Sunday, March 9, 2025

Kambwili evacuated to Ndola


PF Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili (L)

INCARCERATED Roan Member of Parliament (MP) Chishimba Kambwili has been evacuated from Thompson Hospital in Luanshya to Ndola Central Hospital (NCH) where he is expected to receive specialist treatment.

And Kambwili has filed an application for bail pending appeal in the Luanshya magistrates court.

Ndola chief resident magistrate, Kelvin Limbani is today expected to preside over the bail application in the Luanshya magistrates court.

Kambwili’s lawyer, Derrick Mulenga of Derrick Mulenga and Associates confirmed the development yesterday.

“The chief resident magistrate will hear Mr Kambwili’s bail application tomorrow (today) at 14:30 hours,” Mr Mulenga said.

In the ground of appeal, Kambwili argues that his conviction was not supported by the weight of evidence.

And Kambwili’s family has threatened to sue Luanshya’s Thompson Hospital doctor Peter Mulenga for allegedly acting unprofessionally by discharging the MP from the hospital while he was still experiencing blood pressure and sugar level complications.

Kambwili, 44, was yesterday afternoon evacuated from Thompson Hospital to Ndola Central Hospital where he was readmitted after being discharged from the Luanshya hospital on Saturday.

A Times reporter found Kambwili, who was confined to a wheelchair, being aided to move by some male nurses on his way to the admission ward.

NCH public relations officer, Sheona Chalimbana yesterday confirmed that Kambwili had been admitted to the hospital’s male high-cost ward.

She said the jailed MP would be treated just like any other patient admitted to the hospital.

“Doctors will do a medical check up and they are expected to give a full report on their findings tomorrow,” Ms Chalimbana said.

Kambwili’s older brother, Peter Mutale said the family would sue the doctor, who allegedly prematurely discharged the MP, and also request the Medical Council of Zambia to investigate the alleged unprofessional conduct of the doctor.

He alleged that the Government wanted to eliminate the MP despite chief Government spokesperson, Ronnie Shikapwasha’s denial.

“General Shikapwasha is not being truthful about the manner in which the Government is handling my brothers’ treatment and what the Government intends to do to him,” he said.

But Copperbelt Province Minister, Mwansa Mbulakulima said the Government had nothing to do with Kambwili’s incarceration and reminded his family to take time and reflect on what had led to him being convicted by the court.

Meanwhile, Patriotic Front (PF) Copperbelt Province youth vice-chairperson, Elias Kamanga said PF youths would stage a public demonstration over the manner in which some medical doctors at Thompson Hospital had treated their MP.

On Friday last week, Mr Limbani sentenced Kambwili to 15 days simple imprisonment and also fined him K10,000 for conduct likely to cause the breach of peace.

Mr Limbani, however, acquitted Kambwili’s three co-accused because he did not find the evidence against them exhaustive.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. This is sad reading and very unprofessional behaviour by some doctors. Let the family sue the doctor if they feel that their relative has not been treated well. That is the way to change the behaviour of some doctors. On the other side, I am wondering what has suddenly gone wrong with Mr Kambwili’s health since the court sentence. Does it mean he was walking a sick man already or may be our politicians do not want to spend time in police cells or prison. Here I am comparing Kambwili to Chiluba, Jean kapata, Katele kalumba, etc.

  2. Its sad that the doctor acted so unprofessional!Shame on Doctor Mulenga!you must not politicise health!MAMBALA!

  3. Fellow bloggers,
    have you noticed how Lusaka Times has changed in the last four weeks. They have become a proper MMD publication. You see, they never publish anything against Rupiah. All their news comes from Times, Daily mail, QFM and now Muvi TV. But if there is anything critical to Rupiah on qfm or Muvi, they ignore. Just go back into LT archives for the past four weeks and see if you will find anything negative on Rupiah. I think it is true what we heard that the site was sold to State house and that Senior Citizen is now the editor. Do you see how senior citizen comments nowadays?

  4. Let him just do his time in jail . . . I wish the setence could be increased on appeal from 2 weeks to say 3 months

  5. Kambwili must just serve the 15 days and forget spending more money on Lawyers on an appeal that will very likely result into a much higher sentence for wasting the courts time.

