Sunday, January 12, 2025

Quit MMD, Mabenga tells Magande


MMD National Chairman Michael Mabenga (left) is flanked by party national organization secretary Isaac Muntanga at a press briefing in Lusaka
MMD National Chairman Michael Mabenga (left) is flanked by party national organization secretary Isaac Muntanga at a press briefing in Lusaka

MMD national chairman Michael Mabenga has advised Chilanga member of Parliament Ng’andu Magande to leave the party if he is tired and cannot respect the leadership of President Banda.

Mr Mabenga said it is wrong for Mr Magande to insinuate that President Banda is likely to call for early elections. Mr Mabenga said it is not right for Mr Magande to issue disparaging remarks against the party leadership. He said in an interview yesterday that Mr Magande has opted to be negative regarding the leadership of President Banda.

Mr Mabenga said it is pointless for anyone to be in the party if he cannot respect the person in charge. “If Mr Magande is tired of being MMD, it is high time he left the party than be negative all the time,” he said. Mr Mabenga said President Banda was elected by the Zambian people to lead the nation and was endorsed as party president, hence the need to respect him.

“Each nation or house has got a leader who rules and it is cardinal for people to respect that person,” he said. Mr Mabenga said the MMD is a credible party and will not allow individuals to discredit it. He said the MMD has channels that members should follow when aggrieved.

“Mr Magande is a member of the MMD national executive committee (NEC) who knows all procedures of the party, so it is unacceptable for him to behave like an ordinary member,” Mr Mabenga said.

Mr Mabenga said it is wrong for Mr Magande to insinuate that President Banda is likely to call for early elections. He said there is no way Mr Banda can call for early elections before the MMD holds its convention and without notifying citizens.

He said Mr Magande is aware that elections can only be held after giving 90 days notice. “Mr Magande knows that the National Constitutional Conference is sitting and some articles have been referred to a referendum…we are also having a census this year,” he said.

Mr Mabenga said Zambians want a constitution that will stand the test of time and that this process cannot be abandoned.
He said it is high time Mr Magande moved away from ‘dreamland’.

Mr Mabenga said it is wrong for anyone to believe he or she is a political expert. He said it is important for Mr Magande to consult others because he does not know everything.

Mr Magande was quoted in yesterday’s edition of The Post newspaper as having said President Banda is likely to call for an early election to catch his opponents unaware.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Apparently the Litunga refused to have Mabenga as a Nalikwanda paddler 2010 like he did his noble subjects Sinyinda and Musokotwane because he did not want the Nalikwanda to stink out of CDF corruption. So as a result of this, the stinking skunk Mabenga decided to root for Banda against Magande, in true “umusungu wa kumawa antemwe” style. And knowing how power hungry African presidents are, it will take an intervention of biblical proportions to compel Banda to call for early elections knowing only too well that power could land on the lap of the dermagogue-in-Chief, Zondwe Satana.

  2. I honestly think political amnesia is the order of the day characterizing the Zambian political landscape on a daily basis. Take a look at one Michael Zondwe Sata’s return to the forefront of Zambian politics after being shamed on numerous occasions including being the unacceptable face of the stinking 3rd term quest. That he could be heading the biggest opposition party in Zambia makes him living proof of the existence of political amnesia in Zambia so Mabenga’s rehabilitation should not surprise anybody, Zambians are fools.

  3. Bo Mabenga please as an MP concentrate on Poverty reduction in your area as you know our Province is very behind interms of development,so dont waste time to fight Magande instead fight poverty in your area

  4. These doggs attack everything and anything that is not to their taste. Whats wrong with Magande suggesting or insinuating that Rupiah might call for early elections? Mediocrity seems to reign supreme in the MMD rank and file.

  5. Magande you are welcome to join the PACT, next year again we are going to make you our Finance Minister.:d:d:d:d:d:d:d::d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/

  6. Magande is rite. Mr chairman why dont u tell Rb 2 folow the rite producures of NEC? He is there busy campaignin about himself.

  7. Mr. CDF! Has he now reformed? As for Magenda, i think he’s dilusional! Where did he get the info RnB is not holding the MMD convention and calling early elections? Early elections, would only catch ECZ unawares. Does he understand, its a whole process. I think aisha should stick to Magencomics, and not politics. We know RPM favoured u over your opponents, but you only got one/two votes to susceed RPM in NEC. He has no political clout/muscle and is fast realising it! His insinuation does not even merit a dignified reply, so shut up Mabenga! ohh, Mr. CDF. You r still a thief, remember! A minister and a thief, what a country there is in Zambia!

  8. On “Mr Mabenga said it is pointless for anyone to be in the party if he cannot respect the person in charge. “If Mr Magande is tired of being MMD, it is high time he left the party than be negative all the time,” he said. Mr Mabenga said President Banda was elected by the Zambian people to lead the nation and was endorsed as party president, hence the need to respect him“, are these the tactics of MMD’s monarchy system trying to hound out Tonga Bulls like Magande from MMD? When was Mr President RB Banda endorsed as MMD party president? Does endosing as MMD acting president mean MMD party president?

