with residents who complained of being neglected by the opposition area member of Parliament.The residents complained of the poor state of roads, the non-functional boat which was damaged by a hippo and the clinic which was only operating during day time because of security reasons””

    He is refering to a PF held area, were developmental projects seem to be non existent. Were is the money given by GRZ being used. If the PF MP was doing his job, there would be no need for MMD to point to empty promises.

  11. I agree with #1 100%. Sata and his Kaponyas are full of whims. How on earth can one buy a car with 70 pin? His 90 day miracle dreams have failed the councils and still he is still hallucinating. Stop this maharish before we get doomed.

  12. MMD has been in power since 1991, I thought by now they should have delivered to the masses expectations.

  13. sick pipo like dreaming. The car will be manufactured by Sata Motor Work and will be naed after the Cobra and top of range model – “SATA – Cobra” Aircon, power windows . . . and a Boat carrier – full house will go for K70,000.00 All coutesy of sata technology ……….Indoshi car!

    MMD have been in power since 1991, but the first 10 of those years were the lost years when we voted in an uneducated thief, FJT who also came and gave the masses empty promises that resulted in zambia losing all the little industries we had. Sata was also part of that failed theiving GRZ. What is he going to deliver now, that he failed to deliver then, apart from devisive tribal and racial tensions.

  15. kc
    My area Mp is MMD in Serenje. Can you point out what GK and his MMD has done to Youth in that ares? Noisence

  16. #1, Is that what Sata said? And the Post reported it? The two never cease to amaze me, even though I know the state of their minds.

  17. # 18 George Kunda
    i am not an MMD or RB sympathiser. I infact belive HH would be the best out of the lot. But as a potential voter, i would like to see developmental issues being addressed by the opposition in areas they hold, instead of empty promises, supporting questionable charecters who do not even know what economy means only incitment like fr F.Bwalya and the endless war of words with GRZ. Yes some MMD MPs are not performing but atleast the economy as a whole is not on negative figures.
    Why should i support the devil i dont know when the devil i know seems to be repenting.

  18. 90 DAY MIRACLE, 90 DAYS MIRACLE, can someone from the PF comp please explain this, maybe it could change our minds……………

  19. #21 It will take alongtime to “repair” Zed, but you know what alittle change can still be seen in 90 days and personally I think Hakainde can make a good president.

  20. #3 alot can happen in 90 days, but with the rate at which the Zambian economy is sinking big changes cannot be done in 90 days. Alittle change is better than no change at all.

  21. The problem with most of us is that we like been spectics. Sata has said 90 days, we will give him 90 days in 2011, and only then are we going to determine whether he has failed or not. It’s abit premature now, because he is not the President.

  22. ” MMD Copperbelt provincial chairperson Joseph Chilambwe has advised Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata not to mislead the youth with promises on employment which he may not fulfill. ”

    That is right young people, don’t you dare to hope and dream. At least not when the MMD is in charge.

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