Sunday, March 9, 2025

RB’s ‘HH is a son of a dog’ statement condemned


President Rupiah Banda

The Anti Voter Apathy Project (AVAP) has appealed to republican President,Rupiah Banda to tone down his language towards his political opponents by using civil language. President Banda is quoted as having referred to opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) president,Hakainde Hichilema as a son of a dog.
AVAP Executive Director, Bonnie Tembo told Qfm in an interview that it is uncivilized for President Banda to begin to use foul language against his opponents simply because he has also been attacked.Mr. Tembo said the current tone of language by political leaders in the country is saddening.

And political analyst, Dante Saunders has said it is uncalled for and unjustified for President Banda to use such harsh language towards his opponents.
Mr. Saunders called on President Banda to develop a thick skin and realise that the office he occupies is subject to all sorts of criticism. He said it is unfortunate that the President decided to use strong words against his opponent.
Mr Saunders advised the President to learn to avoid any such confrontation.
[Q FM]


  1. I’d like to know how the MMD will defend this embaraasment of their President.
    Never seen such a childish old man in my life. Even FTJ who spent 90% of his time in state house High on Weed never used such langauge despite having come in for some stinging criticism on many occasions.

  2. Bloggers, this was a posting on LT yesterday:
    “Sebuloni Kamutanda says:
    April 27, 2010 at 9:01 amI do not think Banda has what it takes to move this country forward. That having said, and remember I am a supporter of the Post and the gallant son of the soil Fred M’Membe, their lead story in today’s edition reading “Banda calls HH a dog is highly misleading.” If you read the context within which Banda said what he did, you will realise the screaming headline could not have been any further from the truth. I just hope the Post will in future desist from such yellow journalism synonymous with government taploids of Times and Daily mail or worse still their vile parrot mouth piece ZNBC. “

  3. The use of such unpalatable language does not inspire anyone. Imagine how RB and HH’s own children feel after reading such insults!

  4. B. Tembo you are just good at showing your sponsors(Donors) that you are working and that means more money hence your statements.
    HH called RB a Dog and he RB merely said if I am a Dog and since I am as good as his father then he is implying that he is a Son of a Dog. This was live thank you to muvi Tv. Why twist a simple and straight forward statement. Shame on you for doing whatever you can to please your Donors so thats how your children survives?

  5. HH used simple english even a grade 5 pupil at lusaka international schools will find no problems to explain the meaning to RB , he just compared his exit to that of a dog not that RB is a dog.

  6. I expected such a headline to appear in Times and Daily Mail as well. Alas any negative story about MMD is swept under the carpet. I do not think RB can be President of Dogs. In my opinon all the Tongas where HH comes from are what he called HH’s father and I don’t think they are that animal. It was very unfortunate that politics of insults of the lowest order can come from the father of the nation. We would like the MMD mouth piece to strongly condemn what was said. God help us.

  7. Pleas 2011 (5) go back to school and learn english I hope you do not have a matero qualification for you to fail to understand very very very simple english I’m sure Mulichikopo bayama

  8. #3, Crooked I, ‘Mwana wa imbwa’ translated into English would mean ‘son of a b.i.t.c.h. It sounds much lighter and less insulting in vernacular. Anyway, I would rather be proud being a son of a dog than of a human because I believe we are such a disgrace before the eyes of our creator. :)>-

  9. The quote at #2 is from a blogger who read yesterday’s Post and found the headline was misleading. The blogger is a staunch supporter of the Post but he still found the headline to be false and called it “yellow journalism”.
    The points that I make are:
    1. People need to verify such reports before they comment especially if they come from the Post.
    2. When we the veterans of the Post from its inception say that the Post of today peddles in lies, we are insulted and given all manner of negative labels.
    3. Obviously the Post was deliberately targeting to mislead voters tomorrow with maximum impact.
    4. I do not think that President Banda can ever make such a statement, if anything it insults HH’s parents not HH himself.
    5. This is what gives credence to media regulation.

