Friday, March 7, 2025

Politics of insults can lead to anarchy, Shikapwasha


Government says the politics of insults being exhibited by the opposition Patriotic Front if not checked have the potential to spark anarchy in the country.

Speaking in an interview with QFM, Chief Government spokesperson Ronnie Shikapwasha says having PF President Michael Sata and his Secretary General Winter Kabimba in leadership is the worst thing that can ever happen to Zambia.

[pullquote]He says it is a tragedy for some leaders who claim to be Christians to refer to other respectable leaders as Dogs.[/pullquote]

He says it is the politics of name calling that caused the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda. He narrates that the leaders in Rwanda caused the genocide after calling each other cockroaches.

Lt General Shikapwasha has since requested Zambians especially those in the opposition to take a leaf from what happened in Rwanda and desist from engaging in politics with the potential of causing chaos in the nation.
He says it is a tragedy for some leaders who claim to be Christians to refer to other respectable leaders as Dogs.

Lt Gen Shikapwasha further states that if Mr Sata can insult Mr Mangani, Zambians should be aware that he is also capable of insulting them when elected into office.



  1. This man shikapwasha needs to be watched very any case its not even the PF who are goin to cause anarchy in zambia,but people like shikapwasha and mangani who seem preocupied with such accusations in their statements.not long ago this same so called reverand accused the Catholic Church of trying to entice genocide in zambia.if these people are not carefull with their carelessness.we are goin to be doomed as a nation.why are they so scared of the PF/UPND?my advice to this government is just perform and deliver the promises u gave the zambian people.

  2. Some PF cadres on this blog have already made it clear that they hope for Zambia to go the Rwanda way and I quote,

    “I pray that Zambia goes the Rwanda way and your family be the first to be hacked.”Kalos2020, Civil society organizations alarmed and concerned at the arrest of Fr. Bwalya, Lusaka Times, May 13 2010

    Others are wishing for the demise of fellow human beings and I quote,

    I eagerly await the demise of Kunda, he’s the most senseless lawyer i have ever seen or heard of.”msana wanzili, Nawakwi vows not to be intimidated, Lusaka Times, May 29 2010

    That is all the PF cadres, sympathizers and bloggers know. All they know is violence and insults.I have never met a respectable PF cadre, blogger or sympathizer. All they know is how to be…

  3. MMD Minister Community development Micheal Kaingu said,

    “Definitely it’s not acceptable! I mean we serve one man and we must have total allegiance. So if there are such ministers, deputy ministers or NEC members, they are not doing the right thing,” Kaingu said.

    “You know what? Even a dog has got allegiance to its owner. So we must have total allegiance to the President. We must give him as much support as we can.”

  4. Is Anarchy the only word Ronnie knows, anytime he opens his mouth thats the word that comes out.

  5. @ #4 RED CARD-Beyonce wapa Zed

    So what is so wrong about using the word “anarchy”? Tell us, what is so bad about using the word anarchy?

  6. I know people will come out here and try and justify this by saying Kaingu started it, which is far from the truth because what Kaingu said was mere analogy. I said this yesterday that I find Zambian politics sickening, because you do not expect a man of the age of Sata to refer to someone as village dog, or a Minister respond to another cadre like Kabimba, by saying it is him who has dog loyalty. Am beginning to fear for our country, on this side you have former priests advocating for an unlawful removal of a sitting president, (red card means get out if you do not know), on the other end we have grown men who are morally challenged calling others dogs. How would Sata feel if we also referred to him as a dog, because only a dog can sleep with two sisters and impregnant both of them

  7. @ #6 RED CARD-Beyonce wapa Zed

    So is that an excuse for being nasty and wishing genocide on the nation as well as wishing for the demise of a fellow human being. That is all PF cadres, sympathizers and bloggers do. They compete on who can lash out the biggest insult. Can you tell me Kalos2020 has been respectable more especially to senior citizen? He has been nothing but disrespectful to him. How about msana wanzili? All senior citizen did was not support the opposition and what did they do? insult him, call him all sorts of names. How do you try to earn respect from such people. People who wish genocide on the nation and death on fellow human beings. How do you justify that by saying what you said on #4. It is kind of shameful you try to justify that.

  8. @ #8 RED CARD-Beyonce wapa Zed

    “in fact he is Reverend what is he doing in politics? “

    Well if it is a crime, go and report him. Secondly, you have not answered my question. I will write it here again.

