Sunday, March 9, 2025

UPND kicks off campaigns for HH


THE United Party for National Development (UPND) has instructed all party organs to intensify campaigns for their leader Hakainde Hichilema as the Republican presidential candidate for the 2011 elections in what points to deep divisions with the Patriotic Front (PF).

The UPND is in a pact with the PF but the two parties have been giving conflicting views about who would contest the presidential elections next year, insisting that they would announce the presidential candidate “at the right time”.

However, while the pact has been playing to the gallery and showing that they are working together, they have each been campaigning for their presidents.

Last month, PF distributed campaign badges bearing the portrait of their leader Michael Sata for the 2011 polls, three months after UPND circulated similar badges with Mr Hichilema’s picture.

PF cadres in Lusaka distributed Mr Sata’s portrait with a message that he was the only one contesting the elections next year.

But according to a statement obtained by the Times in Lusaka yesterday, issued by the party’s deputy secretary general in charge of politics Sikwiindi Situla on April 1, the UPND said it was the only political party that had the right vision for Zambia.

Mr Situla instructed all the branch and ward constituency committees to ensure that they recruited more members to the party ahead of the 2011 elections and that they should go flat out and campaign for Mr Hichilema to become the next president of Zambia.

He said the UPND was popular across the country and that it was the most popular political party in Lusaka at the moment.

Mr Situla said only the UPND had the right policies to address the ills in the health and education sectors.

[pullquote]Mr Chibwe said the party would only stop campaigning for Mr Hichilema after the PF/UPND pact had chosen a candidate.
He urged Zambians to support the UPND if they wanted better schools and quality health care services.

And UPND secretary general, Winston Chibwe said there was nothing wrong with the party to campaign for Mr Hichilema.

Mr Chibwe said the party would only stop campaigning for Mr Hichilema after the PF/UPND pact had chosen a candidate.

“There is no problem with that statement. We shall continue campaigning and we shall only stop when a candidate is chosen,” Mr Chibwe said.

Speaking on a recent radio programme, Mr Sata said there was nothing wrong with the parties campaigning separately.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Number 3 you are right,this is really the begiining of the end of the pact…sad indeed.But i will go to Zed to vote all the same

  2. There is nothing wrong with HH putting himself forward.The pact will win with Sata,HH or myself since am also campaigning .The truth is Zambians are tired of Movement for Mass Distruction-MMD.
    Go PACT.go…

  3. Sorry guys I am all for the Pact, end the pact coz of greed then my friends MMD remains there is no competition. De-solving the pact = MMD wins
    I would like to refer you to the previous elections. The simple strategy is call Divide and Conquer and it may be working…
    “A house divided against itself cannot stand,”

  4. Wisdom has become a rare asset in the Post-Anderson Mazoka defunct UPND. Evidently wisdom and a future were interred with Mazoka into his grave. UPND under Ichilema has just become a political shell to nowhere anchored on crusading failed tribalism.
    (1)-“RB doesn’t like Kaonde people-UPND” Quote

    How when this administration is full of Kaondes like all other Zambians at all levels of its establishment?

  5. (2)-“President Banda wants an old man like MMD candidate in Mufumbwe Mulondwe Muzungu to die by exposing him to strenuous election campaigns” Quote UPND.

    This is a direct insult on one Michael Sata who is Ichilema’s partner in unholy alliance-marriage of convenience. Sata is far older than Ambassador Mulundwe Muzungu yet he will soon be canvassing the country on a more strenuous 2011 national campaign trail from border to border. With such segregationist UPND Groupthink that Zambian democracy is a preserve for the young ones only, where does it leave Sata in the PACT? UPND is in an overdrive political circus. I wonder if Ichilema will ever aim for a national character.

  6. No comment from Katie Good just now, lest I am called an imbecile by Msana wa Njili. But I will certainly exercise my freedom of expression in Rupiah Banda’s democracy later in the afternoon.

  7. Pact has fallen, these guyz cheat themselves to get a presidential win in 2011. It’s a hard crack for them anyway. MMD will definitly win as long as Pact doesn’t exist. RB looking at these confusions in the pact, he is warming up for a victory next year.

  8. what people must understand is that the PACT is just playing with the minds of the MMD, the PACT has oredy chosen its candidate for the 2011 elections. the PACT is forming government next year!!

