THE National Constitutional Conference (NCC) has warned United Party for National Development (UPND) members of Parliament to desist from distancing themselves from decisions passed by the conference.
NCC spokesperson Mwangala Zaloumis said the conference arrives at decisions collectively through consensus hence it is irrational for some members to dissociate themselves.
Mrs Zaloumis said this in Lusaka on Monday in response to UPND vice president Richard Kapita, who was quoted saying that some UPND MPs were not part of the decision arrived at by the conference last week.
Mr Kapita was referring to the decision by the conference to delete an article relating to the right to access food, water and shelter.
Mrs Zaloumis, however, said the conference does not arrive at decisions as parties or stakeholders but collectively.
She said all members of the NCC are expected to honour the decision of the majority of members.
Mrs Zaloumis said political party members taking part in the NCC deliberations should not use the conference to settle scores with opponents.
She said the deliberations of the NCC are neutral and decisions are arrived at amicably.
“Whenever we are adopting articles, if there are members who do not agree with certain decisions, they are at liberty to rise to call for a division within the deliberations.
“So it’s surprising that we can have members who want to rush to the media to distance themselves from the decisions we arrive at,” Mrs Zaloumis said.
She said the conference has been given a mandate to deliver a people-driven constitution and that members of the NCC should ensure that this is achieved.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
I want to agree with Mwangala, there is no way they should even think they can distance themselves from this useless NCC. They are very much part of the mediocrity going on. They thought they could make a difference by attending this sham, even when we all saw the inbuilt MMD majority. Shame.
people driven constitution my foot!whats this woman talking about?mwangala nows very well that if they are really doing the correct thing at NCCshe wouldnt accuse UPND of running away from collective responsibility…there is much rot going on at ncc..the document that is being drafted wont be people driven because people’s articles such right to food,water,an shelter have been removed from the draft mungomba constitution..nowada UPND are saying they not part to that nonsence….NCC secretariate i repeat again u will pay for the mischief going on at NCC….its unfortunate that people again will demand for another constituent assembly after next year’s elections…that money being spent at NCC can be used to supply clean water to compounds under a robust programme well planned and…
One wonders whether education makes a good leader. But, I am personaly convinced it doesn’t. Wisdom does. Though, education can be a very good tool onced used with wisdom. I don’t the acdemic background of Mwangala. But, I am sure the NCC is comprised of highly educated people but who can’t just think due to lack wisdom. At this day and age, how can anyone deny another basic rights such as the right to have food, clean water and shelter? And how couldn’t they (some opposition partis) how rotten, corrupt, compromised, ect NCC composition was and still is. Some of these parties have highly educated leaders one would have thought they could all see through these NCC empty heads. As an iliterate, how did Sata see this? You know, if I can remember vividly, FTJ used say the who UNIP was…
…because its head KK was rotten. In short since UNIP formed up the government, all the government leaders and all arms of government were rotten. Which was very true by that time. Therefore, the same thing applies today. The head of this country is rotten and it stinks. And that mean everything connected to this rotten head is rotten that’s why the whole Zambian leadership is stinking. When you have a situation where mother are giving birth to still babies in street and being ambulanced on wheelbarrows, a president leaving the countries when theres a strike by medical personnel for better working conditions, a president rushing to a bash/party in china when there are floods in the country claiming lives and leaving thousands homeless, when there are no medicines in hospitals, but,…
…the president say there is plenty of medicines in hospitals, when the president rushes to every place where they say there will be young girls dancing naked, or/and when the president calls for a press conference only to secure a platform to insult opposition leaders, some humble citizens and those who oppose him/them, this is having brain-damaged and rotten headship. ZAMBIA IS HEADING TO NOWHERE WITH THIS LEADERSHIP IN PLACE. EVEN A FOO.L IS SEING THIS. ALTHOUGH THERE ARE SOME FEW ROTTEN HEADS, TOO, WHO ARE NOT SEING THIS. 2011, WHERE ARE YOU?
The UPND is right to distance itself from the decision because they did not support the deletion. Those who supported and voted the decision, should take the blame. Whatever the MMD does not like in the Constitution draft is removed..that renders the other parties like UPND just participants.
