Violence characterized the filing of Nominations for Milanzi parliamentary by-elections this afternoon involving Patriotic Front and MMD cadres.
The violence was sparked following by incident in which an MMD campaign vehicle is reported to have rammed into a parked vehicle which the PF leader Micheal Sata was using.
Anti Voter Apathy Project AVAP monitors co-coordinator for the Milanzi by-elections,Alice Muyunda tells QFM from Milanzi that the incident provoked PF youths leading to the violence.
Mrs. Muyuinda adds that despite the PF leader reporting the matter to the police and police recording a statement no arrest has been made.
The Anti Voter Apathy Project AVAP has since condemned the political violence that characterized the Milanzi nominations.
AVAP has appealed to political parties in Milanzi to observe law and order and ensure that the elections are held in a peaceful manner.
They also called on the police to act professionally when it comes to campaign conflicts. Those who have successfully filed in their nominations for the Milanzi by-elections are MMD’s Musa Banda,PF’s Albert Banda and UNIP’s Whiteson Banda.
Meanwhile the filing of nominations for the Mufumbwe parliamentary by-elections was characterized by jubilation by political party supporters.
AVAP CO-coordinator in Mufumbwe, Alex Ifwaha says the nominations were conducted in a peaceful atmosphere.
Good Evening
Politics of violence is what we Zambians don’t appreciate. Lord have mercy on our nation and let peace prevail.**==
That was expected- That is RB’s home province- despite the violence, the PACT will win- SHAME-
To ram into Sata’s car is tantamount to attempted murder. That the police have not made any arrests is suspect. I stand in agreement with your prayer baChale[-o<
Check the person who was driving the MMD vehicle. You will find that he is not actually a cadre but an OP officer with the intent to spark a fight with PF/UPND Pact members. Tomorrow you will hear Mangani will ask the police to investigate why Sata’s vehicle was in front of the MMD vehicle. Probably we have to find out who the Kaponyas are considering the behavior of Vigilante God Father William Banda in Lusaka and the hitting of Honorable Sata’s vehicle. This tells you how MMD is bent on fomenting violence to scare would voters in these by-elections.
:o:o This is just the beginning of violence, as we are heading towards the general elections we should expect more violence especially that the police are not being professional in their work. This is really a sad development in Milanzi, the Banda will kill themselves now!
they are all Banda’s ??? are they brothers?
The bad blood between MMD and PF activists will also result in violence during next years presidential elections , especially when the winner is announced . Whoever wins next year , violence will be a certainty .
LT you forgot independent candidate who filed in late, Banda Banda.
“I pray that Zambia goes the Rwanda way and your family be the first to be hacked.”Kalos2020, Civil society organizations alarmed and concerned at the arrest of Fr. Bwalya, Lusaka Times, May 13 2010
Others are wishing for the demise of fellow human beings and I quote,
I eagerly await the demise of Kunda, he’s the most senseless lawyer i have ever seen or heard of.”msana wanzili, Nawakwi vows not to be intimidated, Lusaka Times, May 29 2010
That is all the PF cadres, sympathizers and bloggers know. All they know is violence and insults.I have never met a respectable PF cadre, blogger or sympathizer. All they know is how to be…
While Eagle is saying Prophet Joshua tells him in prophesy that Zambia will have to see blood letting to get Sata in as the divine saviour.
Politics of insults can lead to anarchy, Shikapwasha
What PF kaponyas don’t realize is the fact that violence got no eyes. It is more likely to exterminate their own poor mothers, sisters and even Sata and his family first before reaching RB and regime God forbid. Actually, getting on RB’s life could be at a cost of thousands of kaponyas in cold b-l-o-o-d at hand than Sata and HH who are more vulnerable than RB. Just what security is there for these poor souls to talk about in their dream? Those Kaponyas who shield them? Whereever they go, they have no sweepers or advance party security details thatscan and reck any place.Their advocacy for violence is tolerated purely at the mercy of Zambian democracy. In a vicious tag these can be killed any day if ever the country bought their…
In a vicious tag these can be killed any day if ever the country bought their call for extremism as they are flattering Frank Bwalya with.
