Sunday, March 9, 2025

Church condemns gay activists


EVANGELICAL Fellowship of Zambia executive director Paul Mususu (center holding a bible)

SOME church and civil society organisation have condemned donors and political parties that want to champion the exclusion of the Christian Nation clause in the Constitution opting for a secular state that will promote homosexuality and gay rights.

The Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia executive director Bishop Paul Mususu said it would be wrong for political parties and non governmental organisations to promote values that were alien to Zambian society for the sake of money.

Bishop Mususu was reacting to reports that some donors were funding some opposition political parties to support a secular State that would promote homosexuality.

“It is not proper for us to get rid of what we have cherished over the years. We shall be sinking so low if we allow things like homosexuality and pornography in the name of freedom of expression,” Bishop Mususu said.

He said Zambia should retain the Christian nation clause in the new constitution but it should not be included as a legal requirement.

[pullquote]“It is not proper for us to get rid of what we have cherished over the years. We shall be sinking so low if we allow things like homosexuality and pornography in the name of freedom of expression,” Bishop Mususu said.[/pullquote]

“We should maintain the clause in our preamble so that we do not exclude other religions,” he said.

He said it would be wrong for organisations to champion immorality just because donors are funding them.

“In fact, civil society organisations should promote our culture as a country and strengthen our values. We must not support wrong things just because we are getting a dollar or people are supporting our project,” he said.

And the Independent Churches of Zambia board Chairperson Reverend David Masupa said political parties that would receive the funds to promote the Secular state would be de-campaigning themselves.

“There is no way the opposition political parties will be using the secular clause to campaign. Christians are in the majority and they will just be de-campaigning themselves,” he said.

Rev Masupa said the National Constitutional Conference unanimously adopted the Christian nation clause and that it would be wrong for some organisation to reverse the decision.

He said it is commonplace for countries to adopt a religion in the constitution. He said Zambia is predominately a Christian nation.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Thank you no faggats Pa Zed. This issue makes me sick. I don’t care how westernised we have become accepting yaku buyo is taboo period !!

  2. A Christian street preacher was arrested and locked in a cell for telling a passer-by that homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of God.
    The 42-year-old Baptist, who has preached Christianity in Workington, Cumbria for years, said he did not mention homosexuality while delivering a sermon from the top of a stepladder, but admitted telling a passing shopper that he believed it went against the word of God. …

  3. …Police officers are alleging that he made the remark in a voice loud enough to be overheard by others and have charged him with using abusive or insulting language, contrary to the Public Order Act.
    Mr McAlpine, who was taken to the police station in the back of a marked van and locked in a cell for seven hours on April 20, said the incident was among the worst experiences of his life.
    “I felt deeply shocked and humiliated that I had been arrested in my own town and treated like a common criminal in front of people I know,” he said.

  4. Why not come out and name the political parties and the civil society organizations,as well as the donors,this kind of news will only lead to rumour mongering and speculations,
    just like the rumours about George Kunda,someone did not come out clear from the begining (Shikapwasha being ignorant of the where abouts of his VP),this led to people speculating

  5. Mr McAlpine was handing out leaflets explaining the Ten Commandments or offering a “ticket to heaven” with a church colleague on April 20, when a woman came up and engaged him in a debate about his faith.
    During the exchange, he says he quietly listed ho-mo-se-xuality among a number of sins referred to in 1 Corinthians, including blasphemy, fornication, adultery and drunkenness. …

  6. After the woman walked away, she was approached by a PCSO who spoke with her briefly and then walked over to Mr McAlpine and told him a complaint had been made, and that he could be arrested for using racist or homophobic language.
    The street preacher said he told the PCSO: “I am not homophobic but sometimes I do say that the Bible says ho-mo-se-xuality is a crime against the Creator”. …

  7. I William Ganizani Crunkshaft Banda also condem any gay rights activists and vow to flash them out at sight in zambia, this is no place for Mophees.

