Monday, March 10, 2025

There is no shortage of drugs in hospitals and clinics, Simbao


HEALTH Minister Kapembwa Simbao looks at a Christmas baby girl born at midnight at University Teaching Hospital while the baby's mother Masozi Mwanino and UTH midwife Lucia Chanda look on
HEALTH Minister Kapembwa Simbao (L)

Government has reiterated that members of the public should desist from politicising the issue of drugs at the hospitals and clinics in the country as there are enough at the Medical Stores Limited. Minister of Health Kapebwa Simbao says there is no shortage of drugs in hospitals and clinics adding that the ministry is trying its best to import more drugs for the patients.

Mr. Simbao has urged members of the public to stop blaming the republican president Mr. Rupiah Banda for the shortage of drugs saying they should always make the Minister responsible accountable, if the country’s peace was to be upheld.

He said it is unfair for Zambians to keep blaming the President when the Ministers responsible are there to be answerable to problems each ministry was facing. The Minister challenged members of the public speculating about the shortage of drugs at hospitals and clinics in the country to go to Medical stores and see for themselves.

And Mr. Simbao noted that the issue of expectant mothers carrying buckets, glooves, Jik and Chitenge material should come to an end as the hospital would be providing everything for them.

He dismissed allegations that expectant mothers carry buckets to hospitals in order for them to dispose off their after birth as incorrect because mothers were often told to carry buckets to use them to put their soiled clothes.

[pullquote]The Minister challenged members of the public speculating about the shortage of drugs at hospitals and clinics in the country to go to Medical stores and see for themselves.[/pullquote]

Mr. Simbao explained that this trend has been there from time immemorial and it was normal to tell an expectant mother to carry a bucket to the hospital.

He reitrated that members of the public should report health officers that would be forcing expectant mothers as it was not only a bad idea but also inhuman.



  1. Honourable Simbao, I have alot of respect for you but you are now becoming a cadre. You are surely living in a fool’s paradise because our hospitals dont seem to receive medicine from medical stores

  2. There is no smoke without fire ba simbao.I have had my own personal experience where cancer patients are given panadol coz of shortage of cytotoxic drugs at UTH.Mostly the patients are told to buy their own drugs from private drug stores and one wonders whether these drugs stores aquires their drugs genuinly or not.There is a bigger story to tell at goverment stores than what meets the eye.:-?

  3. There is no smoke without fire ba simbao.I have had my own personal experience where cancer patients are given panadol coz of shortage of cytotoxic drugs at UTH.Mostly the patients are told to buy their own drugs from private drug stores and one wonders whether these drugs stores aquires their drugs genuinly or not.There is a bigger story to tell at medical stores than what meets the eye.:-?

  4. what lies, if there are “enough drugs” then why is the ministry “trying its best to import more drugs”? people cannot even get their own lies straight

  5. This story seems to have alot of inconsistences,on one hand someone is saying that there no problem on the other they are admitting there is a problem.Is it bad reporting or Simbao has finally lost it by trying to defend Ridiculous things.

  6. And Mr. Simbao noted that the issue of expectant mothers carrying buckets, glooves, Jik and Chitenge material should come to an end as the hospital would be providing everything for them.
    He dismissed allegations that expectant mothers carry buckets to hospitals in order for them to dispose off their after birth as incorrect because mothers were often told to carry buckets to use them to put their soiled clothes.

    Any mother out there pls help!!!!!:o do mothers wear their own clothes when giving birth or they wear some sort of steralized gown provided by the hospital to avoid any form of cross contamination..which means that thier personal clothes wouldnt be soiled,so what are the buckets for

  7. Money really corrupts, your time is up and soon you will be made to account for all these utterances. Why do we have the highest death rate in the world if our health services where in good condition? Dont just look at the OP or the Minister’s health services mwatapako nokubosa!

  8. There you go Zambians in diaspora. When your relatives send you that text message saying send money for drugs, they are lying. The minister is telling the truth here:d

  9. Mr. Simbao explained that this trend has been there from time immemorial and it was normal to tell an expectant mother to carry a bucket to the hospital.

    :dMay be we should go back to wearing imibinde after all that`s where we are coming from and they were there time immemorial.

