Sunday, March 9, 2025

Rupiah lied to Bonshe’s family – Mpombo


George Mpombo

Former Defence Minister George Mpombo has lashed out on Rupiah Banda for telling Former Deputy Home Affairs Minister Lameck Bonshe’s Family that Mpombo had informed him of the Bonshe illness when it was already late.

Mpombo who is also Kafulafuta Member of Parliament said Rupiah Banda’s Lie is Immoral and that it has no substance.

He argued that the delegation that had gone to Swaziland when Bonshe Fell ill had through him, who was leading the delegation, informed Rupiah Banda that Bonshe needed to be flown to South Africa.

He said Rupiah told him that he was going to instruct Kapembwa Simbao to make necessary arrangements for Bonshe to be evacuated.

He said Government through the Ministry of Health are responsible for arrangements of evacuations of Government officials.

He explained that he was later surprised to receive a call from the then permanent secretary in Health Ministry Velepi Mtonga that Government had no money to evacuate Bonshe to South Africa.

He said even before the Minister had left for Swaziland he had been admitted in a Chinese Clinic in the country for a Month without Government knowing.



  1. God gives life and takes it when he wants.MHSRIP. BREAKING NEWS;someone sent me a mail that our VIP-George Kunda is dead? Can someone confirm

  2. Just make the local hospitals more equipped. Who the hell do these guys think they are? Always crying to be evacuated to SA! Why not evacuate all of us then? This animal farm nonsense is going too far. Even knee ops you want to go to SA. Shame on you!

  3. blah blah blah what ever happened we do not want to know now:-\”:-\”:-\”:-\”

  4. its confirmed let them do something to show that he is arrive like what thry did with mwanawasa when he first suffered a stroke.he had an interview with ZNBC to show that he was alive.

  5. it this issue is not resolved to day another one will be lost in similar situations. so let Mpombo tell them off so that they stop lying. kunda was take to south just because of a small issue. all he needed was a rest and some jogging for reduce the fatigue of campaign. but there he is.

  6. Mpombo is too late a hero!! Why now??? Why didn t he say this that time when he was still a Minister??? Sour grapes

  7. The “He said even before the Minister had left for Swaziland he had been admitted in a Chinese Clinic in the country for a Month without Government knowing” is very sad revelation following Mr President RB Banda’s failure to use truth in defending his inadequacies.

    This is why Zambian Watch dog reports ““The rumour was so strong that the government directed Mbula to go and check at the clinic and report back,’ said a government source… It seems Mbula did not actually meet the vice president because when he got there, the vice president had taken an exercise walk with foreign affairs minister Kabinga pande” which I hope are not more lies.

    Have a blessed day all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things…

  8. Condolences to the mmd and the kunda family.but why is it like this?WHEN an mmd official is about to die they make alot of noise.kunda of late has been making alot of noise just like Tetamashimba a few months b4 he died.RB tell us wat do you have and please mwakota tulangeni wisdom ba sugar dad.

  9. Is there a second life in south africa. shame on you if time has come just accept. death is what defines life without it there would be no life. Even Jesus died for us to have life. Nomba ifwe fyonse mapolitics. there are a lot of issues to talk about in Zambia other than these petty issues. Ahhhhhhhh|||||zzzzz!!!! when are we going to change!!!!:((

  10. Mpombo keeps dragging the dead into his agenda, is he necrophiliac? It is time that people recognised that even in South Africa, people die. Some diseases are not curable when it is too late. Mpombo could have informed the President at the time that he did, but why was the man’s illness in its early, yes early stages concealed until he went into extremis? Why did he go to Nigeria, hoping for a miracle? Mr Mpombo, please we are tired of your personality attacks. Tell the nation what YOU intend to do for Zambia which is different from the MMD agenda you signed up to in the 2006 manifesto!

  11. Vice President Kunda is alive and well and jogging in the streets of Joburg. Ok, Comrade Brezhnev is still alive at his Dacha on the Black Sea. Rumours of death in secretive administrations are over exaggerated.

  12. Perhaps people who have chronic terminal illnesses should either not enter public life or if they do, they should not conceal these illnesses. Why aren’t Medicals necessary for political jobs? This is not fair. Politicians pass laws for people to pass a medical in order to be employed in various sectors except their own, and yet when they are ill, it is the taxpayer that foots the bill, and when they die, there is a costly bye-election to come.

  13. I really dont know what iwrong with Mpombo, Nalubamba etc. I dont know where they get the wrong info that Lambas etc are special thus immortal. With or without RBs intervention, this guy was going to die. Who doesnt know what killled him ?

  14. Why do our top GRZ / politicians rush to get medical treatment outside Zambia? We all want good
    health services. The majority Zambians are so annoyed with this nonsense of these pipo seeking medical attention outside the country. Thats why most of them come back in tin coffins.

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