Sunday, January 12, 2025

I will not degazzete Chief Nalubamba- President Banda


Chief Bright Nalubamba

President Banda says he will not use his executive powers to degazzete Senior Chief Bright Nalubamba of Namwala in Southern Province for his continued attacks and name-calling against him.

Mr Banda said he will allow Senior Chief Nalubamba to continue being on the throne so that people can judge the kind of a traditional leader he is.

Addressing a mammoth campaign rally at Kagoro Basic School in Milanzi yesterday for MMD candidate Whiteson Banda in the April 29 parliamentary by-election, Mr Banda said Senior Chief Nalubamba has been calling him a liar and all sorts of names and MMD supporters have been asking him to use his powers to degazzete the traditional leader.

“Chief Nalubamba has called me all sorts of names. He has called me a liar and my supporters were furious and wanted me to degazzete him. I will not degazzete him. I will leave him to be chief so that the people can see who he really is,” he said.

Mr Banda said he has great respect for traditional leaders and people will never hear him using derogatory language against them even if some of them have been calling him names.

He said Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata and his United Party for National Development (UPND) counterpart Hakainde Hichilema have been attacking chiefs in newspapers.

The President said Mr Sata has been using unacceptable language against Paramount Chief Chitimukulu, who is his own traditional leader.

He said Mr Hichilema has also been calling Chief Mwanachingwala derogatory names and announced that the people of Mazabuka have dethroned him when the UPND leader has no powers to degazzete a traditional ruler.

Mr Banda wondered what would happen if either of the two opposition leaders became President.

The President said Mr Sata and Mr Hichilema cannot take any form of criticism and as such they are not suitable to become heads of State.

And Mr Banda said Mr Hichilema has confused the feelings of people of Southern Province by forming a pact with Mr Sata whom the province has always rejected as observed in past elections in which the PF leader has always come out the least preferred candidate.

The President said he came out second in all the constituencies of Southern Province during the 2008 presidential elections expect in Livingstone, where he won.

He said in the 2008 elections, Mr Hichilema came out first, he second, Heritage Party president Godfrey Miyanda third and Mr Sata last in Southern Province.

Mr Banda said this was a clear sign that the people of Southern Province do not want the PF leader to be President but preferred him to be head of State if Mr Hichilema was not available.

“It is a very bad decision for Hakainde to join Sata just for one reason of getting into power. They have always got zero power and they will continue getting zero. All of you here know very well that zero plus zero is equal to zero,” he said.

And Mr Banda said he has been in politics all his life and that he is the most suitable person to say true loyalty to one’s political party is good politics.

The President said this is the reason why Milanzi residents should vote for the MMD candidate in this monthend’s parliamentary by-election so that he can continue serving them.

He said voting for a candidate from the opposition will be a waste of time and votes because the person will have no direct contacts with Government.

Mr Banda also said his daily task is to ensure that every Zambian lives in peace and unity in line with the country’s ‘One Zambia, One Nation’ motto.

He said for many years, Zambia has not seen development because infrastructure like roads, schools, clinics and chiefs’ palaces have been destroyed by time.

The President assured that Government will always work towards rebuilding dilapidated social infrastructure as long as it remains in power.

Earlier, Zebron Banda and Armed Landela, who applied for adoption but were not picked, urged the people of Milanzi to vote for the MMD candidate because the party is associated with development.

[ Zambia Daily Mail ]


  1. Why degazzete a chief when critisized. Guess these critisms are a strength to RB to work on. Nalubamba is being open unlike hero worshiping even the most stupid thing the presido do. RB needs to appreciate such open minded citizen. Critisim are health to man as it helps one to carryout self assessment whether he/she is conducting himself/herself in the manner expected by citizen or not. Wake up RB and know that you were given that mandate to preside on all Zambians without discrimination.

