United Party for National Development (UPND) has scooped the Mufumbwe seat deemed as the heavily contested and the bloodiest parliamentary by-election in North-Western Province.
The win has proved most political analysts’ predication that the UPND/PF pact would scoop the Mufumbwe seat while MMD would also win the Milanzi seat in Eastern province.
UPND/PF pact candidate Eliot Kamondo got 5333, MMD‘s got Mulondwe Muzungu got 5009 while UNIP’s Stephen Kamwengo got 180 votes.
The defeat is heavy for the MMD party that is trying to regain its previous domination of North-Western Province after they lost Solwezi central seat in a parliamentary by-election to UPND/PFpact last year.
Mufumbwe bye-election was another test for the ruling party’s popularity in North-Western province as the country draws near to the 2011 presidential and parliamentary elections.
Jubilant supporters of UPND/ PF pact spent the whole night celebrating their early victory from results that there trickling in.
Police yesterday restricted UPND president Hakainde Hichilema’s movement to avoid running battles that erupted between UPND supporters and the MMD cadres during the campaign period.
MMD candidate Mr. Muzungu was recalled from Libya were he was the ambassador to come and contest the Mufumbwe seat.
Prior to the elections some MMD supporters in Mufumbwe rejected Mr Muzungu’s adoption as a parliamentary candidate.
ok! thanks for the news but all the blood…really????
VIVA PACT–The MMD wont admit it but this is a very heavy blow.
can i hear some comments…
A heavy, heavy blow for the MMD. The tred is now set for the 2011 elections. But all the blood really??One lesson learnt from this bye-election is that where its not plain sailing for the MMD, they resort to violence.
Another funeral for MMD. The magin of victory does not matter. The whole MMD campaign machinery and rigging tactictics failed in Mufumbwe. The win proves HH’s growing popularity and the strenght of the Pact. Viva Pact!
Viva son of a dog
the people have spoken
we told them only eastern province is there for MMD. let them fire Mpombo then they will see what will happen.
Yeah ! That`s what am talking about:-?
chwe chwe chwe . God bless Zambia !!!!:d/
I said it. am lozi who have lived in NWP and seen the worst developt province Zamba under UNIP and MMD. I donot belong to any party but the loose of MMD here is the best that life has done to me. In case I die before MMD is kicked out of office, then I can rest in peace. GO PACT GO!
This is gud result. But the blood shed is not gud.Lets try to avoid sheding blood as we are all brothers and sisters but under different Political Parties. Gone are the days of Kaponyas like William Banda.
Now PACT concentrate in the Eastern Province. The combined 4000+ by PF and Unip is very encoraging considering that is Rupiah’s mothers village.All those fake policemen must be arrested for impersonation.Oh nearly forgot, there will be another by election in Mkushi
the last nail to the MMD coffin what next
Those who have killed they should be brought to book including those police officers who just clobbered citizens for expressing their right to vote.
Another lesson learnt by MMD, we knew MMD would loose Mufumbwe and win katete one, fire mpombo and see what will happen,its gona be another big blow.
Which way now for Mulondwe Muzungu? A former Cabinet Minister, MP and Diplomat. Will RB appoint him Permanent Secretary in some unlucky Ministry?
Solwezi Mabanga, #11 Please don’t die before voting, we need your vote as the PACT. Should you decide to die please cast your vote then die. LONG LIVE PACT.
Difference of 300 really, after a combined effort. Imwe sure bushe is there really a wind of change all its just UPND growing in popularity. Ku Milanzi difference ni 3000, here its 300. Am i the only one seeing a problem here. Anyway congratulations are in order to Kamwendo, his people seem to love him. Muzunngu try again next year, 300, panono apa, you can manage, if you just marry ten wives and look after all their relatives, nishi wasova mune.
We new that this seat would be bloody, beacause the MMD wanted to prove that they are still popular in North-western even when they are not. If you follow from the results and reports from Mufumbwe, they were few people who voted because of fear, and to be real enough Mufumbwe is just a village, it does not have such a large number of voters, these numbers and results leave a lot to be desired. The MMD tried to rig here but it was tough for them. Rupiah has shown us his true colours of violent behavour on the opposition and beating of journalists. The opposition had two choices submit or fight back because they were pushed too far. It’s sad that blood was lost.
Mufumbwe is nothing! A small technical error cost us the seat, we thought we had stuffed enough ghost votes into the boxes :-w This must NEVER happen again!
Thats good news. The mmd and RB should start parking their bags in readiness to leave next year, these are signs of the end of mmd. The combination of police/ecz/govt. machinery/violence can not force the people to like mmd, this is a good lesson. The Milanzi seat was a known case that mmd will get it since that is the only province RB is popular.
A win is a win even by one vote!!!
Nice lesson to foul mouthed old shrek! He’s just mad coz his asi is old!
He He he, the PACT had a sweet loss in Milanzi. It was a stronghold for MMD, now we have managed to infiltrate them, we got 2000+ votes there when last time managed only 100. In Mufumbwe, Mulondwe Muzungu has been clobbered. he he he he. The chiefs were cheating RB so that they chew his money. he he he. RB went to Mufumbwe twice, the 1st time fled just to go and Urinate in Lusaka. he he he. NWP has fallen to the pact and the PACT made in-roads into Eastern Province. He he he
Many thanks to HH for his bravity.
