Friday, March 7, 2025

President Rupiah Banda wants work on key roads completed this year


Sable Construction Company earth moving machines lined up before President Rupiah Banda officially flagged off the works of the tarring of the Chipata/Mfuwe road in Chipata
Sable Construction Company earth moving machines lined up before President Rupiah Banda officially flagged off the works of the tarring of the Chipata/Mfuwe road in Chipata

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda has directed the minister of Finance and National Planning to immediately mobilise additional funds for the construction of main roads throughout the country this year.

The president called for the acceleration of road construction works in all the provinces following the end of the rainy season.

He said in a statement released by special assistant to the president for Press and public Relations Dickson Jere yesterday that the cost of repairing the roads had gone up because of the delays in completing the works.

Mr Banda said he wanted to specifically see the completion of the construction of the Mutanda-Chavuma Road in North-Western Province, Choma-Chitongo-Namwala Road in Southern Province, and the Kasama-Luwingu Road in Northern Province.

“A number of key roads have been under construction for many years without being completed due to inadequate funds.

“The delays in completing road construction have led to the escalation of costs over the years, compounding the problem of inadequate resources,” the president said.

He also directed the minister of Works and Supply to mobilise contractors to ensure that the specified roads are completed this year.

The president, however, said his directive to accelerate the road works should not in any way be used as an excuse to compromise the quality of works by contractors engaged by Government.

“In this regard, Road Development Agency officials and consulting engineers engaged to supervise these road works are directed to ensure that each and every road constructed meets the highest standards of quality and durability,” he said.

Mr Banda said apart from the specified roads that should be completed this year, works should commence on a number of other economically-strategic roads throughout the country.

He directed the minister of Finance and National Planning to mobilise extra funds from the bilateral and multilateral institutions specifically for the roads sector.

“My Government is committed to improving growth-enhancing infrastructure in the country. My Government is also calling upon the private sector to work closely with the Government and participate in infrastructure development through public private partnerships (PPP),” the president said.

A number of projects had been advertised under the PPP framework to enable the private sector participate in infrastructure development.

A legal and regulatory framework was already in place through the enactment of the PPP Act of 2009 which provided a conducive environment for private sector participationt.

“I, therefore, wish to appeal to the private sector to rise to the occasion and hasten to bring development and prosperity of our people as quickly as possible,” President Banda said.

He said the Government would continue prioritising the construction of schools, trades and training institutions, hospitals, clinics and health posts in every province of Zambia.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. As long as he GRZ tars the Kasama – Luwingu road and other major roads, I have no problem with them, whether they are politicking or not. We need good roads. Basi.

  2. Election or no election, we can only benefit from good roads as individuals and as an economy. Please complete the works as directed.

  3. Even when they get serious, we take them for politicking. It is purely politicking to start seriously talking about doing roads amidst elections. All these years MMD has been quiet and only attacking Sata. Roads on the Copperbelt where I live are pathetic, they are like areas raved by decades of war, completely obliterating KK’s ideals. Remember KK advised this government last year to concentrate on roads and other infrastructure development. We saw very little being done. The Zimba L/stone road, the road to Chipata, Serenje Mpika road despite being international routes received lukewarm attention. Now we know that any serious work now is merely for elections. After elections, they fold their arms and globe trot, and get contracts and commissions. Now we know. We’ll have to try others.

  4. This desperation by Mr President RB Banda is good for Zambia and Zambians. I hope it will not end up as a mere directive so that we can enjoy some road infrastructure development before MMD is probably given a red card in 2011 elections by the Zambian majority electorate.

    Also, it appears the MMD controlling leadership is bent on hounding out MMP Chilanga MP Magande from its ranks due to his stand on principles and truth following “Leadership in Development executive director Moses Kalonde said in a statement issued yesterday in Lusaka that Mr Magande’s days in the MMD are numbered because of his attacks on President Banda… he risks not being allowed to enter the MMD convention and even if he enters, he can only get his own…‘ reported by the ZambiDaily Mail.


