Sunday, March 9, 2025

Presidents and Insults: From Kaunda to Banda and Beyond


By Elias Munshya wa Munshya

Recent reports of insults and counter-insults between President Rupiah Banda and Hakainde Hichilema and between President Banda and Mr. Michael Sata make for some distressing reading. However, these events have been exacerbated and grossly exaggerated, partly, by the media. In actual fact, Zambia’s history with presidential foul language is not new. We in fact started having presidential foul language as soon as our nation was born—with the famous “stupid idiot” rants of Super Ken. However, with the emergence of new print media in the Third Republic has meant that anything spoken by any leader now will be subject to diverse reports and interpretation from various media organizations both public and private. Sometimes you would wonder whether it is not the media themselves acting as the factory of these invectives. In this article however, I wish to draw upon the history of presidential insults from Kaunda to Banda.

Kaunda was a kind, Christian, gentleman at independence. He was widely admired by friends and foes alike. Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe at independence had lots of praise for KK. Princess Nakatindi Wina remarked that KK was like Moses sent by God to deliver Zambians out of “Egyptian bondage.” However, with the growing opposition to his rule from within his party UNIP and from an array of Zambians—in the army and in the trade unions—KK started to change the tone of his language. In press conferences he was famous for calling his opponents, “stupid idiots”, and would occasionally call them “frightened little men.” By this he was implying that only he was the courageous big man.

I cannot recall any report of Frederick Chiluba insulting anybody. Ironically, when he faced the fiercest opposition bordering on insults, Chiluba would famously say, “infumu taituka bantu, bantu ebatuke imfumu.” This Bemba adage basically means that while the general population may have reasons to insult a leader, a leader should not insult his people. With this mindset, Chiluba never used foul language. The only moment, that stands as the exception with regard to Chiluba was at his rally in 2001 in Kitwe when he was introducing presidential candidate Levy Mwanawasa. At that rally Chiluba famously used a Copperbelt street idiom, and quickly added, “I am not insulting because I have not called any particular person or insulted any particular person”. He further mentioned that only “catile cobe” would qualify as an insult. Chiluba, generally, was not the type that used strong or bad language.

Like Kaunda, Levy Mwanawasa is reported to have been a man of very sober manners—as Amos Malupenga in his biography of Mwanawasa has pointed out. At a rally in Southern Province when MMD National Secretary Katele Kalumba tried to intimate that Levy was a handsome man whom ladies could truly fall for. Levy was quick to correct Kalumba and remind the rally that he was a happily married man. When it comes to drinking, it is reported that he was not a habitual drinker and the only time he sipped some alcohol was when the Supreme Court ruled the presidential petition in his favor. However, he became a victim of a serious allegation that he had insulted the Bemba speaking peoples while visiting Ndola. To the question of why most of the people he had been prosecuting were mostly Bemba speaking, he is reported to have said how much he hated corruption, and how “stinking” corruption was. This set off serious political tsunami that could only be assuaged by appointing a Bemba as his Vice-President. And one of the first duties for Dr. Nevers Mumba was to go to the Bemba chiefs and calm the storms of the “stinking” insult. Undoubtedly, Michael Sata used Mwanawasa’s alleged insults to his political advantage.

When Levy Mwanawasa was looking for a replacement of a Bemba speaking Vice-President Augustine Festus Lupando Mwape, he needed to find a person who could bring some maturity and stability to the Vice-Presidency. This person in Mwanawasa’s judgment was going to be a retired 67 year old farmer, Rupiah Banda. And maturity I assume here may include being a person of sober words and a mature tongue. That was not to be, however. Banda maintained his tongue only as long as Levy was living and only as long as he remained Vice-President. But when he became the President, insults and rumors of insults besieged him as well. His closest insulting partners became opposition leaders Michael Sata and Hakainde Hichilema. With youthful vigor and a moderate tempter HH responded tit-for-tat to each and every of Banda’s insults. HH sometimes called Banda, “sleepy”, and a “man of small brains”. For his part Sata and Banda’s major area of insult is about who between them is more handsome than the other. Just recently, Banda called Sata, “cisilu ca zoona” and Sata reciprocated the affront very swiftly.