Shame to RB and his thugs in MMD.
=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>:o) to the PACT for winning. hope its a sign of good things to come in 2011.
UPND/PF has rigged the election. Am wondering how they won this seat when they are not popular. However, 2011 is near for you.
if the pact form Govt they should export Wlliam Banda back to Malawi, honestly we can’t have MMD thugs brutalising people like this
Senior Citizen mulebwela ku Zambia come 2011,your fools MMD who went to beat up people with the help of kabonde IG failed to win .VIVA UPND/PF pact,uka chimona we ,do not even think of ZNBC
Thanks HH. We have seen how serious you are. But please mind your language. Do not answer back to these OLD OLD OLD OLDIES. They will mislead you. We are in the PACT together but let’s clean it of INSULTS.
So what happens to Mulondwe Muzungu now? Does he go back to UNIP or does he go back to Libya?
#21 Senior Citizen- Very shallow and foolish thinking. How can you insult an intergral part of Zambia. If Mufumbwe was not so crucial why did you send the entire Lusaka MMD thugs under William Banda assisted by Kadobi and Bobo.
Easterners are always slow to change, 1991 they remained with UNIP, now they are with MMD when the whole nation is shifting!
When is the Namwala by-election ?
HOORAY! and who is the Dog now?=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>
The continued win by UPND and the continued loss by PF in bye elections show that HH should be the presidential candidate for the PF/UPND pact. while UPND has conitnued to conquer MMD strongholds, PF has miserably failed and continued to lose to MMD with thousands of votes. HH nakupapata pliz dont let sata ride to state house on your back, 2011 is yours mwana. The results of all the recent bye elections have shown that sata has MAINTAINED his coverage while you have kept INCREASING your coverage. Viva Pact4HH
I don’t like the new page LT has brought. I can’t see a lot of features here. I wish you are the ones who lost the by-elections. Wots up with George Kunda? Anyone, say anything, dead or alive I want him(George)back dead.
UNIP still exists :d:d:d Easteners :d:d:d you have to admire their loyalty. Pliz people no offence meant, this is just funny! Didnt RB tell them that he is no longer UNIP? am sure this was just a mix up! :d:d:d
Now its time to startegize on how to deffend our selves against MMD and the useless police next year. Let us arm ourselves in readiness to fight back the forces of mmd and police. We are alone in Zambia, we dont have police to protect us. Let the international community condemn the brutality and beastism of Rupiah Banda and his minions. If In a very small village like Mufumbwe Blood is shed, what more in urban areas? If RB continues with his animalistic brains , he will pay for it next year. Wiliamm Banda should be deported back to Malawi, why should he continue shading innocent blood in Zambia? Let him go back to malawi now.
Congratulations the PACT of Kaponyas but If i were you i would not celebrate yet because 2011 is still too far. This win is going to make HH too big headed and think he can win by himself. As a result if the pact choose Sata as candidate HH will go it alone. I do not see Sata accepting to serve under HH so if HH is chosen it is an open secret Sata will go it alone unless NCC stops him through the degree clause. Either way MMD will go for the kill. But for now I guess congratulations are in order!! well Done!!!
This is just a beginning, more loses are still coming. The results for MMD candidate are not true, how can he get such results when himself Muzungu confessed four days ago that he not popular in the area and wherever he went he was saluted by opposition slogans. The man is too old 68 he really needs rest than moving around selling himself to electorates. Guys these old people need to rest at their farms, if they did not invest for the future then it’s their own dilema. We need young people who are well informed and cannot be cheated by these investers.
Analyzing electoral trends by reviewing statistics of the Mufumbwe seat show a tight election in 2006 no different to the similar narrow margin of today. The dismal performance of a collusion of PF-UPND is a wake up call that reveals how the PACT is plugged on a live wire to MMD in 2011. This election has only shown lack of strength and irrelevancy in this PACT. By failing to end with a splinter’s margin shows that the PACT politically is operating at the Marginal curve. The question they need to sincerely ask themselves now between the two of them is if there is any value of this marriage of convenience that lacks a national agenda, ideological or policy congruence.
Milanzi was very triky it was among the three Bandas the only thing was mukali nidani. Congratchule ba MMD. Lesa apale.
You win some,you loose some. God bless mother Zambia,
I wonder how Chief Chizera is feeling after the loss??? Lesson to RB too Viva PACT! Viva HH
Am a Sata supporter, and Sata is my biological father, but with this performance, I am now looting for HH. Let us all PF supporters and peace loving Zambians support HH. The future of Zambia is with HH. Please my colleagues, Smooth Criminal, Alistoto, Msana Wanzili and Kambongolo, I know we are Bemba’s who want Sata to lead, because he is Bemba like us, but lets put our vote to this vibrant young man, he is showing that he is capapble. HH for 2011 and pact president….Am so drunk and still blogging, ala nintwemwa guys. HH for 2011.
Whoever has won or is yet to get the ECZ seal as winner in the two bye-election we wish them wellness and congratulation.But the battle ahead is real and tough national wide.Parties will be stretched thin and these dismal performances may just turn into nightmares for some.
The tenacity that HH has shown is encouraging. He went the whole width and bredth of Mufumbwe to source the votes… it reminds me of Barack. Am sure if UPND had contested the Milanzi seat could have done far better than PF. Sata’s tactics don’t appeal much to villagers hence the poor performance.
