President Rupiah Banda has sworn in the newly appointed Defence chiefs. President Banda this morning announced the retirement of all the defence chiefs.
he President Swore in newly appointed Zambia Army Commander Lieutenant General Wisdom Lopa and his deputy Major General Vincent Mukanda; newly appointed Zambia Air Force Commander Lieutenant General Andrew Sakala and his deputy Major General Monta Chileshe; and newly appointed Zambia National Service Commandant Major General Anthony Yeta and his deputy Brigadier General Nathan Mulenga.
And speaking during the swearing in ceremony at State House this afternoon, President Banda said the security services in the country are not only physically equipped but also have Officers with the right attitude. The President also expressed gratitude to the services of the defence and security personnel in the country.
He said they have worked tirelessly to ensure there is peace and stability in the country.
Meanwhile, President Banda has also sworn in newly appointed Attorney General Abyud Shonga Junior. During the swearing in ceremony at State House this afternoon President Banda said Mr. Shonga’s appointment is an important task because the entire legal profession will be looking up to him for guidance.
The President also swore in newly appointed Public Policy Specialist Sastone Silomba. During the swearing in ceremony, the President said Mr. Silomba’s appointment was timely because it has come at a time when Zambia was operating in a competitive world.
He called on the newly appointed Public Policy Specialist to understand global trends in the public Policy Sector to ensure best practices are adopted at local level.
Meanwhile President Rupiah Banda has reiterated that he will not hesitate to relieve any government official found to be practicing tribalism. Mr Banda said the worst crime one would commit is to be confirmed to be preaching tribalism. He says Zambia belongs to all Zambians and not to any particular tribe.
He adds that even in his appointments he made sure that all the country’s tribes are represented because Zambia belongs to all Zambians regardless of tribe.
President Banda adds he will strive to encourage unity in his own party the MMD,which unity he said he is proud of. He was speaking at State House this morning when he announced the retirements of the Defence chiefs.
Can some wise zambian break-down the tribes of these promoted Officers..Please!
Wow good news!!! The General’s mum was my mums best friend, she would be very proud!!! :d:)>-
It sounds more like a campaign strategy to me or part of it anyways
That was quick …awe sure …
The new moon is out. Mental illness tend to escalate during this time.
everyone below me needs to take a bath especially lambas
he just had to change, and put people he trust. I wonder why he took long
Would somebody explain the prefix ranking of generals. I wouldn’t want my jr to be my boss. A message to the newly appointed chiefs “You have reached the ceiling, next step – retirement, being fired .I hope you do not engage bad initiative”.
#8 That how it works in the military.
#6 What problem do you have with us Lambas? We dont need you to tell us when to take a bath.
Good move by the president as you need to stamp your authority on the regime you now lead. Dont worry about the naysayers such as Nubian Princess as they will always find something negative to complain about.
Wow! That’s all I can say.
Hopefully, the changes are based on ability to perform and not on trying to please all the tribes, which can be a trap. I wish the new appointees courage and strength as they carry out their new duties**==
Inchinga yabalamba kumatelo ni Honda — lol
am disappointmented and fed up with the zambian president and the reaction of its citizens with regards to this announcement as well as numberous others that have a detrimental effect on the countrys out look as well as the countrys economy.The citizens of zambia have to learn that only we can bring about change,by pushing for the right choices.Zambia is a country blessed with intelligent people,and this is not reflected by our current president.Charity begins at home,first and foremost we need to learn to debate important issues in a constructive way.All the comments on this story on this blog do not address the real issues,it seems (we)you are all demeaning the real issue here.Seems no one recognises the importance of what is happening.In a nut shell,i feel this is intimidation,
this is too close to elections to be replacing senior executives.In my opinion this says if you do not toe the party line,then Mr big nose replaces you.Is this the way zambia has progressed.if he had replaced the chiefs at the beginning of his presidency,that would have been fine, but to do it so close to elections is intimidation therefore unforgiveable.lets talk of rebuilding our economy,what solutions do these political figures have,how do they intend to solve the problems and what is the timescale.I just tried to look up the zambian parliament online,only to find that the zambian parliament has no website.Mr big nose you aught to be ashamed because I am.In this day and age,no website,how do the ordinary citizens keep up to date with the debates,how can i challenge and be included in
One thing that all bloggers above have missed is that, in retiring the former Defence Chiefs, RB said he was affording young people to take up leadership roles. He has just shot himself in the foot. Indeed we need young leaders, including the Presidency. So ba RB, you are destined for the farm come next year. Thanks for openning our minds
the deliberations of the country.Zambians need a closer look at you and your failing policies Mr big nose.A website would cost nothing compared to your travel budget Mr president.What big projects has MMD worked on since big nose came to be president.I hope the next government throws all you thiefs in jail for raping zambia and its citizens.Zambia can not operate in a competitive world without internet infrastructure,you do not have the relevant tools in place,all you(big nose)seem to have is infrastructure to dis-stabilise the country for your own ends.What this man has done seems to be what happened in Nigeria in relation to the cabinet being sacked.Zambia plc needs a good C.E.O.MMD has been in power for so long,yet the country has retrogressed,good reason to fire MMD
#17, KCC, one of the chiefs had initially retired,hence he was recalled to duty.These old people think they can get away with this stu pid mentally.Read between the lines,no room for young people especially those abroad.One wonders why one has to get education if all the positions are for senile deluded old folk.