    I am just waiting for MMD National Secretary Kaka’s court cases to be disposed off so that he can guide the MMD party in the right directions as opposed to the bootlicker…

  9. Ba Mabenga, you could have done yourself a favour by keeping quiet. The more you guys talk the more you make those against you more popular.

  10. Uu,I think we are back in another century. I thought Mulobezi is still part of Zambia and yet very backward. The MP for the area is even closer to the top brass and yet nothing is mentioned concerning his constituency. The man they are fighting is in a growing constituency. Very soon Lilayi which is part of Magade’s constituency will stop coming to town because people will have a shoping mall at their door steps, What about Mulobezi? Please big man let us talk about DEVELOPMENT as a basis for modern politics.

  11. The thinking of Magande as a theoretical politician never stops amusing some of us. No wonder his political career has been a struggle naturely on the wire. Its no surprise that even his own village in Choma district has dishonored and barred him from any dream. In Chilanga he is is an outcast that cannot win elections without full weight of the MMD establishment on the raurels yet he dreams of Zambia at large. Just what constitutional and political reason does he foresee RB calling for an early tripartite election when RB and MMD are exponentially in alignment are consolidating the 2011 outcome when the opposition are being obliterated into irrelevancy mode? Can’t see see them opposing even straight forward national development, peace and unity? Oppositing infrastructure development.

  12. A nation gone mad. Shikapwasha believes that greed is every Christian’s duty. Mabenga is coining it before his inevitable departure next year. I must add that I am impressed with that young boy Mulongoti for successfully shut his trap, against all odds.

  13. #17
    Veteran – You pick one frizzled villager give him money and instruct him to rubbish about the elite Magande.

  14. Bwezani is not MMD President because he has not been voted into that office and the MMD constitution does not provide for an Acting President. So what is Pepe Kalle’s status within the PIG (Party and Its Government)? Outside the convex set?

  15. I thought this man Mabenga will respect what Mp Magande said,Mp Magande can now smell cheese on a trap?Viva Upnd/Pf pact come 2010

  16. #22 TONGA BULL
    With an I.Q of a bull it would take more than 10 professors to convince you that MAGANDE was being asked to quit if he’s not prepared to submit to the master.

  17. Just to refresh your minds, for those who can’t recall our recent past. After burning from the tourism theme ” ZAMBIA IN THE SUN” we turned into ashes, now” ZAMBIA THE REAL AFRICA”. Our politics has nose- dived to rock-bottom. The reason for being shamelessly defensive is because these fat cats are playing politics of the tummy and self preservation, not common sense politics which cares for the interests of the electorates. Independent thought and dissenting but healthy views, a cornerstone of a civilized democracy is thorny to them. Civilization to them means lining up there already near exploding pockets. Small wonder most of them look lost and desolate when they are laid-off because they don’t remember their real masters, the electorate while they are up there

  18. 25 September 2003
    Lets refresh our minds:
    Zambian Defence Minister Michael Mabenga has lost his job and been stripped of his parliamentary seat after the Supreme Court annulled his election victory.
    The judges ruled that Michael Mabenga broke the law when he used government money and vehicles while campaigning for the Mulobezi seat in Western Province.
    …….the judges recommended that what they called appropriate action be taken by the authorities on the misuse by Mr Mabenga of $6,000 earmarked for the people of Mulobezi.
    The Supreme Court ruled that in fact, Mabenga’s diversion of public funds amounted to theft:

    “[The misuse of CDF] amounts to theft…the learned judge cannot be faulted for arriving at the conclusion that K29, 800,000 was withdrawn to finance the…

  19. :d Wena Mabenga kiwena sikuba ahulu hulu. The Whole of u from your toes to the last hair demonstrates your foolishness.

  20. Magande being dropped from cabinet was the best thing happen to Zambia since 1991. This man is very arrogant and dictatorial. I remember him on radio dissing all the callers who complained that PAYE was too high. He told them off like they are not tax payers. What a scumbag!

  21. There you go once again. No one should tell the other to quit the party when mangade was saying the wright thing. Mabange you are bootlicker who has no direction others think ahead. Mandade is intelligent and can see what is coming. RB is trying to avoid the convention so he can be the only person to stand for Presd. He will be surprised as a lot of his followers are trying to leave. His loss

  22. There we go. Zambian politics is no longer about economic development, only power. Mr. Magande don’t throw your wait around becos of the WILL left by the late Patrick Mwanawasa that you should have been the President. It is wise if you can keep distance from being critic of the rulling part. You gain respect later when you keep low. Politics is a dirty game, but it can be clean for you if you can swallow your pride and remain silent. You are still young the next generation will need you.

  23. I do not understand why some are saying that Magande should keep quiet about the mismanagement and/or scheming of the RB Government, cant you all see that Magande is perhaps the only guy in Zambia that is NOT a crook and does NOT depend on Zambian politics to eat as Banda and all his followers do. Therefore Magande’s only intention is to fix his country so that Zambia and its people can be the best that they can be. So if that is not the kind of thinking that Zambians want then they can keep on voting for the crook and live with the hell that they provide.

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