United Party for National Development (UPND) spokesperson Charles Kakoma has observed that the country is currently in a crisis because the ruling MMD has failed to provide the Zambian people with a satisfactory political leadership.
Mr. Kakoma said in an interview that everything in the country is falling apart owing to the fact that the current government has not invested the desired will to make things right and offer the required guidance.
He said this is the very reason that Zambians have decided to give the UPND/PF pact the support because it is a clear fact that there is very little they are getting from the MMD government.
Mr. Kakoma observed that the pact has continued to give the party sleepless nights due to its impact on the political front because of its power to set the political tone.
He accused the MMD of resorting to political violence and threats after realizing that the pact is finally taking its toll on the ruling party.
[Q FM]
pact here we come
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Mr. Kakoma, what crisis are talking. Its the pact which is in a crisis not the country. Maybe Copperbelt and other PF led constituencies. Please stop dreaming.
All Lozis are in a hilarious mood waiting for the Kuomboka. I hope the post will report positive things this time around and their catholic agents (Bishop duff and caritas Nathaniel mubukwanu) will shut up this time. Please Zambians dont fall to the posts machinations. Zambia is headed for an economic boom.
The sad part about our leaders they dont aim to improve Zambia when they get into power but their lives. And thats the truth. With this culture we are cursed. Kaunda had pride for Zambia its just that he over stayed. **==
By the way, what things are falling apart apart from the pact itself. Mr kakoma, gives examples of thing which are falling apart from UPND and the pact. Open your eys sata has dribbled you chaps
Those asking what things have fallen apart, I ask them to list the public services that have not fallen apart then I’ll give mine with those that have fallen apart & we’ll see who has the longer list.
Truth has been said. No additions!
MMd is so pyopic and failed us ..we need change ..pact here we come..2011 is ours !!
This “United Party for National Development (UPND) spokesperson Charles Kakoma has observed that the country is currently in a crisis because the ruling MMD has failed to provide the Zambian people with a satisfactory political leadership” is true because every tim and jane is busy making statements with regard to protocol.
If the were sensible, it was going to be gr8 for them to take this data from the mighty UPND seriously.
Have good day all.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
Wishfull thinking . . . .what has fallen apart! maybe the pct is in Zaire
Anybody would think that Zambia is like Somalia. How can a country that has received over a billion dollars in FDI in the first quarter be said to be ‘falling apart’?
The UPND Group, please, concentrate more of your energy in winning Easterners to your party as soon as possible. Why are we not hearing from Dr Clive Chirwa since his joining the mighty UPND Team?
Be blest all.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
I am surprised at how silly and stupid some people are. Honestly speaking can any one in his or her right sense ask what things are falling apart in Zambia? We live like animals, look at the poor condition of roads in the country, Look at the water and sewage system, we have got many rivers and plenty of water but no water and no electricity in our homes. We just experience some floods and cholera outbreaks just to mention a few, can you say you dontsee things falling a part? After 46 years of independence what have we achieved? A single lane from Lusaka to Chipata, Livingstone,Mongu, Kitwe. Many things are wrong with the MMD leadership because they can think of ways of developing the country and bring basic needs like water, good roads, health care to the people.
Do you even call that leadership? Bonse mwibafye bapo mpwe iwe. You’re all the same.
Kakoma’s argument misplace, unobjective cos there is no crisis in Zambia. The mood in Mongu as they prepare for Kuomboka and welcoming RB is high spirited and like one blogg said hilarious. There is no crisis among ordinary pipo unless political crisis cos the kwangalaz are fighting each other to take over power from MMD. I urge Kakoma to be objective next time and elaborate what leadership failure he has seen. Chisyuka Namwala MP says HH failed UPND in his leadership style. So what! All our politicians have failed Zambia, period.
“How can a country that has received over a billion dollars in FDI in the first quarter be said to be ‘falling apart’?”
Thats why we have educated iliterates,always rushing to meaningless statistics,Of what benefit has your over a billion FDI brought to Zambia?
Please visit your country and see if your so called economy is really growing or its just paper based growth.People are still displaced coz of a ka small flood & somebody is insisting things are not falling apart PLIZ%-(
Come to misisi compound and see for yourself if you really believe that the govt hasn’t failed. By the way come with a canoe to use for your tour!
#17 Dont show your ignorance here. You think it is easy for an African country to get that much investment? Nobody is saying that Zambia is a paradise but lets not exaggerate things and promise a miracle in 90 days. Like I said, there are many countries that at this moment in time are worse off than Zambia – look at our neighbours – are you saying that you would rather go and live in Zimbabwe or Congo? Why do you think I mentioned Somalia? Do you really know what a crisis is like? I have spoken to people from countries like Somalia, Sierra Leone and Liberia to name a few and in no way is Zambia in crisis. If you cant base your argument on statistics then what can you base it on? If the country is in crisis then why doesnt Kakoma give us tangible policies to sway some of us voters?