MMD is promoting trouble. Imagine PF vehicle rammed into MMD vehicle this time we are exchanging our views the police might have arrested PF driver.
PF Kaponyas,
You get what you ask for. This culture of violence Sata launched in Chawama is bought to take him in cold blood. I could not believe that his cadres here could call for Rwanda as if their leaders and families even themselves live on Mass where on shuttles access at billion Dollar bill.Now Sata imports his thugs into by-elections to stire mayhem.Good luck!
“I pray that Zambia goes the Rwanda way and your family be the first to be hacked.”Kalos2020, Civil society organizations alarmed and concerned at the arrest of Fr. Bwalya, Lusaka Times, May 13 2010
Others are wishing for the demise of fellow human beings and I quote,
I eagerly await the demise of Kunda, he’s the most senseless lawyer i have ever seen or heard of.”msana wanzili, Nawakwi vows not to be intimidated, Lusaka Times, May 29 2010
Nichani nkondo kumawa namwe, nkondo yayi. Tifuna a Banda a pite, usanifuse kutti ni Banda utti. Hahhahah. These elections will be easily rigged, the confusion on the ballot paper will favour the first party appearing in the paper. I see there was no violence in Mufumbwe, clearly the hooligans are all in Chipata with the father of all hooligans. God help us!!
Where is ex-priest Bwalya when his presence is desperately needed by Sata? As father of anarchy he should go to by-elections to get his popularity and skin tested.
# 9 and 14, Observer, What month is this? April 2010. What is the next month? That said, who is ramming cars in other people’s cars? MMD your party. Who is fomenting violence and arresting innocent people while real criminals like Williams Banda and that Rappist walk the streets free? MMD. Who supports MMD’s violent behavior and make them feel invisible? Rupiah Banda and his cohorts like you. If violence started in Zambia, who do you think deserve to see the blunt of the same? MMD and people who support this violent party. If violence erupted in Zambia who do you think must be blamed? You and your MMD rulers. Where do you think violence comes from? Eastern Province. Check the most violent MMD people where they come from. Bandas, Check the records.
Why are you infusing in Fr. Bwalya? Are you guys afraid of his RED CARD? Arresting Fr. Bwalya made him a hero. I have never seen a government full of cowards like MMD. You are afraid of a BLANK RED PAPER. Tell the nation how that paper would bring violence? I have seen that card shown more than a million times in soccer games, but I have never seen that card bring anarchy to people or players. How will the red card be compared to RAMMING CARS of other leaders? Who is violent in your party.
William Banda, Rupiah Banda and Mangani are now behaving like Hutus. William Banda is the Community Hutu Organizer, Mangani is the General behind hound and locking up Hutu opposition. He cannot arrest or control his militias being led by William Banda.
Perfect analysis on the Zambian WD.
Beginning of end for UPND/PF pact
By Trevor Simumba
It is very interesting to note that the United Party for National Development (UPND) and the Patriotic Front (PF) will subject the position of presidential candidate of the pact to a vote ahead of the 2011 elections. UPND president Hakainde Hichilema said members of the UPND and PF pact will vote in favour of a candidate of their choice to represent them in the presidential and general elections.
Mr Hichilema said this in Lusaka when he featured on Radio Phoenix’s Let the people talk programme that speculations that the pact has chosen a presidential candidate are not true. This statement was immediately after Mr. Sata had stated in another interview that he was still in the running to stand for the 2011 elections but that the Pact would make the final choice. He did not mention any elections being held for the selection process. He went further and emphasised that the Pact was not a merger but an arrangement of working together.
If the purpose of the pact is unity why do we hear only divisive talk, blatant lies and threats to the ruling party? And why the difference in approach, HH says ‘merged’ while MCS says ‘no merger’? What formulas will they use to first decide who can stand for these elections and how the electoral college (i.e. the delegates who will vote) will be selected? How do we know who is who in each party and which party they represent? Any cadre worth his salt will sell himself to the highest bidder and also to whomever he sees as having the best chance nationally and on the basis of the past three election results MCS would be the front runner.
