Sunday, March 9, 2025

Hichilema’s crippled political arsenal



IF he is not calling someone foolish, he is describing an elderly political opponent as one with a small brain, lacking logic, common sense or being downright dull.

Not only that. He shows absolute disregard for other political players’ intellectual capacity, describing their stand-points on many issues as nonsensical, rubbish and many such demeaning words.

In defiance of African or Zambian cultural norms, he scornfully addresses elderly people by their first names without due regard to their status as family men and women.

This man is no other than one Hakainde Hichilema, the United Party for National Development (UPND) leader who thinks he is the best thing that ever happened to Zambia.

Vulgar language, rudeness, arrogance and an air of pride and self-importance have become the hallmark of Hichilema’s politics, and his choice of words nowadays would make Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata look like a saint.

Here is one man who thinks he has all the answers to all the ills affecting Zambia and would never, for a moment, acknowledge President Rupiah Banda for all the achievements he has scored since assuming office 28 months ago.


At one point, he accuses Vice-President George Kunda of over-rating himself and that he cannot scare anyone.

For Mr Hichilema, leadership is about scaring other people in the manner he has been scaring UPND members opposed to his style of leadership, which is a far cry from that of his highly respected predecessor, the late Anderson Mazoka.

No wonder half of the harm that is done in the world is due to people who want to look important when other people do not consider them so.

While he accuses Mr Kunda of over-rating himself, it is actually Mr Hichilema who envisions himself as Zambia’s Messiah.

One can just tell from his past campaign posters on which he describes himself as the “best man for Zambia”!

It can only be assumed that there is another Zambia somewhere.

Of late, Mr Hichilema has made President Banda the subject of his uncoordinated outbursts, criticising his foreign trips although he very well knows that as leader of a developing nation, one cannot be expected to sit at home and hope that international economic relations would sort themselves out.

But such is Mr Hichilema’s level of thinking that one is left wondering whether the only thing the man learnt from university was to count money and insult elders in the English language.

Today, Mr Hichilema has gone into a pact with Mr Sata, but memories are still fresh and no one will ever forget how the UPND leader used to deride Mr Sata’s intellectual capacity and level of education.

It is typical of Mr Hichilema to look down on people with mocking language and this is a well sharpened double-edged sword Zambians will use to prevent him from assuming any position higher than what he already has.

Mr Hichilema is fast proving to be an embarrassment to the educated elite who in 2006 thought he could provide a kind of politics on the Zambian scene.
Nay, the man was just a pretender. Politics and lack of humility do not go together.

One impact of education is that it inculcates a dose of decency so as to cause people to argue for or against any subject without exciting rancour.

Some time in 2006, when asked to respond to accusations from Forum for Democracy and Development president Edith Nawakwi whose political party was a partner in the United Democratic Alliance (UDA), Mr Hichilema curtly replied that he was too decent to engage in such an exchange.

Considering the way Ms Nawakwi has unashamedly been insulting President Banda, one tends to agree with Mr Hichilema’s opinion on the question of decency.

On the other hand, serious questions are raised about Mr Hichilema’s own level of decency in that his language is no longer different from that of Kulima Tower call boys.

Mr Hichilema has grossly miscalculated his political clout which now makes him think he can even lead the PF-UPND Pact despite his party being a junior partner in the alliance.

Degree, riches, tribe

For Mr Hichilema, becoming president can be achieved through only three things: university education, a fat bank account — never mind how it was fattened— and tribal background.

Mr Hichilema’s thinking has interesting allusions to a boxing bout that took place in November 2000 in Las Vegas when Samoan boxer David Tua took a crack at the World Boxing Council and World Boxing Federation titles held by Britain’s Lennox Lewis.

Going into the fight, Tua had beaten 32 of his last 38 opponents by knockout, and so the expectations among the 12,000-plus fans were high as they saw a realistic chance of the funny-haired Tua, renowned for his powerful left hook, taking the two titles away from the artistic Lewis.

At the end of 12 rounds, all the three judges had overwhelmingly scored in favour of Lewis who had so out-punched Tua that boxing correspondents were left suggesting that the Samoan should rethink his position on being a fighter and consider becoming a boxer.

In an interview soon after the lop-sided title defence, Lewis taunted Tua:
“You’ve got to bring in more than a powerful left hook and a haircut to beat Lennox Lewis. . . . You have to come in with the whole arsenal.”

Like Tua who only had a powerful left hook and a funny haircut to his credit, Mr Hichilema assumed the UPND presidency in 2001 on the basis of having a university degree, wealth and being Tonga-speaking.

In fact, it is ironical that Mr Hichilema can today accuse President Banda of being a “grandmaster” of tribal politics.

When Mr Hichilema made this accusation last week, many observers must have wondered whether to laugh or cry and said something like “look at who is talking!”
Who does not know how Mr Hichilema assumed the UPND presidency?

The little respect that people had for Mr Hichilema evaporated the moment he used his tribe to wrest the party presidency from Mr Mazoka’s loyal lieutenant and UPND vice-president Sakwiba Sikota in 2006.

Who does not know that it was Mr Hichilema’s tribalism that forced Mr Sikota, Mr Patrick Chisanga, Mr Henry Mtonga, Mr Given Lubinda and other fine brains out of the UPND?

If you live in a glass house, the wise say, do not throw stones.
Mr Hichilema has no moral right to accuse others of tribal politics.

