Friday, March 7, 2025

Zesco to increase power generation


ZESCO is working on modalities to increase electricity generation capacity and access following the US$75 million loan obtained from the World Bank, acting managing director Ernest Mupwaya has said.

Mr Mupwaya said the loan, which was obtained by the Government from the bank, would be used on a number of projects in some parts of Southern Province and in Lusaka and Copperbelt, to improve access to electricity.

He said the provision of energy to the Zambian people was Zesco’s top priority and he was confident that once the project had started, it would improve electricity supply.

“As Zesco, we are happy about this exercise because we believe that once it is fully implemented it will go a long way in the provision of electricity to the Zambian people,” Mr Mupwaya said.

Meanwhile, the World Bank has approved $1.5 million for Zambia’s pilot programme for climate resilience as the lead financiers of the initiative.

This is part of the strategic climate fund, a multi-donor trust fund within the bank’s climate investment funds which would help the country prepare for a larger programme on climate change.

World Bank country manager Kapil Kapoor said the Zambian Government could access between $30 million and $60 million for the implementation of the programme, beginning next year.

“The programme will be implemented next year and this will depend on how long Government will take to implement it.

“It will take between two and five years to conclude the programme,” Dr Kapoor said.

He said in an interview in Lusaka that the $1.5 million approved was now available for Zambia to prepare for climate change.

And speaking during the launch of a country water resource assistance strategy for Zambia in Lusaka yesterday, Dr Kapoor said the programme would support the Government’s effort to address key constraints to economic development and poverty alleviation.

He said water had an important role to play in securing Zambia’s future success.

Energy and Water Development Minister Kenneth Konga, at the same occasion, said the preparation of the programme for Zambia was timely and relevant, as it had identified specific programmes for investment and other programmes for interventions.

“I am pleased to inform you that the launch of the revised national water policy has paved the way for Cabinet to finalise the water resources management Bill before it is presented to Parliament for consideration,” he said.

Mr Konga said while Zambia’s vast water resources presented opportunities to address most of its development challenges, that would depend on how well the country planned and allocated resources.
[ Times of Zambia ]


  1. Ba LT naimwe ni game yashani iyi? ndeti t.w.a.l.i.s.h.i.t.i.s.h.a ichalo chesu [-x I am not talking about amafi

  2. Please our government/Kenneth Konga, tell Kapil Kapoor and his World Bank that getting us indebted with US$30MILLION for such a vague project is not an optimal use of scarce resources. Zambia has better priorities than these silly projects which will only benefit consultants from or linked to the World Bank itself. Dr Kapil, this is not a good pill for Zambia, pleeeeeaaaaaase.

  3. Katie Good, the world bank never gives money for obscure projects. It is a Institution that has high standards and very strict conditions for accessing money. This is very important project ZESCO is undercapitalised. Go to ERB website and get the reports there then you will learn more about ZESCO. Actually the longer Government takes without re capitalising ZESCO, the more defunct it will become. Like any business ZESCO needs finances

  4. Does anybody know how ZESCO comes up with fixed tarrifs. In Petauke district Tasala area 3 bedroomed houses cost 150pin where infact most of the people hardly have any Defy cookers or anything like that-Does it make sense? Again getting the houses metred is such an issue, You have to have backdoor meetings with management at Zesco? ould you believe that even simple paying to have a house powered afterZESCO has already approved and qouted is such an issue? Would you believe that I had to call somebody I know in Petauke to have my dad payZESCO 1.7m so that they could power the house.Dark corner meetings to have power connected in a rural area!!! And now I need s/body who knows s/body to metre it! If the blog has any ZESCO people, please audit the ZESCO office in Petauke district.its pathetic

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