Saturday, January 11, 2025

MUZ questions the calibre of MPs in the PACT


The Mineworkers Union of Zambia (MUZ) has questioned the calibre of some members of Parliament (MPs) in the pact and their ability to form an effective government.

MUZ general secretary Oswell Munyenyembe said in an interview in Kitwe that he was disappointed with the conduct of some opposition MPs.

[pullquote]“The pact is saying they want to form government, but how will they manage that when they have MPs who just speak anyhow?” he asked.[/pullquote]

Mr Munyenyembe said the union expected political parties that were interested in governing the country to exhibit maturity and to be objective in their debates on national matters, which was not the case.

He cited the opposition’s incessant attacks on the mining industry and the unions in particular as a worrying and unfortunate trend that could not inspire confidence in the voters.

“The pact is saying they want to form government, but how will they manage that when they have MPs who just speak anyhow?” he asked.

Mr Munyenyembe said some of the attacks on the miners’ salaries and how the union was allegedly not doing enough in negotiations were unreasonable and reflected poorly on the MPs.

“If we get a five per cent increment for our members, it is after all aspects have been considered and the best settlement is reached, it’s not just about unsustainable hefty increments,” he said.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Not sure Osward understands that the PACT goes beyond Kambwili. There very able persons in the PACT highly educated and of very high morals and calibre to run the affairs of this country.

  2. #1, there is no doubt that the Pact goes beyond Kambwili. For example I personally have the privilege of being acquainted with many intelligent and pleasant UPND MPs. However the MUZ has legitimately restricted itself to their area of concern and expertise and this is where Kambwili is specifically mentioned. There are many other Kambwilis in other areas, on the national scale this includes the aspiring PACT president Sata. Unfortunately, since they say “birds of a feather flock together” this brings into question the credibility of HH himself and all those intelligent UPND (and PF) MPs in the Pact.

  3. How about MMD MPs what good thing are they doing? MUZ readership is encriened to Govt. Look at they sponsered blog such as MMD chief Bot Vulgar language, rudeness, arrogance and an air of pride and self-importance. I will no longer waist my vote on your candidate. Calling fellow zambian Kaponyas. Very frustrating

  4. What calibre is he talking about when he cannot say a work about conditions of service for miners? He is wasting his time involving himself in politics when he has a lot on his plate. I want to hear how he would like the miner to live now and after the miner leaves employment instead of being a loud month. What has he done as general secretary of MUZ? Nothing and nothing. Let him not waste his time talking about what will not change the life of a miner. The calibre of MPs must be checked regardless of political affiliation. He is fully aware that if all MPs and him could work like Mutati then the country would surely prosper. Can he explain what issues he has presented to Govt that will make the miner happy? I will vote very wisely come 2011.

  5. They say an angry man can do anythig, this is what happened in the 2006 elections. The calibre of most people we voted for leaves much to be desired. Lets vote for wise leaders in future and not the cantenkerous chaps we have now. I shudder to think what would happen if they were to form government. Radicalism has no place in the current political dispensesion. God help mother Zambia.

  6. I’ve always worried about the calibre of both ruling and opposition party MPs. There are some really good ones on both sides of the fence. Number 5 is right, the electorate usually vote on party lines,so the onus is on the top leadership to ensure the names forwarded for elections are for sensible guys.

    But rather than be an arm chair critic , why dont capable Zedians on this blog take up leadership roles .Other wise you’ll always be unhappy with leaders calibre from PTA,FAZ,Neigborhood watch, Church etc

  7. I had the time to listern in to a phone in radio program on Qfm yesterday with Dr Mutesa and i might say it gave an insight as to what kind of people or individuals associate themselves with the pact. To debate with them is like picking a fight with a woman… your wife…or partner … you can never win … for the simple fact that where as the man may what to see sense or make sense out of something … the woman well they are just right…men have the need to make sense … and thats why you can not win a fight with your partner…

    I am afraid most PF members are this way… if you try to reason or make sense out of an argument they get defencive and will almost always say ” OK LISTERN ALL WE WANT IS CHANGE OK” and that about it…

  8. Leaned coleagues, you’re not alone in worrying about the pathetic calibre of some of our leaders – both in govt and opposition. Lack of intra-party democracy is largely to blame in my view. FTJ was our greatest chance to put ZED on the right footing on many fronts but he let us down. Solution lies in only allowing people of integrity to be our leaders by disqualifying (a) all who have failed to run their homes (b) all who’re not law abiding i.e criminal record holders and even tax defaulters.