If he had any human feelings, Mr Hichilema should have let Mr Sikota take over as UPND president and use his millions of Kwacha to finance the party’s campaign.

Tribalism and greed form a very toxic concoction, which is why the UPND has continued losing ground since Mr Hichilema stepped into Mr Mazoka’s over-sized shoes.

A Tonga in State House

Credit must go to The Post newspaper which has been consistent in exposing Mr Hichilema and the UPND’s tribal politics which came to the fore following Mr Mazoka’s death in 2006.

In its June 7, 2006 edition, The Post led with a story under the headline A Tonga Must Raplace Mazoka – Rex Natala.

The story quoted Natala, who was Mr Mazoka’s cousin, as saying although there was a proper mechanism of selecting a successor, it was prudent that the late UPND president was replaced by a Tonga or anyone from the Bantu Botatwe ethnic grouping.

“. . . It’s not just a wish by a particular group of people, it’s a constitutional matter. The UPND has a quota system where the Tongas wanted a Tonga to lead them to State House. “Therefore, a Tonga should replace my brother and there is no tribalism in that,” read part of the story quoting Mr Natala.

This is an interesting statement to Mr Sata and his PF leadership. A leopard does not change its spots, does it?

Five days later, The Post led with another story headlined Tongas Pick Hichilema as Mazoka’s successor.

The Post had already seen through this and had in the June 7, 2006 editorial comment headlined The Cancer of Tribalism criticised the spectre of tribalism that emerged in the UPND in the quest to find Mr Mazoka’s successor.

Part of the editorial comment read:
“Nothing should stop a deserving Tonga from being president of UPND or indeed the leader of our country. And nothing should allow an undeserving Tonga to be made president simply because he is Tonga.

“Andy did not become president of UPND purely on account of his tribe. He possessed something much more than being a Tonga; otherwise very few people outside Southern Province would have voted for him in the 2001 elections.

“If the succession of Mazoka is not handled properly, it can prove very divisive not only for UPND but for the whole nation.

“. . . And it will not help UPND or any other political party to hang on to wrong things, harmful political practices or arrangements that only end up dividing our people and manipulating them into supporting unscrupulous politicians who offer no real guidance to the nation.”
How prophetic!

Having succeeded in hounding the then acting president Sikota out of the UPND in 2006, Mr Hichilema now thinks he can use similar tactics to become presidential candidate of the PF-UPND pact and, eventually, Zambian president in 2011.
Unthinkable things ambition can do!

In Diseases of the Soul, Thomas Adam writes: “The ambitious climbs up high and perilous stairs, and never cares how to come down; the desire of rising hath swallowed up his fear of a fall.”

Mr Hichilema had better know that politics requires much more than money, tribe and university education; one needs the whole arsenal.
But does Mr Hichilema possess the whole arsenal?


From the statements he has been making since realising that he lacks so much in his political armoury, Mr Hichilema now comes out as a pompous millionaire who can go about insulting anyone who does not agree with his thinking.

He is so preoccupied with becoming Zambian president that he oftentimes makes statements that tend to indirectly injure his pact partner Mr Sata.

The more Mr Hichilema opens his mouth, the more Zambians realize that while education gives knowledge, it does not provide wisdom.

In February, Mr Hichilema accused President Banda of having an aversion for advice, buttressing his argument with “you can’t teach an old horse new tricks.”

Another flagrant exhibition of lack of wisdom on Mr Hichilema’s part!
If Mr Hichilema cared to learn from history, he would find some good advice from former United States president Theodore Roosevelt who, in a speech in 1917, reasoned that “nine-tenths of wisdom is being wise in time”.

Timeliness is one essential factor in politics, but Mr Hichilema has been ignoring this to his own disastrous detriment.

When he says “you can’t teach an old horse new tricks”, Mr Hichilema unwittingly brings Mr Sata into the picture and effectively tells the PF-UPND pact members that the PF leader is incorrigible and cannot be trusted to lead the pact.

Pact leader

As the PF-UPND pact readies for elections at the national governing council later this month, Mr Hichilema is already sending a message that he, and not the “old horse”, is the better man for the pact presidency.

Talk of over-rating oneself! You do not win a fight with only a hook and a haircut, Mr Hichilema.

You need the whole arsenal; humility, which he lamentably lacks; experience, which he is slowly gaining through insults; temperament, which he needs to regulate; and genuine love for the underprivileged, which he pretends he has, yet history can prove him otherwise.

Recently, Mr Hichilema even donated some bags of mealie meal to flood victims camped at the Independence Stadium in Lusaka in an apparent show of benignity, yet people have not forgotten his role in the privatisation of Zambian companies which left many Zambians without employment.

Even as the potential electorate partake of what has been donated to them by the UPND leader, they are mindful of Adam Smith’s observation in The Wealth of Nations that “it is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”

Any serious and genuine political aspirant should never downplay people’s ability to remember the past by merely showing proof of his wealth as Mr Hichilema has many times done and think it is enough to take him to State House.

Whole arsenal

One needs the whole political arsenal.

It is not enough to rely on riches, tribe and a degree. Besides, all presidential candidates may now be required to possess a degree if the National Constitutional Conference adopts the clause that makes it law for Republican presidential aspirants to possess at least a first university degree.