  8. He claims that the PCSO then said he was ho-mo-se-xual and identified himself as the Lesbian, G-a-y, Bisexual and Transgender liaison officer for Cumbria police. Mr McAlpine replied: “It’s still a sin.”
    The preacher then began a 20 minute sermon, in which he says he mentioned drunkenness and adultery, but not ho-mo-se-xuality. Three regular uniformed police officers arrived during the address, arrested Mr McAlpine and put him in the back of a police van. …

  9. Harry Hammond, a pensioner, was convicted under Section 5 of the Act in 2002 for holding up a sign saying “Stop immorality. Stop Ho-mo-se-xuality. Stop Lesbianism. Jesus is Lord” while preaching in Bournemouth.
    Stephen Green, a Christian campaigner, was arrested and charged in 2006 for handing out religious leaflets at a G-a-y Pride festival in Cardiff. The case against him was later dropped.

  10. ba priest, want to have the boys (yakumbuyo) for themselves!!! Christian or no christian nation homo’s are all over the place, from churches, prisions, military, boarding schools or down the streets in Zed…. men walk openly hand in hand like we dont have a clue8-|

  11. People stay out of trouble and avoid a prison sentence especially at Chimbokaila,Mukobeko and kamwala.I was reading an account of homosexuality in our prisons on BBC and it was horrifying.The infected inmates do it to Kill and aint ready to use condoms.

  12. I think religion..,christianity & churches should be banned in africa so that africans can go back to their old culture and traditions before the muzungu brought all this nonsense to the continent,,, there is no sense in christianity if the priests are on the top list in s e xual abuse in children, women and small boys! You get me:)>-

  13. Are we still discussing this issue. Here are the facts. Homosexuality is wrong in the eyes of the Lord. It is already and will always be illegal in a Christian nation like Zambia.

    We do not want homosexuals in our country. There should be much more stiff punishments for fags. NO YAKUMBUYO in Zed.

  14. You guys if you aint confortable with yakumbuyo then just dont it, but for those with different feelings let them do what will satisfy them sexually. Definitely pepole will do what they think suit them.

  15. Over the weekend one Veteran exposed the delusional wars of Hichilema against the Church of Jesus Christ.He exposed how Hichilema’s war of attrition against Christ has taken him to burning to ashase all church buildings in Mufumbwe leaving only masonic lodges and other devil worshiping places with impunity. HH went high on abducting for murder christians on whom ordered use of the now detained Lumba to machete, screwdrivers and stabbed their victims hard.In all these actions they have been ululated by their conduits of pro-G-a-y and satanism sponsors the Post known for championing satanism in Zambia.Unfortunately Zambia is for Jesus Christ these agents of Satan will fall 10,000 feet down in their own pits of hell while 10 thousand more at the hands of Jesus Christ. Zambia is for Jesus.

  16. It was just a matter of time before this wind started blowing in Zambia too. They want to come out of the closet now. They see there friends in other countries openly marrying in church and adopting children and they are like ………WTF? What about us :(? Then you have donor fund that comes with conditions…:-w It is either you take this cash and do this with it but also support this…or we take it elsewhere, the choice is yours. Issues of the heart and passion are very complicated.

  17. Any one in solidarity with these anti Christ pro-G-a-y, anti Bible Satanists is a loser heading to fall with the archiangel of pervasion in unrewarding hatred. Zambia does not belong to masons, G-a-y-s and satanic loaders but Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our nation state convenant.

  18. if they ban yakumbuyo in Zed, priest and gays will turn to goats ducks abd chickens for comfort!!! Behind closed doors who knows what heteros e xuals, do to their tweno’s…. lol….. or marry girls young enough to be their grand-daughters:o

    Ba Mudala aba taba pepa lesa, nga baya ku church amenso ni pa njabi njabi chachine!!!!!!!!!

