Sunday, March 9, 2025

Mufumbwe by-election petition justified – FODEP


THE Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) will review the Electoral Code of Conduct (ECC) before the 2011 general elections to strengthen adherence to the code by various stakeholders during polls.

ECZ public relations manager Cris Akufuna said the commission would review the ECC in consultation with political parties and civil society organisations.

“We shall get suggestions from both political parties and civil society organisations on what should be reviewed in the ECC. The approach will be similar to that we took in 2006,” he said.

He cited the Anti-Voter Apathy Project (AVAP), which had identified specific areas that need to be reviewed in the code of conduct.

Mr Akufuna said the commission would be taking necessary steps to find a possible solution to the increasing levels of political violence as witnessed in the Mufumbwe by elections.

On Monday, the ECZ protested the violence that was witnessed in the Mufumbwe by-elections.

Mr Akufuna, however, said it was important that all stakeholders complied with the provisions of the code that they pledged to uphold.

“The code provides for duties of all stakeholders.
“It is incumbent upon all these stakeholders to ensure that the code is complied with,” he said.

Currently, the commission has ensured that candidates and political parties signed a declaration form (ECC1) that they would comply with the provisions of the code.

Mr Akufuna said the code in section 1 (2) provides that the commission and police shall enforce the code of conduct and shall promote conditions conducive to the observance of the code.

He said matters that bordered on violence and criminality were supposed to be dealt with by the police and not the commission.

All complaints arising during elections and campaigns should be channeled to the conflict management committees.

Mr Akufuna could not comment on the complaint by the MMD that the UPND had connived with some election agents in Mufumbwe to under-count the results of the ruling party because it would be prejudicial.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. I have not seen Bonnie Tembos comment that the petition is justified. Bushe ama jonalists ubukopo tabwakapwe? emulate Chansa Kabwela, report the TRUTH and it shall indeed set you FREE.

  2. I bet some of you who were born 15 years ago or indeed 20 years ago may ask why pipo hate the MMD with passion! Its because we have seen both worlds, KK’s time and now the thieves in the blue sheep skins. Atleast we have a reference point that around the 70’s during KK’s era, we could buy a lot from our salaries and children never went to school empty handed as the govt was busy giving help in all areas. Thanks KK for contributing to my education. I will forever be indebted to you and your good plans for education, culture and health. Noti ishi imbushi in the name of MMD!All blind supporters of MMD, i catergorize you in this group of IMBUSHI

  3. #3, Nembushi shibekobwino naiwe Che Guavara. There is no better word to describe these people.

    I can’t, at anytime, remember buying any text or exercise book not to mention a pencil or rubber. We had what was lebelled “Kenneth Kaunda foundation” ready to be distributed. By the time the break time bell rang, we had “Dairy Produce Board” products like fresh & chocolate milk already delivered on to our school door steps, not to mention those buns from Zambia Bakeries….. Indeed, thank you ba “Big Ken” Naisomonako nakubulaya…..twatasha ^:)^

  4. share waste of time & our tax payer’s money—– they wont succeed with their petitions viva pf/upnd pact

  5. ECZ cannot be trusted the conduct free and fair elections in Zambia because there number one interest is to do everything possible to see MMD remain in power. People lost lives and property and ECZ is quite. The police can’t be trusted any more because the are not neutral,they are MMD supporters. ECZ let me warn you if you remain rigid and against people’s wish,one day people will be tired of your manipulations and would want to effect change in a violent way. Let people’s voice be respected and not MMD wishes.

  6. If people vote SATA, it is still the some old Pig changing names from UNIP, MMD, PF and Now PF/UPND PACT, the man is only interested in Ruling ZAMBIA not your stomach

    If people vote RB its still the some old Bull changing names from UNIP to MMD

    If People Vote HH, at least he is a young bull who has neva been in a CABINET MEETING before HH makes sense not the old PIG and BULL

  7. Bo Chris , your organization has teeth to implement any thing against the MMD. You MMD cadres to camp at polling station and yet its against the law. The problem is no the law but inability to implement or take especially against MMD.

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