Unless he comes back to his senses and realises that he is still a novice who cannot make a name through insulting the sitting president and his own members of Parliament (MPs) — Mr Hichilema describes Namwala MP Robbie Chizyuka as a man with a small brain — Mr Hichilema’s political future is as obliterated.

Greed being what it is, Mr Hichilema has not even humbled himself as a junior partner of the PF-UPND Pact and his followers have been accusing some sections of the media of favouring the PF instead of giving equal coverage to both Mr Hichilema and Mr Sata’s activities.

Well, even the pact’s media friends know that there is no much substance in Mr Hichilema, which is why they only cover him when he opens his mouth to utter yet another insult.

The greedy MrHichilema must even be excitedly hoping that the degree clause becomes a reality before the 2011 elections so that he, and not Mr Sata, qualifies to be the PF-UPND candidate.

As Lennox Lewis lectures, a hook and a haircut are not enough to win a fight. Likewise, Mr Hichilema’s political arsenal of insults, wealth, a degree and tribe is seriously crippled.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. The writer of this article shows that he/she has a small brain. The writer show that tribal and hate is what is in the heart/mind of this person. You are a fool and take your times of Zambia to hell and to MMD.I cant waste my time for u foolish ma/ writing

  2. Call a spade a spade. You give em enuff respect and they think they are masters. It´s about time we had some boldness in leadership,not leaders that wanna be whorshiped. It has also been going rounds if the writer is aware that there has been a lot of this bad language culture exchange going on for a long period. Even the Head of state has gone as far as calling opposition leaders names at times. It´s all about humbleness and been true…………besides humbleness is for the Kings and Queens.

  3. Kennedy Limwanya, I have always respected you as a professional journalist, especially with regard to the television reviews you were doing. Now you have completely thrown your objectivity to the toilet since you were moved to State House. The tone of your commentary on Hichilema shows the hatred and jealousy. You are now engaging in the PULL HIM DOWN politics. I am sure you also do not believe what you were writing about. You talk of privatisation and what HIchilema did? Whose privatisation anyway? What role did Hichilema play as an individual and as a person associated with an institution that was hired to liquidate it? Be clear about things before you vilify Zambians who are putting themselves forward for leadership. Be objective my tribal cousin. You are doing anione anione type of wor

  4. Dear Editor,
    Thank you for running this one. I was concerned that you may not run it due to policy on word count.

  5. Kennedy Limwanya, you want Hichilema to be moving tail between his legs in reverence of the leader you are serving at State House, who daily demeans Hichilema, Sata and Nawakwi and anyone who stands up in the defence of Zambians? Hichilema should say yes Bwana President? His language is descriptive, describing how someone is behaving and not insulting. Even in cultural and traditional standpoints, elders do not antagonise the young even without cause unnecessarily. I think go back to school, get a degree also and move on to masters to improve yourself other than writing to please Rupiah Banda. If you don’t have anything better to write on, we can suggest something for you: What about writing about what govt is doing to address the chaotic status of roads? What about schools and hospitals?

  6. And Kennedy Limwanya, you talk about decency in addressing elders but your language and tone of your feature sounds like that of an uncultured boy. How are you addressing Hichilema? It appears you are overdozed with the minute crumbs of authority falling from RB’s table. Open your eyes and be wise Kennedy. You will be a disgrace when RB leaves that office. Be professional and be counted and not be a cadre as you are showing us now. You are a young man with a seemingly bright future, don’t spoil it by engaging in futile exercises. Suppose Hichilema you are vilifying is elected Republican President, what will you do? Wear sackcloth to show contrition for what you said in the past? How will HH and his supporters look at you? You are betraying the calibre of Western and North Westerners u…

  7. For those who don’t Know Kennedy Limwanya, he was working for Times of Zambia before being moved to State House by RB. Kennedy be sobre and not overzealous.

  8. Shame to the writer……..he/she is late zambian have already made up their minds to support HH/SATA and even me am one of those…Let 2011 come I will in Zambia voting…VIVA PACT!!!!

  9. Mwenda Njangula,

    The best you can do is counter this ground penetrating article than lying here about Kennedy.Its clear like many PF Kaponyas when high on Kachasu think Senior Citizen is Ben Kangwa at the Washington DC mission, you don’t know who Kennedy Limwanya is.It will take you the whole of the MMD Victory trail again just speculating and dreaming that you know Limwanya. Its your mistry like you have had on SC and myself.

  10. Write your own articles here a platform of free speech or start your own blogs that will spinning flattery to the PACT.

  11. Heights Africans reach to keep/look for a Job!:-?

    Did anyone see that Ghanian who hid under a plane (umwingila amawilo people) to the UK only for the body to be discovered when the plane was being cleaned at Heathrow some 5-6 years ago? Limwanya is not far from that person.

  12. Thanks Mwenda Njangula so Kennedy Limwanya is from government institute!!!!Now I understand he is trying to support RB so that he can keep his job when MMD wins next year…..But he has to be reminded of the PACT!!!! GOLD DIGGER

  13. great article kennedy, keep it up. these kaponya’s fail to argue against such good articles instead they just spew hatred and nonsense. do not be discouraged by such people. HH is an insult to all Tongas because Tongas are true patriots of Zambia and have produced great leaders in the past, Chona, Nkumbula, Mazoka, Kebby Musokotwane (Zambia’s best Minister of Finance and PM) and many others. HH does not come near them

  14. When RB tells Easteners to vote for him coz he is one of them….whats that called?
    When RB appoints more easteners than any other….whats that called?
    When RB remarks ‘ivo viwoneni vimasilu’….whats that called?