  19. Not suprising of these comprosed pervasion in politics and push for securalism. Look at it

    Masonists, G-a-y s, Marxists, l-e-s-b-i-a-n-s, tribalists and satanists in unholy alliance

    Hichilema, Ackson Sejani-Masonists

    Given Lubinda (Bangladesh -Zambian) also idol worshipping Satanist


    Richard Kapita

    Watson Lumba

    Guy Scot -Satanist

    Mumbi Phiri-Satanist and L-e-s-b-i-a-n

    Jean Kapata-L-e-s-b-i-a-n

    Ex-priest Bwalya-religious counterfeit cut G-a-y

    Willie and Febian Nsanda- Satanists

    Fred Mmembe-G-a-y marxist

    Sata Michael-Marxist

  20. It may not be the opposition maybe even our govt–some donors at times may push us in a corner to accept no sense-my only prayer is that we shall stand on our grounds and never accept this rubbish. God forbid and no one should go against God’s wonderful plan for man.

  21. This is exactly what i said in my earlier comment,people are speculating and spreading rumours,people like Mwata will twist such stories and use the name of God just to turnish other people,quiet sad, all over a sudden its HH,the POST and everyone else who is against them

  22. Veteran is that you or someone else? What about…

    MMD people, Veteran (yes you!), Mr. Capitalist, Senior Citizen (You again?)? What are you guys? Jean Kapata a Les? Thats a good one! Mumbi phiri? C’mon!!

  23. # 23,
    Its me laying bare right here

    Not suprising of these comprosed pervasion in politics and push for securalism. Look at it

    Masonists, G-a-y s, Marxists, l-e-s-b-i-a-n-s, tribalists and satanists in unholy alliance

    Hichilema, Ackson Sejani-Masonists

    Given Lubinda (Bangladesh -Zambian) also idol worshipping Satanist


    Richard Kapita-Masonist

    Watson Lumba-Masonist

    Guy Scot -Satanist

    Mumbi Phiri-Satanist and L-e-s-b-i-a-n

    Jean Kapata-L-e-s-b-i-a-n

    Ex-priest Bwalya-religious counterfeit cut G-a-y

    Willie and Febian Nsanda- Satanists

    Fred Mmembe-G-a-y marxist

    Sata Michael-Marxist

  24. The “Christian nation” clause in the constitution is discriminatory to some Zambians who are not Christians and hence should not be in the constitution.
    For instance, Zambia has a population of christians, moslems, jews, buddhists, bahais, etc hence no discrimination of any kind should be allowed. We have “Zambians of Asian Origin” who are MPs and do not use the christian bible when being sworn in.

    This clause was included in the Zambian constitution through the mischief of FJT Chiluba who wanted to take advantage of God fearing people and go for a third term.

    Zambia has always been a secular state until the ushering in of the MMD, but no Zambian could claim that there was any institution then which advocated for homosexuality ot any such vices.

  25. Whats the need of clinging to the “Christian Nation” clause when there is so much corruption and theft of national/public resources, poverty and helplessness, street kids with no hope for the better, no medicines and equipment in hospitals (otherwise George Kunda would not be in RSA for medical checkup), massive unemployment, the list in endless.

    What is important are DEEDS and not just words.

  26. Oth-er G-a-y-s that actually started and are actively cordinating funds for the Zambian Chapter of the G-a-y and L-e-s-b-i-a-n Society in Zambia heavily sponsored by the Internation G-a-y, Le-s-b-ia-n, B-i-s-e-x-u-a-l Transgender Historical Society (IGLBTHS) of Australian, Netherlands and South Africa are:

    Ruf Shenton-G-a-y PF

    William Harrington-G-a-y PF

    Fred Mmembe-G-a-y PF cadre

  27. These Shape the PF policy on secularism

    They are G-a-y-s themselves that also actually started and are actively cordinating funds for the Zambian Chapter of the G-a-y and L-e-s-b-i-a-n Society in Zambia heavily sponsored by the Internation G-a-y, Le-s-b-ia-n, B-i-s-e-x-u-a-l Transgender Historical Society (IGLBTHS) of Australian, Netherlands and South Africa are:

    Ruf Shenton-G-a-y PF

    William Harrington-G-a-y PF

    Fred Mmembe-G-a-y PF cadre

  28. I dont know what Fred Mmembe would do about this. Fred Mmembe is openly practising gayism and we know his companions. Let him come out in the open and condem the Church for discrminating against him as a minority

  29. This was probably one of the most important FJTs legacies including annointing PLM. This clause protects the more drocile zambians been overan by alien species who come and multiply exponetially under the muslim guise while treating black Zambians as servants..