  9. Wether the Pact is there or not MMD is going out. Zambians are ready for change of gont come what may MMD kuya bebele. I am going home to vote. Bootlickers just prepare your selves for Chimbokaila prison. :-w:-w:-w

  10. Source of story “Times of Zambia”,..i hope this story was not written by George Kunda,anyway there is nothing wrong with the two parties campaigning for Plot 1 provided they do not decampaign one another.This issue was clarified even last time by both parties so there is nothing new,nothing strange……nothing to celebrate about ba MMD

  11. Propaganda by MMD. Your reign is over and I pray that we have a new leader 2011 and believe me once I commit, I always get an answer. I mean who could be worse than RB?

  12. Good Afternoon

    It looks like the pact is now in disarray. There are probably more internal conflicts between PF and UNPD than one can see on the outside. Judging by the vicious Bemba/Tonga tribal debate on this forum just a few days ago, it will not surprise me to see that the pact has mainly disintergrated on tribal lines among other problems, like the inability to properly define and present their political goals.

    Even the Holy scriptures confirm that “if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.” (Mark 3:24).

  13. How come this story of rifts in the Pact or parties going it alone is onlt written by either Times or Daily Mail.

  14. The election is over a year away, can these two organisations really stay together for that length of time? Even if the pact holds, will members of either party back the chosen candidate? Do you see Tongas voting for Sata and Bembas voting for HH?

  15. Now thats what i call good strategy.You must be care full badaala to get on top. you must gain as much ground as possible to be of value at the time of getting the vote.Go out their and sell your name as a candidate.Not at the last would work. HH is HH.SATA isSATA. SO wake up.

  16. MMD kuya bebele and thats it. I don’t think the HH & Sata are dumb… I have to agree with #16 this is all Propaganda by MMD.
    What I know is MMD is speeding up infrastructure projects… but this is only for show… all the country is doing borrowing and borrowing (Look at the Greece Issue) People need to understand the financial markets. Leave debt to the private sector which will only borrow because they know they can pay back. With the right policies we can get investors to come in. MMD is borrowing because they know when its time to pay the debt back the people in power will not be around.


  17. I agree with number 20.
    Why is it that these governement controlled papers are the only ones that carry negative stories about the PACT ?
    Please stop chasing the wind .The peopple have made up their minds about change .

  18. This story is from the time of zambia so i do not trust it. All it is, is MMD trying to break up the pact. It won’t happen. Viva Pact

  19. When something is falling apart like what is happening to the so called pact which,in any case, is not even a political party, its really painful to admit it but what can one do in this world of building castles in the air.The bubble will burst sooner than later. It is said that you can fool some people sometimes but you cant fool all the people all the time.lets just wait and see.


  21. The pact is the dead thing, every one know that.MMD will be in power until 2016, then Maureen and the party will take over.

  22. LATEST
    Polish Presidents jet crashes killing the President, his wife and senior government officials. Food for thought for our own RB to slow down we dont need another state funeral to gobble the much needed K20 bn.

  23. #11 KATIE GOOD
    Did i tell you am a married man? so am out of bounds try Senior citizen or his same s.e.x civil partner Mr Capitalist.

  24. We humbly request Ba Sata to give the youngman chance to improve things by allowing him to contest the presidential elections. Mr Sata knows very well that he has no energy and capacity to develop this country.

  25. Good evening #28 Msana wanzili…that’s terrible news, I’ve just heard it too. No survivors (reportedly).

  26. #28(msana wanzili)
    By saying:”Food for thought for our own RB to slow down we dont need another state funeral to gobble the much needed K20 bn.” you are dramatising the tragic accident notwithstanding the kind of aircraft(Tupolev 154) the president was using.
    Anyway,this is what the BBC correspondent had to say:
    Controversial figure
    The president was flying in a Tupolev 154, a Soviet-designed plane that was more than 20 years old.
    Our correspondent says there had been calls for Polish leaders to upgrade their planes.
    Mr Kaczynski himself had suffered scares while using the plane in late 2008, when problems with the aircraft’s steering mechanism delayed his departure from Mongolia. It was then caught up in turbulence flying to Seoul.