I wonder where these insults are coming from. How can anyone in his right frame of mind call another nationality ugly? I have seen some very beautiful Nigerian ladies and very handsome men just like I have seen some very beautiful Zambian ladies and handsome men. I am yet to see an ugly Zambian woman or man; similarly I have never come across an ugly Nigerian woman or man. Different people have different ideas about what is beautiful. Personally, I can’t understand why #6 above finds his mother attractive, but I do say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Yes you must respect collective resposibilities, but the Upnd did not know what they were joining. They joined a gang of thieves coached by one VJ how to in build a majority to defeat what ever well meaning members put forward. Sensible people shunned this sham called NCC because they fore saw the fallacy of this excercise.
But just try to be sober enough,are telling me that when you fore see an enemy invading Zambia , then YUO should run away because you do not want to get injured or killed? Then I do not know who will defend mother Zambia from these MMD crooks. IF ALL THOSE WHO feared to join the NCC joined and defended mother Zambia in huge numbers the degree issue ,food and others cls would not have gone through PLEASE DO NOT BLAME UPND for defeat in NCC blame yourself period YOU COWARD CHAPS
@Lameck Mangani the number of seats for opposition parties were pre-determine by Mwanawasa, they gave them(opposition) a limited number of seats. So there was never going to be ‘join the NCC and defended mother Zambia in huge numbers’ as you put it. They gave the majority of seats to pro-MMD individuals and orgs. Thats why those who could see through this new they were out numbered and protested so that MMD can revise their seat allocation but because others like UPND had already accepted, MMD decided to go ahead with it.
How can that face of NCC spokesperson Mwangala Zaloumis make a beautiful constitution for Zambia? Come on Guys
This is why your friends boycotted the conference, because all decisions made would bind all who took part. And when this issue was raised, the UPND claimed it was better to fight from the inside. How did you think you would fight from the inside with an inbuilt Govt majority? Lack of foresight. And you want us to vote you into office? Keep dreaming!
These UPND MPs are afraid of sata:o thats why the running around in circles.HH is dead, has NO power any more, on everything he must first ask Sata
Tongas are weak, can never make a government… face the reality and stop dreaming, HH has been reduced to nothing by sata, thats why his MPs cannot account for themselves
8 Mwamoneni,dont be st upid,you either address the issues raised or shut your ugly mouth. Did you ever debate at school,use your thick head.what princples do you hvae,the fact is she is ugly and making decisions like she is doing makes her more ugly.another fact is, the ncc stinks,what they are doing is a waste of resources zambia does not have.we should be looking for a solution instead of defending stu pid people who not only look like nigeraian bur behave as such.Shut your mouth if you have nothing positive to add,u crocodile(hopani)
this has nothing to do with a tribe,deal with the issues you fools mutunda mbuzi and ,Splaka. you should have been born in nigeria,where you would have killed,hope the next govt throws the book at you fools and come 2011,we shall see who is laughing.people like u two dont deserve to live,and i hope
you and your off string die like the dogs you are,i feel very sorry for your children,there is nothing you can teach them hence death would be good for the rest of us.do you fools realise impact of your decisions to support these dogs in govt is doing to the nation,this is why your children dont deserve to live,they will grow into dogs like u two,you all need to be put down and thats the truth
need i continue onto your mothers and fathers,,i dare you dogs,i dont blame you two for the way you turned out,charity begins at home.
These are the same UPND MP’s who voted for the presidential degree clause hoping to stop Sata and give HH an advantage. Shame!
Iwe chi Mike @ 16, where in my post did I mention tribe? For the record, I am part of bantu botatwe, but I will not defend bull dung just because it was committed by the UPND. We all said that because of the inbuilt Govt majority, the NCC should not be formed, but the UPND in its infinte wisdom, decided to participate. Remember the reasons advanced by the Oasis Forum, NGOCC, Catholic church and others for not participating? Now the participants are guilty by association, and they were warned that any resolutions passed would be binding to all. So there is no way the UPND can come and dissociate itself from resolutions passed by peers, whether they supported the resolution or not. Just like we didn’t all vote for RB, but he is now our president.