  30. To all christians i implore you to start interceeding for Zambia without ceasing. Kindly lets be the watchmen over the city against satanism. Put on the full armor of God and a declare a wall around the country against the devil belaboring to tear the national convenant with God and our cultture.Play for wisdom of our given leader as they discharge their Godly duty in destroying the devil’s agents against the kingdom of God. Zambia is nation chosen, blessed and preserved by God. The devil is under our feet.

  31. We need to be serious and protect pur moral fibre as a nation.We MUST introduce a law that makes homosexuality a crime in the same league as murder.These clergy men must be serious in one breadth they are condemning gays but in the other they are the first to run to a daily tabloid that is owned and run by a gay person,What hypocrisy!!!!!!

    This character is erroding the moral fibre of this country through his paper and yet we are applauding him,shame on us he ought to caged

  32. Like Zambia, like Malawi, homesexuality is UnAfrican, lets not allow this western idealogy to pollute our societies and culture.

  33. The Christian Nation “thing” hasnt done Zambia any good either and thats becouse these no TRUTH in it. Its just a mask to shield and suit greedy and selfish politicians and Clergies . Pathetic and very hypocritical. Change your ways first before you condenms others :-w

  34. It is a pity that we spend our energies discussing religion when this country is facing serious economic and social challenges. A secular state does not mean embracing g-a-y-s, satan-ist, etc. It means political leaders main job is service delivery and not preaching as is the case in Zambia. We have power hungry leaders that are trying to use religion for their own benefit and exclude other Zambians from participating in politics.
    The catholic church has been having g-a-y scandals. Are Catholics not Christians? No clause can keep away these vices. To believe a sentence in the constitution can do that is foolish.
    Zambia needs a secular constitution (like India, China, Botswana) so that we can FOCUS on developmental issues. Leave our spiritual lives for ourselves to manage.

  35. It is funny how the church is used to shelter the hate people fester within themselves. Just 60 years ago you were less of a man because of your skin color and someone used the bible to justify it. Today you turn around and see another man as less of a man because he/she is of a different sexual orientation. Meanwhile straight people continue to die of HIV, are victimized and stigmatized against, politicians steal daily and Zambia continues to beg from and mine for foreigners and a few greedy Zambians. Is it the Bible that says the truth shall set you free? Well let us enlighten ourselves, there is nothing westernized about a good old education to empower you with sound and unbiased judgment, which the bible talks about too. Or, lets leave the judging God, and desist from preaching hatred.

  36. # 29 Alinaswe. I dont think it’s true. The guy, correct me if I am wrong is doing Mazoka’s daughter and I dont can have appertite for fellow men.

  37. #29, Fred could be bisexual ‘bi’ ie doing both ladies and guys depending on where the appetite directs him.

  38. Satanist declared Zambia a Christian nation,how ironic? There is nothing Christian about the way Zambia is run.The country has draconian laws and a constitution that denies citizens’ basic human rights and you call this Christian!! For 20 years Zambia has had an inept and uncaring government in the form of MMD and you still call this Christian! The police are so brutal and you call this Christian! Zambian prisons are worse than hell and you still call this Christian.Zambians need food,shelter,clean water and education and you bastards are busy talking about gays.Who cares what people do to their own bodies?Fight for peoples rights and a good constitution.People don’t care whether Ruphiah sleeps with Thandiwe who is 50 years younger than him,they need food,shelter,medicine etc.

  39. Well said # 41 this country is full of hypocrites who dell on things that do not add value to this country and whats funny is that these people have so little information on Hom-se-x-uality!