  27. from 32
    Mr Kaczynski himself had suffered scares while using the plane in late 2008, when problems with the aircraft’s steering mechanism delayed his departure from Mongolia. It was then caught up in turbulence flying to Seoul.
    “Any flight brings with it a certain risk, but a very serious risk attaches to the responsibilities of a president, because it is necessary to fly constantly,” he was quoted as saying at the time.
    Take note of the last sentence and that is what it entails to be President world over.I would not want if HH but NOT Sata becomes president,then he spends most of his time home without brainstorming with other heads of state.

  28. #31 Nine Chale
    Indeed sir very very sad news 80 livee lost in trip that wasn’t even that important to their nation looking at bigger picture. The worse part of it is he was with most of the top cream of the polish government including their central bank governor. When people complain about RB lazing about in his jet to nowhere with 50+ hangers around, he pretends he’s not listening but this is what these machines are capable of doing if abused.

  29. #32 Sharp shooter
    ‘ dramatizing’ are you having laugh or you’re on something? we are talking about life here and not politics, top officials lost in a not that important trip. Theres time for bum licking and time for serious reflection because we have a very similar situation here where for example our President has to be seen off or welcomed by all top officials in the country besides moving around with half of them to nowhere, now just imagine God forbid somehow they got wiped out at once. very frightening even to imagine.

  30. MMD is dazed, they don’t know who to shoot. They ran out of ammunition on Sata. Now they are using sticks to attck the young man HH. By the time they go back to Sata, he will be crossing the finish line. ISOLO at its best.

  31. Msana Wanzlii
    To you it could be”top officials lost in a not that important trip” but for the Poles,it was a very important trip.I personally have a polish friend named Michal and shares with me the importance of of this event they were suppose to commemorate hence that entourage.This is an accident and somehow isolated event no one can anticipate it thus likening it to Zambia in particular is absurd.I dont bum-lick but let out my independent views and Iam not in the habit of name calling when somebody has a different point of view cos its tolerance to me.Enjoy your weekend.Iam off for my beer.

  32. Anyone can be or can go for that post as long as they have what it takes. Mr Banda should be careful with his travels or atleast he must try check what has just happened to the Polish president.

  33. #17Nine chale – I dont think the pact is as divided and people may think. Anything from Times of Zambia has to be taken with a pinch of salt. This is propaganda from MMD at its best. I dont know what the pact are thinking about but the obvious should be that Sata becomes the president for one term to be follewed by HH in the second term.

  34. Not sure you all understand what is happening. MMD is in deap trouble as they don’t know where to focus there destructive arsenal.

  35. This is a good startegy indeed. MMD will concentrate less on attacking Sata, and by the time they realise it they are history. Let’s get going guys.

  36. Hey friends please remember that Pact is there to give MMD tough run for their money. Each pact member must do their home work.We can not leave things to chance. If HH becomes popular the pact will win, if MS also becomes popular no loss to the pact. Therefore it will not help the pact if two parties will sit and wait for election time to campaign time is now.The more each candidate for pact becomes popular the better for the pact.

  37. Yes MMD is panicking. The have now started attacking HH because their days are numbered they have been put on scale and found wanting!

  38. @ 29 msana wanzili

    Cant you for one second write something that has substance. You are no different from the genocidal maniac who goes by the username Kalos2020 who wished for Zambia to go the Rwanda way. In fact you are exactly like him since you wished for the demise of a fellow human being. You are very evil and people like you deserve a special corner for yourselves in hell. How do you wish for genocide on Zambia? How do you wish for the demise of a fellow human being? What goes on in that sick mind of yours.

    The worst part is that genocidal woman Beyonce wapa zed tried to justify it by writing some rubbish about respect. How do you respect someone who wishes for the demise of a fellow human being. I can never respect msana wanzili.

  39. cont. from #45

    And here he is posting the story about the Polish plane crash and acting as if he cares. Spare us the crocodile tears. You wished for the demise of a fellow human being. Caring about lives is the last thing you do as is evident from your post where you wished for the demise of a fellow human being.

    And no, you don’t stop at wishing for the demise of fellow human beings, you start verbally abusing other bloggers like Katie Good. What has Katie Good ever done to you. You are so insecure that you cannot challenge Katie Good on issues, instead you have to get very nasty. Typical of PF cadres, sympathizers and bloggers more especially like Kalos2020 who wishes for Zambia to go the Rwanda way.