Power to the people!
#43 Senior Citizen….I think you overate your inteligency:d:d:d. The rest of us just look at you and laugh )):)):)). Do you honestly think people take you serious!
Ok, LT, what’s this? I get a different interface page again, get real, you phonons!!!!!!
Now we want to see who the PACK will choose. For me if the choose the thug Cobra, count me out!
But the dogs shuld be more professional in their backing
Whether MMD likes it or not, thire time is nigh. They can rigg presedency but they will have only 10 MPs. Mark my words. MMD is now being likened to a blood party. Sheding blood is not a culture of Zambians. Zambians are peaciful in their political orentations. But we have an old man with small brain in state house who has teamed up with a Malawian William Banda in sheeding blood in Zambia. Please MMD go in peace in the same way UNIP went in peace. In fact you are the same UNIP. SHAME ON RUPIAH bANDA.
UNIP chimo chine na Liverpool FC, ba lipwaaa!!!. They’re just spoilers. No matter how hard they try, they never win anything. Bravo Pact!! **==
Ba Senior Citizen, no amount of bribery, corruption, intimadation, false promises, police force and even last minute “developmet” attempts will fool the Zambians in this generation but the people’s Will shall prevail and evidently so as can be seen from these two huge defeats of MMD in a province which has registered a lot of “investment”. The last laugh goes to the people. Remember its written in Galatians 6:7 that “Dont be misled – you cannot mock the justice of God. Change is the absolute thing in 2011 by landslide. Congrats the peoples’ voice of N/W province. Genuine and better development is on its way. Peace. Viva the PACT!!
Agony is running to the Police in the middle of violent opposing cadres and run to a uniformed Police officer for help, only to discover he is one of them…
The integrity of our Police and its IG has been exposed to have been commpromised. the violence in Mufumbwe pepertuated by either side could have been contained only with a professional and none partisan Police Service.
Ba #19, uuummmm naimwe, bushe nimwe ba Grade shani. The difference in Mufumbwe is not 300 sure
Iwe # 56 uli wansele comparing liverpool to MMD. Ala posaka amano.
RB is busy turning MMD into UNIP. This is what the MMD is not realising. He has William Banda now as Lusaka MMD Chairman. RB buldozed his way to have his friend Mulondwe Muzungu as MP for Mufumbwe. Next ba Grey Zulu will stand in Mkaika. Wait until UNIP takes over MMD.
KK will stand and lose in Chifunabuli. Chiluba will be made to stand in Chembe, wait until the comedy or error start.
Yellow Card for Bwezani. And where the heck was superman VJ and his bag of many tricks? Please let’s spare the blood of our relatives. Didn’t shed enough before 64?
I wish the physically injured a quick recovery. We thank God you did not die. You live to fight another day (God Forbid) !
Congratulations to the PACT. This is good for democracy.
Senior Citizen n i senior Chipuba i just realized that, only wants pipo to believe in wat he believes in typical of him even wen the writing is clear on the wall, MMD is not as strong as it was in 1996,2001,2006 infact 2006 they just rigged if its 2008 by elections shilefyaya nokulandapo coz we all know VJ played his tricks very well with the help of one Jack Kalala
Now that Bwezani knows Katele can’t dribble the Ucar way anymore, the boy (Katele) is likely to go to jail.
After much huffing and puffing, the MMD president failed to blow the Mufumbwe house down. He put in 110% into this seat and lost. In Milanzi he got a C+ (comment: still room for improvement). The writing is on the wall. Hakainde and Sata will be Zambia’s biggest employers next year. Its time to get a GRZ secretary to help type my CV on Lt. Gen. Shikapwasha’s Olympia typewriter. Wapya munzi!
Guys naya ine mukupwisha ili bottolo, awe ama results aya ilifye good mwe, nomba mwilaba efyo ndandila pa mulu, attti pamesno pali HH, ba tata, balekeni baleya tusha, pantu HH eh future yesu, mwaufwa guys. This is from me deuces, elo you know am Sata’s son, so this is my honest analysis. for now its HH for 2011, lekeni HH ateke, (singing).
Viva HH son of Zambia, Tonga bull as people in the south would call you. You are just doing it right and your appointed time God has made for you is near. Thanks very much for all you have put in during this election. Even the 5000 votes the MMD got are not true votes; they just wanted to look a bit popoluar while not. Shame to RB, SHAME SHAME. MMD kuya bebele in 2011. They remain in Eastern province just like it happened in 1991 when they remained with UNIP.
The die has been cast and all the writing is on the wall. Wina azalina, come 2011. VIVA PACT!!!!!!!
HH for PACT president hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh. Sata will be the Minster of local Govt
Rupiah Banda is just a dog busy eating what he did not grow. This old man is stupid and should not be allowed in 2011. He is a tribalist. He is a theif. His anger is dangerous to our your democracy. He should go after 2011 or else we will send him by force. Zambia Army please don’t let us down in 2011 if RB and MMD rigs the elections.
:d/:d/:d/:d/ I’m glad for the UPND/PF in Mufumbwe. It’s always great to see such results after all the violence and lack of action by the police! The people have spoken! Only sad about the Muzungu son car accident. Was he drunk to run over all those people?? He should be locked up. Anyway, God bless Zed**==
Can anyone give me any reason why hh should not be the PACT’s presidential candidate! 2 bye election wins in a row for UPND and a chain of losses for PF seems to me that ba shikulu ba sata is not as electable as his cadres think. Lekeni akaiche ka HH kateke! RB and SATA please and retire in peace, you both started in UNIP 40 years ago, time for new bloos. Viva HH!
