Sunday, March 9, 2025

Retiring defence chiefs worries Gen. Malimba Masheke


A former Zambian Prime Minister says the retiring of commandants and their deputies from the three defence forces at the same time sends signals that something is wrong.

Right Honorable General Malimba Masheke, who also served as Zambia Army Commander and Defence Minister during first republican president Dr. Kenneth Kaunda’s reign, says President Banda being Commander in chief of the Armed Forces has the right to make changes as he feels.

He however says this brings some instability among officers because those taking over try to change things.
General Masheke adds that this also affects continuity. He has however cautioned politicians not to politicize the matter as it is very sensitive.

General Masheke has also expressed faith in the new command stating that he has worked with them before.
On wednesday April 7, 2010 president Rupiah Banda made changes to the country’s defence forces on grounds of enhancing national security and unity.

Addressing a news conference at state house the President announced that he has retired Zambia Army commander General Isaac Chisuzi and replaced him with Brigadier General Wisdom Lopa who was until now Zambia’s military attache to Ethiopia.
Mr. Banda also retired Major General Samuel Mapala as Zambia Air force commander and has recalled from retirement, Brigadier General Andrew Sakala as his replacement.
Others included Zambia National service commandant Raphael Chisheta has also been retired and replaced by Brigadier general Anthony Yeta who has been moved from the Zambia army.


  1. Ba Masheke,

    There is nothing strange or worrying in this move unless your worry is about the imploding PACT you have miscalculated in alignment again.Your problem is that you only knew one regime and leader of UNIP and Dr.Kaunda that was life time.In a democracy where there is constitutional change of Government, normally those people resign going with the outgoing regime. The new administration comes up with its own unless they ask you to stay over for some times in administrative convinience.Best and outstanding example is in the USA from time in memorial since 1892.

  2. Finally somone with full knowledge of the military has confirmed what most of us were merely speculating. Indeed how does he retire all of them at once if theres nothing wrong? Granted there may indeed be nothing wrong but such action still leaves us citizens unsettled as to what really is going on in the country. Mind you, this is the military, it is not like the ordinary ministries where he can shuffle people anytime and we ll just look

  3. Royalty come with appointment and legitimate power is in right of appointment not insults.RB has legitimate power which Sata and HH lack. Theirs is power of insults and tribalism.

  4. That was expected anyway. The only difference is that he has removed them at the same time, such that handing over may not be as it should be. Otherwise something is being blocked.

  5. Treetop,

    These are independent outfits with their own chains of command presideded by RB. How would handover in their respective institutional jurisdiction be problematic? Please explicate. This as i have said is a norm in many mature democracies such as the USA. Each incoming regime comes with its own mandate and royalty. You don’t carry over some mismatch of interventionists on protectionists or aggressionists on democratic peace theorists.

  6. Imwe ba Veteran whatever you call yourself. You want to make your remarks look like they are the right ones. Who doesn’t know for heaven sake that you chap are MMD and and firm bootliker of this corrupt Govt? Don’t be so naive as to deceive people on real facts. Have you ever been to Military training for your to just yap like a rabbied dog? Let moving dogs move ok. Some of us are peviledged to have passed through the Gen’s hands and ae proud today even in our retirement because of his good traits despite these Political affilliations. The Gen is right and that’s it for now chapwa!

  7. more needs to be done to convince our armed forces that the callibre of leaders is indeed sensible, otherwise even these that are coming in will develop new coup plans

  8. # 3 Captain solo, I think its you who is missing the point here. If my reading capability is still intact, then I would say #2 is only drawing us to the fact that those positions are quiet critical and sensitive and not whether or not the president has the powers to fire.

  9. Retiring all defence force commanders and their deputies at the same time and bringing back a retired general from ‘kumawa’ all this does not add up and it will create fertile ground for intense speculation and anxiety in the country. The president has lost the plot and the best he can do is step down and hibernate at his farm. No one is bigger than ZAMBIA!