  10. Ubupuba bubi! I think of the three big political figures in Zambia, one of the m is very very foolish. I wonder what he thinks one he is making such statements, is he proud indeed? I think his days are numbered, he is now backing like a mad. he is disgusting for a leader.

  11. #2 and 5 please`stop misleading people. RB misinterpreted or misunderstood what HH said simply that RB ‘will be chased like a dog’. and not that he vwas a dog. HH simply meant that RB’s exit as President will be dusty rather than dignified.

  12. Wait a minute! If HH calls RB a dog and RB clearly states that he is old enough to be HH’s father, thus making HH a son of a dog, how does this change to mean that RB called HH a son of a dog? I mean if HH called RB a God, it would in advertantly mean that HH is a son of a God because RB considers himself HH’s father. Therefore, I dont see the problem here!

    If anything, I think HH should be warned and cautioned by police for passing derogatory and misleading comments about RB. But then again, you’d all say that the police are intimidating HH. LOL!

    You can never win in African politics. It is very primitive!

  13. #1, as for FTJ, he never got called a dog because if you did so, you’d wake up dead in the morning, just like Paul Tembo, Ronald Penza and Sadaam Hussein. LOL!

  14. LOL! John James you crack me up! I agree that RB is quite the tolerant leader. A friend just got picked up by homeland security the other day because he said the US government was sending more kids to die in Iraq. Its been three days now and we think he is shipped off to Gunatanamo!

  15. Oh and I remember way back in the day when my mum would be angry with me whenever I acted silly and she would yell at me ati ‘****** we’ kabiye uko! and I would just laugh =)) …no hard feelings at all because she was and is unreplacable. Some motherly love :d/

  16. The problem is that reporters write what they think will bring them money. HH never said RB is a dog. he siad that UPND or the Pact were ready to defend themselves if MMD continue attacking them. That was at Kuomboka when MMD thugs attacked people who were dressed in UPND attire. HH said that they were capable od defending themselves and can outnumber the MMD cadres and they can chase RB with his supporters like a dog. because the word dog was used it became a campaigning material that HH called RB a dog. RB did not understand the context the word dog was used and started calling HH a son of a dog, a puppy. What ever is being said MMD must be voted out because RB has promoted lawlessness in the country. How is George Kunda?

  17. Kaunda failed you all, surely with all that free education goin round, none of you can read and understand simple english. IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF, is a qualification you people. Infact that is not an insult to HH at all, in short RB said, IF Hakainde says am a dog, then he is a puppy since am old enough to be his father, or since in actual fact RB is the father of the nation. Simple, english, go open your students companions twapapata.

    Now IF and again I say IF, Hakainde did not call RB a dog, then no one has been insulted at all. Unless of course you can show us proof that Hakainde called RB a dog.


  18. #12 It is equally offensive for HH to use the word dog in liken anything to a dog. As a man with Boardroom experience HH should be more intelligent than to use such words no matter what he meant. Good, prudent politicians use what are called “measured words” in case they are quoted even many years later. This doesn’t matter for Sata but a young man like HH with a long political career ahead of him, this IS CRITICAL.

  19. RB needs to learn to speak right as head of state and not belittle himself with such insults. If HH was his son, he RB should leave politics to the young people he has passed his sell by date. Insults will not solve anything.

  20. The danger and failure of Kaponyalism in the PACT. Simple relativism has confused them all making fools of themselves. Tribalist Ichilema in his obsession for power which he will never land from the national 9 province aggregated votes called the head of state a dog. With humor and usual none reactionary tolerance RB merely lined up the relativism of ichilema’s barbarious street gansta linguange and i quote him ” if he calls me a dog, the fact that i’m his father’s age which mean i’m his father, then as a parent i have sired a puppy”.This a law of relativism military Political science, philosophy and sociology we can all deduct.

  21. But should a head of state sit back and watch whilst people liken him to a dog? How will this impact on the voters? Will they vote for a leader who accepts to be likened to a dog?