  6. blah blah blah!. nothing new here. its possible for patient’s condition to relapse soon after being discharge warranting re-admission. happens all the time. so until a case of negligence has been proved running your mouth is just that

  7. And Ronnie was saying the guy is faking illness? I feel for the doctors coz they were acting under instruction from MMD. Get well soon Kambwili and do your 14 days since 1 day was already served.
    Lets not take politics to key areas such as health

  8. #4, Stop being mischievious, Katie Good has offered you an appropriate answer in the other story on the Vatican envoy.
    Regarding this Kambwili chap, it’s only 15 days simple imprisonment, there are many other convicts who are in a similar position but are man enough to accept their fate. And his family even thinks the whole Zambia should stand still and attend to his mischief. The brother is better off to advise his sibling to behave responsibly befitting his “honourable” position, the law has no eyes. The appeal may just earn him the full sentence.

  9. When will Regina Chiluba be put back where she belongs?

    How long does an appeal case take to return to court?

    She must be upset living with the TAG of a criminal of Zambia.
    Her height deprived thieving husband has taught her well.

  10. I wonder if the bloggers who jump to the conclusion, that the doctor who treated Kambwili was negligent, are qualified medical practitioners and were present when he was treated. How can one come to the conclusion that there was negligence on the part of the doctor without any sort of evidence to back up your arguments. This is armchair criticism of the most crass kind and is typical of the kind of rumour mongering that some Zambians thrive on.

  11. Sorry for kabwali but he deceives us that he is ill , he is just avoiding jail setence, if i was the 1 presiding over his case , he wud have gone inn for a gud yr. we wish him well in deceiving us.

  12. I hereby want to repeat my comment on Shikapwasha that “Mwana wa ndoshi, both his mother and father” on his comment about Kamwili’s discharge from Thomson hospital or clinic.:d/:-w:)>-

  13. I dont see any evidence of unprofesionlism. THE guy was probably discharged because his BP was not high enuff to detain keep him under observation. I dont back this tendency of politicising everything. Just beacuse he is PF and he is discharged then the long arm of MMD is involved. Please lets be more analytical. As for Kambwili’s brother. let him sue and then thatis probably when we will know if he was mistreated.

  14. @Muntu
    You are quite right. LT is swarming with tree hugging, idol worshipping MMD followers. As elsewhere in the nation, debate has been reduced to ‘them versus us”. It is no longer about Zambia. It is about being either with them or against them. Pity, this used to be a vibrant site with diverse opinions but not any more.

  15. Let him just serve his sentence…. a mere 15 days! They are people who jailed for a longer period and with serious ailments and they don’ t demonstrate the nonsense Kambwili is showing. l thought the guy was brave following his loud mouth… but lol he is a coward!

  16. Matenda ni matenda! Just give him an HIV test and you’ll know why he is falling sick so often. GBM’s mother just died too. She was burried yesterday. Death is going to consume PF like it consumed the Mwanawasa’s.

  17. They always pretend to be very sick if netted, let him serve his imprisonment term dignitary. Are Chungu and Chiluba still sick

  18. Its AIDS sir!

    Our politicians are all sick!

    When put under a bit of pressure, the bug lights up*.

    *=literal translation from the vernacular “ku yaka”.

  19. Prison food will probably help Kambwili’s BP as the guy is overweight. To help his BP, they should have given him hard labour as he looks like he does not do enough exercise.

  20. Does anybody know if the snake has been to visit the fat one in hospital or in prison. If Kambwili is so sick why doesnt he get GBM to send him to SA?


  22. They suddenly become sick when convicted. They are scared of going to the filthy jails they created. Let Kambwili just be man enough and serve the two weeks. Its only two weeks. Others are in for years Ka! Bakambwili!!! How are you a ka Leopard if you can’t even face a mere jail term of only two weeks? Kwena!!!

  23. #12 Katie Good, I like you; are you a woman? One thing about you is that you argue with reason and facts, unlike our friends the supporters of the Pact who just have dirty mouths. I guess this is replicated from their leadership

  24. #19. Obviously, for you good debate is worshiping the PF. Sorry mate, you just have to accept divergent views. Why do you get uncomfortable when others think differently?

  25. Shimwalule
    Ulimbushi. How can GBM take him to S.A when the Kabwili is in the hands of MMD Govt? Mind GBM tewakubelesha Cash alinayo, iwe mbuli. But thats why ba PF always insult you (small brain)

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