  40. cont. from #46

    So show us msana wanzili, show us you can debate issues. Challenge Katie Good on the issues she has brought up. Let’s see if you can last in an issue based debate. Lets see if you can gather facts and present them. Lets see if you can fish out indisputable verifiable data which you can challenge Katie Good’s posts with. Lets see if you can last against Senior Citizen in a debate. Show us that you are capable of a civil issue based debate, something lacking amongst PF bloggers and PF genocidal maniacs like Kalos2020 who wishes for Zambia to go the Rwanda way.

  41. MONZE RESIDENT and Bwezani Kumbuwo Band
    You two chaps you have no interest over the pact. Most of UPND supporter its full Vulgar language, rudeness, arrogance and an air of pride and self-importance. The let HH stands on his so that he can only again win your area. Let respect the two leaders if we have interest in the pac

  42. EEE bane tuli nechililo bakateka besu nabatusha, I hope the Zambian Jet is not very old otherwise weh shall be singing the song

  43. Good evening bloggers.
    Having followed the news about the PACT tells me that there is no problem in what the parties in it are doing. The UPND is headed by HH whilst PF has MC Sata and both would like to improve Zambia by winning the 2011 elections.
    The PACT at the moment has not come up with a Presidential candicate and hence the need to sell its two potential candidates to the electorate, ie. MC Sata and HH. Whoever will/should come out as the popular choice is the one the PACT has to support to stand as the Presidential candidate come 2011.
    This really does not indicate divisions in the PACT but the forward thinking of the leadership and supporters of the two parties.
    In the same vein, the MMD has three candidates vying for the Presidency in 2011, ie RB Banda, Magande and G Mpombo.

  44. #50 Mule
    Your points make alot of sense but unfortunately HH and Sata both want to contest the same election.Going by the most popular is obvious based on the 2008 election results.The core members of UPND such as Ackson Sejani and Siyacheyu Madyenkuku have publicly declared that UPND can only be led by a tonga.It`s very had for Sata to get the support of UPND.Sata on the other hand believes that he deserves to lead based on his popularity and the number of MP`s under PF.Sata is also guilty of playing the tribal card.I really doubt that the UPND/PF pact will float a sole presidential candidate.Unless something drastic happens otherwise,advantage goes to MMD and RB to remain in power.

  45. Implosion 101.

    End of circus years as reality dawns itself on their watch of this so called pact. In every story, there is an end and that end is usually at this “strategic inflection point” where a decision for the real world against utopia has to be made.

    Implosion 101.

  46. Most posts are based on personal views and opinion, what we should bear in mind that there are over three million people that will cast their vote next year, each with their own opinion and view. worse still some posts carry quite a lot of emotions but remember that your vote is counted as one. we may make the most noise but do we make sense to the electorate. which ever camp you may be either PACT or MMD, Its us the voters that count

  47. #45,46,47 Mr Capitalist
    You’re seriously twisted in your head you chestnut. where did you get all that Rwanda nonsense? When did i ever comment on the Rwanda genocide, give me a link where i posted anything to do that horrible Rwandan madness? About your same s.e.x partner and Katie Good i’ve got no comment because they are just as twisted as you are. she was having a go at me when i hadnt posted a comment and you shamelessly call that issue based debating, you’re having a laugh mate because you can’t be serious. You dont even know the difference between proper debating and the bum licking you’ve been doing all over the place without shame. Please dont get me started, am off to be with my wife am married to woman you see. Goodnite

  48. If truly there is confusion in the pact, MMD will scoop it again. My PACT presidents just accept the outcome of who should be president and let your supporters follow route. Other wise losing this time again will be the end of both PF and UPND just like FDD has vanished

  49. Those that dare to think and read between the lines will agree with me that HH is the pact president. Add up all the tricks MMD is using and you will be able to sum up to my observation. No amount of propaganda will help MMD win the next elections.If there was confusion in the pact we would have seen it in the bye-elections but to the contrary the UPND and PF shared the positions nicely and strategically. Don’t be fooled by cheap propaganda by the visibly panic MMD. MMD is infact divided. They can’t agree on the presidential candidate for 2011. The incumbent has been rejected by most senior officials within their party and those in his camp have resorted to undemocratic ways of eliminating opponents. Fun enough MMD is preaching the break up of the pact instead of mending their…

  50. #49 and the rest that live in that area I send my heartfelt condolences. Unfortunately as high profile the news is it has taken little coverage especially here in America and Dallas in particular. Imagine I can see news on the intended demolition of the Cowboy Old stadium than the demise of a Leader. Food of thought.
    On the pact going down, I do not see that mentioned in the article and quoting what the party spokesmen said does not side the collapse of the pact. Blogger lets read and understand what the article is saying. True to the bone those guys are right to campaign for their respective Presidents to be.
    Happy Sabbath.

