Monday, January 13, 2025

Direct funding of PF by Netherlands Institute for Multi-party Democracy is a concern-Katele


MMD national secretary Katele Kalumba announcing the suspension of Gabriel Namulambe in Lusaka
MMD national secretary Katele Kalumba

MMD national secretary Katele Kalumba says the ruling party intends to write to the Netherlands Institute for Multi-party Democracy (NIMD) to express its concern about unfolding reports that the institute is allegedly funding the opposition Patriotic Front (PF) to spearhead regime change.

This follows revelations by Committee of Citizens executive director Gregory Chifire that NIMD and the PF have allegedly entered into a working relationship to directly fund the latter contrary to the memorandum of understanding (MoU) which NIMD signed with ZCID.

Dr Kalumba said yesterday in Lusaka that it would be a deceptive act by NIMD to pick on one political party and fund it directly because the MoU it signed with ZCID was done in good faith and it pledged to work with all political parties both outside and inside Parliament.

“My own view about the matter is that ZCID should not be a victim. We should find alternative funding for it. The ZCID concept is to create a good platform for resolving conflicts between political parties,” he said.

Dr Kalumba said ZCID should remain independent because it has seen a number of positive developments with one of them being the National Constitutional Conference which is its brainchild.

He appealed to well-meaning donor communities with no hidden agenda to financially support ZCID as a way of deepening inter-party dialogue and democracy in the country.

Dr Kalumba said there should be no donors to selectively sponsor political parties of their choice in order to advance certain hidden motives because ZCID is there to strengthen various political parties’ capacity.

“Selective funding of one political party by NIMD will defeat the concept upon which ZCID was founded and will mean that NIMD is not an honest partner,” he said.

Dr Kalumba said there is need for various political parties in the country to sit and find alternative ways of funding ZCID either through subscription or engagement of honest co-operating partners.

And in a statement issued on Friday, Mr Chifire alleged that the PF has entered into a working agreement with NIMD and that a separate account has already been opened to sponsor campaigns to spearhead regime change.

“Under the NIMD/ZCID MoU, the parties agreed that the NIMD shall only fund political parties that are members of the ZCID through ZCID itself in equal proportions,” he said.

And according to latest letters of correspondence between ZCID and NIMD, the latter has given the former strict benchmarks on which to access funding, failure to which the donor will suspend the aid.

In a plan of action for the contract for ZCID funding written by NIMD regional director for Africa Jasper Veen and dated April 16, 2010, ZCID has been given the requirement to fulfil before NIMD can sign a contract for this year.

“The ZCID board will ensure that its secretariat has sufficient staff capacity in place, meaning a new executive director and new programme officer are contracted before June 30, 2010.”

“ZCID will closely involve NIMD in its institutional set-up as long as it remains the main financial contributor. This entails that NIMD needs to be involved in the recruitment of new staff members,” one of the conditions reads in part.

Under the same conditions, ZCID will be required to inform NIMD about any external funding acquired and substantial changes in plans as a result of additional funding by others that will require prior approval by NIMD.

And sources said under the staff recruitment conditions given to ZCID, NIMD has already identified persons to fill positions of ZCID spokesperson and executive director and that the people for such positions should be PF sympathisers.

But when contacted for a comment on the matter, PF vice-president Guy Scott said such allegations about his party entering into a working relationship with NIMD are false and being perpetrated by MMD supporters.

Dr Scott said his party is ready to be investigated by the Anti-Corruption Commission and other agencies by checking through all PF bank accounts to see if there is any one of them with funds from NIMD.
[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Katele the The Wizard,you see thats the problem of hanging with dull chaps like bwezani,william Banda and Mangani,you have also become a danderhead.

  2. If this money from the NED. will be used to liberate the many poor Zambian from the dragon, demon and blood sucker called Mwadya Mweka Daddy, so be it. Twanaka nenu bakabolala imwe. 2011 you are going.

  3. How come the entire OP did not know the source of PFs funds? It had to take some numbskull to reveal, that is if this true. In any case MMD are using Zesco, Emmission fees and CD funds for their functions

  4. Hmm , wapya munzi. MMD is terribly confused, they are just ranting now. Very soon you will hear that the USA wants to envade Zambia. Chill guys, wait for 2011 when you shall bit farewell to your corruption. This is the goodness of Zambians, they waite till the day of voting.

  5. What would be the situation if this Netherlands institute funded the MMD? Would it have been made public by MMD that they are receiving funds??? Ciwamina galu kuluma Mbuzi really!!!!!!!

  6. If it was MMD who got funded, would the MMD have complained that why are they alone being funded??The Netherlands Institute is free to choose which political party to fund and at what time. Maybe next year the Institute might choose to fund MMD or that group for Kenny Ngondo, or that group for Sakwiba Sikota.

  7. With the violence being exhibited by the Rupiah Banda and his minions in the MMD, there is need for regime change.
    Afterall, RB and the MMD use state resources to finance their programs and campaigns. RB has been traversing the country using government resources campaigning for the MMD candidates in Milanzi and Mufumbwe. Now that he is ashamed of using the Presidential Jet to travel abroad, the alternative is to fly around the country using the Presidential Helicopter.
    The old man enjoys flying so much such that it is now an obsession.
    What a country: From a Cabbage to a dementia sufferer.