  40. I am totally against homos. my psychology teacher tried to convince me that it is normal..its a preference. I told her that even my dog puked when I told him about homos being normal..ok having said that and knowing that Zambian are “christians” and wolud want a “christian nation” I think its hipocritical.since the conduct of most zambians is “unchristian”. We have too much AIDS(compare with Saudi Arabia), we have gay men wether we pretend or not. claiming o be christian is actually hiding from the social ills affecting us since most people will not talk about sex becuase its unchristian and at the end of the day we have brothels in every shanty compound (eg bulawayo in chawama), in low residential areas (they call them lodges) and most of them are freqeunted by “ba elder”,…

  41. If you are a married woman and your man consistantly asks for yakuchani…know that he is a swinger. LoL.;)) I know it’s disturbing for some, but it’s real. So deal with it.

  42. Churchianity is a funny bogus religion. You are the same ones that keep teaching rubbish that the law in the old testament has been done away with and then when it comes to people you quote fromthe same law in leviticus. This is what happens when a bunch of self righteous people start to teach contrary to scripture and yet when the results start to show you are surprised. You are no different from fropm these gays because just like you they reject the law

  43. PAUL MUSUSU, You have acted unreligious by simply rashing to a fake conclusion that secularism will promote homosexuality in Zambia for you to attract attention. Secularism is the best way to go for any civilised society.The Idiology of creating a Christendom Society in this modern time will not be welcomed by all and hence becomes undemocratic. People should have the right to worship in the way the cherish…

  44. Some of these pentecostal guys are also being funded by international donors. The mad pastor in Uganda who showed a same-sex video to his congregation is funded by right-wing US evangelists who have their own agenda. We should do away with the Christian nation clause because I do not want to be associated with a religion that is associated with genocide, slavery, racism and colonialism and which is based on the writings of a bunch of nomads who lived thousands of years ago.

  45. Whenever I go to the gas station to fuel my car, I know not to use the exhaust pipe. I know exactly where to put in the fuel. Because, to say it crudely, each hole has its own purpose!

  46. I wonder at all those opposing ‘Zambia a Christian Nation’. What’s your problem. What about the islamic nations who go further and even apply sharia law. Zambis is a Christian Nation, it means that’s the way we want to go, meaning even policies will be designed along those lines and my God help us to go in that direction. Of course the devil is out there trying to block and oppse this initiative because he knows how much he has to lose, but he is defeated, the victyory is ours.

  47. The church are simply stating their position,i commend them, they know fully well that these ‘vices’ can NOT stop. Even by biblical standards sin will always be there, otherwise preaching would be meaningless if everyone repented in one day.
    I think it is very christian to call for the rights of adulteres, thieves, gays etc so that they are given a neutral enviroment where they can then voluntarily decide to stop. It is to try to force them to stop using the law because you then have to enforce things on the unwilling

  48. We rebuke the demon of homosexuality from Zambia. Zambians, don’t vote for those who would like to introduce homosexuality in Zambia.

  49. I think those who dont like the idea of zambia a christian nation,why dont you join muslim countries.


  51. People are not going to eat Christian Nation people have not benefited from that only Pastors who are still getting money from Chiluba

  52. One of our biggest problems as Zambians particularly, and as Africans generally, is that when it really matters, we always love to sing other people’s songs rather than our own song, think other people’s thoughts rather than our own thoughts, listen to other peolpe’s voices rather than our own, and want to be other people rather than ourselves.

    Religion or not, there surely must be certain things that define us as a people. Ordinary normal (Zambian) Bantu people regard ******lity as aberrant behaviour and do not subscribe to it. We do not have to approve of it just because it is approved in the west, or anywhere else for that matter.