    One good solution to Zambia would be to have Federal govnment so that each region can feed from its own stupidity or wisdom.

  15. Veteran, you are even betraying your blog name. I know Kennedy Limwanya 100 per cent. He is a journalist. As Times of Zambia and they will tell you. He wrote for sports and then features. Now he is at State House, no one can dispute these facts. These are facts and yo are trying to disapprove even these plain facts. Shame on you Veteran! I am merely advising my tribal cousin, Kennedy Limwanya to be objective about things and not crowd his reasoning with illusion emotions like Veteran

  16. Caster Semenya (South African runner) look alike HH is nothing but Satas Poodle. As Tony Blair was to George Bush so is HH to Sata. In short HH is Satas dog (poodle). Batonga wise up. Remember how Nkumbula was dribbled by KK. The rest is history.

  17. the articles is ‘well” to long for me to finnish reading. Ok RB has done a couple of good things to zambia well for your own info its his job to even do better. As for HH everybody has got their own weaknesses and maybe he should work on that too but for now RB needs to retire and HH needs to do some serous home work before we can get him into office. All in all is he the best candidate available and maybe we need to give him chance:-??

  18. Wat else do you expect from the Times of Zambia?such nonsense.No wonder i never buy that paper or even watch ZNBC. This hired lunatic is trying so hard to discredit the PACT instead of bringing out real issues.RB is always insulting HH and Sata at any forum he attends, hence the young man will end up losing respect for his Grandpa if the Grandpa is always attacking him.African tradition says elders should respect themselves if they are to command the respect of the young, is RB doing that?LT dont be lazy n just get stories from Govt mouthpieces, go out there n bring us real and unbiased news!

  19. # 17, I totally agree with with on the issue of a federal state. Zambia needs that. But when that issue is brought to the fore. People think barotseland with cut itself form Zambia. We need a federal state then tribalis, will end coz people will run for governorship inn their states then depending on their performance, which will be seen by all. Run for presindency.

  20. RB is forcing others to retire and maybe while he is at it he should retire himself and leave the likes of HH to take over**==

  21. I wonder why we zambians dont see through th details, this guy has highlighted very important issues which for me we need to look for in all our leaders, hey may have picked on HH, but is he not telling the truth? if Mazoka had trust in Sikota, Chisanga, Lubinda, then what went wrong in not choosing Sikota, I have a cousin at Grant Thorton a firm HH has intrests in the place is full of trabal employees and very few have been employed due to Mulenga HH’s partner who are non Tonga speaker, I challenge all bloggers to request Grant Thornton employees’ list and see for yourselves

  22. People should stop hiding behind this culture nonesence you tell me were is the culture when very old men marry very young girls? their great, great gran daughters.Whe they undress for these young ones so called wivies were is the culture? I’m sorry but you can go to hell with your so called Zambian culture.

  23. Please write about how different parties plan to improve Zambia’s economy. Personal attacks should be discouraged.

  24. I like this article because I will use it to show how MMD and MMD GRZ is a tribal party.

    As for Mr President RB, I am appalled that his way of appointing people is clearly showing that he has something personal against the Tonga — and this article proves this point. This behaviour of trying to paint the Tonga people as being tribal.

    More soon and be blessed all Zambians from all parts of our great Country.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  25. Well written and some well laid out points on this attack on UPND leader Mr . Hichilema ‘s character . But , hey , let’s face it , no one is perfect . This is an attempt to discredit HH , nothing else .
    The tribal issue is always brought forth when it comes to attacking HH or Sata or even Pres. Banda , come to think of it . We may talk of one Zambia one nation , but tribalism has largely always been there , not just in southern province. It’s human nature to stick to and identify with what one is most familiar with.
    ….# 5 , 6 & 8 Mwenda Njangula Great input !

  26. Lelo, lelo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maestro! I like this article and all it’s contents. This is a proper description of this tribalist HH. And he will never be the pact presido. Amen!!

  27. “…The more Mr Hichilema opens his mouth, the more Zambians realize that while education gives knowledge, it does not provide wisdom…” – Also true for that Not-Fit-For-Purpose slab loitering aimlessly at State House.

  28. Seems some bloggers here are in denial. Some critical issues have been raised about HH’s character – mainly tribalism, arrogance and insolence. Yet bloggers want to attack the writer and not vindicate HH on the issues raised.

    I for one detest the manner in which HH rose to the UPND presidency and hounded out senior members such as Sakwiba Sikota, Bob Sichinga, Patrick Chisanga, Henry Mtonga and Given Lubinda. His sense of entitlement was driven primarily by tribe and he had no regard for Mazoka loyalists such as Sakwiba who had done so much for the party. Is this the kind of president we want for Zambia? HH has to convince us that he can be trusted. His tribal orientation and questionable acquired wealth do not auger very well to most. But maybe he can still redeem himself.

  29. This sounds like the writing of a political cadre. It is all opinion and no fact.

    ” It is not enough to rely on riches, tribe and a degree. ”

    Wouldn’t this apply to RB even more – although of course he has no riches or degree. Or vision for the economy and country other than to keep selling it out? How about criticizing the present leadership?