So one wonders why the mystery when it is a known fact that bar any natural disaster Sata will be the PF or Pact candidate. In this scenario, will the Southern Province vote hold particularly with the current clear disagreement within UPND between the plateau and valley constituencies of the province? Many analysts forget to note that there are distinct political and social differences within the Southern Province and many voters there are inherently conservative in their voting patterns and have very long memories and so they will not forget easily what Sata represents as a leader.
It is clear that the main pact glue and goal for the Opposition Parties is to only win the 2011 Elections and form Government no matter the cost to the country. They have no common vision and are only in the Pact for the sake of expedience. Without a vision of the future, political action is aimless, or at best reactive and defensive. But a vision of the future is of little use if it is not accompanied by a clearly elaborated understanding of what it would take to make it a reality. This is the situation we find ourselves in.
Zambians are crying out for change but we have an opposition whose sole purpose is just to get into State House without offering any credible alternative to the current status quo. Why is it that PF did not participate in the NCC even though they are the second largest party by numbers in the country? How can a party like UPND which has held a proper convention to elect leaders’ partner with a party that has NEVER held any convention nor even held any elections to determine leadership in the Party? Everything is decided by President Sata within PF and many PF senior members are frustrated but do not have the courage to speak out. Those that have spoken out have been hounded out of the party accompanied by violence.
It is a pity that Zambians take peace for granted. Why in the world would violence errupt at a simple nomination filing. Namwishiba, inkondo tepatali yaba. Those neighbouring countries that have experienced it can bare witness. The problem is, Zambians think that things will always be the way they have been…no war. Lekeni ifya bupuba twapapata pliz
There is need for Zambians to ask hard questions of these people who purport to speak on our behalf and want us to give them our vote and allow them to manage our public purse. Do any of these political parties actually publish their financial accounts and if they do who audits them? One wonders how individuals who cannot manage party funds in a transparent manner can be trusted to manage the Zambian Treasury. What has happened to the loyal opposition with MP’s who are sworn to protect the Constitution and State of Zambia taking part in un-Constitutional acts?
Unfortunately, in recent decades, Zambia has seen the calibre of politicians decline severely and politicians in Zambia have largely failed to think and act in a democratic way. Instead, the greater part of their political activity has been devoted to limiting the worst effects of the things they oppose, rather than to working pro-actively to construct an alternative reality for Zambians. More often than not, they find themselves caught in a short-term defensive holding action, and they devote little attention to the long-term implications of their actions.
In the process, the Opposition in Zambia have become practitioners of what has been called “sophisticated despair,” the deeply cynical belief that “a hierarchical society [can], perhaps, be marginally ‘humanized’ but [can] not be fundamentally democratized.” This despair is not only devastating to the capacity for long-term strategic reflection and action. It also serves to reinforce a political culture of resignation that defines what can be done in the narrowest possible terms. The Opposition needs to be especially clear about the fundamental challenge that confronts them. The key question is not simply how they can defeat Rupiah Banda in 2011; it is, rather, how can they do so without succumbing to the sort of defensive, short-term politics that put them in this predicament…
The key question is not simply how they can defeat Rupiah Banda in 2011; it is, rather, how can they do so without succumbing to the sort of defensive, short-term politics that put them in this predicament to begin with and that risks creating even greater threats down the road?
In the 2008 Presidential bye-election UPND was relegated to just Southern Province and two constituencies’ in North-western Province (Mwinilunga East and Zambezi West), while the PF only won in Northern Province, Luapula, Copperbelt urban and Lusaka urban.
The MMD was the only party whose candidate received votes across the country from Northern all the way through Eastern, Southern and Western provinces.[1] The 2008 Results Summary Map is a very interesting way to look at the electoral map of the country and what are striking are the facts that blue the colour for MMD cuts across the country. The basis of the current accusations against RB of tribalism is not based on facts but purely sentiment. It’s important for people to read between the lines and analyse issues rather than keep silent, than allow those who talk the loudest talk all the time.
Based on the facts how will the Pact bridge this gap because both the UPND and PF have been infiltrated in their strongholds in the south and the north. As for Lusaka, William Banda a protégé of Sata is doing tremendous grassroots campaigns that are damaging the PF’s hold. Note that many Lusaka based MP’s within the Pact are beginning to choose their words carefully as they know that they may not ride on the PF name come 2011. So the big question is how, will they ensure that defeating Rupiah Banda is not just a temporary fix and that Zambia will not be facing an even worse choice a decade from now.
