Sunday, March 9, 2025

Zambia might not reach the objectives of the new Budget cycle


A parliamentarian has projected that Zambia will fail to meet the objectives of the new National budget cycle because government has been reckless in handling national matters.

Independent luena Member of Parliament, Charles Milupi told Qfm in an interview that the possibility of the new budget cycle becoming a major success as earlier projected, was very small because government has not given the necessary attention to the critical issues that need to be addressed in implementing the strategy.

Mr Milupi said that government has not invested enough time and seriousness in the implementation of the budget cycle but has focused its energies on mere politicking at the expense of the poor Zambians who are yearning for a change.

Mr.Milupi said the government has failed to meet the inflation targets and very little has been invested in trying to make frantic efforts to change the economical situation in the country.

Meanwhile economist Bob Sichinga observed that no major change will be attained if government does not reconsider the reporting dates, as the new budget cycle is implemented.

Speaking in an interview, Mr. Sichinga said there is still a huge delay in release of the required information on the performance of the new cycle due to the fact that the reporting dates have remained stagnant.

He said that there is need to also look into what dates the government updates the people on the various performance reports as the new budget cycle undergoes scrutiny.

Mr. Sichinga said unless these necessary changes are made in the reporting process of the budget performance, there will be very little to attain from the new budget cycle.

He noted that it will be very useless for government if this new plan does not meet their objectives in national development.



  1. Charles Milupi’s unbecoming obsession for media slots is not only embarrassing to himself but indisputably dispalying more than a hint of his wilful incomprehesion on public matters. Though another armchair political critic, his running commentaries are making me to extend to him some sympathetic exposition.He is just an egoistic loser with very limited scope in the real world.

  2. Milupi is displaying more than a hint of his wilful incomprehesion on public matters.He talks about dictatorship and all the vices he dreams about which Zambians are not attesting to. But opts for deafening silence in the face of degenetive politics of hatred, unpatriotism, lies, tribalism and malice being perpetuated by his protege in embattled opposition circuses.What a hollow hoax of Milupe in our young democracy.

  3. Good Afternoon

    I see nothing wrong with Mr. Milupi’s observation that “government has not invested enough time and seriousness in the implementation of the budget cycle but has focused its energies on mere politicking at the expense of the poor Zambians who are yearning for a change.”

    In fact, you only need to note the ammount of trivial political stories published here compared to progressive developmental news. Sometimes, several days would pass before we read about any successfully implemented governement plan, but almost everyday you can read about how Zambian politicians are snapping at each other’s heels in a desperate struggle for power.

  4. “A parliamentarian has projected that Zambia will fail to meet the objectives of the new National budget cycle because government has been reckless in handling national money.”

  5. Senior Citizen, its good this is not your name becouse if it was your name: you have suffered from the identity crisis. I wonder if there could have been anyone to like to be associated with you. I challange you to one day publish all this triviality you always say here using your Names so that Zambians can see the small brain that resides in you. I wonder who you will face the world becouse everyone will have lost confidence in you. Your family will not be exceptional. Free advise to you, please conceed that RB is leaving state house next year. You will no longer be his cadre. Better stand on your two feet now to earn legitimate cash! You will no longer earn from licking his ass! Please wake up and grow up! Your views suck every day its Yap! Yap!. Cure your verbal TB

  6. #4 You seem to be describing yourself. I have noticed your absence from this blog when RB, Mangani and other MMD cadres do indefensible acts. You tend to go AWOL and defeaning silence from you has been commented upon from time to time. An example is when an MMD cadre was threatening Nawakwi with gang rape. Could it be that you approved?

  7. #Senior citizen

    I seem not to understand what the hype is for the new so called budget cycle which will now ran from January – december (12months) previously it used to ran from april to march still 12months so whats the difference.
    Senior Citizen it appears u understand the merits better please advise.

  8. #Senior Citizen
    I don not seem to understand what the hype is over the new budget cycle which now runs from January-December(12 months) previously April – March still 12 months.
    Senior Citizen you seem to understand better the merits of the new cycle kindly school me on the benefits of the same.

  9. Its like changing your birth date, only that you are subconsiously aware of you first birth date. Its nothing but as Bob put it, the wheels are suppose to be in motion from 1 January.

  10. I think Mr Milupi is one of few MP’s who highlight on important national issues. MMD cadres why dont you and your masters hate critisism? You are running a country not an MMD shop hence accountable. If the the majority of the senior citizens in Zambia are like this one on the blog then we in big trouble as a country. Mr Milupi is smart,thats why he managed to win as an independent candidate. He is no a.s.s licker!

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