Sunday, January 12, 2025

Vatican envoy draws line on Catholic utterances


VATICAN Ambassador to Zambia Archbishop Nicola Girasoli

VATICAN Ambassador to Zambia Nicola Girasoli has said utterances by individual members of the Catholic Church and some clergy in Zambia should not be misconstrued as representing the official voice of the church.

Archbishop Girasoli said approximately 30 per cent of Zambia’s population were Catholics and it was impossible that such a large population could hold a uniform opinion on any issue.

The pronuncio said the Catholic Church in Zambia was not interested in any human or political power but the aim of the church was to march in solidarity with the people and to proclaim the gospel.

Achbishop Girasoli was speaking at his residence yesterday during the celebration of the fifth anniversary of the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI.

“In Zambia, almost 30 per cent of the citizens are officially declared Catholics. This means that it is impossible to have among such a large number of Catholics in Zambia uniformity of thinking and of speaking on the so many social and human issues that Zambian citizens are facing.

“Unfortunately, very often the single voice of one of our Catholic member or one member of the clergy is confused with or taken as the official voice of the Catholic Church in Zambia. Of course different points of views with which we may agree or not are always welcome and are an enrichment for democracy and a support for a fruitful dialogue in society so we respect the opinion of everybody,” Archbishop Girasoli said.

It was important for the Zambians to realise that the Catholic Church officially spoke through the Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) and through the Vatican Embassy for matters related to the church and the State.

He said the church in Zambia was not concerned with indicating to Zambians what they should do or not do, but that the main goal was to serve the Zambians by sharing their sorrows and their hopes and help them, regardless of their religious affiliation.

He said the Catholic Church was serving the people of Zambia through 220 schools, a university and 69 health institutions throughout the country.

Achbishop Girasoli hailed the relations between the Vatican and Zambia which he said had been solid for 45 years.

Education Minister Dora Siliya said the Catholic Church in Zambia had for years championed the cause of the poor, spoken on behalf of the voiceless, fought for social injustice and assisted in the education and health sectors, among other services.

Ms Siliya said the Government shared the same values with the Catholic Church, particularly in areas of reducing poverty, creation of employment and the provision of social services.

“We will therefore continue to cooperate with the Catholic Church as well as to ensure peace, stability and security in the country which are a prerequisite to any meaningful development,” Ms Siliya said.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. The country has long known that ex-priest Bwalya is nothing but looney cult movement religious counterfeit dreamer struggling to entrap the Catholic church in his self fantasy he has picked up from being a protege of Uganda’s Joseph Koni of the Lords Resistance Army.

  2. Two many parallels between ex-priest Bwalya and his buddy Uganda’s fanatical cult rebel leader Koni after whom Bwalya is inspired. Both believe that their countries will become theocracies, with laws based on the Biblical Ten Commandments.
    Kony’s LRA has kidnapped over 30,000 children for use as fighters or s-e-x slaves. As part of their initiation, these children are often required to kill their own parents, so they’ll have no homes to return to. (It’s not clear which of the Ten Commandments Bwalya and Kony’s strategies are based on.) considering that Once kidnapped, children are used as pack mules, carrying LRA supplies until they are too weak to walk, at which time they’re killed or simply left to die hence Bwlaya’s Die Zambia nonsense.Catholics have nothing in Bwalya’s…

  3. Dora Siliya alandako ifyamano this time, its pitty that utuma CHURCH utunono eg CMML,SDA BA PENTE…babosafye ngembwa and the majority like talking crap about the catholics.LEAVE THE CATHOLICS ALONE BAPUBAFU..

  4. Fellow bloggers,
    have you noticed how Lusaka Times has changed in the last four weeks. They have become a proper MMD publication. You see, they never publish anything against Rupiah. All their news comes from Times, Daily mail, QFM and now Muvi TV. But if there is anything critical to Rupiah on qfm or Muvi, they ignore. Just go back into LT archives for the past four weeks and see if you will find anything negative on Rupiah. I think it is true what we heard that the site was sold to State house and that Senior Citizen is now the editor. Do you see senior citizen comment nowadays?

  5. Muntu,

    LT is the best and most liberal rostrum democracy has ever presented to all Zambians. If you expect it to be like the unpatriotic and unprofessional tabloid that thrive on insults, then you are on a wrong platform. You are better off starting your own blog if all you are interested in are insults and innuendoes.Just feel free to become a macroblogger and counter everything here. Your friend Henry Kyambalesa and chanda as Pact cadres they trolls here with their articles. No one cries foul.

