Friday, March 7, 2025

MMD/UNIP pact will have no impact – Kakoma


UPND Spokesperson Charles Kakoma (R) and Patriotic Front Secretary General Wynter Kabimba (l)

The Patriotic Front/United Party for National Development pact has charged that the planned formation of a pact between the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) and the United National Independence Party (UNIP) will have no impact on the opposition pact.

UPND Spokesperson Charles Kakoma told Q fm in a telephone interview that there is no pact in the country at the moment that can undermine the PF/UPND pact.

Mr. Kakoma said the MMD should not be misled by the last pact between UPND and UNIP which they managed to defeat in the 2006 presidential elections. He said the pact did not work out because UNIP is no longer a party to rely on in forming pacts with and hoping to win an election.

Mr Kakoma said UNIP is no longer a factor in the country’s politics but that it is simply popular in some parts of the Eastern province.

He said any other party that wishes to form a pact with UNIP hoping to undermine the PF/UPND pact can go ahead as such is of no relevance to the PF/UPND pact.

Mr Kakoma described UNIP as a dead party, adding that president Banda is misplacing his hopes if he thinks that forming a pact with UNIP will have an impact on the PF/UPND pact.
(Q FM)


  1. Mr Kakoma you heard Sata yourself saying he will contest the 2011 elections and beyond.Are you saying HH as accepted a lesser position in the Pact as earlier stated by RB?As its stands,its either it goes thet Sata way or no Pact.

  2. Mr Kakoma, after yesterday’s story about Mr Sata re-stating his determination to contest the presidential elections regardless of HH, you are still talking about the pact? If you mean to say that you have accepted to be a junior partner in the pact, please don’t beat about the bush. Your members need guidance please!

  3. MMD is in panic ahead of 2011. Earlier MMD announced it did not need a pact with any political party because their pact bis with the Zambian people. So they were telling lies. He he he.

  4. Mr. Kakoma, is the UPND taking a lesser position in the PF-UPND Pact? We all heard Mr. Sata say he will contest elections until he wins. Gathering the information, am I right to state that Mr. Hichilema has accepted a lesser position in the pact (following Mr. Sata’s statement stating he will continue contesting elections until he wins)?

  5. It’s not about who takes the junior/senior position here. It’s all about taking MMD out! Don’t take Zedians for granted bane. [-x

  6. wether sata or HH its PACT for 2011. thoz of u dat are busy defendind mmd just because you,r on mmd payroll to hell with yo mmd full of thiefz! the sensible people of Zambia will vote for the PACT. and the PACT is very much united and VERY strong!!

  7. # 2 Katie Bad and # 4 Mr Capitalist, What is yo problem Kanshi? we know u are on MMD payroll but pliz leave our dear pact alone twamipapata, u should be more worried of your veep whose going 4 review 2day.

  8. Whether SATA or HH, the fact is we are ready to kick Movement for Mad Dogs with their leader RaBies out come 2011.

  9. I have told you that RB will stand on a Unip Ticket, Just before elections RB will disband MMD and since our Consititution does not automatically disqualify a sitting President from office should he change parties. So bane Unip is back assisted by stoopid MMD officials.

  10. The truth of the matter is that the PF/UPND Pact are like a married couple who hold hands in public but when they go back home they go and sleep in seperate bedrooms. Kakoma is merely trying to keep up appearances. The Pact members have Irreconcilable Differences. Like all married couples, once the break-up becomes public the name calling between the two former lovers will be terrible. Remember there is no wrath like a woman scorned. Time will no doubt tell.

  11. Take pact veep post, HH advised

    UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) Namwala member of Parliament Robby Chizyuka says it is high time his party president Hakainde Hichilema started adjusting to be Patriotic Front (PF)-UPND pact vice-president.

    And PF Matero member of Parliament Faustina Sinyangwe says it will be impossible for the PF-UPND pact to win the 2011 elections because its leaders have both declared interest in the republican presidency.

  12. Major Chizyuka said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that it is high time Mr Hichilema started adjusting to the position of pact vice-president to PF president Michael Sata.

    “The earlier he accepts the position of vice-president to Mr Sata the better for him,” he said.
    Major Chizyuka said Mr Hichilema should stop claiming that he is standing as president in next year’s elections because he has given up his candidacy to Mr Sata.

  13. “Poor Hichilema, he is going by the wind because Mr Sata will stand as presidential candidate next year and the years to come just to become president of this country,” he said.

    Major Chizyuka advised the UPND members to open their eyes before they become like sheep without a shepherd.
    “The UPND spokesperson, Charles Kakoma, is playing hide-and -seek, he knows very well that Mr Hichilema cannot contest the 2011 elections if PF and UPND will still remain a pact,” he said.

  14. And Mrs Sinyangwe said Mr Sata has already started campaigning as presidential candidate for 2011 elections.

    “For Mr Sata to vow that he will never stop contesting the presidency until he wins is a clear indication that not even the pact will stop him to stand in the 2011 elections.

    “On the other hand, Mr Hichilema is also campaigning in areas where he knows he is popular and the electorate know he is standing in 2011 elections,” Mrs Sinyangwe said.