I think its common sense that people representing people in parliament should be based in those districts or how else will they really know of the problems being faced by their people if they themselves dont experiance it 1st hand. Its like the ‘Legs” are in mufumbwe, the “A.s.s” is in lusaka and the “Head” is in libya.Haibo:o. Congratulations to the winners. Hope you you live up to whats needed of you
The PACT should now realise that its biggest enemy is no longer the MMD but it’s ability to elect an electable presidential candidate. All these wins will be in vain if both sata and HH continue to harbour state house dreams. Only one person can go to statehouse. Sooner or later us the people will need to know who to vote for in 2011, the longer the PACT takes to select the candidate the less time they will have to settle their differences after the selection of the candidate and once again mmd will ride on the PACT confusion all the way to state house. Please ba PACT tell us who we should vote for next year; you cant hide your head in the sand forever
BLOODY good news,i must say!!
MMD is finished.And had not been for police brutality and violence , MMD would have suffered a bigger blow. Anyway too much of nothing for more than a decade. Lets all get voters cards and vote for the pact next year.
Ok, b.l.o.o.d.y. good news!!
Its a shame,MMD has won in Eastern Province.What can one expect from the province were bwezani comes from,they all thinking like him.shame on you easterners.Go back to Malawi.
This is good for our democracy. HH is definitely popular in NWP as was seen in the presidential elections.Question1: can Sata match that popularity in NWP? Q2;Would HH have done as well as sata did in milanzi? Which way forward Pact? I still see a very divided & regional poll result in 2011 which will work in RB’s favour. The MMD might not even form a majority but Banda will get enough votes to win the election unless HH & Sata really surprise us and opt for one candidate but the indicators are that each one is reinforcing their backyard meaning the fight for the top slot will be bruising. WP and Luapula will determine who wins presidency & WP does not vote Sata, Luapula will not vote HH. Then we have the numerous contenders that will spring out of the cupboard.
There is a man in the park peeing in a fountain and a cop comes up to him and says, “Sir you need to zip that up. You aren’t supposed to p.e.e in a public fountain like that”
So the cop is leaving and the man zips up his pants but is laughing hysterically. Finally the cop says “What are you laughing at?” and the man says “I zipped it up but I didnt stop!”
Iam happy and the results really show whats on the ground despite police intimidations and insults from high offices. North Western is a UPND stronghold by now without any doubt which is a success for the pact. The pact performance in milanzi was not bad as it is RB’s village. Shame to MMD ZNBC, MMD Police and MMD ECZ. Encouraged by the pact’s determination dispite threats on their lives. Viva 2011
here we come ( pact forever, and nothing will stop us from beating there arses) not even the kabonde’s will manage…hahahahaha.
Congratulations to UPND and MMD. Commiserations to PF and UNIP.
UPND has held on to the NW Province. The only MMD seats here were held by UPND defectors to MMD. But, the victory is narrow considering that Muzungu is not resident there, and while as HH spent a lot of time (?money) there. It is a seat that can easily be won back by MMD after the new MP is tested in parliament and found wanting in the next 18 months!
I sincerely hope this dismal ending does not fool HH and his violent politics to start killing some of his MPs challenging him in an effort of a testing his infatuated popularity.And hope this violence he unleashed in Mufumbwe will not characterize his politics henceforth, otherwise his violence will violate leaving UPND headless.Despite a dismal outcome, this throws the PACT is talso of irreconcilable rivalry for control on argument of strength as Sata has 19 MPs while HH is now at 23 MP while MMD 82 plus nominated = 92 parliamentary strength not forgetting all the so called 22 rebel MPs voting with MMD in the adoption of the new constitution on which 2011 will be held on.
So called Senior Citizen is nothing more than a literary swindler, a species of charlatan, who PRETENDS to traffic in modern ideas. He tries to conceal his incurable ignorance with pompous and arrogant phrases but all he does is make himself extremely ridiculous with his gibberish. Bloggers beware of this persistent PARASITE.
Dont forget that MMD grabbed this seat from UPND in the last general election, so its simply a reversal.
The 4 bye elections since pact formation. 1 Kasama, PFF took its own seat back, no changes. 2 Milanzi, MMD took own seat back, no changes. 3 Solwezi central, UPND grabbed from MMD, simply areversal from last polls. 4 Mufumbwe, UPND grabs from MMD, another reversal from 2006.
Conclusion: Pact not a serious match for the MMD, PF’s performance is pathetic , that of UPND is sheer luck in established strongholds.
You cannot blame the easteners, they are the only ones enjoying RB’s presidency.Haven’t you noticed how much development RB is doing in the east.
another big blow to MMD where is Kunda George he should advise RB to expel Mpombo so that we have another bye election….. time is slowly catching up.
