Sunday, March 9, 2025

Civil servants win 15 % salary increment


THE civil service unions have concluded the 2010 collective bargaining process with a 15 percent salary increase across the board.

The collective agreement which compasses all public service unions is a two-year agreement between Government and the unions.

The unions that have signed the agreement include the Zambia National Union of Teachers (ZNUT), Secondary School Teachers Union of Zambia (SESTUZ) and the Basic Education Teachers Union of Zambia (BETUZ).

Others are the Agriculture Technical Professional Staff Union of Zambia, Civil Servants and Allied Workers Union, National Union of Public Service Workers, Zambia Union of Nurses Organisation and the Health Workers Union of Zambia.

Speaking in Lusaka yesterday, BETUZ president Victor Mwanza said that the agreement will be implemented in two phases beginning with the salary increase of 15 percent with effect from April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011.

He said under phase two is a salary increase of 10 percent with effect from April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012.

Mr Mwanza said other improvements to existing conditions of services such as housing allowances have also been taken care of.

He also said unions have re-defined the rural/remote hardship allowance resulting in the capturing of more beneficiaries there by addressing the many concerns which rose in the previous circular.

Mr Mwanza said with the increasing house rentals, both government and the unions will remain committed to reviewing the same allowances during the life span of the new 2010 to 2012 collective agreement.

He urged government to quickly resolve any problems which may arise from the administration and management of the re-defined rural/remote hardship allowances during the implementation period.

Mr Mwanza said the process of reviewing the rural/remote hardship allowances took long because parties involved engaged in field work as way of addressing the thorny issues related to the allowances.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Good Development, We hope more could be done unfortunately owing to the bad financial situation our Country is in, 15% is Ok. Lets all work hard to Develop our Country

  2. What is 15 salary increament? Ba LT check your title carefully, it is misleading. Bravo ba Kafundisha and the others

  3. its good development but as civil servants we need some kind of protection from these so called finacail lending institutions who are ripping us of our salaries. let them redduce their interests rates!

  4. Next time don`t agree to anything less than 25% atleast.
    However, these are peanats, but be content with your share – so says the Bible.

  5. This is a jolly good salary increment from the MMD government. And it puts more money and buying power in the pockets of Zambians. This is the real more money in your pockets because the annual inflation is only 10% and with this increment, civil servants are becoming more wealthy because the value of the Kwacha is eroding at a slow pace compared to salary increments. In other words salaries are growing at 50% more than the growth of prices of goods are services. This is real good and sound MMD policies beginning to put real value into people’s pockets.

  6. #5 the average salary is K2.5million for all Civil Servants excluding Permanent Secretaries and other constitutional office bearers. When Perm Secs whose salary is K20m are included, the average is pushed up to about K11.5m. Therefore to the common Civil Servant like a teacher a 15% increment implies an increment of about K230,000.00 on salary and K37,000.00 on housing.

  7. Yaaa 15% is peanuts on paper. Civil servants pa Zed are innovattive. They can survive without the increment. In fact, they dont even look at their payslips. They are the most comfortable lifewise..

  8. This increment is crap! 15% in nothing when compared to the cost of living and people’s salaries in the civil service.
    The Govt should have increased salaries based on prevailing economic situation in Zed. Imagine getting K230,000 increment when others are getting K1,200,000 per day at the shambolic NCC?Shame on the unions! wouldnt be shocked if strikes begin now!

  9. 15% of peanuts is still Monkey peanuts. Civil servants pay is pathetic, I dont undertsnd why RB was even scolding HH that has never worked in the civil service. If you are qualified AND marketable, in Zambia the civil service is the last resort. In Botswana to work for even a council is great but pa Zedwe all know what that means.

    Now nurses get K1,500,000 net pay pa Zed. So what will that increament mean???? The MMD say they can attract people that have left for greener pasture in the diaspora. What do the people out there say??? Well Well dreams are free so I understand MMD dreams.