  15. Mrs Sinyangwe said by next year the pact will be no more because it is impossible for two leaders to stand on one ticket.

    She said the pact can only work if the two leaders dissolve their political parties and form one.

  16. Zambians in a PACT only one candidate can contest.At this time we don’t care who stands but all we need is positive change that will alleviate our sufferings and bring about development. Lets support any of the two .If the pact separate, will never see change in our days and no of the parties,PFor UPND can win alone.Viva pact!

  17. No. 19 can you not see that the Pact are infact seperate? Who is fooling who? Or are you too blind to see the rift? Or is it a case of you not daring to confront the truth that the Pact was not meant to be? Start looking towards strategies today to avert disaster tomorrow.

  18. iwe chi MWATA, take you,r madness to hell, useless chap. to hell with you,r mma. the PACT is forming government next wether u lyk it or not.

  19. #7 KATIE, stop exposing yo foolishness so easily! if u,r on mmd payroll just know dat come 2011 u shall b poor coz we (PACT) kiking mmd out.

  20. Following the experience “Mr. Kakoma said the MMD should not be misled by the last pact between UPND and UNIP which they managed to defeat in the 2006 presidential elections. He said the pact did not work out because UNIP is no longer a party to rely on in forming pacts with and hoping to win an election” just let UNIP and MMD form a PACT so that they can be defeated together in 2011 elections.

    However, “Mr Kakoma described UNIP as a dead party, adding that president Banda is misplacing his hopes if he thinks that forming a pact with UNIP will have an impact on the PF/UPND pact” must be reconsidered in the next 5 months so that the mighty UPND Team can go it alone in the 2011 tripartite elections. This will be better as PF will then not claim to have helped UPND win…

  21. Following the Zambia Daily Mail pf today’s report ““Poor Hichilema, he is going by the wind because Mr Sata will stand as presidential candidate next year and the years to come just to become president of this country,” he [expelled UPND member MP Major Robby Chizyuka] said” and Mr Sata’s own words reported in the media some 1 or 2 days ago, I urge the mighty UPND Group to start serious campains for 2011 presidential candidate HH in Eastern, Northern and Luapula provinces.

    I am thus offering my services to the UPND for free to help them strategise for these campaigns as they ditch PF in the newspaper headline convenience marriage – UPND-PF PACT.

    Be blest all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added…

  22. If you do not belong to the pact,why worry about Sata and HH? If you are MMD and you have improved the lives of Zedians why worry because people will vote for you.But, if towns like Kalulushi,Kitwe,Livingstone look like they have just recovered from a long war then mukachimona.If you have bought equipment in UTH so that you do not send ‘only’ ministers for check-ups then mukachimona.

  23. You mmd, thieves, no sympathy for the poor, chimbwi with no plans, vote rigging. 2011 no room for you, why worry? Us the pact we are not worried who takes which position. All you want is to seperate them, steal their votes and some share and you win with a small margin .This time no way. its not about positions, its about liberating Zambia.Morning side clinic leader, WHAT have eaten ?2011 you all go to this clinic.

  24. Nasosa #25 Ala I was in Kitwe, the city centre has potholes-sorry there are no roads in the city centre. I grew up in Nkana East. It used to be mutown umwa misebo sha tala na ma flowers and painted trees and sidewalks. Now there are muddy pathways there. You need a tractor to move from point A to B. I went to Kamitondo… the last time I was there in the 90s there were some paved gravel roads there. Now there are only deep gorges where roads used to be. And we have a government but we dont have a functioning government!

  25. Not sure why we should be amazed about UNIP forming a PACT with MMD. RB declared he will DIE MMD and can not change at his late age. The current MMD leadership is actually UNIP, but am not sure there any force anywhere!

  26. #30 mukabe: I too have been wondering if there is any difference between MMD and UNIP. They are one and the same party really. And besides, they use the same tactics. So what pact are they talking about? 😕

  27. Ba kakoma, Sata is determined to continue standing until people are tired of him on appearing on the ballot paper and just vote for him. If you can be so deaf, failing to get such a clear message, how are you going to listen to people if you make it into governement. Dont be such an a55 h0le sir!

  28. MMD has been conveted into UNIP,those that have eyes will see easily and those with ears can hear them talk in dark coners and on public forum, these guys are forming an MMD/UNIP pact.
    So choose who should be the next president 2011, vote for UPND/PF pact leader, will save you from the worst convetors in a day light theft.

  29. #4 Capitalist,
    Picking and choosing topics to respond to, how wonderful. Some of you disappear when MMD make fools out of their statements. I did not read anything from you on the William Banda threats of violence on Fr. Bwalya, did not hear from you on the issue of the mentally or is it medically ill George Kunda, nothing on the lies about the NIMD sponsoring PF putting a wedge between The Netherlands and Zambia. How about the violence by MMD in Mufumbwe? Wow, we picking and choosing now knowing that “our mmd” is now in small letters. All along you have opposed the PF/UPND Pact, now mmd/unip pact seem wonderful. Hypocrites.

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