Can the Opposition instead design a strategy that takes care of the Rupiah Banda/MMD threat while simultaneously laying the foundations for a better future for all the people of Zambia? Observing the current Pact campaigns with no written harmonised manifesto does not inspire confidence that we will see a new Government. All we hear every day is how each President will accept the leadership of the other. The question many Zambians are asking themselves is; are we really going to be better off with a new Government made up of the UPND/PF?
Who amongst them will make a better Minister of Finance than Mr. Musokotwane or Minister of Trade instead of Mutati to name just a few of the most credible Ministers in the current Cabinet? More significantly, the MMD is the only party with a number of members and sympathisers who if they can unite will be able to campaign across the whole country.
It is my considered view based on my interactions with a number of these Opposition politicians that we will actually most likely be worse off as a people.
Why? This is because all these Opposition politicians are only interested in personal aggrandizement and are driven not by love for Mother Zambia but hatred for the incumbent. Further, Zambia needs a new generation of political leadership to take this country forward. A serious look at the current leaders shows that apart from one or two of them the rest are all from the 60’s generation including the incumbent and surely do you expect these people to take Zambia into the 21st Century? This why most right thinking Zambians would rather stick to MMD as they have done since 1991. The best approach is for RB to use his last term to infuse a new generation of Zambians into the MMD and into his Government and bring an end to the stone throwing Cha Cha revolutionaries.
As things stand today, it can be stated boldly that the MMD will win the 2011 elections with or without President Rupiah Banda if he decides not to stand. The 2011 race will be hard fought but only MMD remains a national party and one which provides unity for Zambia. The Opposition is still a divided force with stubborn personalities who take pleasure even in times of sickness. One anticipates a progressive alliance to be formed between the MMD and a number of other fringe parties against the Pact.
The people of Zambia must never forget the acrimonious and unfair insults the late President Mwanawasa suffered during the campaign of 2001 and 2006 from the same people who today claim they are custodians of the Mwanawasa legacy?
These are also the ones who were instigating thugs to hack people in Chawama and were in the forefront of destroying MMD and were calling their colleagues ‘calculator boys’ and now today they are best of friends? Let’s also not forget that we were told that only a Tonga could be UPND President. Are these the people we can trust to run the State of Zambia with justice, unity and purpose? I shudder to think that we can forget so easily. It is important for the nation of Zambia to elect leaders with a national character that reflects and espouses national unity and accepts the tribal diversity of Zambia. Any political party aspiring to provide national leadership must be seen to be democratic and open to all Zambians and not just those from the same region or those holding the same…
all Zambians and not just those from the same region or those holding the same view. Let’s accept diversity and criticism in equal measure and not just demand accountability from the Government and leave the Opposition say and do whatever they like in the name of Democracy.
Surely, Banda will win these milanzi votes and he (Banda) will smile all the way to the parliament. I know that most of the people support Banda and his views. But the question is which Banda????
go Banda go! everyone should vote for banda!
I have never understood people who are willing to die for the comfort and riches of another individual. I can never involve myself in violence so Sata, Banda or HH can live comfortably. Wake up people – use your time wisely and involve yourself in improving your personal well being. You will have your voice heard through the ballot. violence has never solved poverty in Africa.
Its a sad occurance.What we need as a country is economic delivarance by good leaders not mafias who are intrested in nothing but fighting.Its good that our opposition leader and future president escaped un hurt
Who is this MWATA? You are erritating us
PF-UNDP pact are wasting their resources in Eastern Province. The result is already known by all Zambians. The way politics have been tribalised in Zambia is such that MMD cannot win in Southern Province because of HH and they will also not have it easy in Northern Province because of Sata. Everyone has seen this and it is evident from the past by-elections.
i must say the intonation being used here leaves much to be desired. its easy for you fools to be wishing Zambia goes through what Rwanda went through. i do not care whether you are a PACT supporter or MMD but i as a bonafide citizen of Zambia will not tolerate *****ic comments like the ones from observer. i find it to irresponsible, childish and careless. LT i am disappointed that you are actually allowing such comments that preach hatred. do your country a favour LT and delete some of these comments. this is tantamount to fueling violence. you fools do not understand that starting a war is easier than to stop it…ask Gen Miyanda. you just don’t post any how just for the sake you have the responsibility of mking this place a better place to live for you and your children.
i will be left with no option if you do not take any action but to petition you at the Home Affairs Ministry. this is unacceptable. people died for this peace and yet we can just be dreaming and talking rubbish…..no lets grow up and contribute to the betterment of this country.