  10. Zambian Civil servants are the worst paid in the region when you consider the cost of living. I asked a female teacher why she was pregnant when she has been complaining that the cost of living pa Zed is chocking hard. ANSWER: She said trying to see if she can deliver a HUNGER RESISTANT BABY since she concieved in hunger. True story bane. :d/:d/:d/:d/:-?

  11. 15% is something but if the government can also do something to “protect” the 15%. Prices of commodities ( surprisingly accept beer that has gone down) have gone up by the same amount over the past month even before the people get the money. I keep my Shoprite receipt every month and buy the same things, surprisingly yesterday my usual Shoprite day, the same amount I use could not fit.
    Also we are a heavily taxed community in the region about 35% to 45% on income alone. What is saddening we live in the most deplorable environment, that is bad roads, no refuse collection, congestion in traffic.
    We are a victimized society with only foreigners getting tax exceptions. With prices of copper now up to about 7000 ( went down to 2500) I think we should see more relief frm price increments,…

  12. The average pay is K1million,so we talking K150pin increment & somebody is saying MMD policies are working.Thats just 2 bags of mealie meal atase[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x.NCC members get more than K500pin per day

  13. # 6. MMD Chief Bootlicker it seems reality around here is too far from you, let me break it down in simpler ways if ones basic salaly is K2m the increament translets into K 300Pin that will mean net pay will probably be K 1.7M, the Food Busket for a family of 6 is K1.2m, that leaves a remainder of 500pin we c ant even talk of School fees, rentals and the rest, don’t rush to say this is a jolly Good salary increament my freind pipo are suffering here.

  14. Makes me sick to read about the Minister of Health saying all’s well in our healthcare system, only to read about the VP in a South African hospital for a “checkup.” Our system and our professors at the UTH are not good enough to “check” on the VP? Then we must make noise over small allowances for people who actrually do some work – our teachers. God bless our teachers.

  15. inflation for the period 2011 to 2012? suppose inflation hits 12 % for the period covered by phase 2 of this agreement, what happens?

  16. Sorry my aunt a registered nurse gets k1.560,000 after tax so this increase is about k200,000 or so. These health workers live in shanties or in hostels with their families unless they happen to have a spouse who can afford more. Investing in Education as well as Health includes paying civil servants well, no wonder corruption i rife and people perform their duties with much apathy. One expatriate was angered by the poor service she received from government offices until she happened to see the Area and house where a senior official in the social services department lived, it left her speechless. Can you live in such conditions and work happily?If government can’t increase salaries at least try to offer more humane housing for civil servants.

  17. I am from the civil service. I used to get aout $200 per month. That is not long ago. Now the salaries are like $300 per month net. 15% of this is $45. without tax. after tax it may be like $30. Net pay after increament $ 330. Check this out bane! Is it real or they are just playing games with civil service?

  18. Kashman; why do we have a family of 6 if we cant afford. Every civil sirvant should have a max of 2 children, all else we shall just be complining. if some one gets 1700000, here is how they can use it
    1. Electricty – 150000
    2. water – 60000
    3. mealie meal – 60000
    4. relish/food – 500000
    5. school fees(are not paid monthly)
    with two kidz, they can manage.
    Now this is how we spend
    1. talktime – 300000
    2. fuel(cars)- 600000
    3. DSTv- 360000
    4. Bills – 400000(high cost)
    5. Children – 6(with an unborn)
    6. Beers – 400000(200000 of whic on credit)
    so sad

    • Our Union Leaders be realistic! u behave as tho u ar not or have never been civil servants. Learn to negotiate accordingly to our needs and demands not wat suits u. mayb u ar corrupt I thick we will stop contributing for unions they ar not doing enough. that increment will be taxed PAYE NApsa

  19. its so little my bru, this is an insult bane. teachers cannot wait for march 2012 for another increment. strike must start now.

  20. Zambia should improve their currency level.I am shocked that Zambia is paying in millions and things are also available in these rate like lacs etc .First of all your currency should be improved.Like your pay should be in thousands and goods and services should be accordly set.Like in Pakistan a pay of 1 lac means you are a rich person means it is awsome salary but i am shocked to read that a pay in millions or lacs in your country is nothing.

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