  53. Its a typical christian mentality to start scare mongering tactics whenever other people express ideas at variant with theirs. I bet if you had to open the closets of all these pastors, the file of skeletons you will find is monumental. And most of them are of a s*e*x*ual indiscretion in nature. A lot of these polepoles are busy everyday like Dan Pule bedding other people’s wives and dealing illegally in stones, impregnating innocent choir spinsters and yet they are the ones turning around to claim they are against homosexuality. In god’s eyes, both homosectuality, adultary, fornication etc are equal sins. So before they point at specks in other people’s eyes, they should sort out their logs first. Its like Kunda accusing M’Membe of being a homo without proof but he was busy squeezing…

  54. All PF cadres here are g–a-y-s and l-e-s-b-i-a-n-s.They are not blogging they are musturbating hence vainly calling on constitutional protection. Not my Zambia will do that. G-a-y-s and l-e-s-bians are no different from dogs and bigs.

  55. So you make gay s-e-x illegal, how do you monitor what is going on behind closed doors? Next thing the NCC will be proposing having CCTV cameras in all bedrooms, kitchen, living rooms, and anywhere else where s-e-x may happen. And knowing NCC they could give that proposal a nod – except, of course in their own houses. I don’t know of a bunch of useless people as these. Laws must be enforceable. As other sensible people have already said, we have enough problems without wasting our time and effort trying to regulate what two consenting adults are doing in the privacy of their home. I, do not understand how gays get aroused with each other, but I suppose they too cannot understand how I get hot over a woman. Love and let love.

  56. I hope we will not allow this in Zambia. Marriage is between a man and a woman. If there are guy people in Zambia, they can move to South Africa.

    Veteran, your comments are very childish and i think you are guy. No wonder you live in the USA. How old are you? 15?

  57. # 15, i guess you must be sick or maybe you are one of them yakumbuyo- you are forgiven saying that. But please, do not mention that in zambia-let it be where it is and not zambia.

  58. I don’t know whether Lt is trying to be ironic, but the adverts are advertising gay singles on some site called zoosk!

  59. Declaring the country a Christian nation does not make people Christian. I mean, what about RB’s behavior is Christian? I mean, RB is the d*e*v*i*l and all this will come out in due course.

  60. We should never bow down to western decadance just for the green dollar. The clause should strongly stand in our constitution. Christians let us rise up and continually intercede for our beloved Zambia.

  61. boys boarding schools…girls boarding schools…some grow out of it, some don’t. Reality is a bitch!

  62. Good Afternoon

    I still recall the furious debate we had not so long ago here with lots of bloggers condemning this inhuman practise. My opinion has still not changed – sodomy is the most wicked and shameful thing that a man can ever practise with another man. The Churches in Zambia are doing well to resist this evil.

  63. # 63 Musukuma. F.u.c.k. the hell out of your head. To me, you look increasingly like the Buchanan of the left. You are the master, and the prisoner who is obsessed with own shadow. F***g black sheep of the family.

  64. #34/35 if it was written on their foreheads you would be shocked to see how many they are. Some of these things are best left alone=;

  65. “Bishop Mususu was reacting to reports that some donors were funding some opposition political parties to support a secular State that would promote homosexuality.” Please save me from this media mediocrity! Surely couldn’t the journalist that interviewed the Bishop ask the source of these reports. Reports by who? Reuters? Daily Mail? The Post? I am lost!

  66. The reason Christianity has no place in a modern healthy constitution is that it is incompatible with the concept of democracy. There is no democracy in Christianity or any of these alien religions. In democracy, any idea is subject to scrutiny or debate. Any idea can be overthrown and replaced with a better one. Christianity does not want this sort of thing. Instead you must read from a book written by some dead men what the ‘truth’ is! That is why thinking people all over the world think that religion is a personal thing. But unfortunately we have started this experiment of mixing religion and national politics. Who must I turn to if I want good health, education, roads? Should I talk to my pastor? Zambia is a big joke. Wake up!

  67. We thank and praise God that Zambia is a Christian nation. Wisdom begins with the fear of God. In Jesus name Zambia shall remain a Christian nation. God bless Zambia and its people.

  68. We thank and praise God that Zambia is a Christian nation. Wisdom begins with the fear of God. In Jesus name Zambia shall remain a Christian nation. We pray God’s holy word continues to bless the nation.God bless Zambia and its people.