With this history in mind, I do not have any illusions that Zambian presidents will get any better in terms of insults. If Banda does not continue his presidency next year, we are very likely to have another insulting president in Hakainde Hichilema or Michael Sata. We just do not know yet what the next insult will be. We have graduated from Kaunda’s “stupid idiots” and we are in area of “dogs and sons of dogs.” One thing however, is for sure; an insulting president has immunity from both civil and criminal prosecution, at least until parliament lifts his immunity. And the only president who has had his immunity lifted so far is Chiluba who never made it a habit to insult others. It seems Parliament has better matters to take care of and “catile cobe” is not one of them.


  1. its only people like u Mr editor who does not understand politics….umusalula nokufumfumuna amasele lutambi nomba ulushakapwe…EPO NAPELA

  2. “However, he became a victim of a serious allegation that he had insulted the Bemba speaking peoples while visiting Ndola. To the question of why most of the people he had been prosecuting were mostly Bemba speaking, he is reported to have said how much he hated corruption, and how “stinking” corruption was. This set off serious political tsunami that could only be assuaged by appointing a Bemba as his Vice-President. And one of the first duties for Dr. Nevers Mumba was to go to the Bemba chiefs and calm the storms of the “stinking” insult. Undoubtedly, Michael Sata used Mwanawasa’s alleged insults to his political advantage” qouting that Elias dude you always seems to have something dark but painted in bright colors in your opinions what makes you think that was the case ?

  3. the race heats up……tonga-bemba alliance is doomed, RB wins election and his ka sexy lil wife becomes a widow within 4 months and receives state surviving spouse benefits for the rest of her ka sexi vitton life…….what a shame.

  4. Elias from all your articles i have read,i have never seen one with a well balanced analysis .It is either you are twisting some facts like your bemba apeasement thing from mwanawasa you have just mentioned in this article which sounds tribalistic to me or you are trying to fry some politician in thick oil.Man be real and write facts:-?

  5. Who let the dogs out! Whooo, whooo whooo whooo!:d

    Got to agree with you on certain points. My question is why do African leaders get away with such things? How long did it take you and I to realise we didn`t need to be insulted by KK? A leader is not supposed to insult. Just look at how a Prime Minister is regretting using a term bigot! It is not anywhere closer to stupid *****!

    Ala Africa katwishi! [-(

  6. Ohi! S t u p i d id i ot is there in the article yet mine has been zipped! Yashani:d

  7. Who let the dogs out! Whooo, whooo whooo whooo!:d

    Got to agree with you on certain points. My question is why do African leaders get away with such things? How long did it take you and I to realise we didn`t need to be insulted by KK? A leader is not supposed to insult. Just look at how a Prime Minister is regretting using a term bigot! It is not anywhere closer to stup id idi ot!

    Ala Africa katwishi!

  8. I suggest our Presidential candidates to be having public debates about their policies to help people make informed decisions about who they are voting for.
    This will help both the candidates and the “poor voters”. It will help the candidates to have something constructive to talk about rather than hailing the unprintables at each other like they are now doing which, i am afraid, they are becoming professionals at. It will also help some candidate to look like they have a plan for the country even when they never had one.
    Look at how it has been in Britain ?!! The three candidates were debating and voters can now make wise decisions when voting !! I know it is far-fetched but we must be thinking !

  9. Kaunda set the stage for insults when he used to call people i.d.i.o.ts . Let him apologise for this. Rupiah Banda has merely taken over from where KK left off. It is ridiculous to compare Moses to Kaunda. Moses was inspired by God and I’m not sure what influenced Kaunda.

  10. #8 Ubuntu,
    I agree with you, having watched the leaders’ debates here in the UK the people are able to make wise decisions as who to vote for next Thursday. However, having been bombarded by the political circus in Zambia, the idea of debates would not be taken seriously and would just turn into that sickening chimbuya and theatre for clowns.

  11. I do not agree with the author that KK used to insult the populace. But s.t.u.p.i.d and i.d.i.o.t if not correctly used could be very demeaning.(An i.d.i.o.t, dolt, or dullard is a mentally deficient person, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way).