  5. My attack today is going to be on our Zambian media. You know the saying that goes be the change you want to see? Well I have this idea (as I am sure do many other Zambians), that if we stop rewarding such pettyness by making it front page news and move to making intelligent ideas about how Zambia can attain some realistic, progressive and developmental goalsfront page news, then maybe the nation will have a better idea who to vote for next year.
    Maybe a small column for old and unitelligent politicians (including the popular yet without substance ones) should be reserved on page 6, and titled ‘On a Lighter note’. Right now what we have is a media the rewards the Mpombo’s and the Mangani’s for their lack of substance. Who knows, they may even be more intelligent than I, so much so

  6. Capital expenditure and progressive economic strategies that trigger public infrastructure development is a progressive winner’s option. Ignore these rubble rousers who think Zambians will eat their insults and tribalism.

    Bravo RB!

  7. You know what, If the presidents sits down and does nothing, People complain, If he gives an Directive or does something GOOD people complain that he is campaigning , even if this was done last year, people will still say he is campaigning,a sad situation pa zed. So what should he do.

  8. Surely,do we need the president to make such directives to his ministers all the time? im made to believe they are not robots,nor are they DOGS,who can only rise to the occasion once the boss cracks the whip,some of these directives are better done in private,so that the people just see actions,otherwise we take such press statements with a pinch of salt-campagins for 2011,the other time he directed the finance minister to release Billions for floods,whats the purpose of the Disaster management unit in the VP’s office then? meanwhile can he direct someone to look at the issue of BUCKETS and Incinerators at some clinics

  9. that they have figured out the best way to get publicity in Zambia, which is by hurling insults while making no sense at all. So while I sit in front of my computer frustrated about the bleak plight of the average Zambian citizen, they may well know that by playing ‘unintelligent’ they will get into power and enjoy all the perks that come with it. Which would be worse than rewarding nonsense, it would be rewarding both nonsense and laziness.So lets start rewarding those that deserve it and not get sucked into this popularity contest that makes a mockery of our common sense. PUBLISH MORE SENSIBLE THINGS ON YOUR FRONT PAGES! You owe it to the nation and your loyal readers. I remember reading an article about some suggestions from a UNZA Student President, more of that please and less fluff

  10. Desperate situations call for desperate measures.

    Ba LT give us the story about those Zambian women caught im Pakistan with drugs in their ntwenekani please.:d

  11. Looks like RB now knows why he erected himself to that position. Let him give us good roads whether he is politiking or not. He only has a few months before we elect the PACT but he has to leave something for his grand children to look at.

  12. Visionless!! Clearly doing things out of panic. Does the 2010 budget allocate money to these projects? The answer is certainly no. Because someone told these visionless chaps to do some capital projects to use as leverage for 2011 campaigns their president wakes from slumber and makes directives that do not only put us in massive debt but also disturb the budgeted projects. Where on earth do you go fundraising for infrastructure development as if you are fundraising to donate to a charity? Chimbwi no plan. Dancing to tunes of all kinds of music at the same time – a clear sign of panic and lack of direction.
    Come 2011 back to farm baba!! We want a Govt that is systematic with both short and short term focus. If you have no goals for our country don’t run for presidency. windfal tax is…

  13. This normal work should not need a directive from the president to be done. He is just politicking. He thinks we are fools. These are all signs of a governement that has no direction.

  14. A working government does not waste time yap yap yap. This boring and empty talk we have heard so many times over the years and it usually comes when an election is around the corner. I totally agree with #16 Mubita, WE ARE NOT F O O LS. Why can’t this government just get on with the job without making unnecessary noise? He is giving directives to the minister of works and supplies ( is it Mike Mulongoti?) to do some work, what a shame, they just sit and spend all the time giving dog loyalty, bootlicking and framing charges against Sata. Politicking will achieve nothing.