  8. No matter what it is the proper principle applied by PF so that they are funded to remove the MMD from high offices.What about MMD, you are using GRZ resources and no one has complained.


  10. So Katele honestly you want them to fund all the political parties in Zambia. Even the tuma useless small personal parties! :o…….MMD also received funding from other ruling parties in the sub region so called “friendly parties”

  11. Dr Kalumba is finished. These guys are so scared about change, unfortunately you can’t stop it. The pact is coming with full force. If I were Kalumba, at this point I would stay aware from the whatever is going on to save his butt. He has cases to answer about misused public funds, we want all these guys including Chiluba to go back to court in 2012

  12. in fact can someone send me PF or UPND’s publicity secretary’s cell number because more funding is coming from well wishers especially out side Africa. we shall help the PACT until you guys get out of power. viva blogger lets help these guys.

  13. chifire is a drop out at CBU he tried to stand several times to be the union president but all in vain.He is a cheap character who formed an NGO as a source of income.How can a real man fail business a productof CBU and i know him very well.A simple defination ” a failurer”


  15. Why was it OK for MMD to receive funding from well wishers which Chiluba even claimed in his defence that that money was given and even deposited in a grz account through zamtrop? Now that it is an opposition party allegedly being funded by well wishers then it is a problem? Zambia is a democracy and parties should have the right to fundraise from whereever provided it is done legally. Funding for parties by well wishers happens in most democracies. Obama’s campaigns were funded by well wishers from different parts of the world and the US govt did not find that as a problem.

  16. Funding a POLITICAL party is not tantamount to instigating regime change. In a multi-party dispensation, it is the people who ultimately choose a government. MMD uses state resources to run its campaigns. It also receives money from the Chinese government. Therefore, it is perfectly alright for the other parties to be funded by well wishers at home and abroad. The problem with MMD people is that they have selective amnesia.

  17. Bloggers are very intelligent really. You can appreciate the analysis. A very good forum for debates. How i wished LT could be sourcing some topics from THE POST as well for intelligent bloggers to digest….

  18. Mr. African computer maker, workup and stop wasting time on things that you can not change. 2011 is coming for the MMD to leave office. Let them receive funding from where ever coz it would be used to reberate all the poor Zambians. You can even go back to the village and consult your Magic, I mean your witch craft but all the same it won’t help you.

  19. Mr. African computer maker, workup and stop wasting time on things that you can not change. 2011 is coming for the MMD to leave office. Let them receive funding from where ever coz it would be used to liberate all the poor Zambians. You can even go back to the village and consult your Magic, I mean your witch craft but all the same it won’t help you.

  20. “Direct funding of PF by Netherlands Institute for Multi-party Democracy is a concern – Katele.”

    I think they should try indirect funding.

  21. If this money is meant to save us from blood thirsty MMD and RB let it come.Gregory Chifire you are a fool who has no shame in what you are doing.Remember you failed 5 times at CBU and you are even speaking on behalf of people.Who doesnt know you as a failure?Its good that you have joined your fellow failures who are going in 2011.MMD kuya bebele whether you like it or not.

  22. Katele plz remember MMD also get money from China. leave our party alone we need money as well.:-h:-h

  23. At one time it was in the media that FDD has signed an MOU with a Scottish Party to finance it. Why is not the issue. All big opposition parties in Zambia get foreign funding to pay for th secretariat (Secretary General and few others are on salary). This have been happening from way back, but its now a big issue?

  24. cifire is a disgruntled cadre..never mind him..he has some bed space at chainama hopsital..go there u will find the records!

  25. This should worry every peace and democratic thinking Zambian. PF and UPND are currently the only two legitimate and people oriented parties. The worry is not about the funding, it is the way MMD government is gathering data and information leading to Nation Security. So Chifire is the source for MMD to protect our freedoms? Were did Chifire get this information? Couldn’t it be that Chifire wanted some money from the Netherlands and they told him to go pound sand, he got mad hence the diplomatic damage he wants to put between Zambia and the Netherlands? When did Chifire qualify to provide diplomatic actionable information? Katele, teka umutima.

    Why is MMD so much in this panicking situation if they’re providing and bringing development and they’re electable? What is wrong with MMD?

  26. It seems my place Luapula is getting lost. It is finished. The names in leadership from Luapula are now worrying me. B.Y. Mwila, Katele Kalumba, Machungwa, Chitika, FTJ, The all PF rebels are majority from Luapula, Police IG Kabonde. I feel ashamed of you guys. You love money so much that you don’t even know how to spend it. Our friends in the Tongaland at least they invest in animals. How do we invest money in Luapula apart from eating? Katele now rants just to get paid by MMD. He is upset to hear that money has been going to PF and not MMD and he feels like he wants the piece of the pie, even when he knows he has cases on his tail. Katele, mina amate mudala. You will be getting the same money from the same group after next year when you are in opposition. Chill mudala

  27. what kind of animal is ZCID? no wonder the NCC is a sham! and honestly speaking, would the ZCID be impartial in its dealings with all political parties considering the crooked and UNCIVILISED nature of the ruling MMD which has an upper hand? just look at the NCC!

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