The MMD has accused the PF/UPND pact of buying votes with meat at the on-going Mufumbwe and Milanzi parliamentary by-election campaigns.
MMD National Chairman Michael Mabenga told Q fm in an interview that the MMD are aware that the UPND has been buying cattle for the residents in the two respective areas since the campaigns started.
And Mr. Mabenga has refuted assertions by Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata that the MMD cadres’ attempt to run over Mr. Sata with a vehicle in Milanzi was an attempt by President Rupiah Banda and his government to kill Mr. Sata and Mr. Hichilema.
Mr. Mabenga said the vehicle that hit Mr. Sata’s vehicle belonged to the Patriotic Front and not the MMD.
Mabenga also said there was no damage caused on Mr. Sata’s vehicle.
Meanwhile, Mr. Mabenga accused the Post Newspaper of writing false stories.
He said the Post newspaper misinformed the nation that the vehicle that hit into Mr. Sata’s vehicle belonged to the MMD when in fact not.
Someone anyone to refute these stories kaili now its the in thing this one says that and the other the following day…
Unfortunatley the media just writes without verifying the story… It would have been better if they got the views of the other side on the matter its like they say there is always 2 sides to a story…
But instead the response will be through media that supports there activities…
PF/UPND pact should not be buying votes indeed, Mr. Mabenga doesn’t like competition!
It seems Mr. Mabenga does not want people eat good milile! I believe the meat is meant for people who are in camp campaigning.
Why can’t we get a comment from the Zambia Police regarding this alleged accident??
PF/UPND Pact not inclusive, says Simutanyi
THE Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) has said the Patriotic Front (PF) and United Party for National Development (UPND) Pact will fail because the political alliance is not inclusive.
Executive director Neo Simutanyi said PF president Michael Sata and his UPND counterpart Hakainde Hichilema were both preoccupied with ambitions for the Republican presidency.
Dr Simutanyi, who is a political scientist and a former lecturer at the University of Zambia (UNZA) in the school of political science, said it was not surprising the UPND and the PF were running parallel campaigns at the moment.
He said the two parties were working on the assumption that their constituencies would agree to work together.
He said one of the difficulties of the pact was that supporters of both parties wanted their own leader to be presidential candidate in the 2011 elections.
Dr Simutanyi said the pact would have difficulties to hold because it was not based on any ideology.
“My personal view about the pact is that it is not based on ideology. It is rather based on a narrow agenda,” he said.
He said the non-inclusiveness nature of the PF/UPND pact would make it difficult to beat the MMD in 2011.
He said the success of the Kenyan alliance was because it was broad-based.
“I would have loved the two parties to invite others to the pact,” he said.
Dr Simutanyi said there was also need for the pact to develop a clear power sharing mechanism negotiated by the parties well ahead of the elections.
“Even if the pact succeeded, there is no guarantee that a junior partner will receive a fair share of power.
“There is also an assumption that the mere coming together of the two parties will guarantee a win for them,” he said.
He said it was clear that the UPND would be a junior party in the pact given the fact that the PF had more members of Parliament.
It would be difficult for the UPND to lobby for the presidency of the pact because the PF was stronger politically, Dr Simutanyi said.
The UPND recently instructed its structures to intensify campaigns for Mr Hichilema while campaign badges bearing the portrait of their leader indicating he was vying for the presidency in 2011 were being circulated.
The PF equally circulated similar badges bearing the portrait of Mr Sata.
all that mabenga does is to bark even when he has no proof of what is going on the ground. lets wait and see what will come out of these two vehicles because at first they said it was just a minor accident now they are saying it was PF’s own car. you wonder if the police know their duties because their report on this would have stopped all these noise we are getting. for real we are still bush men. we should have just allowed the whites to be ruling us instead of this nonsense we are see here where the inspector of police cant even establish anything.
mwata you are an I.D.I.OT and a big F.OO.L. you have no maners and cant even blog properly. i guess all you do in this country called america is to clean peoples AS.S can you for a moment understand we need this for contructive debate. FU.CK. U. and chi colour cho
This “accident” n.onsense just goes to show how low Mr Sata has sunk since he last attacked Chiluba and ended up opening a can of worms for himself. If this was anything serious, can you imagine the pictures that would have come out in the Post?
Yakosa league mabenga. Lwisha fye mwaiche.
as if you(MMD) dont buy them with meali meal, T-shirts, fertelizer, seed, etc:-w
This “MMD National Chairman Michael Mabenga told Q fm in an interview that the MMD are aware that the UPND has been buying cattle for the residents in the two respective areas since the campaigns started” is impressive and I am surprised to know that the mighty UPND is mightier than I thought/knew because it is not easy to buy cattle to give each resident in Mufumbwe and Milanzi.
If MMD’s Mabenga is saying the truth, then UPND is doing a good job of redistributing wealth from the rich so that the poor can also own something that will boost their lives. Just imagine what other things the UPND would do if voted into power considering this abovementioned generosity.
Have good day all.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these…
Mabenga wabufi, if the Cattle is being bought for Consumption then thumbs up to the PACT, is Mabenga saying he didnt see the entourage his boss RB went with to make empty promises in Milanzi, Wake up Mabenga thoz are politics for U, i thot u knew better….
#15, Maestro.
The allegation is that the Pact is using ‘meat’ not cattle or animals. Dont u know the diference? How can being given meet be called wealth distribution? Or indeed how can meat be “something to own” or ‘boost’ anybod’s life?
this is a much better gimmick than distributing chibuku and tugili gili.Viva UPND-PF pact
[-o<:)):-@ CDF mabenga is a loompen when it comes to such why dont they pa pushe also intesify such a campaign strategy to woo there electorate, ifya pa kanuwa kale fya pwa , ama politics ya mu zed ya kulilipo fye
meat is beter than sugare