  15. Where have you been all this time? Why give a press statement as if its a press conference? Oh i forgot you went to China, Namibia. Directives! Directives! all the time! Your ministers are still sleepy! or globe trotting! The flood situa is not emanating! Wake up sleepy head! These “dirtectives” are mere rhetoric!

  16. I am very happy with what his excellency is doing. These are things that us Zambians need. Thanks to MMD

  17. Thanks Mr. President and i think you will came to Chingola and see your self the state of the roads.Hope you wont fly in [-([-([-(

  18. Good Afternoon

    #3 Katie Good has said it all: election or not, good infrastructure is needed in Zambia. A government which values development will benefit all Zambian citizens in this regard.


  20. # 24 I am also in agreement with infrastructure development but I am agast that the president is asking for the minister to mobilise funds at this stage when the budget is already in place. Road development is very expensive and can only be achieved through serious budgetery planning. If the aforesaid developments were not covered in the budget, it means that key areas like Education and Health will lose out. But if they were covered, it should not be news at all.

  21. I wonder if it is going to take more than 90 days to complete these roads otherwise PF kaponyas will find something else to complain. Also I hope the president is absolutely sure that the roads he wants to be built will not only be used by animals.

  22. This just the same as a playboy who has a joint account with a senior wife after ukuchilisha and realising that the money is finished ,he goes back to his senior and pretend to be very sympathetic and reapentifull .After having the cheque signed by his hard working wife , then again vanishes for good.This is exactly what these MMD is doing ,now they have realised that the elections are near , they want to be seen to be good to the people so that they are given another mandate and go.This time we are saying enough. ( You FOOLS MMDS)

  23. Does HUMPTY DUMPTY know where the money to repair the roads will come from? Can he tell us where the money will come from or does he want the Finance Minister to go begging for the money to start rehabilitating of the roads.

  24. It’s not just a question of making pronouncements. Such statements can only come from a FOOL. Was there any provision for such an expenditure in the National Budget. Come on you need to have some common sense, though it doesn’t seem to e common with Humpty Dumpty

  25. People are supposed to vote on deliverables. If RB delivers on his promises, there is no reason why people should not vote for him. This is how a multi-party democracy makes government deliver on its commitments.

  26. Road rehabilitation should start at our small roads leading to residential areas. Imagine in Mt Makulu, some old Director was recalled from retirement and the poor chap even has the guts to return unutilised funds when the road leading to the research station looks like Hitlers tankers did justice to it. Very funny you can bring such pepole into offices when they should just sit home and rest.

  27. Funds have always been there for such roads mentioned but they are always diverted for selfish gains,e.g Kasama to Luwingu,remember the late Remmy Mushota who wanted to cash k200m on the ZANACO counter for the MMD Convention when the monies were meant for the Kasama Luwingu road.

    The MMD have commissioned the Chipata to Mfuwe road so that they can siphon some monies for the convention, simple logic,why the same contractor and Consultant on chipata to mfuwe road and Kasama to Luwingu road,thats the team choosen by Government to make money for the MMD.

  28. RB does not make mention of the Mongu-Kalabo road which has been pending for over 10 years. His future is bleak in that his once tramp card province. Only eastern will be his come 2011.

  29. I liked today’s article MUMBI RBS UNWORTHY ASSOCIATE by the POST Newspaper where President Rupiah Banda is obsessed with power and no longer can be trusted, after he told the nation, that if voted into power, he would only complete late Presidents term of the three years that remained. So what do we see next, monarchical affair being practiced by him, through the appointments of relatives into Foreign Service, te judiciarynand electoral commission behaving in the same manner that led to his removal as Foreign Affairs Minister during K.K. regime and, I added, by tryinghard to frustrate the holding of the Convention in MMD so that he can appear continuing from late LPM as a monarch system saccessor.

    How telling his friendship with MP Sakwiba Sikota.
    Matt 6:33

  30. West MMD youth back RB

    THE MMD youth movement in Western Province says it will take on any opposition political leader who will choose to continue undermining and insulting President Banda and his administration.