  69. Zambians we are immature for religion,we do not understand things we are basic people.what do you know about homosexuality or pedophelia,child abuse,spousal abuse all these take place in Zambia..anyone tell me that promiscuity happens in “church”.we shall leave it to the people to decide.A christian nation who declared it?it was imposed on Zambia and we should correct that,don’t follow blindly..

  70. No same sex ‘business in zambia’, Only kaponya Sata and tonga chicken HH,, can bring sodomy to zambia because of desperation.. if you are male and zambian.. you might wana consider shifting camp to the sinful land of south africa.. where man can marry other man… even a man dog

  71. No same sex ‘business in zambia’, Only kaponya Sata and tonga chicken HH,, can bring sodomy to zambia because of desperation.. if you are male and zambian.. you might wana consider shifting camp to the sinful land of south africa.. where man can marry other man… even a male dog

  72. Let us look at this issue from a Zambian point….and that is homosexuality is not in our culture and has never been. So why should we embrace it now?,all because some Zambian out there wants to fund his N.G,O or some political party?. And if it is to fund a political party the clearly that party lacks morals,integrity and dignity and is not worthy to rule a nation.

    What Zambia needs now are funds to help it in education; exchanges in information which will enable us to keep abreast with economic and technological advancements,fund to help create businesses and employment……things that are done in the open and benefit the country NOT encouraging our sons and daughters that it right to have sex with a fellow boy/man or to have sex with a fellow girl/woman.

  73. #80 When Jesus read the book of the prophet Isaiah in Luke 4:19 Jesus said
    “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me, to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor “
    IJesus is the only one who healed the blind. For example, Bartimaeus in Mark 10: 46-52. How could you call a nation following Christ ever be blind? He is the light, truth and way and the path is narrow. Christianity in Zambia is not about the one who declared it. It is about Jesus the author of salvation. When you go to Church, you do not go see the preacher. You go to praise God who created the earth.

  74. Bottom line, the a.n.u.s is meant for evacuating poisons, not for receiving life – God knew what He was doing when He created that part of the body. The confusion is people who insist on going where no man should go, hence provoking all sorts of madwele’s that no one has yet found a cure for.

  75. The issue of having a secular state is completely seperate from the issue of g .a .y rights . A secular state does not automatically qualify g. a. y rights.
    …. Someone here is misleading people .
    …# 41 ..Mulenga Newcastle….indeed , well said .

  76. Sorry to say that these brethren are misled. They have Theological college degrees and diplomas but they have not studied the Bible with Holy Spirit inspiration. Jesus, said nothing about gays. Now, that does not mean that He condoned, but He did not come to judge people but to save them. Some Christians spend too much time judging the world when they should be saving and saving does not happen through the law! The law kills. The Apostle Paul wrote against homosexuality, but he was writing to people whom he calls ‘saints’ i.e. the professors of faith. The church spends too much time trying to impose its ethics on unsaved people! It didn’t work with Perezim and Tsedikim and it wont now or ever! God does not expect the unsaved to be holy.

  77. #41 Ulimpumbu. Food or no food in the country, the last thing a normal person should justify is being g a y!

  78. #54 Foloshi
    Don’t forget the demons of envy, slander, spiritual cowardice, malice, anger, fornication, adultery, evil temper, disobedience to parents, theft, murder, video piracy, audio tape piracy, copyright theft, corruption, bribery, s e x u al lust, hatred, blasphemy, wife snatching, husband snatching, untything, passing by a street kid without inviting then into your house where you have a spare bed, widow stripping, asset stripping, cheating, over-speeding, drunkenness, disorderlyness, betrayal, illicit drug taking and dealing, swearing, cursing, intolerance, self righteousness, sefishness, oppression, pointing fingers, not feeding the hungry, not clothing the naked, and above all, not caring for anyone else except me. All these demons are rebuked from Zambia.