Ngoni King # 18,
you have given me hope to stay and cast my vote. you and me can make a difference. Change! yes we can. In life we should not look at who is our tribe mate but who can stand up for us. People i feel for mother Zambia with this life we are taking by voting MMD in Milanzi just becos RB is from there. Look at Katele Kalumba, the man has now seen were there is butter and he has stopped talking about Magande.GO PACT YES CHANGE WE CAN IF WE WANT
I support your misleading statement. If HH is so popular by winning N.W then advize your brother to go ahead alone so that he can again come out third position. For your information UPND would have done nothing in Milanzi the motherland of RB. Vice no party can challenge UPND in Southern. In other places like CB,LSK Luapula and North UPND is not known with no MPs for that matter. So if you are really Pact supporter pliz try to use god language because the two parties need each other Come on guys
Well done the pact. RB what happened to all the money you put into Mufumbwe? MMD is finished. Can we please hae some more by -elections in western and central so that we show you what needs to be done
easterners are useless rats..viva pact!!mmd wawa!!
chwe chwe chwe, number 43 Senior Shitizen, you are very blind.THE WRITING ON THE WALL IS VERY CLEAR UNLESS YOU CANT SEE.
Congratulations are in order PF/UNDP. But these are early days, all that bewidering kaleidoscopic array of dope dealers and crooks associated with the pact thinking they will be soon posted abroad, dont make plans yet. MMD are still in power and will stay in power.
senior citizen
October 15,2009 at 10:27am
”I now advise all PF kaponyas to print this statement and use it to vindicate me if my statement turns a total illusion distant from the ballot verdict. I make this statement under no usual political inclination but as a grounded actor in predictive sciences that has never failed me in business, statistical analysis and political resaerch. I have used many variable to reach this conclusion. Should Mugara lose i will salute him with respect, but vow to retire from blog politics and own business. Instead will enter active politics which has never been on my calendar beyond blogging during free times. But i vow MMD victory”
You entangled yourself, the Pact won seat but you still here. what happened to integrity, at least change your name.
Tension in Mufumbwe had been high since MMD deployed thugs from Lusaka. The MMD thugs had been camped right in town and had been terrorising the locals and the opposition.
In Wednesday’s incident, a UPND Copperbelt treasurer Christopher Mwape went to buy drinks at one of the shops.
The MMD thugs identified the minibus as belonging to the UPND and immediately started smashing its windows and destroyed its tyres in full view of riot police officers deployed to maintain law and order.
MUFUMBWE 2008 Presidential Results
BANDA RUPIAH B————— 5,503
source ECZ
Even if people are talking about small margin in Mufumbwe, I guess the big winner is HH.
Surprising there’s a big turn out in this bye election, a total of 10522 as opposed to 7814 during the Presidential bye-election.
Just wondering why the 2708 decided not to vote or is it a question of ghost voters?
They are like Nebukadineza, they dont understand the writing on the wall. And when u interpret to them the meaning thereof, they reject it. A BIG fall awaits them
chapwa # Pact4HH
You are the same chap. Again SATA started in UNIP 40 years ago. Later him stand on his own UPND so that South, West and Nothr, West could go along UPND. I thougt SATA and HH need each other. Of late UPND supporters you are fond of using bad language against Cobra, Too much Vulgar language, rudeness, arrogance and an air of pride and self-importance. We are following your comments. Come on guys
There are 22 seats which have been ready for bye-elections for ages, when are the courts letting these elections to go ahead?
Mufumbwe victory should be dedicated to the men that shed blood and were alert against MMD. This an MMD seat, now its the PACT seat. We have reclaimed Northern Western province for the PACT. MMD on remains with Eastern and probably Western provinces. Central Province is a swing province that can go either way.
Free Advice to UPND and PF supporters. Stop belittling each other coz you both need each other. Either party on their own will not dislodge MMD. Build on each other strengths and not pulling each other down. Its true that UPND is quickly getting back to its strong self and this is good for all of you. A strong UPND and strong PF = strong pact.
Secondly, the Pact need to announce their line up quickly so that they have time to soothe the tempers of the cadres who wont be pleased. For starters, PF need another contender other than Sata!
Stop saying the nonsense that eeasterners are tribalist.I for one am ngoni but i dont rb.RB won in eastern coz thats were he comes from,have an election in southrn province if HH will loose then bin laden will be the president of u.s.a aswell.Will sata ever loose an election in copperbelt areas which are predominantly bemba?So regionalism or tribalism is difficult to overcome in africa….and all those who are sayin HH is more popular than sata cut the crap pliz.If you have an election in luapula or northern province its obvious that sata will win besides, the last elections who had many votes?Are you out of your faking minds?And senior citizen and all those mmd supporters on this blog,you have your heads in your a.s.s holes:))
#98 ( courtesy of my brother SMOOTH CRIMINAL)
Only a fool would be swayed by rubbish propanganda of flip flops like Senior Citizen and his same s.e.x civil partner Mr Capitalist. He threw himself a challenge and he’s failed to life by it like a man, as far as am concerned the real SC has stopped blogging and might be in mufumbwe right now, however, if its the same old SC then am sorry you should hung your head in shame infact you are not supposed to be on this site sharing same platform with some of us with integrity to protect, you’re a misfit, a pathological liar, shameless and deceitful. So now tell me who would believe you even have a diploma or even certificate, no one normal would ever take you seriously you’ve discredited yourself for nothing mate.
thakyou mufumbwe
VIVA PACT REAL SONS of human beings unlike those who claim they are real can a dog really win a parliamentary seat?only dogs loses becauses they are dogs and they dont reason…come 2011 the pact remain intact u are the only hope!CHEERS HH CHEERS SATA men of the moment…
Well done ~HH and the PACK. It was predicted that you will win. Maybe mmd should try to listen to mpompo because he said it. Come 2011 mdd will be finished, just watch this space. The mmd riggers are too ill to compaign.