  2. I thought he would tell the villagers about his plan to develop Zambia but he went head-long into HH and Sata!!! What a president we have!!!!![-([-([-([-(

  3. Ba RB you only what those who worship you. Degazzete he the next president will elevate him to PARAMOUNT.

  4. If you degazette him now, that will just be some vocational LEAVE for him coz come DEC 2011, he will be RE-INSTALLED AS PARAMOUNT CHIEF by the PACT Govt.^:)^^:)^^:)^^:)^^:)^^:)^^:)^^:)^^:)^^:)^^:)^^:)^^:)^

  5. And Southern Province Minister Daniel Munkombwe charged that UPND was a tribal party and people from outside the province in the party were only ‘visitors’.

  6. Daily Mail, Daily Mail!
    “Armed Landela!”
    Isn’t this supposed to be the former UNIP chairman in Chipata called Ahmed Randera? Why is the standard of journalism in Zambia going down every day?

  7. What the President has said about criticism concerning Sata and HH could not be further from the truth. If Zambians want democracy to end in 2011, by all means vote this two headed monster called HichiSata into power and kiss all your rights goodbye. Mr Sata is not a new person on the political scene, and some of us have known this man from way back. In the colonial days he was a ‘double informer.’ He batted for the colonial govt as well as for freedom fighters. He was ‘rewarded’ with a trip to UK. After independence he had some money to set himself up as a businessman in Lusaka, hiring the down and outers to do some jobs for him. He has been a rubble rouser all his life. Lwenu mwe bena Zambia!

  8. Sometimes you need people like Sata to shake the country into shape. RB is so backwards its untrue! Sata and HH i think, have got more chance of taking this country forward. Give them a chance in 2011. Remember if they let you down, vote them out too 2015.
    MMD needs to be boot out otherwise we are going to have the same people running the country for almost 20 years. Even Chiluba is back on the scene because he knows RB is a lame president. No progression at all.

  9. Aba abakamba chikopo sana, I remember when I was at secondary school we used to say,

    SMALL MINDS TALK ABOUT PEOPLE ( our presidents talks only about people where are the future plans ideas nothing zero so he is a zero himself)

    MIDDLE MINDS TALK ABOUT EVENTS ( he has been a politician all his life what has he archived??)


  10. This is politics made very simple. For a head of state, Banda is very shallow. With Sata, one sometime though honestly wonders what plays out “mu kalukobo kalya.” Were Sata taken to Chainama and his head was thoroughly examined, I swear they will discover plenty of “masalamusi” residing in that skull of his. It’s also very interesting how whenever the elections are near Sata goes into overdrive in terms of “ukusabaila.” The other polls it was KK has guns in Sindamisale. Then it was if Inonge is elected “Nalikwanda ikesa skider pa Shimwalule.” Then it was if I am elected Chiluba is a free man and I will invite Mugabe the beast of Zimbabwe and president of Taiwan to come at my inauguration. Awe sure, Zondwe ali pena.

  11. Oh, last week it was “Levy was politicking when he evacuated me to SA”. The man is worse than Julius Malema of South Africa. With HH, tribal bigotry is ooozing from every pole on his body. There is no Zambia outside of Tongaland worthy there 5 senses who can vote for such damaged goods. Maybe he should just prepare himself to take over from Chief Nalubamba when Bwezani degazettes him, or take over from Chief Mwanachingwala when Mutelo dethrones him. Otherwise Plot 1 a ibale ko sure.

  12. this is all he tyhinks of..power and talking about peole..what abut service delivery..?come 2011..mmd zwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa………….

  13. What a President! So the point is that since he respects chiefs more than those other 2 do then he is the right person to lead the nation! That is it! – I’m sorry I can’t buy such cheap talk. If he has a vision we can cling to, why doesn’t he articulate it and hammer it down our throats? I get confused when he talks so much about other people when what I want is to know more about HIM.

