Sunday, January 12, 2025

Ballot papers should be printed in South Africa- AVAP


ELECTORAL Commission of Zambia Chairperson, Justice Florence Mumba talks to Milanzi Parliamentary by-election party agents, monitors, observers and the media at Kafumbwe High School in Katete head .

Anti voter Apathy Project (AVAP) has backed the Electoral Commission of Zambia’s (ECZ) decision to have the ballot papers for the forthcoming Milanzi and Mufumbwe Parliamentary by-elections printed in South Africa owing to the security concerns that have been raised about the Government Printers.

AVAP Executive Director, Bonnie Tembo said in an interview that government printers is a rundown institution that still has a lot of work to be done before government could begin to consider printing ballot papers at the institution.

Mr. Tembo said it would be unwise to have the ballot papers printed at Government Printers in its current state, hence the need to have the ballots printed in South Africa.

He noted that it is important for stakeholder promoting good governance to realize the need to build strong voter confidence in the national electoral process.

Mr. Tembo stated that while it would be good to bring back the pride of Government Printers, it will be a risk to have the ballot papers printed locally when too many security concerns have been raised.

He has since urged government to consider making a considerable investment in resuscitating the Government Printers.


  1. Why do ballot papers have to be printed here. I am sure there are private printers that can handle that job quiet well be it the govt cant. Where is the initiative of cost saving and supporting local business here. I am surprised they didnt even suggest china.

  2. Indeed why do we always have to procure staff from outside the country? I cant beieve that up to today theres no company capable of doing that withing the country. I’m sure there is but the government just doesnt want to listen and empower such. No wonder they are always being accused of rigging. Why insist on using suspect systems?

  3. What the hell is this ……what security are these bufoons taking about! you can even print them at my Matero printing works.

  4. And why South Africa??? Becouse even Malawi can do it for us at an even cheaper rate and more efficiantly than Zambia itself. What a waste of a country. You are busy counting GDP, copper, malls, etc when you cant even fix the simplest, trivial but vital things……..

  5. It makes very sad reading indeed, a shame that we are still unable to stand on our own two feet years after independence. It reveals just how untrustworthy the whole govt run system is. How do you exist for all these years and not tighten screws on important infrastructures like govt printers?

  6. From now onwards, ballot papers will be printed locally at Govt Printers, period. This will serve us money and time. ECZ and the AVAP chap just want to loot our treasury in the name of monitoring printing of ballot papers in South Africa at our expense. Government printer has the equipment and why pay dollars on ballot papers to be used on stupid politicians who do add value to our lives when elected. Aso Serpent Cobra Sata ali namaso amubobo ndipo akudya maso an’gombe. Will print Serpent Cobra Sata’s ballot paper locally.

  7. There is a lot of mistrust here in Zambia, Who ever loses will complain of fail play and remember the GVNMT printer is controlled by GVNMT. To avoid VJ and W. Banda let it be done in SA

  8. Bunda bwakula moneka fye bwino kunse muma suiti when mukati bamba masampwikiti yeka yeka. Same with Zambia, looking good to the out side world when inside it is a total disaster and a mess. I would be embarrased being a President of such a country.

  9. This is weired! Govt Printers can do the job, even local companies. What security are you talking about? Dont people in the so called NGOs work on contract? Maybe the NGOs are personal to holder. We are tired of the same voices year in year out. They just want to earn a few kwachas from GRZwhen they go to RSA to monitor the printing. Let the money circulate within the country.

  10. Yes, our country is cursed, more than 40 years after independence we can’t print our own ballot papers and we can’t provide security to sensitive operations. And these security concerns come about because of the well known notorious election rigger who has been a top GRZ minister for nearly 4 decades. Why can’t this ailing crooked drugs peddlar be forced to retire?

  11. This is simply shameful. Where is the so called independence then if you have to rely on other countries even for small jobs (printing ballot papers for a by-election in two constituencies). Zambia is a big circus.

  12. Iyeee mwe bantu! Have you just realized that Zambia can’t do anything? Where have you been? Zambia can’t do anything on its own! Zambia is a basket case! Iyeee!!

  13. Where is Zambia’s independent… Simply things are solicited abroad. Poor management of resources is impoverishing Zambia. Its high time.. wake up and protect local industry :((

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