  79. People who murder prostitutes do so because of the guilt they have for using prostitutes. They think that they would not be temted if there were no prostitutes. Perhaps people who are homophobic also have homo s e x ual tendencies themselves and fear that they could be tempted. It is amazing how the vehement anti g a y campaigners are closet g a y s as well. Homo s e x u a l i t y is a human condition just like premarital s e x and whether it is legal or accepted or not should have nothing to do with the constitution. Besides, the Zambian constitution does not say that Zambia is a Christian nation. This is a fallacy. The statement is in the preamble. You cannot sue from a preamble!

  80. We know you are g a y. Unless you tell me you were born bonking your fellow boys mulunsonga. You just learned this after thinking you are westernised you f o o l. No one will listen to you atleast not Zambians.

  81. Just to show how s t up i d some people are, even animals don`t go to bonk others of the same s e x. Why don`t we have g a y dogs, horses, goats?

    Because of selfishness, man who God gave authority over animals, has reduced himself to a level which makes animals look well behaved.

    Bhhuuke! Next you i d i o t s will start telling us it`s alright to bonk your father, nephew and uncle. Go away!

  82. #41 Uli mpombo. If you feel nice humping your friends ‘nshima’ shut your trap coz it stinks

  83. #20 Veteran – Why do you bring in innocent people in wrong fora. Your DEC has failed to arrest MMD Copperbelt Youth Chairman Mofya on money laundering charges. Instead they are pleading with him to assist- assist with what? Your MMD could actually be the ones advocating for this abormination looking at how you have come to disregard all forms of the rule of law.

  84. Whatsoever you do to the least of these my brothers, you do unto me’ Mususu and Zambian religious leaders are reminded that the first duty of a Christian is to bring the peace of Christ in any situation. They should cease to use the gay community as a scapegoat for their inadequacies and failures. Religious and political issues have their own space and they should be debated in a fair manner without including angry invectives or personal opinions.
    The Zambian gay community will not be used by fledgling religious organisations’ for publicity or monetary gain.

  85. U confused near human beings tell me how do u admire a fellow man who has organs exactly like u have. Even in science, two north poll magnets repel but opposite polls attract. And u call yoselves westernised or civilised when u are just confused or mad satanists. God created male and female 2 attract and satisfy each other fully. Not male male same things.

  86. For all you g’a’y & lesbos, remember, if your parents had been the sameas you, you wouldn’t even be here yapping as much as you are doing – get that sober point in your minds & respect the arguments against your cause, think about getting help. We are all here becoz our parents did the right thing – that is followed natures only way of procreation!!

  87. This issue of g a y s is a time waster and impossible to solve!! How can politics get rid of h o m o s? We know that these people have always been around and will always be around. Some politicians and churchmen would like us to believe that it is an influence from the west, but we know better. Leave these people alone and do what voters put you in office for. It is not your business what these people do to each other.
    People want health facilities, education, good roads etc. Politicians and churchmen are hijacking the agenda with g a y issues which are divisive and can not be solved. Why is that whenever a politician is in a tight corner, they rash to attack g a y s. For instance the VP arrived from SA and immediately drew out a gun and pointed it at g a y s. Get a life and start…

  88. Research has shown that the most homophobic people are infact g a y themselves and are removing the spot light from themselves. If Israel the birth place of Christ has one of the biggest g a y communities in the world, what about Zambia? Wake from your slumber people, no one needs anyone’s permission on who to love and sleep with. Most straight couples have anal sex — so is the problem anal sex or men loving other men? you hypocrites! We are all God’s children and ultimately he will punish us for our wrongs not you. By the way i am Straight, Christian and Zambian.

  89. Age of conset in #50; kindly note that the bible was not writen by a bunch of nomads. It is people who had a profound experience of God in their lives, true, some may not have had formal educaton, but many, like Moses educated as a prince of Egypt and Paul, a roman citizen, had state of the art education. It is because of the hand of God in the bible that it has stood the test of time, and indeed, even today, it still stands as a universal moral authority. Just check the inscription on the statue at the UN head quarters, surely, it is not from Socrates, Plato, Aristotle..great thinkers, but from a peasant preacherman from israel, by the name of Isaiah.

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