  30. No one is perfect as far as am concerned. Chiluba’s in 2001 told the cloud on the copperbelt that do not vote for Mazoka because he speaks Chitundu(Tonga) Twakula landa e chitunda. As zambians we have really missed a lot on people with leadership qaualities and Mazoka was an example of such. We elect the least and keep complaining. All well meaning zambians know that HH is the best for the country. We really need to be objective enough to make good choices. I am not Tonga but I love this man for the sake of my country. Those who say he stole something, I wish they brought those allegations before he came to the political scene. But for now I cannot believe any of you guys. The man is intelligent thats why he was able to raise that money. I love zambia than my tribe come rain.

  31. While this article is an insult to UPND president and 2011 presidential candidate (as well as UPND-PF PACT leader) HH by the author Kennedy Limwanya, I will conentrate on the real tribalsist that are tying hard to make all Tonga persons uneligible to be Zambian President by painting whoever is Tonga by tribe as a tribalist.

  32. If Mr President RB Banda is really a person who wants to UNIFY Zambians, I hope to read his or his MMD GRZ condemnation of this article and other tribal sentiments by non-Tongas to all Tonga people of the Southern Province. I also look forward to reading a statement from my distant uncle VJ Mwaanga regarding the way real tribalists are trying hard to paint any Tonga by tribe person as a tribal person.

    Having written that, I will now look at the part which scandalises any Tonga person in this article as well as the UPND.

  33. Firstly, “Credit must go to The Post newspaper which has been consistent in exposing Mr Hichilema and the UPND’s tribal politics which came to the fore following Mr Mazoka’s death in 2006” is meant to make the UPND-PF PACT platform giver to the Zambian masses, the POST Newspaper, look like it is not sincere to the UPND so that UPND members nd sympathisers can feel cheated and probably angry.

  34. Notwithstanding, the POST Newspaper has also been operating in a very tribal manner just by looking at the composition of its workers as well as how they have tried to undermine the UPND under the leaderships of both late A.K.Mazoka and now president HH. I therefore challenge the POST to write sensible articles about Tonga people from now on-wards in light of the fact that they have continued writing bad things about Tongas as revealed in their story on the LWIINDI ceremony of last year.

  35. In view of “In its June 7, 2006 edition, The Post led with a story under the headline A Tonga Must Raplace Mazoka – Rex Natala” where “… Natala, who was the Mr Mazoka’s cousin, … [was quoted saying] although there was a proper mechanism of selecting a successor, it was prudent that the late UPND president was replaced by a Tonga or anyone from the Bantu Botatwe ethnic grouping” I find no problem with this statement since that is how the UPND’s Constitution guided according to ““. . . It’s not just a wish by a particular group of people, it’s a constitutional matter. The UPND has a quota system where the Tongas wanted a Tonga to lead them to State. “Therefore, a Tonga should replace my brother and there is no tribalism in that,” …“.

  36. Therefore, it appears that the UPND Team needed to explain to the public what their constitution provides for. In fact, any non-dull person unlike the AUTHOR of the above article will immediately note from the statements above that the “…quota system …” provides for other tribes to rule the UPND at another specific time and that 2006 time was for a Tonga person.

    Therefore, the “This is an interesting statement to Mr Sata and his PF leadership. A leopard does not change its spots, does it?” is misplaced because Mr PF/Sata MC are not members of the UPND but partners of the UPND in the UPND-PF PACT which has other governing guidelines that are not similar to the UPND’s constitution.

  37. Before George W. Bush came to office people use to say he hates Black people but to their surprise he was the only American leader who appointed many Black people to top positions in America like Colin powell and Condy Rice. As far as I know Tonga are not tribal people they just speak their language and their tribe is so heavy and deep that it is difficult for them to learn and speakother languages fluently. This Limwanya cannot cheat anyone, at that convertion were Sikota lost to HH there were delegates from all provinces and Southern delegates were 118 therefore even if they were to give that 118 to Sikota he could still trail behind HH. So Limwanya cheat a baby and not an adult like us. Us Bembas would rather choose a Tonga than a Lozi, thats the truth.

  38. Continuing on “Five days later, The Post led with another story headlined Tongas Pick Hichilema as Mazoka’s Successor“, what really was with this headline or indeed the act that the Tongas in UPND did? Does this statement entails that my distant uncles VJ and Daniel Munkombwe also picked HH as Mazoka’s Successor since they are Tonga by tribe although they are MMD members? Please, tribalist writer and other tribalists in MMD as well as out there, spare us Tongas the nonsense that all Tongas from Southern Province and elsewhere across this world picked HH to succeed late Mazoka.

  39. On “The Post had already seen through this and had in the June 7, 2006 editorial comment headlined The Cancer of Tribalism criticized the spectre of tribalism that emerged in the UPND in the quest to find Mr Mazoka’s successor…: “Nothing should stop a deserving Tonga from being president of UPND or indeed the leader of our country. And nothing should allow an undeserving Tonga to be made president simply because he is Tonga.“, I believe this was very wise of the POST to write such. Therefore, any Tonga person deserves to be made UPND president or Zambian President without hinderance. Also, an undeserving Tonga should definitely never be allowed to lead UPND as president or hold any other leadership position in the UPND. Consequently an undeserving Tonga person should not be…

  40. Very simple but a dull person Author of the above article failed to see the logic behind the POST’s statements.

    Thus, on ““Andy did not become president of UPND purely on account of his tribe“, how did late Anderson Kambela MAZOKA become UPND president? Was Mazoka ever elected to lead UPND at a Convention where party members from UPND structures across the country voted for him?

