Sunday, March 9, 2025

Last Week/end in Pictures



75-year old Besinati Zulu votes during the Milanzi by-election


A mother watches her baby play with her voting credentials during the Milanazi by-elections.


A polling agent compiling the number of votes in Milanzi during the counting of ballots


A polling assistant arrives with a ballot box to the main counting centre in Milanzi after voting had ended.


A woman displays her voters cards


An elections agent during the counting of votes in Milanzi


Electoral officers attend to a woman during the voting process in Milanzi


First Lady Thandiwe Banda talks to school children during a UNICEF conference in Lusaka


Western Province Minister, Richard Mwapela delivering talking to journalists during World Press Freedom Day Celebrations in Mongu.
Western Province Minister, Richard Mwapela talking to journalists during World Press Freedom Day Celebrations in Mongu.


Journalists from different Media houses in Mongu participate in the commemoration the world press freedom day.


Journalists in Mongu District joined the rest of the World in commemorating the world press freedom day.


Lusaka musician Chris Aka in a protest against piracy


Lusaka province MMD chairman William Banda talks to party cadres in Luangwa


New Milanzi Member of Parliament Whiteson Banda is interviewed by Journalists after he was announced winner of the April 29 polls


New Milanzi Member of Parliament Whiteson Banda is lifted by party cadres after he was declared winner


One of the political party followers compiles election results as they were being announced during the April 29 Milanzi by-election


Some elderly women Estele Banda (l) and Justina Miti examine their voters cards before voting in Milanzi


Some residents of Milanzi wait for election results.


Some women eating bananas before going to monitor elections in Milanzi.


  1. Ba LT: Why do we not have pics of Mufumbwe?? are you afraid that we may see that the violence was MMD driven? Are you MMD/UNIP?

  2. Gud Question Shi maini Ku Ndola
    Incase they havent heard the question is Why:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?

  3. wow Mrs Thandiwe Banda looked great in pic 8. Poor old people, they dont even know what they are voting for[-(

  4. From the photos of Milanzi, you will understand why MMD won the elctions and why they usually score big in general elections. Most of the voters are elderly people who vote on loyalty grounds. Thats why MMD scores big in rural areas whilst the educated lot in the urban areas don’t vote but talk alot. This is something VJ has harnessed. I hope the opposition can encourage many young people in urban and rural areas to register as voters. Obama did it and it won him the presidency.

  5. It seems to me according to these photo’s that there are more older people in Milanzi than there younger one. Its a bit worrying if the situation on the ground is like that. It means we have youths who are not taking responsibility as citizens to contribute to its development, in any form. if they don’t take interest in their own country then where is the country heading to.

  6. i am impressed to see old age in Zed still exists. Life expectance has reduced to 38 years as per current record of UN. Thx LT the world could see this.

  7. ba LT we are still waiting for the pics for mufumbwe. Does milanzi only consist of olderly women and men? Am sure these milanzi senior citizens were given some ka bag of mealie meal before voting.

  8. No wonder MMD won in Milanzi? only oldies are in Milanzi and am sure they where given 2kg sugar and a loaf of bread if not 1 bun per day till election day and they thought it will continue like that…

  9. It’s commendable that people have so much faith in the electoral system, unfortunately irrespective of the results people still wallow in abject poverty. I fail to accept that this is Zambia’s lot in life.

  10. #4 Kadoyo – It is puny to underestimate old people. When you are 75 how will you want to be viewed?

    Pic#1 – You go girl!

  11. Comment #1 nice. Let them show us Mufumbwe so that we see if the pictures will contradict the Post and Muvi TV.

  12. Why Piracy is legal in Zambia is because government pays lip-service to laws protecting copyright. Government doesn’t realise that the art industry (music, theatre etc) is one that could help reduce unemployment vastly in the country if the government decided to protect this industry with laws that it should enforce. Government is too copper focussed it ignores all potential industries.

  13. Ok nice pics from milanzi.It is nice seeing that even the senior citizens are taking an active part in the election of our leader`s as seen in pic 1.Ba LT next time show us the mufumbwe ones including the victims of the beating.Nizi:-?

  14. # 5 you are right on that.We have a lot of young people who are too quick to open their mouths and cry foul about the current leadership but too lazy and reluctant to enter into the booth.Obama utilized the young pipo`s votes to come to power and i think if our opposition was to do the same things could be different.:-?

  15. Why is there black out on Mufumbwe by-election pics. I hope it is not deliberate by MMD.

    Have a blessed day all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  16. I’m just not sure that seeing all these elderly people at the polls means that the youth are reluctant to vote. Maybe their population is less than we think, just a thought.:-?

  17. great to see the old folks. However, l hope these are the last milanzi pictures we are seeing. thanks

  18. Pics #1,2,5,7,16-19 Represents typical Zambian voters and hence the need to re-tool ones campaign message.That`s free advice for any potential candidate.

  19. Thandiwe has always been beautiful unlike fake wanna be European Africans. Need I say more, gray hair is a sign of a righteous life live except if you are William Banda.

  20. #5 The opposition is busy courting hooligans. This is one opportunity had to win general elections in Zambia like in 1991 but yeah, they are worse than the incumbent incompetent lot.

  21. I want to know why the lady in pic 4 is carrying a big tub, and the gentleman behind her is walking with just the post tabloid news paper in his hand, Wierd! Thandiwe sure looks good, go girl!

  22. Nice pics LT
    #37(Blaxican),She is an electoral officer hence its her jobs and the man carrying a tabloid is a cop hence cant carry it lest he is accused of rigging.
    #33(Dont Care),As far as I know from the previous election experience,one can not vote without an NRC.

  23. Thanks sharp shooter for the explanation. I thought it looked pretty awkward seeing the lady struggling with the tub, with the gentlemen looking on, It makes a lot of sense now, don’t even know how they get away with rigging.It’s disgusting to think one can sink low and rig an election. What happened to fair game? I guess we will never know huh! It sucks big time!!!!!

  24. TB looks good but I dont know why but I always feel sorry for her, poor first lady. There is an air of sadness around her

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