  51. I just want to let you know that this story about the pact ending is a cyber and propanganda by MMD.
    Anyway, lets wait and see. We all know that the pact will keep the secret to its chest.

  52. A devastating plane crash in Russia killed Polish President Lech Kaczynski and his wife as well as several other top-ranking officials. Ninety-six passengers were killed after the Tupolev Tu-154, plunged into a forest near the airport in the Russian city of Smolensk. Well, Kamwendo Munjila beware, when I read this article I had no one but you in mind. These planes you like will one day wipe out all your family that you like packing and bring along on these useless trips of yours costing us an arm and a leg as tax payers.

  53. From a reliable source it has been disclosed that Nyama Soya has already booked a seat to go and attend the funeral.

  54. I like “But according to a statement obtained by the Times in Lusaka yesterday, issued by the party’s deputy secretary general in charge of politics Sikwiindi Situla on April 1, the UPND said it was the only political party that had the right vision for Zambia… Mr Situla instructed all the branch and ward constituency committees to ensure that they recruited more members to the party ahead of the 2011 elections and that they should go flat out and campaign for Mr Hichilema to become the next president of Zambia” good report on the UPND by a UPND Westerner leader. I hope the “UPND Group or UPND G” will keep this momentum countrywide.

    I hope we will soon start reading news from vocal UPND offices in Eastern, Luapula and Northern provinces.

    Be blest al.

  55. On “And UPND secretary general, Winston Chibwe said there was nothing wrong with the party to campaign for Mr Hichilema… “There is no problem with that statement. We shall continue campaigning and we shall only stop when a candidate is chosen,” Mr Chibwe said… Speaking on a recent radio programme, Mr Sata said there was nothing wrong with the parties campaigning separately“, the current UPND and PF strategy as reported above is the best for Zambians since the president and 2011 presiential candidate HH was reported as saying that the UPND and PF members will vote for their PACT 2011 presidential candidate at a covention.

    I hope primary conventions will held in each of our 9 Zambian provinces so that the presidential candidate winner is accepted by all members.

  56. HH is damaged good, only one not well informed about Zambian politics will buy the notion that such s regional party headed by an unrepetent tribal bigot sorrounded by tribal skunks of the worst ordour like Mwananjiti etc can even dream that such a foolish cow is worthy of consideration for president.

  57. By the way here is a list of some current UPND Group serving officers:

    UPND chairperson for energy Gary Nkombo
    UPND chairperson for education Luxon Kazabu
    UPND chairperson for lands Patrick Kangwa
    party vice-president Richard Kapita
    secretary general Winstone Chibwe
    Lusaka provincial chairperson Sheal Mulyata

    This shows that UPND is a Nationally represented political party which represents all Zambians, hence “He said the UPND was popular across the country and that it was the most popular political party in Lusaka at the moment… Mr Situla said only the UPND had the right policies to address the ills in the health and education sectors“.

    Be blest all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be…

  58. 😮
    The movement for mass destruction ba fikala should go ,we are tired of low levels of employment.Just let the intellectuals hh and Sata also perfom their duties.

  59. #54 Msana wa nzili, good morning. I hope you had a restful night.
    Among the various forms of international travel, air travel is said to be the safest measured by the number of accidents. It is also time saving, and let’s face it, in some cases there is no other economically practical method of travelling the globe. If you fear to travel (by air) you will not accomplish anything for your country in the global arena. Now, we do not pay our leaders to sit on their laurels or to sleep but to do whatever it takes to accomplish goals for the nation, even if that means travel. If any leader fears to travel on duty whether by road or otherwise, he should be sacked immediately or better still, if he is not yet president, we should not let him anywhere near state power.

  60. Attack president HH on his tribe and I will defend him because I am Tonga, that is why the Bembas say ‘Kanchindi nchindi, Chindika umwaice naiwe we mukulu ngaba kuchindike’.

    If MMD party, MMD GRZ officers and MMD GRZ is to level the political playing field, let them concentrate development politics instead of tribe attacking politics when their have shown that they are inclined to uplifting Easterners who hail from the same region as our current Zambian President.