  14. RB is the unofficial campaign manager for SATA and HICHILEMA. PACT give him more homework to campaign for you. I assure you he will take you to places you have not been. PACT is a real threat, hence the commotion by MMD. FACT is PACT has gotten solid on Southern Province, Lusaka, Copperbelt, Luapula, now getting North Western and Western and Central. What more could it need? MMD has to by all means destroy the PACT hence the hallucinations by RB, Munkombwe, George Kunda, Charles Malambo aka Mwanachingwala, the hired gun, William Banda. It’s MMD’s only nightmare.

  15. I salute Chief Nalubamba for his courage, independency and honesty, he is the only chief calling a spade a spade. He does’nt put icing on a rotten cake like MMD cadres, Shikapwasha, Kunda, William Banda. We need more of such chiefs. RB is Sata-maniased or obsessed with him he cant stop talking about Sata. How can a president go to Milanzi just to talk about Sata instead of selling the parliamentary candidate? Why should he boast about govt building schools and clinics!!!!!!! for heavens sake that is why govt exists. Viva Nalubamba viva PACT.

  16. “he will allow Senior Chief Nalubamba to continue being on the throne”. Its not up to the President to appoint chiefs. They have their own political system of appointment. so whether degazetted or not Nalubamba will be chief.

  17. “Zambia has not seen development for a long time ….” Why has Zambia not seen development for a long time when it is MMD that has been running the country for the past 19 years. Who was supposed to develop Zambia if MMD as the ruling party could not do that ? I know his farm in Chipata at the Junction to Lundazi, it has not seen development either for a long time… What type of Prezident do we have …..ali na chigayo ca roller cable pa farm…..Come 2011, we must see change.

  18. Our president has no direction, instead of talking about development wherever he goes he talks about Sata and HH. He just behave like a child. Every time it’s Sata and HH. Zambians let us not give this man another Chance a leader without a vision every time kulalaka fye. Red Card

  19. Whichever university or polytechnic awarded Banda his diploma in The History of Economics Part II (1878-1903) should be ashamed with their student. His vocabulary is limited to Sata, HH and Pact. How does a grown up cadre like Ben Kangwa aka Senior Citizen sleep at night after grovelling the whole day to a boss who blows more hot air than a a sumo wrestler’s fart?

  20. Ba RB thats the reason why you decided to go kumawa was to go and campaign for yourself? Tinavera ati chinadiba maningi. Campign ya mu Chewa….Sata, sata hee.. HH. I wonder if Sata is the one contesting Milanzi. However, we are waiting for you in N.West Mufumbwe. GK he is failing to campign his lips has become and becoming.Pliz let him rest dont over use this man. Come on guys

  21. Fun story and the people were listening to that c r ap. RB cannot degazzete a chief. thoase are born and not chosen(elected) like once chief Nyamphande told me. So stop it RB. Cheap man

  22. HH ‘does not recognise’ chief Mwanachingwala just like Sata pours contempt on Chitimukulu, their next steps would be to degazette these chiefs if the pact came to power.

  23. I saw Chitimukulu’s picture (by Post) sitted on his throne wearing Puma sports wear. Some of these chiefs are just a joke. How can he be on the throne while in sports wear?

  24. But HH has already ‘de-gazetted” Chief Mwanachingwala and he has made it clear to the Zambian people – what are you people talking about? The President can de-gazette a Chief. The issue of de-gazetting” a Chief started with HH – who has no powers under the sun but just dreaming that one day he can have such powers so that he can sort out his perceived enemies.

  25. 😮 It is absolutely clear that those in the MMD leadership are intoxicated by power no wonder they talk so loudly in order to appease the electorates on baseless issues. What evidence has RB got to denote that the people of Southern Province are against the formation of the PF/ UPND PACT ? May I be clear on this point that the Zero + Zero = Zero being preached by RB will backfire to the MMD itself. Just wait and see and you shall prove me right. 2011 is just around the corner and wina azhalila.

  26. I had a hard time reading and understanding the title because the word “degazette” was twice mispelled “degazzete”. I actually tried to read it in Bemba.

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