Friday, March 7, 2025

Solwezi Central MP to surrender himself to Police


United Party for National Development (UPND) Member of Parliament (MP)for Solwezi Central Watson Lumba who has been in hiding has disclosed that he will surrender himself to Police on Monday.

According to the news monitored on Muvi TV Home Affairs’ Minister Lameck Mangani said Lumba wrote an sms message to him indicating that he would appear before police tomorrow.

Mr. Mangani disclosed that Mr Lumba was in hiding for fear of his life because he alleged that the Inspector General of Police Francis Kabonde warned that he would crush his heard.

He said the Inspector General of Police was in Mufumbwe during the by-election and could not harm his Party Leader Hakainde Hichilema and wondered why he could not crush Lumba’s heard.

Mr. Mangani said Lumba should be condemned for allegedly causing violence in the just ended Mufumbwe by-election where UPND defeated the Movement for Mult-party Democracy (MMD).
[pullquote]Mr. Mangani disclosed that Mr Lumba was in hiding for fear of his life because he alleged that the Inspector General of Police Francis Kabonde warned that he would crush his heard.[/pullquote]

“He should come out and surrender himself to Police than hiding from them,” Mr Mangani said.

Police yesterday ordered Lumba to surrender himself and answer charges for allegedly abducting a police officer in the Mufumbwe by-elections.

They warned that if Lumba failed to surrender himself they would publish his name in the media as a wanted person.

However, Patriotic Front (PF) Spokesperson Given Lubinda has described the move as scandalous for police to put an MP on the list of the most wanted person as though he was a criminal.
Mr. Lubinda said police were conducting themselves as though they were party cadres for the ruling MMD.


  1. He has no choice over his acts of terrorism of abduction, stubbing Zambians and arson on the churches. He can run but not hide because the law will always mantrap him even before family members of his terror booby traps his sanctuary. He has run of food and water.Abducting Zambians is a criminal offence.Its jail time.


    This is the dilemma of UPND under Hichilema in democracy. UPND a once alternative political party has been turned into terror organization by HH and today it’s facing challenges of two bye-elections it could have avoided had Hichilema avoided criminal conducts of violence and abductions against Zambians. Again, North Western province has elections on its horizon come what may.

  3. You can put all Zambians on wanted list. We shall continue arming ourselves because the Police does not have any spine to protect us.

  4. Its only fellow terrorists that can approve the abduction and attempted murder of Constable Chiluba by HH and Lumba. Chiluba was abducted by the two, they broke all his libs, attempted to take out his eyes he has not lost and stubbed him on the breast housing the heart. Their was serious murder to sacrifice his b-lo-o-d to HH’s masonic spirits.Condoning this will be blessing terrorism.

  5. We will from now see who is in great numbers, between those Kaponya’s from Soweto or the Zambian masses. The people can only be taken for granted up to so far after which they will react. We’ve had it enough and up to our throats, and can not stomach anymore.

  6. I think even lupiya should also surrender himself to the police and condoning violence perpetrated by his cadres:-?

  7. I think even lupiya should also surrender himself to the police for condoning violence perpetrated by his cadres:-?

  8. # 5,

    This generization does not build you an castle. When you say we who are talking looking at the apathy in Zambia. Are you the spokesperson of all of us Zambians and have we told you that we want to destroy our country for the unknown? Kill each other for whom and then what?

  9. You cadres must learn to talk for yourselves that this immaterial generization confusion you are swimming.

  10. Good move mp just make sure you have a good lawyer. The only problem is that the presidents body guard gave you up. It will be very difficult to prove innocence. But have faith you will be fine. It will be a shame for our party to loose this seat like this. I know these chaps will want to make an example of you.

  11. Violence is never a solution. Please country men and women killing yourselves does not solve anything. Stop wishing kenya or rwanda on zambia please. Its not right that we accept violence. Please people war is not a joke. If anything we pray that people in the diaspora who wish war on zambia should all drop dead before they get back home with this mind set.

  12. Well said #12, it’s irresponsible for anyone to wish violence on one’s country. We Zambians do not understand what being at war really means, that’s why some of us take it so lightly. Let’s just continue to encourage people to vote wisely, and to condemn police apathy in the face of violence. This is what we need, it’s nonsense to keep on bringing Rwanda in this all the time. Is any of us happy with the Rwanda genocide, wasn’t the bloodshed in that country enough to teach us not to expect the same in Zambia? Shame on you guys who want war – if your appetites for war are too much to handle go out there and pound sand or something!

  13. Bwana Mp there is nothing to fear just go and face the police you can only hide if you are guilt. The truth will set you free. We are wrestling with the power of darkness in higher places and higher offices of RB government.

  14. Just a guess. If Police caught Lumba on Friday, they could have arrested him and say the courts are closed and so bail on Monday. Meanwhile stay in Chimbokaila. What he did is sensible in that they will charge him and courts will be open for bail. I believe his hiding did not mean evading law but merely evading the unfair Friday arrests. Well wishes to all bloger, we are Zambians lets discuss with humility for we have to show it to fellow Zambians that holding different opinions does not mean fighting but trying to convince each other.

  15. zambians are much more in numbers than this handfull policemen…STOP harassing the innoncent MP otherwise this country will be an ungovernable in future if we do not play our cards well..importing ideas of political intimidation from Gwanda in ziimbabwe will bring blood on people’s throats..MMD have lost those elections honourably and degracifully just wind up..this former formerman minister of Home affairs is a fool with less education who when unchecked will cause fatalities in country.Zambian are ready to fight without guns.Lumba has just deliverd mumfubwe leave him alone!