  12. What path is Zambia taking. What kind of people are we? Why don’t we appreciate to discuss problems. Our Country is very rich but we have always lived in poverty. The most educated people are ones that are leting this country down because of their selfish ego.Let us face it, if mines and other incomes from rich persons is collected and used properly. I can assure you, this country could be second to SA within a short period of time. The mines are making huge profits and we fold our arms watchin. If Somailan pirates can make big money out of the forefathers waters, why not us.

  13. Good Afternoon

    Excellent piece of lecture by Elias Munshya wa Munshya. I especially cherish the part with the Bemba adage once used by Chiluba: “infumu taituka bantu, bantu ebatuke imfumu.” This is very true in every sense – the momment an honourable person begins to reverbarate trash is the very momment he ceases to be honourable.

    No human being is infallible, not even the president, so whenever leaders start insulting each other, it is like chimps laughing at each other’s red behinds (ifipato). No wonder the Holy Scriptures say: “Every kind of beasts, birds and serpents and things of the sea has been tamed of mankind, but the tongue can no man tame. It is unruly evil, full of deadly poison.” (James 3: 7)

  14. KK never called Zambians stupid *****s. He specifically called someone a stupid *****. The one that stands vividly in my mind was the Zambia reporter acting for a South African paper. He caled him a stupid ***** and a traitor taking blod money from racist South Africans.

    Kaunda never ever called the populace stupid *****s. This lie somehow has been propagated all over the place. Please stop spreading this lie.

  15. Elias be truthfull, dont try to protect Mwanawasa. All Bembas know that Mwanawasa insulted them. You should quote the post and not puting your words there. It was not allegation but real insults. This is what Mwanaasa said at Ndola air port. let me paraphrase, ” I know the people who want to make my rule dificult. They are the people from Luapula and Northern pronvinces, they stink, they stink” . Now Elias can you say this is an alegation? Be truthfull in your writing man.

  16. #15 Kambongolo: Yes, it is still an allegation. Because you have simply “paraphrased” what Mwanawasa is supposed to have said. You have not actually proved that he said it. It only stops being an allegation when it has been established without doubt that those were the actual words that were said.

  17. Hence democracy with education can not function. How do we see this as normal? Our leaders, who are supposed to be servants can insult each other like they have done in the pastt? Do you wonder what they say about us when we are not listening? And who says abusive language is the only mark of an insult? Chiluba has insulted his fellow leaders many times over and again by his actions, in fact, he is still insulting the Zambian people by manuipulating our judicial system bla bla bla…God there is so much going on in Zed.
    In the nutshell, we luck good mannered parents for leaders in Zed, ours are parents who will do anything to stay in power, even end up looking like fools to hold on to their positions. Shame…

  18. This article is grossly inaccurate historically. Under KK there was no culture of insults. We respected our parents, teachers, elders and political leaders. Insults started with the emergence of MMD. Please do your research and come back with a better article

  19. Elias, I understand the angle that you seem to approach the issue from when you argue that: “I do not have any illusions that Zambian presidents will get any better in terms of insults”.

    However, the more important issue that my fellow countrymen and women would like our leaders to address is what kind of society do we want to create? One of insults or of mutual respect?

    Personally, I would like to see a Zambia in which the rest of the world can take a leaf of constructivism from.

  20. AS we grow we pass through insulting phases .Presidents are human beings , they react to any abuse from the masses .These are not angels .AS long as we trending through this democratic road. In a dictatorship it is easy to suppress insults because they is only one person allowed to “insult”” the President. I understand prime minister has “bigot-ted””” one of his supporters in Britain.

  21. I dont like Chiluba for serious reasons but I have to admit that when it comes to public behavior and manners, he is the best of all presidents we have had. He was usually not quick to react to what people said about him and most often never responded back. I dont remember Chiluba ever using foul language. This is a big plus on Chiluba. Even when it came to setting up a successor, Chiluba did better than Kaunda and Levy.

    Other than that, Chiluba was a disaster and RB is likely to be tsunami

  22. #18.. but remember kaunda did insult at one motable time..’stupid zambian” remember that?

