President Rupiah Banda says he will not allow International Financial Institutions to connive with the opposition political parties to under-mine his administration.
President Banda urged Patriotic Front (PF) against hoodwinking the Netherlands Institute for Democracy (NID) to fund it.
Under the Zambia Centre for Inter-party Dialogue (ZCID) provisions, political parties are free to apply for funding from the NID.
Mr. Banda said the state will institute investigations to ascertain whether is it true the NID has opened an account to fund the PF to advance its campaigns.
Mr. Banda stated that he is aware of the NID operations in Zambia but expressed regret that such a clandestine activity was happening between NID and the political parties.
President Banda was responding to questions from Journalists at the Lusaka international Airport, shortly before his departure for Tanzania where he has gone to attend the World Economic Forum on Africa.
Mr. Banda is accompanied to Tanzania by Education Minister Dora Siliya, Finance Deputy Minister Chileshe Kapwepwe and other senior government officials.
The presidential plane carrying Mr. Banda left the Lusaka International Airport at exactly 14:00 hours local time.
President Banda was seen off by Defense Minister Kalombo Mwansa, Home Affairs Minister Lameck Mangani, Secretary to the Cabinet Dr. Joshua Kanganja and other senior government and MMD officials.
Meanwhile, President Banda says Zambia will learn a lot from the World Economic Forum on Africa being held in neighbouring Tanzania.
He hinted that at the Forum, there are over 1,000 potential investors of which Zambia is likely to woo some who maybe interested to invest in the country.
He said this would help address the country’s economic hardships the country is currently facing.
Mr. Banda said he is also going to learn how other countries in the region were handling problems affecting them.
President Banda will be among other African leaders who have been invited to participate in the World Economic Forum sessions.
The theme for this year’s Forum is; “Re-thinking Africa’s Growth Strategy.”
Top on the forum’s agenda are issues pertaining to higher education for Africa, unlocking Africa’s growth potential, a new vision for Africa’s agriculture and China-Africa partnership for growth among others
So what will RB do to the international institutions? Unleash William Banda on them, perhaps?
Who is william banda.come 2011 william will see.and ka dora siliya who do u think you are weule iwe.
#2 Be sensible, so why should they involve themselves in local politics?? Despite your hatred for either President Banda or MMD you should learn from Zimbabwe were MDC were calling for sanctions against the Govt, while it looked ok that time check what has happened now both Tswangilai and Mugabe are caught up in same problems. Politicians are the same worse still Sata is not only crue but already looking very sick.
When you go in the diaspora don t look at all things back home in the negative.Mukabwela mukatusanga.
I’m sorry? “Hood winking?” RB tekanya we mwaume we. When was the last time you heard of a foreign development agency being victimized by Zambians. Spin doctors, please, RB is dying out here.. do something mwe bantu mwe, twa sebana paZed ka Award ako, RB – you are the chiefest of them all <):)
William Banda will warn the international institutions that Zambia is a no-go area, else he will flash them out!! Is William Banda now acting president since that RB is off again?
#2 Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! Kansi nabanoko lihule wafyelwe shani- who do you think you are to insult ladies like that? Did she do your Dad?? No she has class I love her I ve wine with her shes good.
RB you are really a waste of space.Not every one is as f oo lish as you and your cronies.Donors will fund whatever and whoever pleases them…IT IS THEIR MONEY..hence the word donate..(give freely)
You dont get to tell them who gets what and when,capiche??and no,they wont succumb to your over ambitious threats.Ba fikili mwaya sana ba mmd!!
“Mr. Banda said he is also going to learn how other countries in the region were handling problems affecting them” 😕 so ba RB in ‘job on training’ but we were told to vote for him because he was experienced and knew what to do!:-?:-?:-?
But the POST reported that RB has denied any links between NID and PF funding. Ba POST i suspect they use their butts to listen…..
And tell me where do you think an opposition party would get finance? Well, they cannot steal as MMD as been doing, they cannot fundraise as they have to apply for a gathering license each time, selling party cards and t-shirts, come on.RB is becoming a desperate man and Zambia watch this man, he finds a hero in Mugabe.This is how Mugabe started after losing some seats in parly. And I mean what can he do to NID …. Stop asking for budget supplements, thats laughable.Of course, they will love if RB stopped begging for money for GRZ budgets.I mean common Zambians, what will he do? Stop all dutch people from visiting Zambia … we need tourists, they don’t need us.Again, I say I sense desperation in this man, I hope Zambia can stand up, get rid of such dictators in making, ask FTJ’s 3rd…
Think of it, wouldn’t be a bad idea to start raising funds for the opposition. What do you think friends, Zambians in diaspora?
At one time it was in the media that FDD has signed an MOU with a Scottish Party to finance it. Why is not the issue. All big opposition parties in Zambia get foreign funding to pay for th secretariat (Secretary General and few others are on salary). This have been happening from way back, but why is it now a big issue? To stop the funding to opposition, so that they become like PUDD, APC or BY (whatever the name of his party)
Where is the Minister of commerce or Finance ? Are they not the ones who are supposed to attend this event in TZ. If govt does not fund opposition parties, where does RB expect them to get money.
mmd sympathiser,
I think you calling Hon.Siliya like that is out of experience with your mother whobirthed you out of commercial s-e-x. There is no otherway you can call an innocent woman that way except if you are a product of it. Go ask your motherwho your real ather is.
