Sunday, March 9, 2025

Wife refuses to have fifth child


Exclusive breastfeeding...A mother takes time to feed her baby

A WOMAN of Lusaka’s John Laing who refused to have a fifth child has asked a local court to terminate her marriage.

Before senior presiding magistrate Regina Mumba was Josephine Mwengo, 30, who sued her husband Kamanga Tembo, 33, for divorce.

Mwengo told the court that she wanted her marriage dissolved because Tembo had married another woman after she refused to have a fifth child with him.
She said she has four children with Tembo and she sees no reason why they should have a fifth when he is unable to provide food and education for those they already have.

“I have four children with my husband. He does not take good care of them. They are not in school, and it is me who provides for their daily needs. He still wanted another child to join the others in suffering,” she said.

Mwengo said that Tembo has since married another woman with whom he has a child.

She told the court that difficulties in their marriage started when her husband left for Chipata for business and returned with another woman whom he said he had married to bear his fifth child.
Mwengo said Tembo left the matrimonial home to live with the new wife.

“I remained alone in the rented house with the children. He never brought food nor bought clothes for his own children,” she said.

Mwengo told the court that it is two years and five months since Tembo abandoned his family but he still physically attacks her when they meet.

She said Tembo beats her when he visits her at home or when he finds her selling groundnuts on the streets.
“We have been on separation for two years five months but the way my husband treats me is like we live in the same house. He restricts me on a number of things and yet he does not provide for my daily needs,” she said.

She said that he burns and throws away anything new he finds in her home and that this makes it difficult for her and the children to have an improved standard of living.

She said Tembo has been threatening to kill her and recently attempted to strangle her with his bare hands. She said this left her with a painful neck and she was for a while unable to work.

Mwengo said she no longer loves Tembo and wants to divorce him so that he may freely concentrate on his second wife.

In his statement, Tembo said that he did not want the marriage to end because the children would suffer.
He said divorce is not good for the children and his wife and wanted to correct his errors.

“The children are young. Besides I only wanted the fifth child from the second wife after my wife refused to bear one for me,” he said.

Tembo said he would not like to lose his marriage of 13 years considering what he and Mwengo have gone through together.

The court dissolved the marriage saying marriage is based on mutual understanding between two people and no one should be forced to continue.

The court also ruled that Mwengo gets all the household property and was granted custody of the children because they are all below the age of 18 years.

Tembo was ordered to maintain his children through monthly payments of K200,000 and to pay Mwengo K3 million as compensation in monthly installments of K200,000.
[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Children are expensive. They require a lot of needs. School, clothing, education, etc. In my opinion, they should have only had children they could afford. Maybe 1 or 2 and use birth control the other times. Birth control is so much cheaper than having other children. A pack of condoms can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy.

  2. These are same people who increase poverty in Zambia and then later blame the Govt as if its the govt which was siring the kids.We need responsible parenting in our country and those having kids should know that they have to be fathers to their children and NOT somebody else.

  3. ……in some places like family planning clinics they even give condoms free of charge. The sad thing is that this is typical of the mentality of some of our people, sire children and expect somebody else to look after them. And this animal called government will always there to blame, no matter who leads it…..

  4. This couple married in 1997, the man had just turned 20 and the wife 17 years. At that age I dont even think had acquired that education. And the only thing she could do to support the family is to sell groundnuts. I wonder how much she makes in a day to feed the family as well as to cater for rentals among other requirements. The man is an id!ot indeed, why look for a fifth child when you cant afford to look after the four plus wife and himself. Such people should castrated. NCC should look at this before it is dissolved in August.

  5. What can someone buy in K200pin. These courts of nowardays. Can someone take kids to school and feed them in K200pin? God bless Zambia.

  6. #8. Can you call that enjoying life when his kids are suffering. Why can’t he enjoy together with his kids? He should have enjoyed before bringing any human being on earth. Thats why people die because of such behaviour.