MMD has almost outlived its life span. The Party is expired and worth for the rubbish bin or by chance, for academic purpose, it should be taken to the archives sooner or later. Ati manyazi bati Kwa Muzungu and RB. All the way from Libya just to come and embarrass yourself. Manyazi kwa RB and the wife and Henry the son. Chifundo ine!!!! Eeeee bangawine aba 2011 A Mwadya Mweka Daddy (MMD) ?
I must say im worried about the pact, winning by 300 votes? That clearly goes to show that the so called ‘rumours’ about rigging are just that. The MMD honestly has no reason to rig in 2011, they just have to campaign hard, they have more resources than the opposition at their disposal. It seems like the people of Zambia are afraid of the unknown, quite frnkly we may be better off with the devil we know as opposed to the one we dont.
By the senior citizen i’m totally agreeing with everything you’ve been saying today!!
Kadya nka MMD mbili niya UPND
congratulation for winning.Thats exeplary democratic.But more honour goes to the men of courage who stood by their right to choose even at the face of threats and terror from the militias.Those who suffered injuries during this election deserves a noble peace price.They are heroesof this dispensation.Its through such that change can begin to seen
Great great news after weeks of violence and intimidation! At least I am still proud to be Zambian after all! It’s a good lesson to RB that violence does not win elections. Zambians, even villagers in Mufumbwe want change. Too bad to the achimwenes in the East who are still believing in ‘waka ni wako’ nonsense!! Wake up guys, aint you the first ones to see the sun rising!!
Well done Mufumbwe….
Zinswe zyenu no ba MMD (Mwanya Mulamana Do). Mulibayanga maningi, mulibalwani kakunyina Kambo.
Omulombwanama HH, twalumba wa beleka zanguzu kumufumbwe ooko, koyumayuma musa. Aya ma voti kojana calino, i want to assure u, aba ba MMD inga tibakukonga pe, pepe! Inga eeco chatontwa kapati. Twabona lino masimpe kuti inga muntu ta ba mubwa nanka kuti inga waba mwana wamubwa.
Lino pele mwana wamubwa twamuhiba, Go pact go! Ijanza kumbele! Inguzu
Mpombo saw it coming on 5th April
My question is: what next for mulondwe muzungu who was recalled and forced on the people of Mufumbwe? Is he going to receive another appointment from RB? We wait and see how the circus unfolds::::
I thought that a PACT is a combined team that is supposed to win by a landslide against a single so called finished party MMD?
My advice to the pact is not to overcelebrate in a typical Zambian way just like when Zambia soccer Team beat Malawi they think they can even beat Brazil. But start strategising because the margin is not encouraging and in 2011 you will have elections in all constituencies & concentration will be divided.
Wake Up!!!!!
We will keep on guiding the votes to the later. We shall continue been at the polling stations up and until the last vote is counted. We equally will continue encouraging young men to register as voters, realising we’re God’s Children and knowing we’re God’s Children, we deserve to live a more decent way of life.
It really doesn’t matter whether Sata or HH becomes President of the Pact, and please stop talking about South, West etc, we’re all Zambians and are all God’s Children. We in the Pact will vote for whoever will be picked to be President, and it will not matter where that Individual will come from. What matters is that the Individual is a Zambian who values Zambian people.
The guy who is trying to sow bad blood in the pact by agitating that it must only be HH for presisdency is sick. This is why the two leaders are not even anouncing who will go first because of your likes who are so sick and you don’t appreciate the team work. I advise you to be realistic and and look at the issue squarely. The fact is that both parties need each other. HH has proved that he can’t go anywhere alone, Sata can do even better than HH but he also needs HH to infltrate other provinces such as Southern, Western and NW. Calm down they will both lead. Right now the focus is on disloging mmd and especially RB who has shown that he has no plan for Zed by going for holiday in Mfuwe bearly a month in office, trips abroad during crisis of floods, selling zamtel, insulting the list is…
MMD yalala!!!!!!!!! This is an eye opener for Rupiah Banda that The People of Zambia have rejected his leadership.
2011, Kuya bebele.
Time for Change is drawing near.
Mpombo resign. We want to teach the MMD a lesson. The wind of change is blowing!!
Heeheheh ahhahahah hohohohoh, hmmmm let me laugh the loudest. MMD and RB beaten clean and clear depite their brutality. They ganged up with the police but the brave people of Mufumbwe said no to MMD. What a shame. Be warned that now we are arming our selves. If you will use machets, pangas or guns,.. even us we are going to use them come 2011. Zambia shall be set on fire if RB and the police continue with their animalism and foolishness. Know that the opposition is in large numbers than you MMD. We will beat you together with you useless police. We are warning you. Try it next year you will see RB and the police.
Some UPND supporters are pathetic,day in day out they continue to insult and belittle PF supporters and its leader the King Cobra.My advice to you UPND supporters is that in order to dislodge the cancer called MMD you have to accept Sata and PF like we have accepted HH.I for one wants to see the end of the MMD and its draconian system whether HH or Sata is President.Zambia urgently needs a new order.United we stand,divided we fall!! Support the PACT not personalities!!