  41. As for “He possessed something much more than being a Tonga; otherwise very few people outside Southern Province would have voted for him in the 2001 elections“, what did he posess? Which “people outside Souther Province” voted for Mazoka in the 2001 elections? Why did people from Eastern, Luapula, Northern and Copperbelt provinces fail to vote for Mazoka in 2001 elections? What led to late UPND leader Mazoka fail to become Zambian President?

    In light of the above, who was genuinely elected UPND president between late A.K. MAZOKA and Hakainde Hichilema? Stop the nonsense you tribalists in MMD that want to paint all of us Tonga people as tribalists! You have been too much and we will keep a record of you if you do not redeem yourselves right now.

  42. Thus ““If the succession of Mazoka is not handled properly, it can prove very divisive not only for UPND but for the whole nation” how wasnt it done properly? I thought credible elections in a free and fair democratic manner are what was done by the UPND that was lead by then Acting President sakwiba Sikota who was beaten clean game by president HH after they were accorded a chance to compete like it is done in USA politics where new comer Barrack Obama beat well-known and prepared Hillary Clinton. Let us as Zambians be progressive like the UPND delegates from all over Zambia that voted for HH overwhelmingly at that UPND convention organised by bitter loser MP Sakwiba Sikota.

  43. As for ““. . . And it will not help UPND or any other political party to hang on to wrong things, harmful political practices or arrangements that only end up dividing our people and manipulating them into supporting unscrupulous politicians who offer no real guidance to the nation.”” what wrong things did UPND do? What wrong things is MMD doing right now?

    What “How prophetic!” is the dull author referring to when he has failed to put up substance? Shame indeed!

  44. On “Having succeeded in hounding the then acting president Sikota out of the UPND in 2006, Mr Hichilema now thinks he can use similar tactics to become presidential candidate of the PF-UPND pact and, eventually, Zambian president in 2011” this is pathetic because Mr UPND president HH did not succeed to hound out MP Sakwiba Sikota from UPND but MP S. Sikota thought he had political clout which to his detriment he doesnt have as he now has a Nashala neka political party called ULP.

  45. In light of the foregoing, it is shear lack of reasoning for the dull author of the above article to have implied that HH is using similar tactics to become presidential candidate of the UPND-PF PACT when UPND president and 2011 presidential candidate HH has made it clear that UPND and PF members will vote for the 2011 UPND-PF PACT presidential candidate. As if that was not enough, president and 2011 presidential canidate HH stands for real democracy where competition trives after hard work in getting you (a person) his/er rightful thing, be it a president position or making money.

  46. In a nutshell, I hope the MMD GRZ will check the intellectual based of its sponsored writers before they put trach on the media by diffusing that trash to the whole world or general public. Also, it is important at this juncture to mention that MP Sakwiba Sikota and his colleagues that left the UPND must understana that UPND is not a monarch like what happens in Barotseland when a litunga dies. Equally, the MMD should realise that their behaviour of having put now Mr President RB to succeed late LPM in a Monarch is not the best because competition is needed at Conventions in modern Zambia.

    Have a blessed day all and take careful care of subtle characters.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  47. Kennedy is another imbecile wasting time writing long useless articles.Ifipuba na fifula mu Zambia,we shall open a school for their rehabilitation.What this imbecile writes can make you vomit.

  48. Useless chaps like Kennedy have caused Times of Zambia to lose sales so much.Who is interested in reading such crap.The whole of you Limwanya can sink this level and waste time and energy writing such crap.People shun these govt daily newspapers and shun ZNBC,because of amacrap like KENNEDY.Stop the nonsense and concentrate on what we can do to salvage Zambia from the doldrums.

  49. kuku Chhada, on your “if Mazoka had trust in Sikota, Chisanga, Lubinda, then what went wrong in not choosing Sikota, I have a cousin at Grant Thorton a firm HH has intrests in the place is full of trabal employees and very few have been employed due to Mulenga HH’s partner who are non Tonga speaker, I challenge all bloggers to request Grant Thornton employees’ list and see for yourselves” did US President Barrack Obama inherit the Democratic Party nominee position of presidential candidate or did he win it after competing for it in primaries?

    UPND is not a monarch for ULP’s Sakwiba .

    Have a blessed day all and take careful care of subtle characters.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto…

  50. These kind of useless human beings like Kennedy can make you ran amok.I have never come across such lunacy.You Kennedy take your stupidity to where you work.Let me tell you you have made Banda very unpopular.The man is just human like most of us,has a lot of good in him,but pigs like you are drowning him.Can you imagine someone sitting down on a chair penning such thoughts,complete madness

  51. Thank you Kennedy for that article. That exactly has been my own impression of HH since he assumed the leadership of UPND from the one and only Andy Mazoka. Many people share that view too.
    If other people have contrary views please bring them out, but the way in which HH came to “power” (I mean power as in UPND) is a recorded and indelible fact of history. How do you dispute that?

