Sunday, January 12, 2025

Government Committed to Improve the Health Sector, RB


A ward at University Teaching Hopsital (UTH)

President Rupiah Banda has said the government has never failed to provide adequate resources to the Ministry of Heath.

Speaking when he swore in new Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Heath Peter Mwaba at State House this morning, President Banda said government has always been providing enough resources despite the shortage of medicine in some health centers.

He said the shortage results from the delay by Heath centre authorities to communicate with government in time.

President Banda said the University Teaching Hospital has remained a dignified institution in the country despite the challenges it goes through.

He said the institution has been dignified because of hard work and determination by those in charge.

He urged the new Permanent Secretary to remain focused for him to manage the most difficult task he has been assigned.

He said he believes Dr. Mwaba will be able to make drastic changes in the Ministry of Health to ensure an effective leadership.

Until this appointment, Dr Peter Mwaba was UTH Managing Director who rose through the institutional’s ranks. He also held positions of head of the Department of Medicine and was a consultant doctor.

As an academic, he held the position of senior lecturer at the University of Zambia School of Medicine and was co-director of the University of Zambia-University College London Research and Training Project.


  1. Great appointment Choice for a PS by the president. Just goes to show How RB is committed to get the best Zambians in Key positions. Dr Mwaba is a man of impeccable credentials and his appointment purely based on merit, the theme that the president has brought to the table in his appointment of Permanent Secretaries. Congratulations Dr Mwaba and wish you all the best in transformation our vital ministry so it meets the aspirations of our people

  2. if the ministry of health is well provided for, why does RB and all the rest fly out for treatmeant?

  3. Congratulations Dr Peter Mwaba. This is good news for at last we have a Health PS appointed on merit rather than patronage from ones own backyard and play ground. Indeed the record is ther for all to see and hopefully, Dr Mwaba will be able to attract doctors in the diaspora to help the health service back home without a chip on the shoulder. It would be nice to have people like Prof Chintu who has immense experience and international repute coming into the Ministry of Health team. We have had too many light weights at the helm. Many of them were overwhelmed by the task at hand and clung to their jobs for dear life knowing that they were not fully qualified and would have nowhere to go if fired. Now this lovely man who despised Roman Catholic priesthood is a good choice! Thanks RB!

  4. If this was Miti’s bootlicker then we’re not yet out of the woods. We’re seeing panic appointments now!

  5. Resident doctors association president 1994, Consultant physician 1999, PHD tropical medicine 2001 Head of department and senior lecture 2003, Zambia medical association president 2005, UTH director 2006, vegetable farmer 2007. And you see Dr. Miti, a medical nonentity in all this? Try something else bane.

  6. “But this Saturday afternoon Dr (Peter) Mulenga just drove in, went to the ward and told him that ‘I am discharging you’ on behalf of Dr Mukuka, That was the discharge of Kambwili, MP. It seems he did not even check the vital signs before letting the patient leave.

    My concern is the ethics medical practice in Zambia. ON an order from State House, a Dr discharges patients just like that. Where are we headed as a nation? I thought that a patient is a patient regardless of which party he belongs to.

    When I looked at the photo above, I really thought this is a picture depicting some place in Southern Sudan or Ethiopia.

    When some MMD cadres talk of development, do they really think this is development? If this is development, how does poverty look like?

  7. # 9, you are right on, that is a fair question but be careful, in today’s Zambia, asking such simple questions is considered insulting boma.

  8. Zambianewsfeaturesdotcom. Read it. We don’t clone stories from elsewhere. We write them ourselves.

  9. MMD Chief Bootlicker
    Good so you are able to see that this is good news for at last we have a Health PS appointed on merit rather than patronage from ones own backyard and play ground. Like (ZAF) commander Lieutenant General Andrew Sakala was recalled from retirement.Army commander Lieutenant General Wisdom Lopa. We have no doubt in our minds that he too must be past retirement age. What is you comment? Come on guys

  10. #8 Kalos2020
    If you have any evidence that a doctor behaved unprofessionally, you can file a complaint against the doctor to the Medical Council of Zambia. No doctor should ever be involved in the torture of a human being, whether to keep them alive for further torture or to participate directly. As for this picture you see, LT uses pictures from archives and this is not current. Besides that, this ward is being cleaned hence chairs upended on tables and beds. Don’t read stories into pictures. Having said that, I do not agree with the President here. He is misled or just plain ignorant of what constitutes ‘adequate resources.’

  11. All the best Dr Mwaba. Be professional in your work as usual and try to turn things around at Ndeke House.
    As for RB, the truth of the matter is there is a lack of medicine and shortage of medical staff. Dont blame it on logistical issues. Face it if all was well in our Health institutions, all these chaps would be having their medical reviews and ailments done right here in Zed and not South Africa

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