Sata akati kope ataya Milanzi!! RB akati kope ataya Mufumbwe!! Congrats 4 UPND for wrestling back the seat.However,this is just the begining for they have contentious issues to sort out with rebellious PF.
HH For president. HH for president. HH for president young man you have done it again. Am sure we all agree he is the man. Am happy that even those who support the other guy are acknowledging that he is the man. If it doesnt matter who leads then lets give it to the young man. HH For president. Pact partners this is the time to be selfless, put your tribe aside and give our man a chance.
#128 Mulenga— Newcastle Upon Tyne: My brother, it is not the UPND supporters who post the antagonistic comments. The MMD is trying to sow a seed of discontent within the PF/UPND ranks and drive a wedge between the two parties. (infiltration tactics)
This will not work as long as the supporters and members remain united for a common cause- Removal of the MMD and creation of a new order.
# 47 and 68, purporting you are me. Low thinking. I have just gotten out of class and seen your rants but expected MMD mediocre mindedness. Thank you God that no one even paid attention to your craziness. I told your girl friend Mr. Capitalist that I will back, I really meant it. Classes are almost done for spring. I will be with you soon.
My great thanks to the great people of Mufumbwe and NWP as a whole for having taught these two Vigilantes (Rupiah and William Banda) that nothing can stop the PACT. JOB WELL DONE OUR GREAT PEOPLE OF NWP.
Full name: Mulondwe Muzungu
Date of birth: 12 September 1937
Village: Mufumbwe
Education: Standard IV
Occupation: Loafer (since April 2010)
15 Kalindawala,
” Those who have killed they should be brought to book including those police officers who just clobbered citizens for expressing their right to vote. ”
And there is another complication. Who can say whether those police officers were not actual MMD cadres with a police uniform slapped on them?
Congragutions to the pact part. Hope the same people voting now won’t disappoint the Zambia people next year.=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>
And for the ruling part too much….:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@. So please try to be :d/, because you will be finelly receive this for good…..:-t:-t:-t:-t:-t:-t:-t:-t:-t:-t
#128 Mulenga— Newcastle Upon Tyne….chill my brother, #131 Mule has got it right. Some people will come on this blog masqurading as bembas and insulting Tongas and vis versa just to create a North-South rivarly. Real supporters are calm out there. Zambia is for all Zambians…ignore the hate chalants. Am sure at the end of the day, Zambians will win! ^:)^^:)^^:)^^:)^ to the people of Mufumbwe!!!!
53 its ok even if you are out after all you dont even have a voters card. Dont misslead us. Sata or HH we dont care we want RB and MMD OUT of Office in 2011.
Dear Senior Citizen, please help me understand you, that I may not be angry at you. When you say:
“Analyzing electoral trends by reviewing statistics of the Mufumbwe seat” – kindly explain how you analyze the statistics of a political seat.
“The dismal performance of a collusion of PF-UPND is a wake up call that reveals how the PACT is plugged on a live wire to MMD in 2011” – Define dismal, apply it to this outcome then ask yourself if there is a single sensible point you are making with this statement. How does a win prove that winner is irrelevant? “By failing to end with a splinter’s margin shows that the PACT politically is operating at the Marginal curve.” .” –Wouldn’t an intelligent personfactor in trend given a scenario such as this one? And do you use…
or maybe you use it to mean break-away group.
“The question they need to sincerely ask themselves now between the two of them is if there is any value of this marriage of convenience that lacks a national agenda, ideological or policy congruence”. – That was the only sensible thing you said, …well seems sensible when pitted against your other statements. Yet I wonder, are you a reflection of our genuine concerns? That it pays to be aloof, disconnected, unintelligent and lazy in Zambia? For if you truly have two graduate degrees then the lack of thought behind your words reflects laziness. You will say anything to prosper at the expense of most Zambian citizens, and such I am sure is your definition of success.
I Looking at the percentage of votes and the result in one party winning an election in one constituency and another party in the other, it seems 2011 will be a difficult election. It tricky to tell which party will carry the day whether its MMD or pact. Its difficult to conclude now or predict. As long as elections are free and fair and no intimidation by the police then we would have a winner getting into office with his head high without assumptions of rigging the elections. Its sad for the blood shed, we need to have some order.
🙂 number 80 Obama let me check your uneducated Moron.ic behind. Are we the province that got Zambia in this dept and dropped from economic leaders in Africa? Did we give you a dictator for 27 years? What we gave you is engineers, professor lameck Goma, Dambisa Moyo, Esther Phiri. Doctors, engineers, and one of the five provinces with the finest women Zambia has seen. Only because one lousy RB comes from their and we are all bad. Get it together and don’t start something you won’t be able to put out.
Zambia is on the heart of tribalism. This desease will definitly eat us up. PACT should have tested this tribal concept, the losing of MMD in NW need not be heavly celebrated by PACT b’cos it is a small magin, if it were presidential to combine votes with Milazi, MMD would be still leading in total number of votes..
