The leader of Zambia’s main opposition Patriotic Front (PF) party says the government’s announcement of a $1 billion Chinese investment to help build an electric power plant is a “cheaply conceived” ploy to garner votes ahead of next year’s general elections.
Michael Sata questions the timing of the announcement saying it is “premature and presumptuous” for the government to make such claims when negotiations with a Chinese Bank to finance the project are still ongoing.
“The whole point is any investment of any magnitude is welcome in any developing country or even in a developed country. But, the reality is where are they building this plant? Because we (the) people in Zambia, we don’t know and our electricity tariffs are the highest in the region. So, we don’t know where they are building it. Probably, they are building it in heaven or in hell,” he said.
President Rupiah Banda’s government announced that China plans to spend $1 billion to help build a power plant to boost Zambia’s electricity supply by 600 megawatts.
An official said the China Development Bank will provide equity amounting to $1 billion for the Kafue Gorge Lower power plant.The government says the Kafue Gorge Lower power plant will cost about $1.5 billion.
But, opposition leader Sata said the government’s plan is not pragmatic.
“Those are wishful thinking, and what they are doing that is a political campaign. We have adequate facilities at the Zambezi River and the Kafue River. We don’t need a need a new Chinese plant. If we wanted to expand our existing facilities…we could extend those, but they are using that for general elections next year. There is nothing realistic,” Sata said.
Local media quoted Energy minister Kenneth Konga as saying the government is seeking to wrap up negotiations with a Chinese bank to ensure that the electricity project will begin as originally planned.
Opposition leader Sata has often been accused of showing hatred towards Chinese investors. He was recently quoted as saying Chinese and other Asian mining firms in Zambia are creating “slave labor” conditions in Africa’s top copper producer with scant regard for safety or local culture – – charges Sata denies.
“The point is I have not condemned any investment worth talking about, but imaginary investment. And, we don’t want human investment we have enough human beings in Zambia; artisans and ordinary laborers. We don’t need Chinese laborers to come to Zambia and to call that investment…I have nothing against the Chinese, but they must the must be realistic and they must be honest and sincere,” Sata said.
Analysts say construction of the electricity plant is scheduled to begin next year, and possibly completed in 2017.
But, opposition leader Sata dismissed the assessment.
“First of all, $1 billion is a lot of money. If it is (a) $1 billion project, where are they building this project? How do you build a project of $1 billion without feasibility studies? How do you build a project of $1 billion without showing the site where this thing is going to be?” Sata asked.
Spot on King Cobra. In addition, and I quote from the Associated Press:
“U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood took a ride Tuesday on the fastest passenger train in the world, a maglev, as part of Tokyo’s sales pitch for billions of dollars in high-speed train contracts from the U.S.” LaHood, who in the past few months has also ridden high-speed trains in Spain and France, said he was impressed with Japanese technology but that was only part of the equation. He said potential manufacturers need to “come to America, find facilities to build this equipment in America, and hire American workers.” End quote..
Hello??? Can I get a word, Mr. Musokotwane,……or your spokesman on LT called Veteran/Senior Citizen….whatever on what’s in the contract? :-w
But Kwena chipuba uyu munthu ka. Is this what retarded sub 2 school drop out can be? How long ago were Kariba and Kafue Gorge put up and what are their output capacity in relation to the demand in the country? What has been the utility growth rate since Yugoslavia and Britain put up those two vital national assets? So he is saying the country should not develope the energy sector or indeed prepare for mass development on about to take over Zambia. Chimbwi no plan. We are about to see Zambia’s mass Industrial complex that will transform our country from pesantly to an indiustrial middle income Southern Africa region. We want to even capture all the regional energy market needs in SADC. energy is a source of hard currency. No wonder he is opposing developmental road, What a retarded jerk!
To hell with your management by crisis. Zambia has 3Es in-charge at Plot 1, BOZ and MoFNP. Keep your mental poverty to your circus party where reason and systemic analysis do not hold space. Keep your dictatorship and illiteracy in your circus. Zambia as a forward looking nation need to plan for a big economic take off. We will not eat your futureless political nonsense but real national development. What is US $1 billion for development of a power plant?. Tell us where you can find a power plant costing US 1000.00.
Zambia is a ‘going nowhere’ country which will continue to mortgage its future to foreign banks to satisfy thieves among the ruling elite. Its political class are and will always be a succession of Kleptomaniacs. You have a fossil in plot one today and another fossil waiting in the wings. In the meantime, the youth have given up all hope of any meaniful paticipation in the economy, instead they start drinking in the morning and stop only when they pass out. Education is so bad that no self respecting member of government sends his children to local state schools or even local universities. No amount of clever talking will hide the fact that ours are a bunch of failed politicians who must go before any progress can take place.
Here is a story by MUVI TV NEWS
Multi Facility Zone Program to Commence in 3 months
Minister in Charge of Commerce Trade and Industry, Felix Mutati says the physical work on Multi facility Economic Zones (MFEZ) program in Zambia will commence in three months time.
Speaking to MUVI TV Business News, Mr. Mutati says once the program commences, it will stimulate industrial and economic development through increased activity in the manufacturing sector.
He says the value in the sector will add to a number of natural and agricultural raw materials exported in raw form and processed for purposes
of enhancing both domestic and export oriented business.