  52. HH is the best among the three vying for presidency. Viva HH and gun done 2011. Central, Western and Northwestern back full swing hehind UPND. cOME 29th April 2010 Mufumbwe will under the rein of the UPND.

  53. HH is a gifted young man whose depth of understanding of issues confronting Zambia is impressive.He is a humble fellow,however he cannot sit idle as he is being insulted by this Rupiah.HH is very respectable,these are the people we need to form the next government so that they can take the country forward.Amafontini like Kennedy should be confined to the archives.They have no place in this beautiful country called Zambia.
    We really need balanced people,who genuinely love this country.HH and his uncle Michael Chilufya Sata are the future.Tribal politics coming from one rotten mouth of Maestro are for the dustbin.Forward with HH/SATA

  54. What Kennedy Limwanya does, or where he was, is or will be employed in future, or indeed who employs him is totally immaterial to the article. This is a brilliant description of HH, haven’t we heard him being referred to as baby Sata right here on LT? The truth hurts…
    And what is that slogan in the picture “HH for 2011”, wasn’t it he HH himself who said just yesterday that the PACT will elect its leader soon? Oh sorry I am being uncharacteristically dumb like a kaponya, HH is simply campaigning for the forthcoming PACT elections, isn’t he?

  55. HH does not need the media to show pipo that he become more popula bt the result will show in the ward and Mufumbwe by-elections. UPND has in the past recent won 98% of any election it has participated. Far much better than either the PF or MUDD. VIVA UPND VIVA MUFUMBWE VIVA NORTHWESTERN

  56. What about Rupia’s insults.Iwe foolish man Kennedy,why dont you balance your story.You just write amatotoli yachicken.We are sick and tired of low quality articles full of hate for certain people especially those holding different views from govt.
    You characters have no clue of how to strengthen democracy,you just think of writing nonsense after nonsense paid for by the stupid govt.Whether you like it or not you are gone come 2011,people are so fed up of gutter politics.How can you have a whole page of crap,wechipuba chi Kennedy.How do you allow to be adulterated
    .You are supposed to emulate late heroes like Charles Mando,those were journalists not you imbeciles.

  57. Katie Good,another imbecile.And you no 65,stop dividing the Pact.So far so good,mature PF/UPND members are relentless;y working together,we dont need division.You are so warped,cant you see that the opposition need to be united.

  58. MMD are panicking using propaganda on HH will not help. We are on the move no one will stop us. The people of Zambia want change and the real change will holy come through HH. I have just come from Mufumbwe nomination the people there want HH without fear or favor they are proud to tell us who came from copperbelt that if by mistake Mr Sata is choosen their vote will go to MMD.

  59. GReat article, why are Pact supporters always insulting? why get upset when it is not in support of Pact? grow up allow other peoples views. It is the writers opinion deal with it.

  60. This propaganda adopted by MMD is good,it is finishing them so fast they wont know what has hit them.In this day and age you can embark on character assasination of your political opponents..Is that what ka Chiluba is advising you.Or is this the work of one hooligan called William Banda the biggest ichipuba.
    Please take politics to a higher level not this .This is embarrasing.Anyone reading this will just wonder. You cant copy British or American politics,the way they campaign.They talk on issues,and when the Prime Minister is speaking as Head of State,there is a lot of statesmanship,not where you find at a State function Rupiah is playing partisan politics,It is such low politics.For goodness sake this is 21st century not stone age.

  61. #67, Imiti Ikula continue living in your dreamworld, you are fully entitled to it. I know it’s fun for you but unfortunately the real world is different. Enjoy your weekend and continue dreaming……….

  62. well responded katie good. this pact is built on sinking sand and not on rock, it will soon fall dramatically. Zambia is a blessed country and will never allow evil to rule, never. HH is now called prince cobra after sata who is king cobra. he has been played by sata and post and he is now potrayed as the evil one of the two. thats why any picture published in the post shows HH either looking angry or just plain stupid. sata is always shown looking statesman like. membe hates HH and will never back him as a pact candidate

  63. In defiance of African or Zambian cultural norms, he scornfully addresses elderly people by their first names without due regard to their status as family men and women.

    Kennedy Limwanya can you, first and foremost, define culture. Can you then define African culture and lastly define Zambian culture? Don’t just band these terms about without understanding what you are writing/talking about.
    Kazidya chabe ndalama zamene ulandila ku State House. Pact chimwela.

  64. #70 Mambazo, indeed this is not stone age. That is precisely the reason why ba Sata naba HH should not have introduced this kind of politics after 2008. It will simply consume them as surely as an iron ore container of acid consumes itself first. You see when you open your mouth to rant you should first check whether the words you use do not apply to yourself. This has been the folly of our politicians particularly Sata, HH and their ilk.

  65. Pact can’t win – Diangamo

    FORMER deputy secretary to the Treasury David Diangamo has said the United Party for National Development (UPND)/ Patriotic Front (PF) pact is not capable of winning next year’s general elections.

    And the Mineworkers Union of Zambia (MUZ) has questioned the calibre of some members of Parliament (MPs) in the pact and their ability to form an effective government.

    Mr Diangamo said the MMD was the only party with a future, considering its good manifesto and that he would soon start marketing the ruling party in the Southern Province.

  66. He said in an interview that the continued tribal remarks by the pact and failure to announce the presidential candidate for the 2011 polls was an indication that the political marriage of the two parties would not stand.