  10. I would have thought the hospitals and clinics would be the right place for the people to see and experience the abundance of medical drugs, Mr. Simbao! Since when did patients start going to Medical Stores to get medicines?

  11. This is why African will never develop. This i d i o t is busy saying rubbish here when reality says there are no drugs in hospitals.

  12. You # 8- where is the truth in the minister`s statement here.Mind you there are so many diasporians with a background of having worked in goverment hospitals,so most knows what they are talking about.Don`t try to support an empty cause.:-?

  13. Say what you like, Bwana Simbao, but the truth is that the buck stops at the President’s desk and people are 1000% percent to blame the President if and when things are not working in any ministry or department. He is the Chief Manager, isn’t he? If some minister or official does not perform but continues to occupy the position, the ultimate offender and culprit is the President!
    It’s gallant of you to try and defend your boss, Simbao, but it is futile and useless.

  14. There’s no shortage of drugs, my foot!!! So why do hospitals and clinics constantly write prescriptions sending people to buy drugs at pharmacies? And by the way, there are several pharmacies in Lusaka (I don’t know about the rest of Zambia) that are owned by guys at ministry of health. Example, the pharmacy at Stalilo (Kaunda Square) is owned by some guy in ministry of health!!!

  15. I really feel sorry that such an Honourable man like Simbao can be lowered so much as to tell lies about the availability of medicines in hospitals and clinics. it is a fact there is a shortage of drugs. But for a decent man like SIMBAO to state otherwise makes me so sorry. There are ministers that I have always respected despite what the mmd has done, namely Simbao, Mutati and Chituwo. But today I find words from Simbao very disheartening. Who is going to stand by our people?

  16. #12 Mo taim try and see the irony in my post mate. The smiley should say it all. It`s only in Africa where such a high ranked official can make such a f o o l i s h staement even when he knows it`s not true.:d

  17. Iam here in Zambia, so I want the honourable minister to take to a hospital where they drugs. Last week a woman died at one the hospitals on the copperbelt because that hospital did not even have panadol

  18. Since that he was caught distributing blankets in kasama, there is nothing sensible coming out of that mouth,now a typical cadre and not a professional.

  19. Ululumbi Lwamulanda Kukakata Kaili Kulyamo Mudala Eba Zambia

    Sorry mate,I guess i missed that and that was before i saw your other postings.Didn`t see the humour in your statement coz i missed the smiley.Probably this is what happens when you have jockers for leaders.Lesa atwafwe pa Z:-?

  20. If this government were a football team it would be full of defenders. Thank God we have an alert referee in his eminence, Father Frank Bwalya. God bless our country but please wreak havoc on the enemies of the nation especially those champagne slurping flibbertigibbets (last word courtesy of Honourable George Mpombo, Esq.)

  21. Where is senior citizen to comment by the way ? Probably he is also annoyed by Simbaos statement after receiving news that his grandmother wasn`t given pain killers after she had all her front teeth extracted due to the shortage of drugs..:-?:-?

  22. Bwezani kumbuyo for sure,Shikapwasha,Magani,Mwansa,Now Simbao have all become Bwezani kumbuyo puppets>God help us these people need to go.Ministers are cadres.Its evident there no drugs in our hospitals and clinics.Katele went to India for medical attention,Kafupi Dwarf Chiluba goes to RSA,why the have no confidence in the Health system.


  24. This ka guy is very dull which medicine is he talking about Mr Mwanambao or is it Bwezani kumbuyombao.Please check for yoursself at UTH. BY THE way I have just come from Mufumbwe ,mudala ,there NO MORE MMD THAT side it is UPND and HH is camped there to be HONEST expect 80% victory for the PACT in mufumbwe.

  25. Mr Simbao please advise empolyees we find in these clinics to stop giving us priscriptions of drugs coz its now clear that drugs are there at governnment stores. so instead of wasting there energy writing priscriptions let them give the needed medication to patients.

    Those close to MMD know that their fear is that Councils will perfome better, especially the City and Municipal Councils which are under the opposition, and that would be a threat to the survival of MMD. This is the perception of those in MMD, its sad to have such shallow minded leaders that can hold back the development of the nation for their own benefit at the expense of the masses.

    Finally, are the MMD controlled Councils doing better than those under the opposition?