Can somebody tell me when the election month is in 2011. Zambia need to be recouped back to its people
This is in preparation to fire Mpombo from MMD. As former Defense Minister, Mpombo could still have had communication with the generals. May be it leaked and so he had to change the top brass. To the new team-Just work for the benefit of all Zambia.
How many trips has RB made since his return from Namibia? May be he is listening now!
we zambians are just good at talking……we have no action not even in voting….so stop complaining. the sooner we accept that we are useless the better coz God might in turn forgive us………
:-?:-?:-w:-w..ok service chiefs dropped bcoz of tribalism??Is that what he is trying to say??..or maybe there is more than what mets the eye..DISGRUNTLED elements..i think those fired are just small fish in a big frying pan and no one is telling RB ..so a super KEN public display was thought as a way out…ha ha ha ..clever but not good enough.. RB happy with MMD unity??? strange..what about UNIP..what went wrong and can he be trusted??
We are just seeing the smoke on the surface…:>
Contradictory statements by our very own Bwezani…retiring the old folks to give chance to young people in taking up decision making positions while at the same time returning retired commander Andrew Sakala to Zambia Air Force. can someone explain to me the logic behind RB’s reasons please. Coz true this is just way too close to the election period. This is pure patronage politics. setting up his own camp in preparation for next year. Shame on you ba Rb
We need prayers…
#16, 18, 19 pmj
All service chiefs are appointed on contract over a period of years. Whether in UK. US or whatever, one cannot be chief for ever, unless there is a war going on. Second, retirement in the military is earlier than in civilian life. You need to be physically and mentally fit to lead the army. So pmj do not read politics into this. In actual fact, Mr Sata called for these retirements long time ago, but RB had kept them on for a while longer, if I am not mistaken. You also know about the judiciary chiefs who are also past retirement. So if they are retired tomorrow, don’t say it is political. Sometimes, let us just let the President rule the country without throwing spanners! Puleeeze!
And then he makes the officers skip ranks. Why and how does that happen.
#25 Chief Moderator
Well spotted. I guess sometimes you need a little bit of an ‘old dog’ for experience. KK retired Inspector General Mr Chela on grounds of age, sent him to Kenya and later brought him back again. Sometimes people are retired on health grounds and when they recover, they might be brought in again, or perhaps to balance tribes etc. There are a 101 reasons and permutations you can think about. At the end of the day, He is Commander-in-chief and he owes no one an explanation. Even a football coach makes choices, so I personally do not understand the fuss. Defence is very much part of the Executive branch of government and the head must choose his own team.
THE SAINT he can be the commander in chief but that does not mean he can do whatever he dreams of. it is his prerogative but people will judge him on how he does so of these things. I personally don’t mind or care if people are retired because it happens evverywhere but if you are going to claim you are doing it merely to give chance to young people but still bring in a retired person, it does not add up. Not at all. he should not have qualified his decision. all he could have done was just retire the Generals and appoint new ones as that is his prerogative and no one can take it away from him. Then he makes another mistake by appointing people who are not in line for promotion by making them skip one rank.
i am sure when he promoted the Brg General to army Commander and gave him the rank of Maj general, he was advised to say as Army Commander he should be a LT General hence the second promotion. This raises eyebrows because people will ask wthe question why those who are already Maj Generals not picked? How are they going to feel being left out and having their surbordinate to be their supervisor. Even when this issues was purely administrative it begins to raise eyebrows in the manner it was done
The military system is complicated and civilians will always find it hard to comprehend and assimilate the process. My former boss the late Lt. Gen Lungu had to skip ranks to become Zambia Air Force chief. These tactics have worked so well for all the previous presidents. ‘No wonder all coup attempts have failed’. We shall always pray for peace. I suppose HH or Sata have also lined up their own defence and intelligence chiefs. This is how the game is played. There are guns and bullets to consider! Former ZAF officer, very loyal to Zambia and ready to be recalled for national duties. I salute the president and all the opposition leaders. Let me deal with the research paradigms for now!
ZAF. Andrew Sakala (Eastern), Deputy; Monta Chileshe, (Northern)
ZA-Mwansa Lopa (Luapula, I think?), Deputy: Vincent Mukanda (Lunda/Luvale NW?)
ZNS- Anthony Yeta (Western:Lozi?), Deputy: Nathan Mulenga (Northern)
Tribal Balancing? Or Competence?
But the reason that he retired the Top Brass to open up promotions for young officers is flawed because why bring in the Military Attache’ from Ethiopia when there are many officers who are capable? Either recycling or tribal is the reason.
Long overdue appointments? Yes; I think but could be strategic as elections are drawing nearer.
What about changes at the Red-Bricks building, anyone knows?
Even the late President Dr Mwanawasa SC promoted Justice Ernst Sakala to Chief Justice when there was the Deputy Justice Lewanika. There should be no fuss about it. He is the Commander In Chief.
17, you misunderstand. The president is simply grooming young leaders to take over from him when he retires in 2016. Levy was forced to source RB from his farm because he did not see any capable young ones at the time, so he got RB to help him groom and guide the younger generation to take over. That was the Pact with Levy which RB is following to this date. Leadership is vision bane.
#35 Katie Good, where in his speech does he indicate he is grooming young people to take over from him? He is appointing a retired military man back to service. How is that grooming somebody? at his age, he still insists on standing for 2011 elections, when are you and I going to get a chance to lead this country. Don’t choose to close your eyes to his blatant selfishness.
Crazzy Banda scared of Bemba influence he appoints the Bemba miilitary chiefs as deputies! What a bluff of not being tribal