    “The only party which has shown commitment to uplifting the lives of Zambians is the MMD, which is the reason why as a member of the party I have decided to offer support.

    “I am confident that the MMD is capable of winning the elections because it has continued to embrace everyone despite their tribe or culture,” he said.

  67. Mr Diangamo backed Namwala MP Robbie Chizyuka’s decision not to support the pact.
    Meanwhile, MUZ general secretary Oswell Munyenyembe said in an interview in Kitwe that he was disappointed with the conduct of some opposition MPs.

    Mr Munyenyembe said the union expected political parties that were interested in governing the country to exhibit maturity and to be objective in their debates on national matters, which was not the case.

    He cited the opposition’s incessant attacks on the mining industry and the unions in particular as a worrying and unfortunate trend that could not inspire confidence in the voters.

  68. “The pact is saying they want to form government, but how will they manage that when they have MPs who just speak anyhow?” he asked.

    Mr Munyenyembe said some of the attacks on the miners’ salaries and how the union was allegedly not doing enough in negotiations were unreasonable and reflected poorly on the MPs.

    “If we get a five per cent increment for our members, it is after all aspects have been considered and the best settlement is reached, it’s not just about unsustainable hefty increments,” he said.

  69. What has happened to UPND? Lets do a regression analysis

    Mazoka built a 49 MP represented Party

    Hichilema trims it to a 19 MP party

    Mazoka embraced the whole country

    HH turns UPND into a Tonga party with a vision of a tonga only for President.

    Is HH building or destroying UPND?

    Could Mazoka chased by Sata from MMD and with clear policy direction married Sata without a vision?

  70. take your comments and write also to LT, then others will also comment to you and you can listen..otherwise you too a a tribalist if you re defending tribal behaviour. many are tribalists all over the country but the upnd is not even ashamed, how can they lead the whole nation then???? when sata goes to northern he speaks bemba, central he tries some lamba, eastern he goes into chichewa even anyandule mmd they had chiluba then mwanawasa and then banda, but upnd….dont defend such nonsense please….if they have a genuine agenda let them bring, the fact is hh is big headed and silly, charity begins at home, but you know very well even when you tongas go to visit hh, you will bow down to him, so how is he serving you, even sata at his age can show a youth respect

  71. Ladies and gentlemen, some are coursemen,
    I am prompted to ask this question in view of sentiments being postulated here that HH hounded out people like Bob Sichinga, Henry Mtonga, Patrick Chisanga, Sakwiba Sikota. These were senior people just like Michael Sata, Lt Gen Christon Tembo (MHRIP), Brig Gen Miyanda who when Chiluba influenced Levy’s adoption as the party’s candidate left MMD. They were no hounded out. These former senior MMD leaders differed with Chiluba and Sata who was the last to exit from MMD arising from the differences. So Sakwiba and Bob Sichinga clearly wanted to succeed Andy. Saki went to extent of contesting the position but was wired. The party chose HH and like others in MMD, he differed with the choice and decided to exit. So HH did not hound anyone from UPND

  72. To give a plain example to unreasonable critics here, suppose Ngandu Magande, Nevers Mumba, Katele Kalumba, and the others I have forgotten who applied to be adopted as party presidential candidate in the presidential by-election of 2008, left after Rb was adopted, would we be right to say RB has hounded out these individuals? Suppose Sakwiba, Sichinga, Chisanga, Mtonga did not leave UPND, what would be our story? These are politics, trying to paint HH black, that he orchestrated the exit of these individuals is a fallacy. Let’s grow up and critically look at issues and not be motivated by petty jealousies and political witchcraft as Mpombo would term it. Bye- Bye bane.

  73. #81 and 82

    Sakwiba, Sichinga, Chisanga, Mtonga and Lubinda all left because of the hostile and tribal environment that developed in UPND during and after HH’s takeover. And also because HH did not do much to redress this. All this is well documented. Effectively, HH “hounded” out these people. He may not have ochestrated their exit but he was very indifferent and did not demonstrate unifying leadership. The situation is different in the MMD cases you have mentioned as there was no unberable hostile environment.

    The best you can do is help HH become a better unifying leader than continue to defend him blindly. The masses have clearly sensed something divisive about him.

  74. Most of you PF cadres think that an article is only good if the writer uses bad language against RB or MMD. You are doomed. Well written Kennedy.

  75. Kennerdy L.Should concertrate on working at state house instead of insulting people like HH.His a foolish man who is busy trying to fatten his account by insulting people like Sata

  76. katie good,dont you ever get fed up of being insulted.There is no smoke without fire,engage that pea brain of yours as to why you are called names.Sounds like you have been sleeping with the whole of the MMD, hence the reason i personally call you a bi tch,like a dog that never learns.Seems like you love your world,keep chasing your tail,hope you rot in hell.and soon for that matter.just remember come 2011,your lot are out,biatch

  77. HH man of the moment equal partner in the PACT am wondering whta the wrtter of this article was trying to achieve other than trying to drstroy HH name and building SATA’S name…HH has has never been a tribalitic and has never uttered any sentiments to suggest he is…people who sorounded him who have since left made a bit of such tribal comments but are no more…

  78. I do believe all the concepts you have offered for your post. They are very convincing and can certainly work. Still, the posts are too short for starters. May just you please extend them a bit from next time? Thanks for the post.

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