  7. This man should also read what the Bible says about refusal to provide for ones’s family in 1 Timothy 5:8 and I quote:

    But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
    I have no kind words for this man cos Iam looking at the innocent lives being denied the future

  8. Two Zambian women arrested in Pakistan; hid drugs in v.a.g.i.n.a

    Two Zambian women have been arrested in Karachi Pakistan for drug trafficking.
    Angela Sainsaka, 26, and Angela Kazamba, 29, were arrested at Jinnah International Airport for trafficking in 260 grams each of heroin.
    Zambia Drug Enforcement Commission Public Relations Manager John Nyawali confirmed that the two ladies had concealed the drugs in their private parts enroute to South Africa.
    Ms. Sainsaka, a student and Ms. Kazamba, a tailor by profession are believed to have obtained the narcotic drugs from a town called Lahore in Pakistan.
    They are currently detained in that country.

  9. In # 11 some women are wrongly using the intertainment unit. It’s the other time one gentleman in Ndola intentionally swalowed the condoms which were concealed with suspected drugs

  10. This fool should be sued for more than just divorce. If what the woman says is true, he should be sued for crimes including destruction of property, actual bodily harm, etc. Put the guy away and throw away the key. We honestly don’t need these types of guys hanging around. They are an embarrassment to the male of the species.

  11. What is wrong with our Zambian women? The biggest problem is that our women dont want to change with times and work hard to look after themselves but believe in bottom power. Their only asset is the v.a.g.i.n.a. where they hide drugs or use bottom power to get favours. That “item”is for your hubbies or boyfriends are not misusing for drugs. Go to school and get jobs. Our women are lazy and spend tme boasting about what their boyfriends buy them and how much they give them. If you get a girlfriend in Zambia, it is like she is now employed to you and expects to get paid every month and you have to take care of all her needs. Shame on you! No wonder our men are not faithful because you no have no pride and lazy. DO NOT get me wrong, some of our women are very hardworking and are pillars of…

  12. their families. Get some education, jobs, be empowered and make independent decisions. Have some pride and look after yourselves. Bottom power will land you in problems either from diseases or arrested for hiding drugs in there. Bembas say”amabele techuma”…breasts are not wealthy but for the baby.

  13. Bravo to that woman! Yet an African man shows why Africa is Africa. To be honest four children are more than enough.

  14. Ba Tembo sure are you serious. I like the attitude of this woman even in her poverty situation she is willing to end the marriage. But our working class women they will stick in thier misearable marriages like there is something to stick around for. This is a work up call for most women.

  15. Bushe Tembo alikwata amano baini, taulefwika abana, taulelisha abana ,balimunganda ya rent elo ati ulefwaya umwana uwa cisano, awe tetifombe kanabesa, tontonkanya bwino Guy ichalo chikakuseka ngawachita ubupuba:o:o:o:o:o:o:o, Well done Ba Mwengo for refusing to bear a 5th child, alitumpa Tembo, just ask ba RB to give yu some money 2 start yo own business:o:o:o chi temboooo%-(%-(%-(%-(%-(~X(~X(~X(~X(~X(:-t:-t:-t:-t

  16. ****ing banda.he thinks is bringing children who are 30yrs already so that they can take care of themselves.the wife is wiser a bit but she needed education to be fully wise.

  17. The woman is very wise…honestly how do you continue having kids that you cannot take care of. Its better to remain unmarried or even become guy then bringing kids into this world and make them suffer. Better to die without leaving a child behind to suffer.
    Only have kids when you know that you are capable of taking care of them.SHAME ON TEMBO..
    It seems we the pipo are to blame for our economy decline coz such issues are long terms.The more we have such families, the higher the percentage of uneducated citizens. Such pipo have to be stopped and I wish the govt could come up with law to prevent those that are not capable from having kids.

  18. This is the problem with men from eastern province. They die for ****ing a lot. I had a friend at school, any time you mistakenly entered his room, he was on top of the girl friend shagging. He never used to go for holidays as they would shag all holiday & shed lots of abortions. Banda’s are known for that art. But with this one,something is wrong in his grey matter. In actual sence this is the best ruling by the courts of law. On social terms, they are unbiased but political , they are tamed. Let this guy pay. I for one lives to make a good life for my wife & my baby girl back home ku Z. Every man’s life is lived in their children-as simple as that.Being unable to care for one’s children is so grave a crime that may be tantamount to murder.

  19. Tooo much dramer in Zambia chi Tembo you don’t even have an underware then you want a 5th child even me i can refuse chi tembo fya nshi ifibana fyonsefyo mambala iwe

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