  6. 4, I would be disappointed if LT published that story in the Post about Rupiah wearing a “wrong head dress” for the Kuomboka. What would you, I and other bloggers debate about on such a story and many other similar stories from the Post? Tell the Post to write something sensible and maybe it will be published. On the other hand, the Post probably charges a fee to use their reports if you can call them that. Finally why are you only interested in stories which criticise President Banda even when there is nothing to criticise or the criticism is baseless? Sorry sir, not everybody agrees with your preferences. And leave Senior Citizen out of this, like you he is entitled to his opinion under Rupiah Banda’s democratic style. We will never have it so good in terms of freedom of speech.

  7. While I really appreciate “VATICAN Ambassador to Zambia Nicola Girasoli has said utterances by individual members of the Catholic Church and some clergy in Zambia should not be misconstrued as representing the official voice of the church” I would like to remind the Vatican ambassador that ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.

    As a matter of fact looking at the STORY PICTURE, the Holy Bible records “Rev 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:5 And upon her forehead [was] a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH” in KJV Version Revelation 17.

    B blest o…

  8. #4 Muntu, your campaign against LT are unfounded. I agree with Senior Citizen’s and Katie Good’ssentiments. RB encourages free speech and media freedom, but this should not be turned into libelious writings as it is in the Post. I liked the Weekly Post under Mr Hall with vibrant reporters suchs as Jowie Mwiinga, Bright Mwape, Masautso Phiri, Dingi Chirwa etc. The Post of today is no better than PF cadreism. Maybe it is true Mmembe’s bet on Zambian Airways was ill timed so he wanted Magande to bail him out hence the hatred for RB. Shame. RB will win 2011 come rain, come sunshine.

  9. The Church only speaks on matters affecting society and is a voice for the voiceless. I wonder why Reverend General Big Nose Ronny has not apologized yet for his cowardly attack on the Church in Parliament.
    The Catholics have done a lot to improve the well being of people in the country and usually speak the truth though the MMD choose not to listen.
    Fr. Bwalya is Catholic and is entitled to his own opinion under the freedom of expression and association. I dont see how he can be compared to LRA leader.Senior citizen, have you understood wat Fr. Bwalya’s message is? Has he ever aspired for political office? You, like RB are just scared of accepting reality which is that things are not well in Zed n there is mismanagement by MMD

  10. LT has lost direction. The information on this site is not balanced. Their source of information is mainly the govt controlled media especially Times of Zambia. Im glad some bloggers have also noticed this unfortunate development. Just look at how contributions have reduced on many topics. People are not frequently visiting this site. What has happened to you LT?

  11. #12 If you dont like LT then dont come to the site. Like Senior Citizen has said, if you want to have a PF propaganda website then go and create one yourself – but I guess if you support PF, making a website would be far too difficult for you.

  12. I guess what the ambassador is saying if you read between the lines is that it does not endorse the stance of genocidal priest Bwalya. The church has a lot of problems at present and I feel that they have come to the conclusion that being accused of fostering chaos in a relatively stable African country will not help them as they try to rebuild their shattered image.

  13. # 9 it’s strange that that there are people who claim to be born again, Iam pretty sure like you should be who continue to perpetuate falsehood about the catholic church wrongly interpreting the bible to suit your falacies. Do you know the symbolic meaning of the clour purple. I wonder what holy spirit you possess. May the good lord have mercy on you for you do not know what you speak.

  14. # 13
    Im surprised you’re limiting yourself to politics and basing your argument so low. Grow up! There’s more LT can do than sourcing information from the govt media. Im a proud Zambian & I speak mind. I’ve followed LT from inception. I get worried when an informative forum like this one seem to be going astray.

  15. Zedian, I respect your opinion but the Bible is sure and true. Have a look at Daniel 2 also, if you about what I have put up in #9. The truth hates but it shall set you free according to the Holy Scriptures.

    Have a blessed day.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His rigteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  16. Radio Phoniex’s what the papaers say used to qout from the post in the late nineties but were stoped by the Post therefore to argue that why arent LT copying from ”Opposing views-by which most of you mean the post seems to me to be arguing from lack of knowledge. Secondly the Post of today like #10 John rightly obsearves is not the post the Masauso Phiri’s of this world. Yesterday’s post headline ” Rupiah has a small brain-Hakainde” Can any sensible blogger tell me what there is to debate or comment about this shamefull statement comming out of the “educated’ Hakainde? If HH is hoping to cash in on the degree clause, this is not the way. He is becomming an embarasment to the many young Zambians with degrees who chose their words even in criticism.

  17. 18 DC, following your “If HH is hoping to cash in on the degree clause, this is not the way” be reminded that Mr PF/Sata MC the competitor of president HH in the UPND-PF PACT presidential candidate race needs to produce a Grade 12 Certificate or an O-level equivalent qualification so that he qualifies to be an MP which is a requirement to qualify to be Zambian President candidate.

