Dr Machungwa pointed out that PF leader Michael Sata has already declared himself the party’s president even before he has been subjected to the convention.
Mr Machungwa said it would be pointless for the PF to go to the convention when Mr Sata has already declared himself the President of the party.
He accused Mr Sata of having abandoned the goals and dreams the party had for the country and replacing them with his personal goals.
Meanwhile his Kawambwa counterpart Elizabeth Chitika said she would finish her mandate as an MP under the PF party.
Ms Chitika said she has the support of the people of Kawambwa behind her despite falling out of favour with the party.
Meanwhile the two MPs have said that former second republican President Dr Fredrick Chiluba is welcome to grace the forthcoming consultative meeting for Members of Parliament and chiefs of Luapula Province.
The duo said Dr Chiluba as any other former head of state has a right to grace any occasion.
[ QFM ]
There we go again.:o
Machungwa is MP because of Sata’s popularity and not PF as a party. Wiponta ukabwela. come 2011 you will have no constituency to represent !!!
He should cut his sideburns to start with! It depicts excessive self-esteem or exaggerated dignity and a pretentious nature to his outbursts! Or simply put: An inferiority complex!
he should form his own party if he thinks he can make it to the top…not just talking rubbish!!
Dr Machungwa we appreciate your concern but I thing your thought about Mr. Sata is misguided. Do you think in your right mind that you can do without Mr. Sata? You are being used by MMD, the time for change has come, you are on the right side. The best Dr Machungwa can do is to shut up or exit. We are tired of this crap of some of these old fox who can’t see the light. Mr. Sata might not be the right candidate but I think Zambia is ready for him. Zambians just want something different and I am sure it is coming. Under Mr. Sata’s PF/UPND administration, these guys don’t tolerate nonsense about misusing government resources am we will see some positive change in the entire system which is currently broken come 2011. Mr Banda and his maggots must go come on now.
5 coradon….dats da message! i like it.
No.3 MB is that an accurate description of sideburns? Send me some references. But seriously, I think the doc is overrating himself. Come 2011he will find himself in wards where he is needed to save lives. His attacks on Sata are now losing sense:d:d
achungwa has lost flavour to commnet on PF. They tink they lure Luapula to MMD. No they are mistaken. People of Luapula are ready for change. Machungwa just resign so we for elections. Why cant you resign?
Pack your bags Dr. Machungwa we are only months away from the tripatite er ections
:((:((:((:d/:x Let those who mourn, mourning or praying for the break up of the PACT continue to do so. But I have got this to say that whatever method of spanners they may apply or whatever prayers the disciples of doom may use, they shall flop and their god shall die with them. Time has come for change and it is at hand. Why should zambians be subjected to slavery and brutality after 46 years of independence ? Why should slave wages to Zambians in the Mining Industry be tolerated by the government and when is Zambia as a country going to benefit from its own natural resources and wealth ? When is the Zambian infrustructure going to to be turned around through a truly working government ? MMD MUST GO PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Viva PACT.
Surely, these “Rebels” should resigned if they had any intergrity and support of the electorate so that they test their popularity.
Could the MMD adopt them just for this purpose, since they are MMD in spirit and in their deeds.
Anyway, we all know that they cannot resign because of gratuity (GREED).
2011 is just around the corner.:-h
PF is un democratic right? then go to MMD and try to contest against Ruphiya and see if they will even let you finish a statement before they plug you eyes off from you head. ask Mpombo who is more serious than some of you called dr, we even wonder who gave you such titles. shame on you. all those nonsense you are doing is because of PF. just know that your days are numbered. to think that Banda will do better than Sata in luapula is a joke of the year. we are coming for you.
Thats if there will be a convention in the first place, i doubt. Machungwa you have a point here but the best you can do is defect, lets have a bye-election. Infact we have been waiting for the 22 ‘rebel’ bye-elections for a long time now.