  22. A couple were quarrelling, the wife says to the hubby, Kabiye uko wemwana wambwa we. A dog dozing in the corrodor hears this and says to the couple-PLEASE INE NSHILIKO INE MWILAMBIKA MUFYA BUPUBA

  23. #21 I hope that advise also applies to the other old man currently camped in Milanzi, has he sell by date expired too?

  24. Late Mwanawasa and his legacy was master at use of the law of relativism. Recall when he told off late Mazoka with a curse that UPND would never form Government because it was like amatako which can never transform in the front of a human being. Like wise the cadre of opposition cried on that curse but here we are, Mwanawasa in his grave has been vindicated UPND will never land the error of being a Government. Due to its tribalistic spirit, a surrogate has been forced on the party to nowhere by Sejani, Mwananjiti, Madyekhuku and Nketani all tribalist who declared that UPND is for a tonga President only. As it gets tough Ichilema has resorted to opposing national infrastructure development of roads, hospitals, schools and insulting the Presidency with imounity.

  25. Late Mwanawasa and his legacy cursed UPND and that curse has not spared UPND now head by a mansonist who has nothing to do with God for the curse to be broken.Levy likened UPND to a m-a-t-ak-o which would never transform in the front of a human being.Posterity is judging those who insulted Mwanawasa for his prophetic message.

  26. The Post attitude and mentality is the in thing for everyone in Zed,condemn,criticise,insult etc true will start a war one day.Thus why a Zambian can be knighted by the Queen in England and ostricised in Zambia,a High commisioner to UN in New York can be given a platform to give a diplomatic talk to pupils in an American School but would not be given such a platform in Zambia.Leona Lewis,Arnold Swaznegger,Syvester Stallone,Mark Damon can go to Kitwe,Livingstone and get back to UK/USA and not even a line in the local tabloids.Thus Zed.Worry brain Failure for anybody over 70years of age,its called Dementia RB?or his next five?

  27. Gutter Journalism from the POST at its best and all the Kaponyas have fallen for it, including AVAP. What a shame!! It’s amazing how dull people have become to fail to put this story in context. Let me break it down for you and quote what RB said.

    “I wonder what type of parentage this boy grew in, who was his father? Who was his mother? To take someone, a human being like myself to call a dog!” he remarked. “I think he was badly brought up. I feel sorry for him. He misses something in his life. If he says I am a dog, then he is a puppy.

    HH called RB a Dog and RB just broke it down into what it means and suddenly , you are running around saying HH has been called a Dog. Where did you learn your English? How gutter and petty can you get??

  28. Katie Good I’m now convinced you did not finish your secondary school education ,how can you simply fail surely to understand simple english from HH? chizungu mwana wafunta

  29. Bloggers are busy and spending precious time debating all that the president is good at, name calling and petty issues. You would think Zambia has no pressing issues deserving the serious attention of the president. Retaining power by any means is the preoccupation.

  30. the current utterance from our leaders is indeed a shame that should not receive applause, these are not only politicians they are role models to the young. Suffice to say there is a crisis in the political atmosphere in the country. Politician no longer know what the people need, they are barely addressing pressing issues, and concentrating on “unproductive dirty mouth strategies” that have nothing to do with making zambia a better nation. This situation is pathetic and the public should stand up and refuse to accept such mannerism from our leaders so that sanity can be restored on the political scene. what has happened to the zambian vision? we hardly hear what politicians are going to bring to our society as compared to the vulgarity that is undermining the integrity of our Nation.

  31. Imwe mwe bantu, don’t take things out of context. The AVAP are simply reminding RB to dignify his position as head of state by ignoring seemingly derogatory remarks aimed at his position. A head of state must not be sensitive, he should learn to expect people to say things about him that will not always be palatable. He must not take these remarks personally, doing this can turn him into a dictator. BaRB learn the art of appearing wise: “even a f.o.ol. when he keeps his mouth shut, he’s considered wise”.**==

  32. This DOG business was started by the post, they continued referring Ministers as RB Dogs,

    see how reports can light up a fire

  33. Ya! Bamambala imwe…leave the dogs alone ala. Dogs this dogs that. What did fluffy ever do to you. Don’t we have a country to develope? Don’t we have poverty to eradicate? Don’t we have allowances to siphon. Lets go back to work ba Zambia. Focus.