    Can MMD tell us why Councils they control e.g. Kaoma in Western Province, Milenge in Luapula and Isoka have had misappropriation cases (not misapplication)??

    Hon. Simabo dont be senseless. There are no drugs ask us the commoners

  27. Mr Simbao this is really disappointing coming from you! what has happened to you? Is this the way someone tries to keep his or her job in the Government today? what a crying shame!

  28. There is no hospital in the whole world which has every drug that could be prescribed. But the WHO recommends certain drugs for common and serious ailments for resource -poor countries. Those drugs ARE available, but the obvious problem is limitaion of choice for alternatives. Take for example, if you developed blood poisoning due to Methycilin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Mongu, you will die, because the panoply of antibiotics is limited. If you were a ‘big shot’ you would be evacuated to Morningside, and there you would be treated with an alternative. Hon. Simbao, THAT is what we call ‘shortage of drugs.’ Simple, very simple and not politicising!

  29. Similarly, with the so called ARVs it is the same problem. Those who have developed genetic mutations to the common NNRTs, NRTs and PIs, tough! In the developed countries, these drugs are tailored to individuals on the basis of side effects and mutations, but not so in Zed. You get what you are given whether it works or not. Similarly, in boarding schools and colleges, you have to eat what you are given whether it agrees with you or not. I can’t even imagine how many children have died from allergies, gluten sensitivity, lactose intolerance! The worst thing in all the earth is ignorance. But when leaders, with power are ignorant, OH! God help the people!

  30. For the government, I would agree that sometimes, yes just sometimes, there are unscrupulous hospital staff and inept managers who do not care for their patients. They pass on their demoralisation by mistreating patients. In such cases, the buck stops with the appointing authority. This misbehaviour needs to be punished and I would suggest that each hospital should have a complaints policy. Each complaint should be documented, investigated and resolved. Hospital managers need not be doctors, and if they are, these doctors must have management qualifications. The managers are too small for the shoes that they wear.

  31. Can’t the MMD function without telling lies? OK, no more Kateles going out of the country for medical attention – period. Stop lying, wena lihata. Masholi ba MMD.

  32. ” And Mr. Simbao noted that the issue of expectant mothers carrying buckets, glooves, Jik and Chitenge material should come to an end as the hospital would be providing everything for them. ”

    What does ‘should’ come to an end mean? The hospital ‘would be’ providing everything for them?

    What budget is the minister going to use? This is nonsense.

    We all know there is one thing that needs to be done to put all of this behind us, and that is to tax the mines for over a billion dollars a year. Then, the minister can actually make good on his now empty promises.

  33. Something is becoming clearer to me as I read this. That we may be engulfed in a cycle of the same old trickery that is clearly in plain view but hard to get rid of. I see a pattern that has developed peharps over time, where we keep mending patches in a severely damaged tent that probably needs to be replaced. The fact that politicians insist on rhetoric coincides with the fact that the voters in general buy rhetoric, and when tired, they replace rhetoric with rhetoric. In the long run, the best way to curb this problem would be to vote on measure of transparency that allow evaluation of these leaders’ performances rather than their loudness and press time. The ministirial position is way too politicised to serve the ordinary Zambian. It only serves the family of the holders’ interests.

  34. I guess my point is; replacing these immoral persons with seemingly better leaders seems like a great start. But what Zambia really needs is to alter the things that motivate bad practices. I wonder how many trully realise what the reality of the ‘job title’ of Minister, MP etc trully entails? From where I stand it looks like overnight accumulation of cars, drivers, healthcare abroad, education abroad, and all of this with absolutely no one to answer to. Well, maybe the only one you answer to is the president, which is further motivation to do nothing for voters while everything to keep Mr. President in power. That, I believe is a problem with the constitution, with the checks and balances and what the focus should be on. Till we fix that, our problems remain the same. Gloomy but true.

  35. Do these people sleep at night.when a people is admitted into UTH ,you always wonder if he will come out alive.provide medicines in clinics and hospitals mwefinangwa mwe

  36. Its the first time I am seeing the Minister of Health, does he go round hospitals or clinics to see whats going on, last week my friend arrived in lusaka for a two weeks holidays, she was not feeling well, she was told to buy xray films!

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