    What is so wrong about using the word “anarchy”? Tell us, what is so bad about using the word anarchy?

  9. Ba capitalist there s nothing wrong with the word -the point is yr Minister unnecesarilly overuse it in the vain hope of trying to create fear in people-anybody who uses strong language is seen as trying to cause anarchy in the country-the bottom line is they just want everyone to be praising them like the Times,ZDM and ZNBC.Period!

  10. What PF kaponyas don’t realize is the fact that violence got no eyes. It is more likely to exterminate their own poor mothers, sisters and even Sata and his family first before reaching RB and regime God forbid. Actually, getting on RB’s life could be at a cost of thousands of kaponyas in cold b-l-o-o-d at hand than Sata and HH who are more vulnerable than RB. Just what security is there for these poor souls to talk about in their dream? Those Kaponyas who shield them? Whereever they go, they have no sweepers or advance party security details thatscan and reck any place.Their advocacy for violence is tolerated purely at the mercy of Zambian democracy. In a vicious tag these can be killed any day if ever the country bought their call for extremism as they are flattering Frank Bwalya with.

  11. This “Mr. Capitalist” must be Nevers Mumba. We never saw such meangingless comments from someone in Canada before he was appointed to head the Zambian mission there. I do not know how he is managing the mission when he is always blogging like a political riff-raff. It won’t be long before he gets recalled by RB.

  12. LATEST: Riots against the corrupt government in Kyrgyzstan have resulted in more than a hundred dead people. In Bishkek, the nation’s capitol, thousands of protesters stormed the main government building, set fire to the prosecutor’s office and looted state TV headquarters. Government officials were seriously beaten and reported killed. “Demonstrators furious over government corruption and a recent hike in power prices looted the state television and radio building and were marching toward the Interior Ministry,” reports MSNBC. “Elite police opened fire to drive crowds back from government headquarters.” (The government has now stepped down.) RB, JFT, Shikapwasha, Siliya, Mangani, and other MMD buffoons could learn something from this.

  13. # 9 Capitalist, I thought you asked me never to discuss you. What the heck are doing? Thank you for allowing me to discuss you and your fellow MMD child killers. After what I read about your boss William Banda hunting to kill Ludaka for the plots, I feel discussing anything with you Vigilantes might be risk as soon you will start hunting bloggers. Usually people say with due respect, but I will use my own. With no respect, please leave out of your criminal activities. I have very strong data about you and how you ran your criminal enterprise in Kitwe with your friend who was killed by the Flying Squad. So, keep your mouth shut or I will soon go overboard. I have things to do that are important than discussing your sill.y MMD scandals. Again if I put your God father SC in check, you MMD

  14. cadres will cry foul. Your friend SC has called people names and anything that comes up in his mind. Will you mention when I have used vulgar language on this blog? You MMD cadres think you have the monopoly to argue your points and others just have to fold and listen to your diatribes. I refuse to be one. MMD minister called you dogs, not me. And if I refer and use your own analogue, don’t blame me, blame your minister who never thought through the words he was using. So, if you have brains, please listen, leave me out of your diatribes. I have countered your stupidd MMD points with strong points hence your hate and fear of me being on this blog. If you feel you are a man, I challenge you to a live debate on anything about Zambian politics and the state of affairs in Zambia today.

  15. Mr. Capitalist N. Mumba
    Kandile ulyelyafye and you are very like. Your friend Sakwiba and Nawakwi are just linquish no appointment. But next year you are comming back

  16. He says it is the politics of name calling that caused the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda. He narrates that the leaders in Rwanda caused the genocide after calling each other cockroaches- This Shikapwasha never ceases to amaze me. A few months ago he said that it was the Catholic Church that started the Genocide in Rwanda, now he says the above. People please, it was not the name calling that caused the civil war in Rwanda, it was that so called President Kagame ambition that led to those unfortunate events. Shikapwasha should stop make references to the Rwanda misfortune because he doesnt seem to know what he is talking about, MMD leaders are comfortable to insult Sata, but feel hurt when he spits his venom at them in response.

  17. How did he hear all these things when he has been sleeping all the time? If he was truly awake, its his boss he should ask to stop calling people ‘ama politics akunya’ or calling GBM ‘a bag of mealie meal’. And by the way, I am glad ba mambala Chisuzi and Mapala are fired. Though one wonders what Kabonde is still doing haning around at Police HQ.

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