  34. “Two Wrongs Don’t Make It RIGHT”…. Supposing HH Was the ‘fool’ would we Notice the Difference? No!!! BIG Nooooooooooooo… Umuchinshi Waba Mukanwa… Respect is Proclaimed by WORDS!!, And the Wiser of the Two may not necessarily be The older as he is not Showing ‘EXPECTED’ wisdom…

    Am ashamed that he is even letting down the ‘WISE MEN FROM THE EAST’…. Though am not Surprised As i gather he is Inclined to be more of Zimbabwe lineage !!!!!!!:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?

  35. NACHALE, you are too funny, for real what did fluffy ever do to them. For me here blame should fall on the journalists. This whole incidence is as a result of reporting with alterior motives. Reporting with hidden agendas.

  36. New Zambian Presidential language?
    President Banda responded: “Kana ka kawa. Your language here is similar to my language; nga neo ndine imbwa, yeve ni mwana wa imbwa!”

    I feel sorry for him. He misses something in his life. If he says I am a dog, then he is a puppy. Uuza neo ati ndine imbwa, waputsa ngako (you say I am a dog, you are stupid indeed) – Mwana wa imbwa (son of a dog)!”

    President Banda said when he went to pray on Easter Friday at Lusaka’s St Ignitius, the noise from Sata made him realise “nichisilu cha zoona (a real mad man)”.

    What a cursed country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😕

  37. Institutions are the same, tools are same, the training is even more advanced than those days while options are many today. Why are you guys condoning the likes of HH with degenerative when he is 100% vulverable on 24\7. Where has the spirit of burding gone to to sanitize society? RB’s tolerance is too much this nosense of being insulted could not be condoned in KK and Chiluba’s tenure. Why this tolerance RB??? Museveni or Khama cannot be insulted like this.

  38. There is absolutely no need for either HH or RB to call themselves dogs. Such childish statements will not bring development to our country. Quite disappointly, I would falter RB on this one. He is the PRESIDENT of Zambia and we expect exemplary behaviour. He has to elevate the dignity of the Presidency. This is why we fail to develop in Africa. Focus is on trivial issues and not the common good of all. Calling each other names at the national level simply spews down to the cadres who find it acceptable to engage in violence during elections. Please, twapapata, kuleniko fye mwe ma politicians. Rise above petty squabbles. You are in the least inspiring to us young leaders. Why should you practice stone age politics.

  39. PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda has said Patriotic Front president Michael Sata is a real mad man…..
    Addressing a public rally at Wishimanga Basic School on Monday afternoon to drum up support for MMD candidate Mulondwe Muzungu in tomorrow’s parliamentary by-election, President Banda said when he went to pray on Easter Friday…. the noise from Sata made him realise “nichisilu cha zoona (a real mad man)”.

    His comments came in the wake of a statement at the same rally by Titus Kaponda from Mwinilunga who said PF leaders at one time said people from the Noth-Western Province were like buttocks and would always remain behind; and that they were like doormats to be used by others to get to power.

  40. Comparing Museveni and Khama to the retired man we have as President it tatamount to treason.How else can a ryt thinking sane President use such unpalatable language regardless of the criticism.I thought he was a diplomat at one time.The man is a shame:o:o:o:o

  41. no 44 you are my comrade. I dont know why this nonsense is being tolerated. it is undermining state security and cohesion. soneone needs to take action

  42. But Ichisungu chalikosa bushe did I know.. Ni ka METAPHOR fye aka people ” chase you away like a dog “, ” he screamed his lungs out ” , ” she took my breathe away “, ” baby your smile is dynamite ” . So to borrow a phrase from HH. If you have been past Grade 7 and still cannot differentiate metaphorical phrases/speech from literal ones then you must have a small brain!