    Be aware also that the NCC is pushing for a cuse that will require any Zambian to defend the Zambian Consitution and should that be passed into law, I may be the first one to petition the Chief Justice to let Mr PF/Sata MC to produce his O-level qalification and his claimed two degrees on Nomination dayif the PACT makkes a mistake in choosing him as 2011 PACT presidential candidate.

  18. Long overdue. I howeber dint agree that the Catholic Church is not interested in any political power. There are at least in my understanding a political entity. The Vatican is recognised state and for that reason it is a political body. I must also add that it is crazy for the catholics not to want one of their own in political power . If you have a catholic leader then he can pursue catholic policies e.g. pro life

  19. Its about time the catholics cleared the air.

    If they spent more time delivering the word of God instead of getting lost in politics, they’d have less cases of child sexual abuse.

    Girasoli keep your flock carefully or they will fall prey to evil again.

  20. # Positivist pa zed,

    That is the truth. If the Vatican was not a political entity, how come they send ambassadors to ‘other’ countries? Probably they consider Fr. Bwalya as a mere cadre. As such they also feel threatened that, with his growing popularity, he might take over from them as well!

  21. Gumu Gumu, you seem to be a champion of balanced and ethical journalism. Have you ever complained about the trash The Post churns out every day? If not, then you are just a PF cadre who gets excited by any anti Rupiah news.

  22. This makes interesting reading and is something I have always advocated for. That our Church goes back to what it used be, that us the congregants are allowed to use the pastoral letter issued by the Zambia Epicopal Conference as a basis to understand matters of huge interest. Timely statement from the Nuncio and I hope all these Fathers Augustine Mwewa, Miha, Frank Bwalya, Kunda, etc and indeed Bishop Alick Banda will learn and follow the line! Our church is going through serious challenges at the moment and the last thing we need is seeds of division in the Zambian church

  23. Some of you bloggers are talking nonsense. You don’t know how the catholic work. Same as your Sugar daddy RB you have small brains. Maybe you haven’t moved around the country to see how people are suffering. Anyway I forgive you all for insulting Fr. Bwalya for u don’t know what you’re talking about. Condemning fr Bwalya is the same as condemning our lord Jesus Christ because fr Bwalya is a messenger from Christ. Peace be with you and may the Lord have mercy on you all.

  24. #25, What kind of satanism and blasphemy is this, father walya being a messenger of Jesus Christ? My God, is your mind well developed Mr Catholic forever? I am sorry to use such language but that is how I feel about your comment.

  25. #10, John Chinula, you have given me a nostalgic reminder of the good old Weekly Post and its powerful journalists. Compared to those days, today’s Post is indeed a paper for PF cadres and as

  26. #10 John Chinula, you have given me a nostalgic reminder of the good old days of the Weekly Post and its powerful journalists, not this ……. of today.

  27. Mary I, daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, was known as ‘Bloody Mary’. for the burning of Protestants in her bid to restore Catholicism to England. Mary became Queen in 1553 following the death of her brother Edward and the deposement of Jane Grey. The Catholic service, Holy Communion, and the elaborate fixtures and fittings of Catholic churches taken away during Edward’s reign were immediately restored. In 1555, Parliament passed a set of Heresy laws that made it a crime to be Protestant in England.
    All Protestants who refused to convert to Catholicism were to be burnt. One of the first to go to the stake was John Rogers who had translated Tynedale’s Bible into English. The Bishops, Nicholas Ridley, Hugh Latimer and Thomas Cranmer followed soon afterwards. In all Mary…

  28. was responsible for the burnings of 227 men and 56 women, mostly in the South East of England. Burnt

  29. Corruption led to reformation. Martin Luther was shocked by the corruption of the clergy on a trip to Rome in 1510. The corruption of the papacy that Pope Alexander VI (r. 1492-1503) exemplified – particularly the sale of indulgences – prompted Luther to nail a summary of his grievances on the door of a church Wittenberg in Germany and launch the Protestant Reformation.
    The protests against the corruption emanating from Rome began in earnest when Martin Luther, an Augustinian monk at the university of Wittenberg, called in 1517 for a reopening of the debate on the sale of indulgences and the authority to absolve sin and remit one from purgatory. Luther’s dissent marked a sudden outbreak of a new and irresistible force of discontent. The Reformers made heavy use of inexpensive…

  30. pamphlets (using the relatively new printing press) so there was swift movement of both ideas and documents, including The Ninety-Five Theses.
    Parallel to events in Germany, a movement began in Switzerland under the leadership of Ulrich Zwingli. These two movements quickly agreed on most issues, as the recently introduced printing press spread ideas rapidly from place to place, but some unresolved differences kept them separate. Some followers of Zwingli believed that the Reformation was too conservative, and moved independently toward more radical positions, some of which survive among modern day Anabaptists. Other Protestant movements grew up along lines of mysticism or humanism (cf. Erasmus), sometimes breaking from Rome or from the Protestants, or forming outside of the churches.

