MMD Kafulafuta Member of Parliament George Mpombo has charged that President Rupiah Banda’s recent public utterances against his opponents are an embarrassment to the SADC region.
Speaking to QFM in an interview Mr Mpombo said no leader in the SADC region has ever conducted himself in the manner that president Banda is carrying himself.
He said as holder of the highest office in the land, President Rupiah Banda is supposed to conduct himself in a dignified and respectable manner.
Mr Mpombo who is also former Defence Minister said the kind of behavior being exhibited by the President is adding to the fueling of tension.
He said the vulgar language by the President is a total destruction of the Zambian culture. Mr Mpombo has further advised the president to speak through the people he has appointed to work with and avoid commenting on anything that the opposition raises because this will result in people not taking him seriously as a leader.
Do you think he is a serious person. There seem to be a lot of things that he does not want exposed. He wishes he could die President. RB has made a serious mistake of befriending Titus Mpundu albeit knowledge of the latter’s shortcomings. Titus stole from the Zambians. He stucked our taxes in his personal accounts. Now they will be tried in courts of law as twins.
what! Agoat wearing clothes, giving birth on a human seat? Why the damage? Why wasn’t the goat kept outside?
This Mpombo is just too superstitious. He resigned because some sat on his chair when on leave!
Bauze Mpombo, you are the main man in MMD. Baboon attack, you dive into dam, drown little bit, leopard crawl to safety, then resign big job. Top CV.
Good advice Mpombo=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>We seem to havde a very childish old man at the helm
RB should seek wisdom from Mpompo. Well spoken mpompo, when you hold the highest office you do not need to comment to criticism as you are already there. Maybe a bit of training would have helped RB on hold to conduct himself as head of state. Are you sure he has a degree? I mean RB, he is not behaving like someone who went to uni.
time will tell…all this vulgar language coming form such an old man..is it true that when someone is over 70yrs..they think like babies…?any news on kunda’s death..we need a by election in mkushi..
It is not too late for the president to enrol in night school for a six months diploma in diplomacy. If Thandiwe can did it why can’t he did it?
I would wish RB and the opposition leaders can find time to sit and listen to civilised, developmental oriented speech campigns from UK on SkyNews.
Ba Mpombo duiker, we have already covered that one, it was the usual distortion by the Post. Where were you, grazing?
Honestly, RB would not spen five to ten minutes in his speech before an insult comes out either on Sata or Hikainde, What the problem with this old man? Personaly i have decided not to watch ZNBC news any more, it’s not inspiring
Mr Mpombo is very right, only unresonable people would dispute his words. Some one need to grow up in his way of speaking or making a speech!!
#6 Rhoda, RB went to uni. and has a degree. Just like those sitting on NCC committee. Oh! Not forgetting George Kunda- he also went to uni. and has a degree. Now, what am telling you is that having a degree doesn’t make you wise and therefore, a good leaders. In fact in many cases (especially in Zambia’s cases), it can make you puffed up and more stupid. Just look at George Kunda-would you think the man has a degree? The man has a serious intellectual dificiency even common sense is a rare thing to him. The NCC executive-would you think some of those guys have Phds? In fact one would think that they are just a bunch of village bumpkins, looking at the serious lack of intellect and wisdom.
…To the contrally, if you listen to Brig. Gen. Godfrey Miyanda’s spoken/written word wouldn’t you think the man is a Phd holder? KK himself, is not a degree holder (save for his honourary degree from India), but he’s a wise man and to a certain extent ruled Zambia with wisdom and intelligency.
And Mr Sata has no degree but pretends to have one, rather two because of your pressure
#6. You also spoke of RB to have some training. During campaigning for prosidential elections RB had hired (correct me if am wrong) Image Builders from USA and UK. I thought public speaking was one of the most important topics on the list? RB has got no wisdom at all. Worse still, he does not exhibit intellectual content in him. This is a big test for Zambians on how carelessness can be when choosing leaders. A track record of someone’s hard work and achievements is very important barometer for a potential leader who means good. RB has been a failure throughout his life. How do you expect him to change over night just because he has become president?
Whether people like Mpombo or not, he is absolutely right when he advises RB to let other people answer or talk on his behalf to avoid people coming to know that their leader afterall has no wisdom. Better still to avoid embarassing himself to his counterparts. If some people think Mpombo is not right, then there’s something seriously wrong with their heads.
Katie Good u are just anti-Post.Remember how at first u dismissed reports of violence in Mufumbwe just because it was the Post who exposed the violence?U cant honestly deny that RB s language is uncouth given his position.Even yr party chief Katele is not happy or did the Post distort him?Blaming RB s shortcomings on the Post wont take us any where.Its within yr rights Katie Good to be anti this or pro that,but plse note basic decency demands honest with ourselves at times.
Where were the likes of George Mpombo when late Mwanawasa and his legacy were pronouncing a curse on UPND that it’s a “b-u-t-t-o-c-k’ that cannot find itself in front with constitutional executive power? Prophetically that curse has not spared UPND now headed by a masonist Ichilema who has nothing to do with God for the curse to be broken. Levy outrightly said UPND is a b-u-t-t-o-c-k which would never transform in the front. Posterity is judging those who insulted Mwanawasa for his prophetic message. It’s sad that Ichilema has resorted to sponsoring insurgencies knifing Zambians needlessly. I fear for him these thugs he likes propping up may someday just turn against him harmfully.
