Friday, March 7, 2025

Chief Mumena condemns Mufumbwe coffin celebration


4. UPND women brandishing their party symbol
CHIEF Mumena of the Kaonde people in North-Western Province has said it is inhuman for the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) to hold a victory procession after winning the Mufumbwe parliamentary seat when many people were injured and others died.

UPND spokesperson Charles Kakoma, however, said there was nothing wrong in celebrating victory after beating MMD who had held the seat for more than 20 years.

Chief Mumena said if the political party was there for the people of Mufumbwe, it would not have celebrated its victory, but it would have sympathised with those who were injured and mourned with those who had lost their loved ones because of the incidence that took place in the area.

Chief Mumena said in an interview in Solwezi yesterday that the violence which rocked the Mufumbwe parliamentary by-election was an indication that some politicians were so desperate for power that they were capable of mobilising thugs to shed the blood of innocent people to get what they wanted.

Chief Mumena condemned the behaviour of some politicians who were campaigning in the Mufumbwe parliamentary by-election for promoting violence in the area by transporting thugs from outside Mufumbwe to engage in various forms of violence.

He said the politicians who transported thugs to Mufumbwe from other parts of Zambia should be ashamed, apologise and resign from their positions because they were not fit to be leaders of the people.

“I condemn the behaviour of some politicians who went to campaign in Mufumbwe, especially those who were transporting political mercenaries to go and shed blood in the area. This is a failure of political agenda in Zambia and it is being driven by failed politicians who have run out of ideas of what multi-party politics is all about.

“If these politicians really care about the people, they would not have celebrated the victory because there was nothing to celebrate about. You don’t celebrate violence, injuries or deaths,” Chief Mumena said.

He said the royal establishment in the area would now reorganise itself and ensure that the violence that took place in Mufumbwe did not recur because people wanted peace and development in the area.

He said North-Western Province would now be a no-go area for politicians who wanted to fuel violence and set the nation ablaze because of their desperation for power.

He said he was shocked that the members of Parliament (MPs) in the area had remained silent on the violence that rocked the by-election when they were expected to air their condemnation.

Mr Kakoma said cadres used their initiative to come up with a mock coffin to show that MMD was dead in Mufumbwe and that there was nothing wrong in celebrating victory after beating MMD who had held the seat for more than 20 years.

He said his party condemned the violence in Mufumbwe and denied that UPND cadres abducted a police officer.

“We strongly condemn the violence that took place in Mufumbwe and we were not involved in the transporting of youths from other parts of the country to Mufumbwe.

‘‘On celebrating victory, I must say there is nothing wrong in celebrating the victory after beating MMD who have been holding the seat for the last 20 years,” Mr Kakoma said.
[Times of Zambia ]


  1. Well spoken your Royal Highness. We want peace in our Country. We only have One Zambia as our own and hence the need to safe guard the prevailing peace.
    HH and Sata should never be allowed to get any where near Power. Each people are reminded of the Chawama incident where macherts were used to inflict pain on FDD members by the Sata as National Secretary of MMD, they seem to forget easilly. This is the combination of the Chawama and mapatizya Violence formular.
    This should not be allowed in Zambia

  2. In our hearts we all know who transported people to Mufumbwe…..lets not be sensational and blind to the facts on the ground. blame HH and Sata for the violence if it pleases you but we wont be fooled or deceived by sponsored journalism.. thats why certain people are keen to control the media

  3. Ba chief Mumena are you a MMD cader? You are so bitter that the seat has been taken by UPND despite your RB and Police and MMD violence. You are a chief for all the parties. Just hit the nail on the head , tell William Banda not to come to your area with thugs. Yaba still MMD kuya bebele 2011.

  4. i dont know why these mmd cadres are trying to fool us..why all these negative comments about the opposition.Anyway what we know is the PACT will carry the day come 2011.flashes are there for everyone to see in mufumbwe, solwezi and also milanzi which used to be strongholds for MMD.The milanzi results were very encouraging for opposition considering the fact that its Rupiahs very confident they will narrow the gap or even win some seats in eastern provinnce

  5. What we need to know is that every trick will be used by the mmd . False accusations, fake migrations from opposition to mmd, sponsored violence and control of the media… watch this space

  6. The whole chief of Police was there but failed to contain the violence by a few cadres. The Police were ineffective against perpetrators of violence. WHY? and why isn’t the government concerned about the useless Police – unless it was an arrangement. Armed trained Police failing to control unarmed cadres!!! Surely something just doesn’t add up here.

  7. He said the politicians who transported thugs to Mufumbwe from other parts of Zambia should be ashamed, apologise and resign from their positions because they were not fit to be leaders of the people….
    reading between the lines i think he is talking about mmd leaders

  8. The opposition have been shown to be coffin brandishing power hungry thugs carried by a spetacular array of crooks and drug dealers , all wanting to be in GRZ. It seems the slogan “do or die Zambia” is befitting for them. The whole world knows what kind of people make up the pact. As a glimpse, rember thier main financier GBM and intended key player in their dream GRZ. The man was boasting of how expensive his car is !. I will not name name names but i know of at least 5 small time drug barrons wearing the pacts uniform who are close to their leaders. Now pleas are these the kind of pipo we want running Zambia ? This is exact replay of 1990s FJTs MMD filled with crooks licking their lips waiting for KK to fall. KK warned us. Zambians you are warned again

  9. Why cant MMD accept defeat and concetrate on preparing for there exit.UPND won and MMD lost period,eish cant people get a life:-@:-@:-@

  10. # 8 KC . Why do you post same comments on different topics. Just prepare for your life after MMD free jobs.

  11. The chief should not comment generally of issues that he knows who the culprit was.if it was the MMD that took the day he would ve received the usaul gifts but this time, no. it seems that the chiefs in zambia have an obligation to promise the Govt. victory in the chiefdom but when the unfortunite happedn(losing) they come out bitter at the opposition. Mention those who transport the thugs as thats what it takes to be a chief not to fear your cannot say they were politicians transporting thugs n not mention them which to me is talking out of no where. be real and lets face the matter of the day. violence was there because the MMD was about to Rig the by-elections like they always d but this time they fail coz of the opposition strength. so think again before commenting

  12. Mwe Mfumu with due respect you are not helping the nation and I strongly doubt if peace is your agenda. You know what happened in Mufumbwe and you also know the people who are responsible for fueling violence,but you are surprising me by not mentioning those who are involved. As a traditional leader leader,please avoid taking sides,but speak the truth and please guide the nation.


  14. #8 KK warned Zambians that he would not let Zambia be ruled by thugs. After ignoring him the Zambians are now suffering :d

  15. This chief is highly compromised, he can’t even mention names. It’s an embarrassment because chiefs normally are meant to be impartial (and they should not come out sounding like they have accepted a kama “bribe” which would sway their judgment) hee hee hee. Anyway, you reap what you sow.

    Learn to deal with it, weMfumu, wa sebana mune. kaAward ako <):)

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