MMD Kafulafuta Member of Parliament George Mpombo has reiterated his intentions to challenge President Rupiah Banda at the party convention.
Mr. Mpombo has said that his supporters are on the ground and indications are that he will put up a good fight at the convention. He said his suspension by the party will not intimidate him in his quest to challenge President Banda. He added that he will go ahead with his intentions despite the suspension announced recently.
Meanwhile, Mr. Mpombo has dismissed claims by National Revolution Party (NRP) president Cosmo Mumba that he has shown interest in standing in the 2011 polls on the NRP ticket. Recently, Dr Mumba hinted that Mr Mpombo had agreed to stand as NRP president in next year’s general elections.
But in an interview with Muvi TV news yesterday, Mr Mpombo described NRP as a briefcase party which he would not associate himself with. Mr Mpombo denied ever talking to Dr Mumba in the recent past.
Yangu tata!… elolwanya nomba :)>-
Someone to educate me here. How can a suspended official stand for presidency in MMD. I think Mpombo wants to be fired outrightly for us to know exactly where he belongs. I think I do agree with those tha have said he is no longer MMD. Awe mwandi!
#1 wanislilaza iwe, ha wanisekesa. This Mpombo has become a joke I think, how a man of his calibre can be reduced to this is level is beyond amazing. Let Mpombo rest he is tired, mentally, emotionally and physically. Banayamba kudala ma politics ba Mpombo, muli kaunda ka, namanje bakalimo, pa last ndiye kufunta uku. Some men cant handle their drinks very well, Mpombo is one of them. Mwanawasa’s death affected him badly. He doesnt know where he is going or where he has come from. Zambian politicians, they really make you few like throwing up.
Mpombo understands that to sup with the devil you use a long spoon. Like a suicide bomber, he is most destructive when he is sat at the same table as his target – not outside peeping through a window.
I think Mpombo and Sata are unfairly targeted by the MMD government and one wonders, where is the democracy? Or is it part two of the UNIP Wamuyayaya ‘One Party Participatory democracy’?
Please allow mr MPOMBO TO TEST THE HIS POPULARITY.IT IS NOT BOMBASTIC WORDS YOU USE TO WIN THE ELECTIONS. BUT he will be too tired to contest by that time after running from one radio station to another pleasing the opposition. But I CAN predict the results.”HE WILL HAVE A GOOD SHAVE OF HIS LIFE AGAINST RB.
Ba Mpombo is just showing that he is bitter with RB, for whatever reason. If were him, I would just leave politics for younger men. Look at his tribes-mate Nalu-something, he is now quiet because he knows he was wrong and the MMD party was ok to suspend him. This is real hatred coming from Mpombo. Give politics a rest, will you, Mpombo.
The fact is that Mpombo can not win these elections but you can bet that he wont be allowed to stand cause for the MMD democracy means not allowing anyone to challenge the sitting President!
I am sick and tired of this Mpombo fellow, why is he being given so much air time? He should just be ignored and then he will go away quietly.
I’ve never understood what Mpombo stands for. His tactics are quite strange. Whatever happened to make him resign his Ministerial post seems to have left him in a kind of a frenzy. I think he still owes us an explanation.
I like MP Mpombo’s position and I wish him all the very best in MMD especially that MMD Secretary General Kaka clarified that Mr Mpombo was not suspended but merely charged.
Be blest all.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
Please give us a break you buffooon . . . .just challenge Sata or HH. No room for you in MMD. You are history… tinali nabo ba Mupombo
Mr. Mpombo (antelope), I think you are setting yourself very lofty heights. An MMD or any ruling party convetion is a dangerous ground to challenge the incumbant leader. Ask Kavindele, you should have asked Levy then what happened when he challenged Kafupi, ask anybody that have tried it. The situation hostile for any challenger. the MMD will 1st doctor delegates, Mpombo has no following right now in MMD apart from Kafulafuta whose delegates will be doctored.
Unless its to cause confusion after a loss he applies an injunction. But then, it wont work as the judges pa Zed are pro MMD. Look at Kafupi case, they anserable to RB???? Ba Mpombo it wont work.
#2 Dontcare: You do not seem to be up to date with the Zambian political scene hence will update you regarding Mpombo position in the MMD. He has merely been charged and has not been suspended as clarified by the MMD Sec Katele Kalumba that “Kafulafuta member of parliament George Mpombo has simply been charged and not suspended from the party……..when you are charged you have an opportunity to exculpate yourself…….the disciplinary organs…..may mete out different kinds of punishment……..a reprimand, a warning, or suspend you, or recommend for your expulsion. @The Post 03/04/2010
Hope this has been helpful.
#2 Dontcare
If you are suspended doesnt mean you have been bannished and dont have any rights or cant participate in any activities of the organization that has suspended you…it just gives a chance to the authorities to investigate and prove beyond any reasonable doubt that you abbrogated that organizations,norms,rules or ethics by which you are guided and you are given a chance to exculpate yourself,prove yourself innocent,Mpombo is eligible to participate in any activities within the mmd
Mpombo has the right to do what he wants but he can’t win.