  10. All defence chiefs will make sure that the one who appointed them ‘WINS’ the election. Simple democratic conclusion.

  11. VETERAN WE CHINANGWA WE!!! First and foremost, the military is not a democratic institution. Secondly, your argument about change of government where you talk about “each incoming regime comes with its own mandate and royalty” (I trust you actually meant loyalty) has no foot to stand on because if that was indeed the case in this instance, those service chiefs would have been retired soon after Banda assumed power. And please do not start making reference to the US because Zambia is a very long way from being a mature democracy and the age of the US’s democracy certainly does not class it into a model democracy for the rest to follow. The fact that all the service chiefs are replaced in one go is certainly cause for concern and the analytical mind of a retired full general has observed…

  12. Yes indeed , retiring all at the same time raises eyebrows . Maybe there was talk of mutiny somewhere in these ranks .
    ….# 6 Veteran…….I hope you are not a war veteran , but your statement “You don’t carry over some mismatch of interventionists on protectionists or aggressionists on democratic peace theorists ” has left me in a bit of a whirl….. Please explicate.

  13. Actually veteran , i might not be able to carry on with the conversation . I’m actually still quite dizzy ….ooooohhfff…!!

  14. Chisuzi was fired because he disregarded a statutory intrument reqiring those that had passed the mandatory retirement age to stop working illegally and retire. These generals he was trying to protect were hindering the progress of young upcoming officers and were getting K95m annually in terms of gratuity (They are 41 of them !) Soldiers have been forfeiting their leave grants and other claims as a result of this unncessary payment.Common sense should be utilised by all you condemning RB. Towards elections, which is best; to have 41 people voting for the govt whilst tens of thouseands are disgruntled as a result of their careers progression being hindered as well as their ENTITLEMENTS in terms of leave grants and other claims are diverted to serve only 41 people ?

  15. Ba Buffalo, are you trying to say rather lose 41 votes than tens of thousands of votes? Based on your argument, eybrows should indeed be raised.

  16. #3 EM, thanks for helping me answer #3 So-called Cpt Solo. What i was merely stating was that the manner this whole thing has been done, even though it might be just a normal reshuffle can cause anxhiety to ordinary people like me. Capt Solo, i do no think i need to go and read the consititution in order for me to read the mood of the pipo. Rather than label me ignorant, i think its you Capt Solo who is insistsing on remaining stup*d

  17. RB is putting his cadres in strategic positions in view of next year’s elections. This is just the begining, more will follow. He will replace all excepte himself.

  18. Smiling Buffalo says:

    You are the only one with an insight of what was going on. These other chaps are just talking from without…ZAF has more Generals than the Army?????? Unga yashe iyo???? How can ZAF have more Generals that the ARMY you tell me????

    Gen Masheke is a fossil now…let him go and rest.

  19. rupiah is facing mutiny in the former lpm regime..from ministers to generals.. he is just doing what is right for himself..but no worry, rb will be voted out come 2011 and all his new generals will be retired.

  20. Guys this is a problem. You can’t politicize Military positions, a change of regime should not mean a change in the military Hierarchy… this is why you get soldiers interfering in politics. In the US Military commanders i.e. chief of staff are not simply changed and replaced with every election because even though these are Presidential appointees people with sense understand the importance of not politicizing the military. Ba RB is wrong for this one, and so was Levy when he did it back in the day. Military leaders unless they do something relaly wrong should not be changed kwati ma bamba their job should transcend politics

  21. How can someone who has retaired recalled back, the retaired ones should remain retaired and be there for special advice if am not mistaken, fimbi kuipusha abalipo kale Eg:- ba Malimba Masheke he knows and can ba Banda nagfyashupa iyeeeee chakashika chaleta ne mpepo?:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:-t:-t:-t:-t:-t:-t:-t:-t~X(~X(~X(~X(~X(~X(~X(~X([-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x

  22. Imwe Veteran is a useless man, enemy of progress. Leave this ***** to his own demise. This kabova wants to argue ignorantly against real veterans. Has no experience to draw from, he has run away like he does each time his little knowledge is brought under close scrutiny. Flee from here you little piece of sh!T. Ata se.

  23. #24 General Samuel Mapala was recalled from retirement by LPM. This is a major shakeup of the military though and I hope it was done to improve service delivery and welfare of the men and women in uniform.

  24. # 6 veteran which school did you attend? your english is so think you know what you are trying to pass across but it is over stretched.your diction sounds like a very good illiterate,muletusebanya- isoni atase!#24 please proof read your articles before submitting you don’t tell me you can’t spell “retirement”remember this site is read by many including academia personnel

  25. Too much secrets in our systems pa Zed. The generals can be retired at any time and this should not confuse some former generals. Many of them have taken advantage of their titles and influence by massing up riches from tax payers money.Very soon some of them will be appearing in court. Wait and see.

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