#18 Flooding in itself is a work of nature. Even rich countries such as the UK and US experience flooding and other natural disasters now if you believe that Sata will prevent all natural disasters in 90 days then that is your own problem.
Ba fi colour ………educated illiterates indeed. What is there to show about in zed apart from garbage strewn streets,potholed roads,healthy centres/hospitals without drugs,insuficient housing units,high levels of unemployment etc. Ba fitole imwe nga mukala bwino then lucky you otherwise the majority of zambians are just wallowing in abject poverty. MMD has done very little if not just pulling down whatever KK had built. Mwanya and mwaba amatole
No. 19 Shimwalule,you have just showed us how little you have travelled.Honestly camparing Zambia to war raveged countries just shows us how poverty stricken you are.YES,i would live in Zimbabwe and i lived there once.Zim has the infrastructure that you cant compare to your sucessfull Zambia.And where you do base your claim that Zambia reciced the kind of investment in the past 3 months? Hmmmm but you are so %-(%-(%-(%-(%-(%-(
Surely there is nothing to write home about Zambia. Why should the country continue to depend on donors? It is only countries that are in a crisis that depend on donor funding even to run services. The Zambian health system is relies on donor funding, tarring roads has to be funded by funds from donors, orphanages are supported by donors, It takes 6 to 7 or even more to complete a four-year programme at UNZA, etc. Obviously such things only happen in a country that is in a crisis.
:o:(( ba # 12 mwa ba mu kanuwa ,tu mweshibe ifyo mule sosa , umu bemba atila ati, your mouth will swallow you up if you talk too much. Viva pact
#It is good that you have mentioned Zimbabwe. You are one of those who says that ‘you cant eat inflation’, when we say that the govt has brought inflation down and yet Zim proves the case as to why keeping inflation low by the govt should be commended. Dont make assumptions as to whether I have travelled as you dont know anything about me. Nobody says that there is no poverty in Zambia but to say the country is in crisis, is to exaggerate the situation. How can one say that a country that is going to have a bumper harvest and is capable of feeding itself is in crisis? Why cant we applaud what has been achieved without resorting to melodrama? What has Kakoma proposed as to what UPND will do to make Zambia better?
LUSAKA (Reuters) – Foreign direct investment into Zambia increased more than six-fold in the first quarter of 2010 compared with the same period last year, driven by rising metal prices, the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) said on Thursday.
The ZDA said in a statement FDI into Africa’s leading copper producer jumped to $1.3 billion in the first quarter, beating the $195 million attracted from January to March 2009 and the $1 billion projected for the whole of 2010.
“The mining sector recorded the largest investment of $500 million followed by manufacturing with about $89.1 million, while other sectors shared the rest,” ZDA said.
It said the mining sector continued to attract huge inflows since the beginning of 2010 due to rising metal prices on the international market…
“It said the mining sector continued to attract huge inflows since the beginning of 2010 due to rising metal prices on the international market”
Effect on Zambia’s economy=Mere statistics-Effect on Citizens=Zero,Effect on Mining Firms=excessive profits.
Yes we cant eat inflation,whats the point if it cant have a trigger effect.Alll politicians are claiming low inflation without really understanding the term.
Low inflation yet your health,education and road network are in a mess.Its up to the govt to translate your low inflation into social services if they have lamentably failed thats why its a crisis:)]:)]:)]:)]:)]
#27 You say Zim is better than Zambia and yet all the indicators for the sectors you mention are worse over there that is why you have professional Zimbabwean women coming to work as prostitutes in Zambia. You have to be objective and provide facts. For example more people are receiving ARVs that is why the death rate is going down in relation to HIV/AIDS.If the opposition can do better like the (PF run councils) please let them propose some policies instead of being melo-dramatic and saying the country is in crisis. Ofcourse they cant do that because they dont even know what their policies are as they have not harmonised their policies up till now.
Wanzelu, please.. To organise enough money to provide the services you are talking about needs certain conditions to be effected. One of those conditions is making sure inflation is low., You cant just go to BOZ and ask for money to do roads. BOZ does not print money. If they do, money will lose value hence the many zeroes u complain about on the Kwacha. In order to maintain low zeros so that the money can be useful to pay good road contractors, inflation has to be monitored. Ndimwe banzelu, I’m sure u can easily understand this.
“Prospects for the copper-driven economy look brighter than the increasingly fractious political scene” Africa Confidential on Zambia. In one word, ‘fractious’, Africa Confidential has captured our nonsensical preoccupation.