    Western Province MMD youth secretary for information and publicity Mike Sililokusika said the MMD youth movement in the province is concerned and disappointed with some opposition political leaders that have continued insulting and attacking President Banda.

    Mr Sililokusika said in an interview from Sesheke that the youth movement has noted with dismay the bad attitude of some opposition political leaders.

    He said some opposition leaders are bringing the name of the presidency into disrepute by unnecessarily attacking and insulting President Banda in the press.

  31. “It is regrettable that politics of nowadays have been turned into insults and character assassination, but what is most disappointing is for some people to be insulting and condemning President Banda without any apparent reasons.

    “This is not helping in enhancing the norms and tenets of our country’s young democracy and what we have decided now is to start taking on politicians who choose to insult and undermine President Banda and his administration,” Mr Sililokusika said.

    He said as the country continues to recover from its economic doldrums, there is urgent need for all political players to bury their political differences and help develop the country.

    “All political players must bury their differences, they must forge ahead and they must also ensure that the…

  32. “All political players must bury their differences, they must forge ahead and they must also ensure that the economy of the country is stable, we cannot continue seeing our political leaders fighting everyday in the press because this is denting the name of this country and this is also frustrating the effective implementation of development programmes,” Mr Sililokusika said.

    He said the MMD youth movement in Western Province will continue supporting President Banda and his administration because of the remarkable leadership he has demonstrated since he was ushered into office as Republican President.

    Mr Sililokusika said the people of Western Province are happy with the way President Banda is running the affairs of the nation, particularly for providing a good and stable…

  33. Mr Sililokusika said the people of Western Province are happy with the way President Banda is running the affairs of the nation, particularly for providing a good and stable leadership.

    “The MMD under the wise leadership of President Banda has delivered according to expectations and the people are now seeing what is happening. The government of Mr Banda has successfully spearheaded the implementation of development programmes throughout the country.

    “This is what we as a ruling party and the people of Zambia want to see. We want politics of development and not politics of insults and character assassination as being demonstrated by some opposition political leaders in the country,” he said.

  34. Mr Sililokusika said the MMD in Western Province will continue supporting President Banda and his administration in his quest to develop the road infrastructure, health, and tourism and education facilities throughout the country.

    He maintained that the political alliance between United Party for National Development (UPND) and Patriotic Front (PF) has no grip on Western Province.

    Mr Sililokusika said the opposition UPND and PF should not boast that they have taken control of all the nine provinces of the country because the impact of the two opposition political parties is currently not felt in Western Province.

    “It is very surprising and disappointing to hear from the opposition that they have penetrated Western Province.

  35. This province is for the ruling party and not the opposition or the pact, so the two opposition parties should not continue claiming that they have penetrated Western Province because the MMD is still in control of the province and the ruling party will continue reorganising itself and recruiting more members so that we can win with a landslide majority in the 2011 tripartite elections,” he said.

  36. Chingola / Solwezi road is in bad shape and yet more money is coming from Kashanshi and Lumwana mines.There should be no excuse even port hole mending will do for this high economical road.

  37. 41# Mwata, that is propaganda from MMD government wait 2011 is just around the corner we shall whip MMD in Western Province.

  38. we need more people representation. if you work hand in hand with local authorities and not just complaining and sitting back when you pay taxes, dont just complain. get up and push stuff. Arm chair critics wont get anywhere

  39. The good thing is that he has given a deadline. He wants the work on the roads to be completed this year (2010). If this is not done then it means he has failed and the people in those areas should vote enmass for the opposition.

  40. //34, You are correct, Mongu-Kalabo may be used by the opposition as testimony of failed projects. The MMD need to be very very carefull on this issue. More especially when some parts of bridge components have been reported relocated elsewhere. Even if resources may be limiting, it is important to inform the people about the limitations now than wait till next year.

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