  31. After this first stage of the Reformation, following the excommunication of Luther and condemnation of the Reformation by the Pope, the work and writings of John Calvin were influential in establishing a loose consensus among various groups in Switzerland, Scotland, Hungary, Germany and elsewhere……LEARN MORE, DIG DEEPER !!

  32. Bushe imwe banthu, kodi mwakaonesesa bwino ka muzuri kamene avala uyu muzugu kumutu? apart from color, kasiyana pati na tuja twamachawa(muslims). Bushe aba banthu tebamobene fye? ooOOOhhhh!!!!!!!..eeEEEhhh!!!!!!!!
    Bonse bana bakwa abraham te? I shmael( Ancestor wa ma muslims) umukalamba nyina ali ni hagar, elyo umwaiche isaac( ancestor wa ma christians) nyina ali ni sarah Elyo pali aba babili umo wamuchigoro….te? kansi ndiye banaviyamba bamene aba ka?

  33. #17 Maestro Hhehhehhehhe – The Bible is used by many people for various reasons, one of them personal gain.Its not only the Catholics who may be at fault it all of “believers.” You all want God to see you as his only Children. You are like boxers fighting for a belt.

  34. Meanwhile…

    Report exposes misapplication of funds in PF-run councils
    By Times Reporter

    THE preliminary financial reports on the Patriotic Front-run councils have revealed massive misdirection of funds with Lusaka City Council using K42 billion on personal emoluments and administrative costs leaving only about K17.7 billion on service delivery in the financial year ending 2009.

    In the two-year period between 2008 and December 2009, the council raised a total of K124 billion but only K27 billion was used in providing services while the rest was used for personal emoluments and administrative expenses.

    This represents 15 per cent on service provision of the total amount while 85 per cent was used for personal emoluments and administrative costs in the two-year period.


  35. council collected K14,278,819,000 from rates in 2008 and K14,055,171,000 in 2009 but the total income, including other services amounted to K64,400,503,000 in 2008 and K59,647,502,000 in 2009.

    The transition into percentages for the two years shows that 44 per cent of the funds were spent on personal emoluments while administrative costs gobbled 34 per cent, leaving only 22 per cent for service provision.

    Local Government and Housing Deputy Minister Moses Muteteka said a process had been started by a special team of experts to identify specific individuals who might have abused resources for onward reporting to the security wings.

    The report says the council faced the challenge of irregular payments from levies, and Government grants as well as unaccounted for grants.


  36. was also reduced expenditure on service delivery instead of the 40 per cent of the total budget as directed by the Ministry of Local Government and Housing.

    Ndola City Council had a total income of K21,652,772,000 in 2008 in grants from the Government, land rates and levies while the figure went up to K29,725,246,177 in 2009.

    Of this amount, only 21 per cent was spent on service provision while a total of 77 per cent went to recurrent expenditure and only two per cent was used for infrastructure development.

    The report states that the council overspent by about K5,495,015,960 without preparing a supplementary expenditure. There was also non-availability of title deeds for council properties and non maintenance of ledgers.

    There was no preparation of certificate of completion fo

  37. …for projects while the format for the receipts did not meet standards.

    Other irregularities included under-banking, irregular payments, failure to update stock ledgers and poor management of imprest apart from failure to remit withholding tax to the Zambia Revenue Authority.

    Kitwe City Council only spent K4,488 billion representing 13 per cent on service provision and infrastructure of the total K35.5 billion in 2009 while only 29 per cent of K62,630,000,000 which was income for the two years was spent on service provision.

    The council generally failed to maintain ledgers and also failed to manage imprest effectively.

    Chingola Municipal Council only spent two per cent on service provision in 2008 while 45 per cent of the total revenue was utilised as employee-related costs…

  38. Individual views should not be confused with Church views. [-( Thanks Pronuncio Garisoli for clearing the air.
    Those who have ears, let them hear. Those who chose to be deaf let them be deaf.

    # 9 Bo Hhehhe, colours in the Catholic Church have meanings which I see you do not understand. Seeing the scripture scholar you claim to be, unfortunately, with selected quotes, take a step to converse with various Catholics, otherwise you continue confusing yourself and those who believe that you have something to offer. God love you Maestro Hhehhe

  39. To you LUKE MBEWE, yes misuse of public funds is wrong and if proven,must be condemed in the strongest terms by all, irrespective of party affiliation. However, this is only one side of the coin. For you to avoid be labaled as being partisan, and considered a good analyst, you should have compared the expenses of the various districts run by both parties. If you did this, you would be availing the people with a balanced view, and makes you an unbiased analyst, which at this point you have failed to do.To prove your credibilty, I challenge you to dig deeper on the other side too. You need to expose both parties and people need to know them for who they are…..Damn daylight robbers. Keep nothing under wraps; no lesser evil

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