Ba Zambia,
From their blogging cadres.The fact that they are here blogging 24/7 means they are economically sound to support their opposition parties. Because nowhere in the world would a normal poor person be blogging rubbish 24/7 on poverty instead of building own financial security where money is. Lokk at most of these MMD bloggers you see here, they are software engineers, University Professors, CFPs, Business Consultants and lawyers already making and donatingbig big money to MMD coffers. FYI i know of two devoted bloggers here who recently turned in US $ 4,500 each into the Lusaka Province MMD fundraising account where MMD raised ZK 1.3 billion over 1 night dinner.Put money where your mouth is period instead of mortgaging the country.Look at what is happening to Sata over Taiwan
Mwatayanzu Wachepa utuma tall lay. You don`t even know apakusonteka but you are opening your god here.
OK back to the topic. Why is this man always flying kanshi mwebantu? Bushe indeke shalileka ukupona nomba?
Mwatayanzu Wachepa utuma tall lay. You don`t even know apakusonteka but you are opening your gob here.
OK back to the topic. Why is this man always flying kanshi mwebantu? Bushe indeke shalileka ukupona nomba?
MWATA # 15: To think that MMD is a success story because it has individuals donating money makes no sense whatsoever. MMD has failed to reduce the mortality rate, to provide decent education for most, to curb corruption, to protect citizens from abuse at the hands of some investors etc. MMD has succeeded at making the dishonest wealthy, drowning small businesses, not rewarding initiative and creating an atmosphere not conducive for development. And you think the average reader will tremble at the thought of one being a software engineer and an MMD member? What a cheap way of thinking. Such is the mind-set of one whose life depends, not on an honest living, but on the worship of the mere mortals that feed you. You allow them to enslave your mind, what a waste of a God given gift.
#2, I think you could still have made your point without being so brunt! For instance, for me, I have noted that the President (even during the Dora Tribunal period) seems to have a very soft spot for Dora and would do all possible to make ‘business’ trips with her and if you check most of the trips (local and international) if Dora is among the entourage, then the first lady is not. Just coincidence maybe. And true, This meeting deserves of Minister of Commerce or Finance to have been key people to accompany President, not Minister of Education or Party spokesperson
RB is a pure easterner from the days.:d . Pure excibition of presidential lunacy. Elyo ba red card zoona mulibansele kwena. Am sure no tubana twenu twa lyamba ukutukana. You have a good view but Language. Napapata mwintuka. Napela
#20 Chi Chanda waba ububi. Ifimatobo kwati nichidumbo maliteti kapompa saladi. I was angry that`s why I had to say all the ntwenokane.
Mr President dont be so angry. Nowadays everything you say makes me sick!! where else do you think the opposition will get funds from? I support # 10
No. 21 Red Card Zoona, hope you sterilize your mouth after this lest you get an infection.
Ba RB – too much paranoia like ka FTJ in his day. Relax please and don’t be scared – it’s just your shadow.
@#23 Ricky What infection?
SO ba DORA ……Bakonka…ok:x
Quote”Under the Zambia Centre for Inter-party Dialogue (ZCID) provisions, political parties are free to apply for funding from the NID”.end of quote
wat wrong have the pact done? problem with our president he says things without first researching, first it was the zambian airways saga,then the chansa kabwela issue,and again the pf run council thing and now this, wats with u mr. president? research before u open yo mouth muletusebanya please
Kano nga nibena ba MMD Ninshi te problem,MMD is owayz busy sourcing funds from local business houses and companies its just normal that the opposition also get it were they can, one has to know who to talk to in order to survive pa zed.
I ve come to a conclusion that Senior Citizen, Veteran and Capitalist are purely MMD employees paid to blog on LT 24/7 with intent of fusing MMD ideas and Beliefs into out purely and Straight thinking mind sets, so blogger careful with all they say they ve got sweet talk able to brain wash a 5year old.
Meanwhile, President Banda says Zambia will learn a lot from the World Economic Forum on Africa being held in neighbouring Tanzania. Hmm, that is RB, Dora and who attending? They will bring what they will learn to Zambia? 😕
RB must have missed flying out of the country a few weeks he has been around. Alas, its to his old habbits again of trying to beat the ‘Guinness World Records’ of being the most world travelled african president from a very poor african state. What a Jinx Mother Zambia is facing!
no one should tell NID what to give or who to give their money to just like Teta had all the rights to make
whoever he pleased a beneficiary in his wil
#11 Spot on. Opposition parties shud start tinking out-of-box, by creating constituencies on-line, like say you have 10 provinces in your party, create the 11th one of all diaspora sympathisers. I wud not mind paying a R100 as donation, and how many would be welling and even to give more. People like HH who grew up the IT age shud be ahead of the pact in this. Create Facebook acounts, tweeters, etc just excite the young vote, as obama did. Thats the vote that got him into white house.
Yes let William Banda go to Holland, we will see how far he gets
Miyoba I agree with you
@24 Red Card Zoona – my statement was metaphorical. It just means tone down on the bad language.
# 14 for sure your mother wasted her labor pains on you .
Can someone please explain why it is wrong for NID to support an opposition party in Zambia. I can’t understand what RB is talking about.
PF refuses to sell cut-price zambian assets to foreign companies, wants to restore windfall tax and to force mining companies to pay money due to ZCCM (eg Kansanshi/FQM owes zccm 300m$ !!)
So PF receives no money from foreign companies !!
NID… it’s “clean money”… isn’t it MMD 😉 😉 😉
MMD are very selfish. With all the money we donate to them inform of tax, they still want to grab the little PF is getting from well wishers? ahhhh!
Chi RB must apologise to the civil servants for not paying them on time. Ichimona ubukulu!
well, times are hard mother zambia – take heart. the universe has a fantastic way of levelling the score. this too shall pass.