Friday, March 7, 2025

RB declares day of national mourning for former minister


President Rupiah Banda

Republican President Rupiah Banda has declared today, Monday April 12th, 2010 a day of national mourning in honour of the late former Minister of works and supply Haswel Mwale.

In a statement released to MUVI TV News, Secretary to the Cabinet Joshua Kanganja stated that the national mourning begins from 6 am to 6 pm.

Dr. Kanganja says all radio and television stations should play solemn music during the period of national mourning.
A funeral church service is scheduled to be held today at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. Thereafter burial will take place at the Old Leopards Hill in Lusaka.
Mr. Mwale died on Thursday, April 8th, 2010 at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) in Lusaka.


  1. Rest in peace Mr.Haswel Mwale. But was surprised this morning to see the flag at must at the ZESCO Head Office……

  2. whats the criteria for according one a state funeral? how many high ranked officials have passed on and have not been accorded state funerals? could this be bcoz they were together in UNIP days? MHRIP though…

  3. Whan is RB going for the funeral in poland? When he comes back,he has too travel to south Aftrica.Then efter election in Mmfumbwe he will need to go there.Too much for him.

  4. Sad as it is, the way the national mournings are conducted must be re-evaluated. My suggestion is that national mourning should just be recognised ONLY by flying national flag at half-mast. Let the people get on with their miserable lives. It is not fair to have to play the so-called solemn music. When one is starving all the music is solemn.

  5. MHSRIP, but it appears that the declaration is a bit late so that 6 to 6 is tricky for me. Anyway, condolences to his family.

    On another note, I look forward to learning of when the body of late Lance Mate will reach Zambia for burial. It will be great and honourable for the MMD GRZ to declare a National mourning for late Lance Mate on such a day just like they have done through Mr President RB Banda who has declared today a national mounring day for the late Minister of Works and Supply.

    I am ready to attend late Lance Mate’s burial ceremony and I hope to see his remains before they are put to rest.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  6. #7 you are spot-on. How many national mournings are going to be declared to bring life to a stand still? While we will acknowledge the contributions these heroes have given to national independence etc, I really do not think that playing solemn music will help solve a poor man down the street in anyway. The rate at which these politicians are dying, how much will it affect our nation’s economy. I concur with # 7 that flying the flag at half mast is dignity enough to the deceased.

  7. The passing of Haswel Mwale iz sad. Just a brief history of the man would be in order for the sake of thoze who have no clue whatsoever az to who H.M waz.

  8. Declaring a day of national mourning which come with solemn music does not mean or put business on standstill in a country. Does having national flag at half mast and playing solemn music put you out of business? Just how old are you?

    To God be the Glory for the life of Hon.Haswell Mwale and all fallen heroes that delivered this political immancipation on their feet and blood .

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