    Be blessed all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  61. #67 KATIE GOODY
    You talking about stuff you dont even know, obviously it hasn’t clicked in your small that RB hasn’t been out of the country for the past two/three weeks because he’s realised he going about things in a very very wrong way. Let me break it down for you, investors are like vultures they do not need a sleepy president to invite them to invest, they’ve senses of a shark, their ears are always on the ground to know where its happening and ever ready to get going to anywhere. They are ready even to go to dangerous war torn and hostile nations without invitation, their only motivation is profits, profits and more profit. So my sister next time RB says he’s going to woo investors remember what i have told it’s a big fat lie, he would be going ku cimpwena cabe.

  62. Iyooooo!!!!! PACT naimilwalika diarrhoea ba MOVEMENT for MEN with DIARRHOEA (MMD) – SATA OR HH, ifintu ni PACT bebele!!!!!!!

  63. # 42 MUKABE, You’ve hit the nail on the head. The strategy is working well indeed… The Movement for Men with Diarrhoea is in a confused state!!!! The candidate for the PACT should only be known a day before nomination day…… Perhaps they can seek the services of the foretune teller.

  64. Focus on HH and Sata. These are already behind the race. I focus on Charles Milupi who is in the next phase of the principle.

  65. #75, Don’t confuse Charles lest it goes to his head!!! let him go through the mill first. Ifya kwikatila pakati filocha!!!! :)>-

  66. This are just primarry campaign for the pact, just as any one who want to stand on a pact can campaign but when they form as one and chose the candident then every one has to surport him, there is nothing wrong in doing that as it also show how democratic the pact it shall be.Sata or HH the change is coming

  67. #72 msana wanzili, I am amazed at your simplistic reasoning. I am not sure that you believe what you say. You are partly right on investors but you are not courageous enough to analyse issues to their logical conclusion. The truth is that investors need information on what is available. They use that information to make a risk analysis. But that is not enough, they have many other opportunities elsewhere and if you do not get out there to woo them, you will remain on the “pending list”. Additionally they need assurances that they can trust you, and that is where Rupiah Banda has the charm and skills required. Andy Mazoka had those rare qualities too. I am sorry to say so, but obviously if you parade Sata and RB, the investor will choose to deal with the latter.

  68. #72…..Msana wanjili, those are Boardroom basics that you may not be aware. A nation needs the international socio-economic/political/business linkages, and presidents (I mean enlightened and charming presidents) are the best ambassadors to establish and nurture such linkages. By the way such contacts and linkages are not measurable. . If, as you claim, President Rupiah Banda has stopped travelling because of criticism by the likes of you, then Zambia could be missing out on opportunities big time. I hope that you understand such abstract concepts.

  69. #79 Katie Good liar-son
    If thats the case then lets close down the embassies and allow the chief information officer to go round the globe disseminating information to reluctant investors and we definately save millions of Dollars we are currently spending on maintaining the so called diplomats, how about that Miss Goody?

  70. Supporting this pact is a waist of time. The rule of democracy is that, a convesion must be held to democratically elect party representatives. But PF has failed to do so. Do you think Sata is prepared to surrender the Pact to HH? Nor is HH ready to receive a short stick? Never!!!! The question is” How will the balot paper look like for voters if there are two failing to yield each other for sake of moving forward?
    Big loss

  71. #54, don’t waste time on High Commisioner Nevers Mumba aka Capitalist. He has failed to respond to my statement of his criminal activities in Kitwe with his Zairean (Now Congo) Assistant Pastor who was killed by the Flying Squad in Kitwe for Armed Robbery. After his Assistant Pastor was killed by the police, there was a lot of peace in Kitwe, more especially Ndola road, Riverside, and Parklands. He has hanged on a statement I said about Zambia going the Rwanda way because of Banda and his Anarchist MMD cadres and tried to make it sound like I was the anarchist. Criminal Mumba, find other issues to hang on. What happened to your Godly leadership? Did God side line you? How come you can no longer speak in tongues? Were you faking those tongues? Thank God I never left any money in your…

  72. Good morning Maestro. Accoring to you UPND wants to buy out PF which you refer to as a kaponya part, why?

  73. NALABILAKO TYALA greetings, on “Good morning Maestro. Accoring to you UPND wants to buy out PF which you refer to as a kaponya part, why” I did not at any time write that UPND wants to BUY OUT PF, no, no, no; what I have been writing is that UPND needs to BUY OUT PF.