  43. It is laways said that a politician should be “Thick skinned”.

    Unfortunately, this is not what we see in the Zambian President. It is like RB Banda does not know that he is President of a country- dementia?

    No wonder he is said to have “hijacked” the Presidency and hence has no agenda of his own to move forward.
    Its a shame for Zambia in particular and Africa in general to have such leadership.

  44. Pipo Like Katie, Tembo, MMD Bootliker consider anything that the Post reports as trash and take avything that Times and Daily mail reports as Gospel Truth, HH Said RB will be chased like a Dog not that he is a Dog, nad what Does our Dear President Reply ” Akamba ati ine Ndine Imbwa, Ive Nimwana waimbwa” we all know how to translate RB called himself a Dog ands by sayin HH is a Son of a Dog…

  45. Prime Minister Gordon Brown has apologised “profusely” after he was caught on microphone branding a woman who spoke to him on the campaign trail “bigoted”.
    The PM’s comments came as he was driven away from an event in Rochdale at which 65-year-old widow Gillian Duffy tackled him in front of the cameras about Britain’s financial problems, taxes, student financing and immigration.
    Unaware that his radio mic was still connected, Mr Brown told an aide that the encounter had been “a disaster” and said he should never have been made to speak with Mrs Duffy, adding: “She was just a bigoted woman.” ITN 28.04.2010

    No!! Unpalatable Statements Tolerated from Leaders

  46. HH has lost presidential elections twice so far, no one chased him. Where did he get this idea of chasing like a dog if someone looses?

  47. Did he say HH is a son of a b i t c h or like you son of a b i t ch is it just the nedia making it sound easy on the tongue and saying son of a dog lol pali ma mafia gangs pa Zed ka lol

  48. #20 Katie Good
    Your bum licking is blinding you mate. Have you forgotten the ‘dog metaphors’ were started by one of your ministers? when we critisized you were the first one to defend him saying it was metaphor. HH did not say RB is a dog therefore he should be chased, he said ‘ he’ll be chased LIKE a dog’. So miss Goody whats wrong with that statement- a metaphor. But RB called HH a puppy and his father a dog. Very very sad we’ve a mad person for a president. MUTULEEEE!

  49. HH was given a dose of his own medicine, he dared Lupiya by saying ‘he wil be chased like a dog’. Much to his surprise, Lupiya then perfected the same insult and threw it back.His sponsors, the POST are now shell shocked that Lupiya can use their language robbing them of their main weapon..their equivalent of the B19s bomb.
    POST are only complaining because insults will now loose their negotiating value (forget the morality smoke screen) as they can now be churned from either side without raising any eyebrows. They are now valueless, sorry POST.


  51. Dont blame the Post, they are just qouting wat ever RB is saying for us that dont have time to watch his campaigns on Muvi TV. HH never called RBa dog at any given time. He said if this hooliganism is tolerated, Bwezani wud be bwezad back like a dog. The Old Man lacks maturity as he has been going round insulting the young man. Elders should respect the young for them to be respected.
    RB is a joker who has foul language! As head of state you don’t go about insulting the people you lead!He needs to wash his mouth with Jik to cleanse his language

  52. It is cardinal that after these by-elections and dust is settled, G 4 must move in to purge the insanity of HH. Take him down in cold b-l-o-o-d. In our days this insanity had no space. Insulting the Presidency. I also ask why RB has this kind of tolerance Zambia has never seen before. The head of state being insulted by every nonity like this yet he is unconcerned. Is it his long years in the Diplomatic corps or maturity. HH is nothing when i we compare to Nalumino Mundia, Gibson Chigaga, Ronald Penza, Edward Shamwana, Musakanya, Richard Ngenda and Major Wezi Kaunda and just recently in Mwanawasa Mukelabai Mukelabai. Just why is RB tolerating some nonsense? Has put brakes on the boys to condone this nuisance?

  53. Right on #27.It is masonist not mansonist.Prince cobra is indeed a freemason and king cobra an illuminati.Google ”Lusaka political illuminati” to prove me wrong.
    And what is a capitalist(HH) DOING IN BED with a communist(sata)?wake up PACT supporters.