  9. We know that Munyenyembe has made so much money because of the bribes he gets from mining companies for accepting lower % of salary increments.These union officials have built mansions on the copperbelt and bought properties in lusaka because of the same scams.Just shut your A.S.S. up and let others rule this country and maybe they will have a heart for us suffering miners. Just come to the copperbelt and ask miners about these corrupt union officials. We know you ka chi colour

  10. Its not only MPs from the PACT even in MMD we have boxers like Hon Sichilima…so its every where bwna oswell…some of us doubt even you as well

  11. Munyenyembe, you are a liar, instead of accepting the fuel being poured on you to light up the negotiations, you are busy dowsing the fire. Miners on the copperbelt cant be fooled by your foolish sentiments.Copper price is now $8000 per tonne, now what are you telling us? what are you fighting for the workers now. The mines are busy building houses for Choncholis and Indians Zambians not being considered. I really miss Mr. Simakuni. He brought 29months pay + two months pay for each year served as pernsion calculation which you abolished with ka Chiluba. You think we have forgotten MUZ selling out workers?? Why do you have NUMAWU if you are powerful as MUZ?? Miners what do you say on my observations?

  12. This chap is just an I.D.I.O.T and a sellout and I 101% agree with #12.He thinks he can sway our attention from the current sufferings of miners.We have MPs/ministers in MMD who have reduced themselves to the level of dogs and what can this little F.U.C.K.E.R tell us? If you think you can draw our attention to your level of thinking then you are in for rude shock,son-a-bitch. We have young graduates who are joining mines and cannot be accomodated by these so called investors building houses for themselves.Why not raise such issues than be concerned with something that is not in your area of responsibilty. Kapuli kobe

  13. #12, this is my first time to contribute. I take my hat off for you. Your comments is so very valid. Yes I was working for the mines time Mr. Simakuni was MUZ Chairman, he was a real fighter for Miners rights which these Munyenyembe’s are busy diluting. Unfortunately Mr. Simakuni put pressure on UNIP & ZCCM. He was invited to Kasaba bay to play golf with KK and he fell sick whilst there and suddenly died. Aah, the current MUZ Chairmen do not fight for the workers but themselves. Miners rise against Munye(Bogging)yembe. Topple him like u did to Mwanza

  14. #12 That is probably the reason ZCCM had such big debts especially at that time when copper prices were very low as all these benefits have to be paid for. Do you want us to go back to the UNIP days?

  15. Blame voters. How about calibre of PF cadres?

    If Zambians demanded good quality leaders, they would not intertain mediocre and low calibre leaders. The buck stops at low calibre voters. Garbage in, garbage out.

  16. # 8 Creative,

    I just saw it on Zambian Brain Drain radio show website run by James Mwape and his friends that they are hosting Dr.Mutesa as a guest speaker this saturday.Hope you can skype or call in for direct engagement with him. I would love to know too why a new party when the opposition need unity?

  17. #15 Shimwalule, the wage bill for Zambians was not astronomical as compared to the few expatriates then who did not add value to ZCCM. One expatriate was getting salary for more than 60 Zambians. Each Expatriate was entitled to an education package to send children to expensive schools ianywhere in the world. Those are the pipo that sunk ZCCM. The Terminal benefits was being paid to a few pipo each year who were retiring so this constituted a small factor in a whole picture.

  18. Iwe #15, Zambian wage billhas never been a are reason for closure of companies. In #12 I did not call for the returnn of the UNIP fossil. No. I called for the return of the brave negotiating Unions that fights for our rights within the means to pay. I was expecting someone to smell a rat how that gallant UNION President Died as he continued pushing for better things till he died. Miners then used to call pay day Simakuni Day. What we have are compromised Union chaps that are drunk with accumulating wealth as oppossed to fighting for workers right i.e. ZCTU President and others that have gone quite in YEARS even b4 recession set in. I leave other people to comment on this.

  19. Can’t seem to get the argument. Does it mean when the price of copper goes up… wages go up? And when the price goes down… so wages also go down? Or should wages remain up when the price is down and remain down when the price of copper is up? Has anyone come up with a breakeven wage for a miner and his employer’s profit margin so we can compare wisely?

  20. #18 Indeed that might have been the case, but then you have to ask why we had expats in the first place? Is it because there were no Zambians qualified to do the job? I think it is also wrong to say it was the wage bill of expats that sunk ZCCM as other factors also played a part, the price of copper being one but also as was the case with other parastatals was govt interference which led to inefficiency and the fact that the govt at the time diverted money which would have been re-invested in the mines for social spending which all of us who were alive at that time benefited from in the guise of free education and healthcare as well as subsidised mealie meal.

  21. ” He cited the opposition’s incessant attacks on the mining industry and the unions in particular as a worrying and unfortunate trend that could not inspire confidence in the voters. ”

    I like the PF-UPND a lot better already. Zambia is not going to develop until it gets serious about heavily taxing the mines. The mines are the only place where the government can go, and without incurring debt (which the Zambian consumer will have to pay for through inflation), go and collect at least $1.2 billion in taxes.

    How often have people complained ‘no one has any money’? Well this is why. The mines are bleeding the country dry. They are sucking the economic lifeblood out of the economy by not paying a large share of their profits as taxes.

  22. Similarly, after reading your observations Mr. Oswell Munyenyembe, I am inclined to question the calibre of MUZ leadership. Go figure.

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