#49….I am glad to inform you that NWP has always been UPND stronghold since the days of Anderson Mazoka.This time around they (UPND) have just claimed what rightfully belongs to them.Atleast they now have two strongholds NW and S,Just like PF has C/B,LSK,L and N provinces but the rest we share with the MMD so dont ever forget that.So what am trying to inform you is that i dont concur with you when you say HH would have done better than SATA in Milanzi.I ll take you back to the 2006 general elections were both HH and SATA lost lamentably to MMD in Eastern province.Maybe let me remind you that Easterners are just like that,even next year they will behave the same way.It doesnt have to be HH to change their mindset,but themselves.Believe me HH wouldnt have done any better than SATA.
#64..BREAKING NEWS… A driver of a toyota GX suspected to be Mulondwe Muzungu’s son ran over five upon realising that UPND was still leading.Two people have since died and four are seriously injured.
I mean what sort of Zambian does these things to his fellow Zambians…sorry to say,but there is no quick recovery to this.Lets all ask ourselves if that UPND fellow is going to recover from the traumer of losing his EYE?He is gonna have to live with that for the rest of his life and not forgeting the people who lost their lives at the hands of Muzungu’s suspected son?
BREAKING NEWS….The residents and many UPND cadres broke into jubilations and songs around 03:45 when word went round that Elliot Kamondo, their candidate, was leading and was likely to take the seat.Many people lined up along the main road, the Mutanda-Chavuma road to celebrate.
A check at the hospital found the bodies of the two juveniles lying on a stretcher while two men who were seriously injured were receiving treatment.One of the victim’s mother identified as Kiren Mungala blamed the MMD and Kajilo for the accident.“Ba MMD mwanjipayila mwana! Mama ba Kajilo, mama! MMD you have caused the death of my child, , ooh Kajilo ooh,” cried Mungala.
Eyewitnesses said the vehicle which ploughed into the crowd, was red in colour and labeled Obama 1, allegedly similar to the one Kajilo…
Zambians please, especially those who think the pact is not strong, be honesty with yourselves. In zambia the police is for the ruling part not for the opposition parties as well, not even for the ordinary citizen.if all zambians/parties ware given the same facilities during elections the way is done here in USA where some poeple like senior citizen blogs from, MMD would have been out of office a long time ago. sometimes i wonder whether, sure sure some of these people are true zambians who are proud of there country! I look forward to the day when ZNBC, ZP, zambia intelligency will all belong to Zambians regardless of their political affiliation. I look forward to a day when the police will protect us all even the un born baby. love to all Zambia. One Zambia One Nation.
well done UPND.RB must be shaking with fear .the must realise that power is the people .thank you the people of mufumbwe for showing the mmd govt that ,the people of zambia want change.than you.the can kill ,but they will not kill the resolve.viva pact
This is just the beginning. The Pact put up a very spirited fight in Milanzi, and that was the whole Idea, not to win but to come out # 2, in RB’s own Village. We took over Mufumbwe and now working at taking over any Seat that falls vacant. Senior Citizen and Veteran needs to start .:-?:-?:-? that the wind of change is here.:-?:-?:-?.
Just as we encouraged all voters to guide there votes long after the polls had closed, I would like you to encourage our young brothers and sisters to first get there NRC’s and register to vote in Large Numbers. We are all God’s children and deserve a better life with equal opportunities for all. And do not worry about the persecution from Humpty Dumpty. It’s just a wind of change and will be confined to the Archives soon.
Koma Senior citizen chi-kopo! The guy cant see that things are not going well for MMD. Its a huge loss given the amount of resources and violence MMD used. In next year`s election MMD will not have the amount of resources they using in bye-elections. It will be individual Mulondwe Muzungu against the people. It will be mince-meat. I can predict, MMD will not have more than 35 seats in parliament, because they will only take Eastern province and scrape about 15 or 16 seats in other provinces. MMD is gone!
Mpombo and Magande must resign. The Pact wants to teach MMD a very big lesson !!:d
These fools and thugs MMD have learnt a lesson. Home work is in eastern province were pipo are still sleeping and to wake them up, all those with relatives in eastern educate them to go for PACT or else dont send them salt, sugar, fertiliser, cooking and essentials for their lives! Educate them and me i have told educated them! VIVA PACT!
ooooh! the people have spoken.Mulondwe Muzungu… i know this guy, he used to live in longarces when he was some minister of state ….is it science and technology under kaunda.Now how the hell did he find himself ambassador to libya on MMD .Well, that speaks volumes, recycled politicans just like RB.its time to get rid of these trotting chameleons.
HH, Good Job! The harder they come, the harder they fall. The tougher the battle the sweeter the victory.
Well done HH and team the victory is sweet! HH for 2011 Kwasila
Kalos2020 you are great, I love you approach to objective blogging.
Congrats to the pact.Please lets maintain the same pace and spirit,we surely need change in 2011.Whether HH or the Cobra,lets have change.20 years in power by the same political party is dangerous for the country that needs development.
Many Ambassadors and High Commissiners should take a leaf from Ambassador Mulondwe Muzungu not to have double standards.People are not fools,they just observe and they should not be taken for a ride.
This is a good lesson for Zambia’s High Commissioner to South Africa,Sainot Leslie Mbula who is defrauding the Zambian government by evading duty of K45,000,000.00 on his new Nissan X-Trail vehicle
he thinks people are stupid and that they can’t notice.
He has since been taught a lesson by a Lusaka car dealer Nicholus Chibwe,who swindled him by more than K30,000,000 to enable him evade the earlier assessment of K 61,000,000.00 charged between Kazungula or Chirundu Border posts.