  54. Its only in Zambia where politics of insults can be entertained. Head of state calling some son of a Dog? it shows how RB is so disrespectful to Zambians who dont support him, old age politics. Can you imagine Obama calling Maccain son of a dog, what wud happen in American politics?

  55. From the time he was awarded the official title of ‘son of a dog’, HH has been very silent. Insulting was the only way he could open his wide mouth, now that this is provoking unpleasant responses the man is now dumb. It looks like the only way to get the man to issue based politics.

    My message to RB advisors is please find a way of throwing back that ‘small brain’ insult back on this young man so that he can get back to talking sense.

  56. I didnt know that RB was a dog or thinks like a dog! Iam so disappointed! He should have kept quiet and not sink so low to respond. Basebanya!! Its a disaster.

  57. Lets not promote promote politics of insults.we are in the 21st century where people expect developmental argument and not just insulting one another in public.These are our parents who should lead by example.Guys change the pattern of thinking by arguing on issues that can bring about change to people’s lives as expected.The world is watching and in politics there should be maturity and mutual respect.The world is like a mirror and it will always reflect on whatever you do.Lets be the way people expect us to be and not the other way round.

  58. No. 64, this is what you said “Take him down in cold b-l-o-o-d”. You are a frightening terorist and people ought to complain about your kind of language. You surely aren’t Zambian and if you are, you must be a failed imbecile working in a toilet as the list of them all. That is why you can only praise other men that you have listed. What a degradation of human decency!:o

  59. Sorry No. 63 Dakota Not. 64, sorry, this is what you said “Take him down in cold b-l-o-o-d”. You are a frightening terorist and people ought to complain about your kind of language. You surely aren’t Zambian and if you are, you must be a failed imbecile working in a toilet as the list of them all. That is why you can only praise other men that you have listed. What a degradation of human decency!

  60. Anyway while I have heard Banda using Language that i would rather not hear from a head of state, i think here he was taken out of context, a case of selective reporting by the post. yaba zambia Times and daily are government controlled, Post opposition controlled I guess objective reporting is a thing of the Past or was it ever…perhaps shall never be in zed?? cadre mentality can be seen even on LT if you say something against Banda then u are PF, or vice versa(except for the few self proclaimed bootlickers). If even readers don’t want objectivity what will force the media to provide it?

  61. RB is filled with inferiority complex. He goes to Mwinilunga and Mufumbwe and accusses HH of calling him a dog, so he can get some sympathetic support. RB is not a smart. North Westerners are very smart people, they know HH is is a quality guy and they also know that RB is old fashioned guy who tells lies to win support. RB has no class and is unfit for president, i dont even know whether the guy knows how to use a computer.

  62. #10 this is what your so-called president said:
    “I wonder what type of parentage this boy grew in, who was his father? Who was his mother? To take someone, a human being like myself to call a dog!” he remarked. “I think he was badly brought up. I feel sorry for him. He misses something in his life. If he says I am a dog, then he is a puppy. Uuza neo ati ndine imbwa, waputsa ngako (you say I am a dog, you are stupid indeed) – Mwana wa imbwa (son of a dog)!”

    so please tell me, which statement in the above quote is misleading, read the last part, does it say anything that the president is implying something else! ? Whatever the case this dude`s language is not a language that a president should be using. i wish there was a law to impeach the president on such grounds!

  63. # 31 MMD chief Bootlicker, why havent you pasted the entire quote why have you left out the last part of the quote? Your propaganda wont wont mudala, try the cadres in the rural area maybe that will work.

  64. The bloggers who have been planted by PF to follow up Post stories and achieve maximum embarrassment have not scored much today. We know your tactics and we shall continue neutralising you. Next please!