Late Mwanawasa was master at use of the law of relativism. Recall when he delivered on late Mazoka a curse on UPND that it would never form Government because it was b-u-t-t-o-c-k impossible to transform from the back to the front of a human body. Likewise opposition kaponyas decried on that curse but here we are, Mwanawasa in his grave has been vindicated UPND in the deep and will never land the error of being GRZ. Insulting and a tribalistic spirit of HH are no choice assets at national level. Imposed on UPND by Sejani, Mwananjiti, Madyekhuku and Nketani all tribalist who declared that UPND Presidency is for a tongas only, HH has done harm to the party. As it gets tough Ichilema has resorted to opposing national infrastructure development of roads, hospitals, schools and insulting the…
As it gets tough Ichilema has resorted to opposing national infrastructure development of roads, hospitals, schools and insulting the Presidency with impunity.
RB should just humble himself and apologise to HH if what he said was r really a slip of a toungue or just blown out of context by the post
.It appears that he was first thinking in Chewa and then speak in English. RB’s thinking is simplistic and requires basic analysis. I think the man wanted to show off to Thandiwe.When he first saw the utterances of HH, he promised his wife that “HH mufana Nichipuba mwana waimbwa and I will tell him off”.. He never thought of consequences.. His utterances and the ongoing debates and analysis in the blogs are closely being watched and does not paint a very good picture of the Zambian Head of State. I imagine other presidents are laughing at our narrow minded president
HH has set him and achieved his objective. His reaction has been mild.
# 19, 20 and 21 is very childish and seems to be a person who is intellectually challenged. All he does is copy and paste from some other sources. The so called Senior Citizen spoils the stories and constructive comments. Go back to school!
#10 Katie Bad, Ala walimutemwa RB, am sure u wish u were married to him, Open yo eyes Lady apakomaila nondo nishi pali ubulema ” if there is too much emphasis on an issue jus kno that there is a problem”.
I guess Mpombo read the headline but not the article. Typical of Africans!
RB is simply useless!
Copying from what sources when # 19, 20 and 21 are his writting reposted? and what is your point anyway?
well spoken George, only that your advice is falling on deaf ears. Chumbu munshololwa!!
why is it good for dog to bite a man and not for the man to bite back. Satan, Mmembe and HH have began the insults and RB is now playing their game and they cry foul. You want RB to just keep quiet , no way, hammer them mudala wesu..
Monkey babtised Mpombo is a born again MMD, his advise is so valid coz he is speaking from experience. RB is a father of Zambia therefore he should not insult but must caution those insulting. But since we have a man with small brain in state house, a man who is a joker and without any agender for the country, RB will enjoy insulting. HE IS A LAUGHING STOCKE IN THE REGION. What a president you have you Zambians. RB is not fit to be president.[-([-([-(
mpombo is a principled man.thank you mpombo for telling the people of zambia that Rb does not befit to be head of the state.he is answering to everything said or written.i thought i was not necessary for the president to read or be told everythings.yes banda spends more than two hours reading newspapers to be talking back.and u say we have a president .may be it is for this reason that i believe the post is really fighting all our battles with this bad government.mmh cant wait for the pact to form a government
On “He said the vulgar language by the President is a total destruction of the Zambian culture. Mr Mpombo has further advised the president to speak through the people he has appointed to work with and avoid commenting on anything that the opposition raises because this will result in people not taking him seriously as a leader” hats off to MP Mpombo for hammering the nail on its head.
I hope the very old insulting President of Zambia wil tone down before he ruins his whole family by insulting president and 2011 presidential candidate HH’s whole clan. What are embarrassing President to all of us Zambians in this world.
B blest all.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness andall these things shall be added unto you.
awe sure “mwana wa flaffy” name calling ya bwesa kantu:d
kwati bangeli bena ba mpombo.we cannot take his comment seriously, since very soon he will be a convicted criminal.”It is an offence to issue cheques on insufficiently funded accounts under the National Payment System Act No. 1 of 2007″,kapala!!!!!!!!!!!
Zambians don’t learn we do so much talking about he said, she said, When are we going to stop listening to nonsense and insults and focus on what policies these political parties are bringing to the table and how we as Zambian’s will benefit. If we are not careful we’ll never break this cycle and our country will remain a GLOBAL VILLAGE.
i say no more talking, lets have a war and run these cursed dogs from govt. Fight war with fire
# 12 when mpombo quit his ministerial post he said he wanted quite time why is he barking now why cant he go to kafulafuta and do developmental works thats what we want for the nation to develop not this stupid talks
If RB is the father of the nation does that make all you lot here offspring of a Poppy?
It is the gutter press that is responsible for all this. Please bury the hatchet with whoever before you set this great nation on fire. This nation should be good for all of us and not just a few individuals that want to make money at all costs. Be truthful and less sensational in your reporting, and above all be more professional in your work. What happened to press queries? The nation is oftentimes drawn into unproductive debates when a simple press query could have clarified issues.