  23. Yes KK started well, but later on he derailed by William Banda.

    Chiluba, yes never insulted any one. I thank him for that.

  24. PLEASE!PLEASE!PLEASE! MPs include in the new constitution a clause which will deal with a head of state who insults that he must be impeached, and not to be shield by party politics.Thats why they are even instructing cadres to kill anyone that opposes them, like the case in Mufumbwe. I donot know where to take my children so that they are not polluted by such undeserving and unexpected behaviours from the people who are to be the example to their nation which they rule as they say always that,”Our people”, as if they did create anyone.Also we must take them to tusk for being bad examples to the entire nation.My prayer is that they change for the sake of mother Zambia and not polluting our nation.

  25. Imwe guys let us talk about real issues here.this country won’t develop by insult or non insult let us think of the how to develop and be selfindependent.we have a lot of resources yet what you discuss is all petty. Let us not involve tribes please that is rubbish in my ear so please stop the s h i t

  26. It is in our blood and our psyche as Zambians. We were never brought up with conflict resolution habits and anger management techniques. Growing up in Zambia was like growing up in Ireland. Swearing and cursing goes on all around you. Anatomical parts, from head to toe, excrement (especially among ba Lozi) and animals like hyenas, dogs, he-goats etc are always used in the panoply of insults. Innocent parents are dragged in as well. As if these were not enough many have imported the western “f’s” as well. It is all in your up-bringing. It is all in the blood. We need to tame our tongues, but for some it may be too late as they are stayed in their ways!

  27. When all is said and done, it behoves the President to be magnanimous by virtue of the dignity of the office he holds, to hold his peace. I get embarrassed when he responds to insults and it is time he threw away the ‘cimbuyaship’ with Sata when in public. Sata is no longer his equal. They can have banter when the two of them are in private but it should never happen in public. I would like the President to act as President and not as a kaponya or to sink to the level of the badly brought up and pompous Hakayinde. There are good examples to follow, like Mandela, Obama (his response to a heckler) and Queen Elizabeth.

  28. … such is the problem we have in Zed – RB is president – that will not change until next year. Till then, it would benefit him to focus on progress and ignore what every jim and jackass says. People talk when you do good, they talk when you do bad, thay also talk when you do nothing. People will always talk – just keep going regardless.:-w

  29. munshya try something else. you were not ment to earn a living by writting articles. this is more than evident

  30. munshya try something else. you were not ment to earn a living by writting articles. this is more than evident

  31. # 35 Lulu de silva, why not write something so he can learn from you not just criticizing anyhow.
    I personally find this article worth reading and analyse what it has brought out.

  32. Elias, you write very well but let’s understand what constitute an insult. I believe people with corrupt minds turn harsh words used against them to mean insults. For example Levy remarked that the corruption is stinking and a politician, Sata rose saying Levy has insulted Bembas that they are stinking. Politics. HH has indeed said of RB a man with a small brain. Is this an insult? He didn’t say RB has no brains as many including Christians would say “takwete amano” of someone who does a silly thing. When RB called HH son of a dog, HH did not talk back. He said I can’t call him a dog. If HH says RB is sleepy, in Tonga they say Kuziima (someone who’s not jacked-up). Not insult but it’s a harsh description.

  33. Archair critic. Kaunda was brought up a Chrisitian and always led parayers and never ever said he was anyhting else. Kaunda’s favourite hymn was Rock of Ages. By the way who appointed you arbiter of who is Christian and who is not. A relationship with GOD is personal. It is none of your business. Neither do you have the authority to pronounce on it. Stop being a bigot.

  34. Its something we as africans should eradicate,I mean our map is africa not these boundaries which only bring about comfusion,u know its not Zambia experiencin this but the whole continet at large,its more like we don’t want this and that when your tribe is a minor then u a minor as well,been honest we’ve many african tribe out that don’t even come out until now becoz of the some thing,All I think is that we need to grow as one world and accept that we one as whole,not becoz jus bcoz hiz whoeva and what’s to be respected.we should always remember that becoz of our pride we got separated,LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!.

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