  16. The pact are taking it for granted that because they are from that tribe, they must win that election were that tribe hails. Even violence is an option if this line of thought is about to be tested as in the Mufumbwe by-elections. MMD was breathing down their necks as the results show. With all you RB haters those results do indeed expose you, when you say the pipo want change. You have a fight on your hands trying to convince othhers that RB is doomed. Infact UNDP just maneged to win, only just.

  17. 1. Name: Senior Citizen | Country of residence: ZM | Written: Thursday, 15 October 2009 (10:44)
    Ba PF Bishop Eagle, Calvary greetings to you. I pray you are strong enough to stomach the disappointing Armageddon out of Kasama at hand for your PF despite your vested cadre spirit. Sata and Lubinda’s nonsense talk that Kasama is their PACT litmus test will only serves to expose their indefensible vulnerability and irrelevancy now and in 2011.
    Take it from this post I make, In Kasama MMD’s Mugara will sail through come what may. I now advise all PF kaponyas to print this statement and use it to vindicate me if my statement turns a total illusion distant from applied politics and the ballot verdict. I make this statement under no usual political inclination but as a grounded actor…

  18. I have used many variables to reach this conclusion. Should Mugara lose, as a democrat I will salute
    From #20 conts,
    him and his party with dignity, but then will retire from blog politics and my business. Instead, will enter active politics which has never been on my calendar beyond blogging during free times. But I vow MMD victory in Kasama is undebatable.
    Name: Senior Citizen | Country of residence: Zambia | Written: Friday, 16 October 2009 (15:39)

  19. For whatever reason Violece should not be among our solutions in resolving issue. Sorry for those advocarting violence. Wait untill it catches up with your family. You can do it the Kenya way ha ha well we shall see where violence takes you.

  20. Zambians are ready to fight back the attacks of RB, MMD and the police next year 2011. Be warned never to repeat the Mufumbwe madness if you want police stations to continue existing in Zambia. What you should know is the Fact that the majority of the Police men and women are for change. So they shall fight along side the people. Just try it in 2011, you will be crushed.

  21. #20 & #21 KAMBONGOLO

    We stated and hats off for catching SHUSHUSHU Veteran/Senior citizen pants down.I wonder if this MMD cadre can risk giving up his bootlicking job to honour his promise.

  22. Its clear that PF cadres are frustrtaed, overwhelmed and discombulated at the hands of the MMD cadres brazenly focused, unwavering, damaging and provocating. Its just on friday that Veteran blogged that Mufumbwe should be petitioned for nullification due to what he calls Hichilema violence. Here we are today news of petitioning to block inauguration of the MP elect in an injunction has come out official. I’m left asking myself if we are all mere armchair critics here or some bloggers are real in the real political trajectory. The hope that Spin doctors like Mr.capitalist, MMD Bootlicker, Engine and Senior Citizens would quit and resign to silence is purely a lazyman’s wishful thoughts. First who owns LT???? Better counter them than dreaming their exit these are seasoned Spin Doctors.

  23. I beg to differ with the statement that seems to suggest that people who differ with MMD and it’s govt are all PF cadres. Most of us are here to voice our strongly felt opinions about the state of affairs in Zambia. That being said, I for one will continue to criticize the govt, and MMD because they seem to enjoy using their big shamboko’s and need to be stopped! MMD cadres amuse me, I see their blogs and salute them with an award <):) each time they open their mouths - they so predictable one does not even need to read what they say!

  24. Is it HEAD or HEARD? Spellings please!
    The Zambia Police needs to be professional and not partisan and vindictive. They use too much force and brutality to deal with innocent people. Kabonde seems to have lost it.

  25. it’s a shame we got so many intelligent people but we leave like dull people in this country,is it because dull people rule us? MMD has really f^&*d up for so many years,we got to end this madness..,…When I was working for 3Com,one British colleague asked how Africa remained so underdeveloped if they were so many sharp people like me-lol,I actually told me they are thousands of my caliber in Zambia,and I honestly believe so….but just how do we end up with people like Chiluba and RB ruling us?

  26. Ba Joze

    The list of names you are using is well noted.
    No matter how hard you try you will always use the same words over and over.
    Clearly identifying you every time.

    When are you going to stick to your promise?
    Everyone is collecting that promise made back in Kasama days where you posted it on every blog so be a “TRUTH TELLER” for once and go and retire.

  27. MMD had the following : Police,special branch,ECZ,ZNBC,Daily mail,Times, IG and chief , what were they doing to allow UPND to rig the election ,STUPID MANGANI,DORO SILIT ,RB ,KAFUPI AND KALUMBA

  28. MMD thinks dey will b in power 4rever bt time shal soon catch-up with the foolz lyk RB, dog mangani, Monkey William banda, wife graber chiluba and the half dead kunda.

  29. #30 chips “….but just how do we end up with people like Chiluba and RB ruling us?…..”

    You may as well add, “…. and despite that experience with Chiluba and RB, how come we want to continue or even worsen our misery by floating Sata for President?…….”

  30. Yaba kanshi we all fear prison ka, no brave men, I laughed when I read atti he was hiding, lol, but his is the ring leader awe sure, let him explain properly why he was hiding, kwatti he is guilty already.

  31. #30, Intelligence alone is not enough to create wealth. So your collegues question was too simlistic and misplaced, the clever thing for you to do was to gently get him to undesrstand that. Please, do not answer such daft questions. Would it be fair to ask why the west experienced the credit crunch and yet there are clever people like your friend living there?, in’t it?

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