  65. AVAP Executive Director, Bonnie Tembo told Qfm in an interview that it is uncivilized for President Banda to begin to use foul language against his opponents simply because he has also been attacked” by a reasonable easterner and “And political analyst, Dante Saunders has said it is uncalled for and unjustified for President Banda to use such harsh language towards his opponents” by a seasoned person are good advice but you cannot remove the village mentallity from a villager even if you remove the villager from a village according to someone.

    I however hope that the so-called experienced former diplomat will do the right thing by stopping to insult and even apologising to president HH’s whole family.

    B blest all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of…

  66. Metaphorically speaking, HH is right.
    Emotinally reacting, RB is off the mark. Some lessons on English idioms and expressions will do for RB.

  67. Late Mwanawasa was master at use of the law of relativism. Recall when he delivered on late Mazoka a curse on UPND that it would never form Government because it was b-u-t-t-o-c-k impossible to transform from the back to the front of a human body. Likewise opposition kaponyas decried on that curse but here we are, Mwanawasa in his grave has been vindicated UPND in the deep and will never land the error of being GRZ.

  68. Insulting and a tribalistic spirit of HH are no choice assets at national level. Imposed on UPND by Sejani, Mwananjiti, Madyekhuku and Nketani all tribalist who declared that UPND Presidency is for a tongas only, HH has done harm to the party. As it gets tough Ichilema has resorted to opposing national infrastructure development of roads, hospitals, schools and insulting the Presidency with impunity.

  69. cant believe it !!! that a prez of the country should sink so low to use such lingo….how low can RB get?
    please one doesn’t need to be a scholar to use wisdom, pardom me- seems RB lack it too. Thus said, hope he repents and use better choice of words and please have him listen to American politics(Obama) and other noble African leaders!!!!!!! Save us the embarrasments as a nation!!!!!!

  70. Where were the likes of George Mpombo when late Mwanawasa and his legacy were pronouncing a curse on UPND that it’s a “b-u-t-t-o-c-k’ that cannot find itself in front with constitutional executive power? Prophetically that curse has not spared UPND now headed by a masonist Ichilema who has nothing to do with God for the curse to be broken. Levy outrightly said UPND is a b-u-t-t-o-c-k which would never transform in the front.

  71. Posterity is judging those who insulted Mwanawasa for his prophetic message. It’s sad that Ichilema has resorted to sponsoring insurgencies knifing Zambians needlessly. I fear for him these thugs he likes propping up may someday just turn against him harmfully.

  72. He is just playing politics . . to receptive semi iliterates voters….the pipo love dog politics…the dog or is it puppy can respond.

  73. Its very easy to play around or confuse a man with little brains or in other words less intelligent or dull people. HH has achieved his objective. Now RB is ranting and barking like a mad dog, a behaviour that does not befit a Head of State.

    H.H said RB will be chased like a dog but he never got it. Out of slumber or perpetual madness the the confused Head of state went public accusing HH that he had said that he is a dog. He has actually admitted that he is a dog. What a foolish father!! He thinks he is at his farm in Katete. Someone has to sit and advise this old man how to behave and respond to public criticizm.

  74. To be a fair judge I would say RB being the father of the nation is very wrong to insult. A wise leader would not insult but caution the insulter. But since we have a man with no brains in state house , a man in form of a joker, he will always find justification to insult. This is what RB is doing. HH did not call him a Dog, but since RB enjoys insulting he was happy for it was justification for him to insult. WHAT A PRESIDENT YOU HAVE ZAMBIANS. How will people differentiate between a fool and a wise? [-([-(

  75. RB has not insulted HH alone but he has continued insulting Sata that Sata is a real mad man. To justify his insults RB say he calls Sata real mad man because Sata was making noise during Easter meeting. Just think of it. Can you call a person real mad just because he was talking during a meeting? Thats the reason you give as justification for insulting him from one place to the other? This is your RB and if we are not so carefull RB can bring civil war in the country, Be carefull with him he is a danger to us.[-([-([-(

  76. I have never heard our president insulting. He is a principled man and he is not of that type. I am sure Kaponyas are busy trying to put words into his mouth but the wise are able to tell what kind of a good person he is.

    Let RB alone

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