Badala – please shave first and look smart … cut your hair, invest in smaller glasses and have a clean appearance, then, maybe, you have a chance. Appearance matters!
Why fighting in the first place? We are not in the colonial days where bulldozing used to happen! We are in a modern democrised era and intimidations are not entertained. If you want to contest, please go ahead but note that RB is always winning because of his good governance
Good to see MMD practicing internal democracy unlike some other Zambian parties that shall remain nameless.
With due respect to Mr. Mpombo, who’s been made to rise to fame by MMD’s incompetence, he, like Rupiah and Sata, is NO PRESIDENTIAL MATERIAL. Let’s be serious about moving our country forward. We cannot go back to the mediocrity created by Chiluba and Banda.
Time wasting for Mr.Mpombo.
Mpombo is wasting his time. Everyone knows MMD already has a “sole presidential candidate.” Why spend so much energy and time on an issue that is a non-starter? Perhaps it is to promote democracy within the ranks of MMD. But then again, democracy in the MMD is in name only.
Sadly, the same is true of the other political parties in Zambia. Can Michael Sata allow anybody to challenge him freely for the leadership of PF? I doubt it. How about UPND? Sorry to say this, but the UPND is still not prepared to have anyone other a Tonga person to lead the party. I will not talk about UNIP, FDD, Heritage, because I think those are not major political players in the country at the moment.
It seems to me that until there is democracy within the parties, there won’t be true democracy in the…
# 12 RB, u have made my day, tinali nabo matuvi, Kodi bananya MMD matuvi yamene ayo!
#12 na # 23 mwanisekese ba nyama,,yaba,ndimwe ma lupens imwe
Look at who wana be our HEAD OF STATE.MR.GEORGE MPOMBO himself..Hahaha :d:d:d:d:d,!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can someone please work him up before its too late?!!!!!! he probably desn`t reallise that his asleep..ooh MR.MPOMBO…[-([-([-(
enough of drama!!
No wonder George is a Mpombo awe chaume sana.
Plse Mpombo, give us a break!
m****** mwe.Mpombo has as much rights to stand as rb who was left to us by the confusion of levy.everyone is busy worshipping rb and only mpombo had the courage to criticise rb.and what does he get -give us a break,enough drama,mpombo is wasting his time,mpombo shave first etc.what is ur understanding of democracy.from my point of view mpombo can be a better presido than r b.but in zambia it is the passive attitude of saying let see who they willo put there and then we comment.mwakulachulafye
It’s a democracy. MMD should allow him to contest.
Just wonder whether Zambians in general would want Mpombo to be president of Zambia. I for one dont think he is Presidential material. Then again, look at RB, and Sata. Same class. No wonder clowns like Mpombo think they have a chance.
#22 you are right best comment of the day.
@ 1 Moderator…..Lwati napaaaa….Lol!
Democracy is rule by the majority. A true democrat accepts the decisions made by the majority with collective responsibility. If he does not agree, he leaves and joins another organisation whose decisions he can accept. It is a misunderstanding of democracy to think that a man must continue ranting against the majority decision. Only a nincompoop does that. And nincoMpombo is showing those traits.
How many trees have you saved since you resigned as Defence Minister,bwana Mpombo bitterness won’t take you anyway .And by the way when are paying back GRZ money you missed on your mobile calls you were making from China finished man?
#34correction ‘misused’
Not another washed/dried up, recycled politician making a show of himself. If you have been in office before, please go home and tend to your family. You had your chance, you made you change. Make room for others. You took care of us, let us take care of you. Insansa ku chinjana.
Mpombo does sound bitter, doesn’t he? He’s almost rabid in his dislike of RB. He’s spurned every overture for reconciliation. He’s a good candidate for a suicide bomber. He certainly comes across as someone who is prepared to lay down his life for what he wants.Question is, what does George want? Not the presidency, definitely, he wouldn’t have a clue what to do with it. Could he have accidentally inhaled a strand of his beard and it is now infering with his thinking? Can the POST save us from this buffoon by ignoring him please? They wouldn’t, would they? Cartoons and caricatures like George are good for boosting sales.
Mpombo is an *****, its so annoying that he is even allowed print space in the media. Wonder how he will be able to fund his campain after bouncing a K10 milluion cheque!
Friend, let Mwanawasa’s soul rest in peace. He did all he could for this country period. Those who want to bring Levy back into active politics are wasting time and energy. Mr Mpombo wanted to be a president after Levy this is the reason why he is still fighting. Let him fight till the end. I have seen the calibre of Mr. Mpombo and I would vote for such a person for any office of the land. During Levy he was a defence chief but now he is a farmer. This is how life is. My advice to Mr. Mpombo is this, “Let bye gone be bye gone” life is morethan holding any political position.