    In case the English Language is a tricky for you, what I mean is simply that UPND should buy off PF but UPND according to my knowledge does not have such a publicised policy or aim.

    On WHY must UPND buy off PF, PF has a terrible constitution and manifesto. So, to protect Zambia from falling into questionable hands — like President RB’s (See Today’s POST Newspaper on Mr Bryan F. Nkamba’s article). Thus, there is no time for experiments with PF leadership as GRZ.

    Have a blessed day all.

  74. So was Trevor Simumba right or wrong?

    I could have sworn that most of you here started calling Trevor names last week because his analysis exposed the cracks in the pact and it clearly showed a disconnect between UPND, PF, HH & Sata. Many of you claimed Trevor was an MMD cadre and that he was ignorant and that he was paid to destabilize the pact.

    Today, it appears Trevor was absolutely correct!

  75. Thanks Maestro, but PFaccording to you is a kaponya party and its cadres are kaponyas. I dont think the “mightly” UPND needs the help of kaponyas to take HH to state house, you can do it on your own.I shudder to think what will happen if HH goes to state house since he has no respect for old pipo, unedacted pipo. How far did HH’s parents go in education, have they not aged since HH was born? The article which was published on Friday last week said the truth about HH. Just like you, you have no respect for old pipo or uneducated pipo. Refer to your postings.

  76. #67 Katie, The other advantage of air travel is that it gives the traveller more time to take a peaceful NAP & fantasise – away from what is happenning on the ground – NO RED CARDS, NO FLOODS!!!!!! :d

  77. Smuggler’s Draft reiterates what he said in 2008:
    “MMD WILL win because the opposition is not unified”. :-w This is simple logic, the more opposition political parties there are, the more options the voters have, options lead to debate, which leads to confusion. This is a classic case of divide and conquor. This is why the ruling party would be more than willing to support the likes of that Youth party, or broke Miyanda; simply to split votes. This is a straight win for MMD. Well done UPND, well done PF. Don’t start making childish accusations when you two couldn’t get your shit together. You have let down the nation and put your selfish needs ahead of the nations. You deserve the your fate. :-w

  78. #86 Dr John James, the tragedy is that most people only want to be told what they like to hear, more or less like their choice of music. If they want to hear lies so be it, don’t tell them anything else.

  79. john james thanks for reminding these kaponya’s about trevors article. it has been very prophetic and very soon you will pact crack soon after milanzi/mufumbwe elections

  80. NALABILAKO TYALA, I have nothing to do with HH’s parents or yours and whatever they do or what they did. I am more interested in who has the capacity to deliver for Zambians as President in this 21st Century.

    Those who don’t have the education are no less than those of us who have it, but there is not time giving a didn’t a position of President when he can not write a correct sentence by himself (check Mr FTJ Chiulba’s recent press conference).

    As for PF, let them also show me that they can hold a convention where all positions are contested.

    The PACT must also go for a convention or conventions to pick all its candidates for 2011 elections. However, if Mr PF/Sata MC is chosen as PACT presidential candidate, I will support any other party.

    Have a blessed.

  81. Forward with my Zambia – what’s with all this bashing? I admit that venting can be helpful, but please make points in addition to bashing.

  82. Guys, while we are free to say what we feel — it may be prodent to be considerate of how others may feel. The illusion of anonymity gives a false sense of invincibility. Not so, one day, you may want to known as that person from LT who came up with that great idea.
    We only have one Zambia, and we have to learn to live in it together. Name-calling reduces us to the likes of politicians. We are a new generation, an informed generation; the fact that you’re on LT says that you have a level of intelligence that should be accorded time and consideration.
    One Zambia

  83. u pepo are arm chair critics. some of you dont even vote, stay where you are, while we move our country forward.

  84. SATA said- HH stole money from privatisation and he is just a small politician, a calculator boy who can not be trusted with the affairs of Zambia.
    HH replied SATA is a cheap politician who has experience in politics of insults without issues.
    MOST ZAMBIANS have viewed the partnaership of HH and SATA as good for removing the current goverment but they have also agreed that these are poeple who have completely different views and can not work together.
    MY VIEW- Zambian politics are about who benefits,we are selfish and we lack seriousness. GOD HELP US.

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