:-w Iwe Machungwa or MaOranges you have outlived yr usefulness, beyond expiry date just like Ka FTJ!!! You chaps have reiuned Zed and Believe me the clock is ticking, even be4 2010 B-election can come while u hold on to Injuction God might give u a “eta-Malilo” and we go vote next moth!! Oh sorry Bra George K in RSA morningide might hear me then collapse (realiably informed he’s on Carbon monoxide (sic) eh! eh! beg yr pardon Hydrogin drip,to comeback in ……
You job seekers spare us from your nonsense. Bamuselela kwakaba. You are just representing your stomachs. Can anything good come from Dr. Mpupu Mpompwe? After destroying Zambia for 10 years what new thing can he do which he failed to do when he was in power? He is just paying back to RB for his acquittal. Still you believe that this Congolese Dr. Mpupu comes from Luapula? You are the Mwadya Mweka Daddy (MMD)
Dr Machungwa from Matero University. :-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/
Dr. machungwa has just realised that time has caught up with him. Just like Sata mentioned when he and others became “the rebel MP’s” that they will be one time parliamentarians. For the party will not adopt them. All they were thinking is to make money from the NCC and always supporting MMD in parliament. Why dont they join MMD then since thats the party they support. Other than lying that the elections will not be democratic. Lelo lelo lelo lelo Machungwa..you see you should have been patient you wanted money :-?:-w:)
I never put a devil there LT why did you put a devil?:-?
Is the Docket of 2 billion kwacha with the police or ACC? Just next year, come on guys
Sata himsef is a rebel/thug by nature, machungwa has become a rebel…so what do you expect?:o
#16 If you do not have anything to contribute it is better to keep quiet. Dr. Machungwa may have made serious mistakes politically, but do not demean his academic qualifications. If you got your qualifications from your Matero University you better do some research on Dr. Peter Machungwa (which may be a bit of challenge considering your background).
So Machungwa is still a member of the Patriotic Front.
George Kunda is Dead!
Body Bag returning soon to LSK.
Sure heard of the death of red lips,is it true or as usual business in zambia
machungwa and chitika are now relying on chiluba to revive there polical fortunes.what a shame .sata is a national leader who is getting members even in places like eastern province but you are still taking of only luapula province.you are not luapula province .power belong to the people .the mmd govt is across the country losing popularity and all u see is your greed .if u were not greed u would have resigned and we would have shown you how useless both of u are ..viva pact viva sata,viva hh
This MP is a chameloen just a fear weeks he was saying he PF and he the only one who can bring development to his constituency. Disgusting! Where on earth do a single person bring change? This one is a big lier Lupuala get rid of him he is wasting time
Livingstone = Another by election and more violence
Chi Rupiah Banda should not be intimidating opposition leaders by saying he is their father. This chi thick head must know that he is father to james, henry andrew and bamumbali, not the whole nation. He is just first among equals kwasila. Imagine Gordon Brown (56) telling David Cameron (43) ati I am your father. The British people would think he is mad. Zambians should take chiBanda to Chainama for claiming to father 12 million people.
Viva pact, but lets wish our veep quick recovery and pray for him. This is the time he needs you my fellow bloggers than ever.
On “Mr Machungwa said it would be pointless for the PF to go to the convention when Mr Sata has already declared himself the President of the party… He accused Mr Sata of having abandoned the goals and dreams the party had for the country and replacing them with his personal goals” let PF go to a convention even if that will be just to rubber stamp Mr PF/Sata MC as president. As for declaration of PF president or rightly PF presidential candidate for 2011 tripartite elections, Mr Sata MC could simply be imitating the MMD – his former party – in the way MMD adopted late President LP Mwanawasa in 2001 to be MMD presidential candidate even when the presiden of MMD was Mr former President FTJ Chiluba after the MMD convention of 2001.
Have a blessed day al.
Matt 6:33
Hunhunhunhunhunhunhunhunhunhunhunhunhun.Fellow Zambians, Do we really know what we want? Do we really need someone like Ba Sata to lead this country Mother Zambia. Ba Sata has been in the runining of this Nation from Kaunda time to Chiluba, what can he offer that can not advise his friends to do when he was with them? If you ask him this Question he will say his a conductor not a driver, a conductor hold an important position in the minibus affairs than the driver. Sata is a strong member of UNIP and MMD, Sata contributed to sales of Mines in Copperbelt and used the project allocation money to suport Chiluba thirdterm in office. Fellow Zambians let face the truth Sata get fame in Luapula through Chiluba suport when all the MP’s he called rebels today decamp from MMD to PF this gave…
Sata popularite in Luapula, Fellow Zanbians do we really need the change which some are crying 4? some are saying were tired of this craps of some these fox who can see the light. Can Ba Sata see the light? Sata is not the right candidate not might not be and we reasonable Zambians are not ready for unneccesary change.Some says Zambians just want something different. What different? and different in time of what? Maybe in time of civil war? or riotizem. Ba sata is a selfcentred person which has no a good plan for Zambians than crying of becoming Mr. President. Fellow Zambians lets follow the economy very well and see where it flow to. Sata gain famous in Luapula through Chiluba and rebel MP’s come 2011 Sata will cry again has he always do. For sure Luapula are not for PF come 2011.