Violence only begets violence! These are all Banda’s, probably from one clan! Why the fighting? Its now up to the big Banda to show statemanship and maturity, to stop the violence! Maybe thats asking too much! Brother shall rise against Brother, and slaughter shall ensue! Police are probably treating this as a RTA, unless there was someone killed, or the driver was intoxicated! The excitation people get into during elections following false promises and cheap gifts(chitenge material, chibuku…..etc..), only goes to show why the whole Zambia is underdeveloped! I wish for people oriented and issue based compaigns. All the cadres fighting have been ferried from saint elsewhere, what about the issues of locals – farming inputs, schools, roads, RHC’s and Hospitals etc etc…
All three candidates in Milanzi are Banda’s. Aaakha. Ndani Apika nshima lelo??? Ni Banda. Banda uti?? kaya.
Ine naumfwo mwenso? MMD has thrown in billions of kwacha into these 2 By-election cause they were taught a good lesson in Kasama and Solwezi Central. They want to arrest the tide. Yaba I wish I was in Mufumbwe or Milanzi to “eat” free money, payback time for my tax I pay. Dont accuse me, it will be free money dished out by the ruling party.
UNIP days of violence are back in full force. Police are helpless, they are mere spectators. Fortunately the people of Zambia KNOW where to lay the blame.
William Banda is the biggest KAPONYA. Mwata your comments on above story not what you are posting.
MMD let us evcercise our right in the ballot box.
Too much blame on RB by most of the bloggers. Political violence in Zambia is not new.In fact it was left behind by ROY WELENSKY. Adopted by UNIP against any Political Party that surface more especially before and after 1972 eras. The MMD lead by one of the chief street Hooligans (M.S)modified the political violence to the level where we know it today. RB should not be blammed for the Politica Violence we are going thru now. He is just part of the process that has been developing for years by the people who are contesting even now.Cheap bloggers stop bitting your own tails and speak the truth about the genesis of political violence in Zambia. Or else you be viewed as frastrated Cadres in Diaspora.
Ma Mwata find something to do. you are wasting our time. Create a website where you can practice your copy/paste skills. atase!!
#18 Kolos.
I have watched a football match were a referee showed a redcard and was severly beaten. That must have been in Luanda village-Petauke late eighties. so be very carefull in defending your redcard!!!!!
Dont waste time reading crap from one imbecile called Mwata and his crew,senior citizen,observer (of nonsense).This Mwata is someone who is the lowest of the low.Mafi yekayeka
Serious problem for the MMD. Looks like PF have got foot soldiers
#55 TK, I feel sorry for the ref who was beaten up in Petauke. My only concern is that the ref who showed a red card who would you regard as the anarchist in that incidence? The ref or the people of Petauke? Who started the fight? The ref or the players? In this instance since Fr. Bwalya is showing the Red Card (Ref) to Banda (Player), and Banda starts the fight, who would you regard as the anarchist? Probably I have to ask this is also, are you insinuating that MMD must beat Fr. Bwalya because he has shown them a red card?
The best Banda a candidante shall win these by elections in milazi and banda will be very happy,Go Banda Go Banda
Polish Presidents jet crashes killing the President, his wife and senior government officials. Food for thought for our own RB to slow down we dont need another state funeral to gobble the much needed K20 bn.
Mwata is a very dull shushu whose job is coming to an end so soon. Let him rant to himself, why waste time reading his rubbish ???
Usually I do not learn post on blogs, but I wish to say that this write-up very compelled me to take a look at and do it! Your writing style has been surprised me. Thanks, quite nice article.