Mr. Sata, are you suggesting we should not advance as a nation?
cont from #5
MFEZ is going to bring about industrial expansion in the Zambian economy that will bring about greater power demand. We need to start investing in power generation so as to meet the power demands that will be experienced as the economy grows. The fact still remains that we need power in the nation as the economy grows.
#2 and #3 (PATRIOT} don,t just say useless things just bcoz mayb u,r on mmd payroll, learn to analyz issues b4 u expose yo low level of thinking. we all want development in this country(including mr SATA) bt let nt development cum in a way of tryna buy votes. the truth is that mmd is doing nothing apart from misusing taxpayers money, and ofcos makin fake promises! in this country we need people who can reason lyk MODERATOR #1
MFEZ is another FLOP, Seriuosly and I’am not politiking, I’ve been there, seen what is going on. The land is just fenced, not serviced,they also call it Lusaka National park . so I don’t understand how we’ll have a national park in an industrial area. can somebody educate me.
Correct, Mr Sata. How can government seriously make these announcements? The press could just as easily say “Machoncholi analeta ndalama!!!” without any facts, as usual. “An official said the China Development Bank will provide equity amounting to $1 billion”. So – WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Aleta chabe ndalama? Please Zambians stop being taken as fools
Zambians have accepted to be treated like fools , it is okay for them.
The simple question being asked is were are these facilities going to be built? Mutati mentioned the MFEZ but did not give the source of funds and location. Three months? Wow, that means the blue print is ready and the funds sourced. Does anyone remember the promises people got wherever Banda for elections? Kasama teachers were promised roofs and houses. People in Central Province near Serenje were promised a road and a hospital, people in Western Province promised roads, meanwhile bridges in Southern Province are going (being washed away) under Banda’s feet.
The only serious people in the world who mean business when everything is not alright in the country are in Thailand. They protest peacefully, consistently, do not easily give up their fight! I wish we had that spirit in zambia. I remember last time civil servants went on strike, they just got one threat, and off they went running back to their work under the same worse conditions. So we will talk and talk and talk, but no action!
“But, the reality is where are they building this plant? Because we (the) people in Zambia, we don’t know .How do you build a project of $1 billion without showing the site where this thing is going to be?” Sata asked.
Ba Sata nabo lisaka sana,the report is very clear, this will be built and I quote,
“An official said the China Development Bank will provide equity amounting to $1 billion for the Kafue Gorge Lower power plant.The government says the Kafue Gorge Lower power plant will cost about $1.5 billion.”
What kind of a chap is sata, who does not first get the whole facts before waffling nonsense?and which zambians is he talking about?his family I guess.
In Sata’s small brain,investments should stop because of elections being held more than 12 months away.That is why we cannot develop, because of such chaps who always think of electioneering.
“We have adequate facilities at the Zambezi River and the Kafue River. We don’t need a need a new Chinese plant. If we wanted to expand our existing facilities…we could extend those,” said sata.
Adequate facilities my foot.Is this chap in zambia?clearly these facilities are inadequate seeing that we have developed as a nation over the years.
Loadshedding is an indicator of inadequacy in the power supply industry.
Investment in whatever form has conditionalities ! Only hardwork will bring abount development not endless talk either by the opposition or running party!
Thats the problem of obtaining degrees at Matero University with majors in Kabovalogy and insultism.
I am sure Sata’s bedfellow HH is embarassed by such levels of ignorance.
SATA seems extremely bitter over the planned hydro project and putting it as a campagn gimmick.Its a shame Mr SATA that unless its done by you, it is progressive, like the mortuary you always bost about. Any serious Zambian should critically analyse Mr SATAs statements and make sense out of them. If its not bitter words then its comedy.
I would question it too. Because i have herd a lot of Chinese investment and building this and that and to be honest non stands out and some just simply ended up in the achieves of news. Well until then this Hydro story is just a “STORY” to me8->
All Sata is saying the announcement is premature as negotiations are still going on – or does the MMD plan to rig the negotiations hence the announcement. And all he is asking is where this will be constructed. Is there anything wrong with this surely. Why do we always go into tantrums even over simple questions? Don’t see threats everywhere.
How many project have been announced to take off and never happened, plenty. So do not get too excited. This is Zambia on this earth you see, unless you leave in a Zambia on another planet where all announcements come to pass.
I feel Sata is offside, he should be given a yellow card. The development of Kafue Gorge and KNB are long standing projects. They were started by Levy and now RB has taken over. This is as things should be because we Zambians do not deserve the pain caused by loadshedding. We need increased electricity and the government should work to provide electricity to Zambians. Electricity is developmental. It spurs economic growth, which all including the opposition desire. The cry that it’s political and aimed at 2011 elections is misplaced. The money will be used on a power project and not on elections. If he has evidence that the MMD will get commissions which they will use for elections, that’s a different story.
Go go guys. sale Zambia to foreignesrs and let them rule over you . I have never heard of a country where its nationals own nothing. Oh what a country of dull selfish people.
As a secret admirer of Sata because of his performance at LCC including the running of the buses and construction of the flyover bridge and at the MOH, I am shocked at my idol’s ignorance. For the uninitiated the Kafue Gorge has a drop or technically speaking a head of 600m. At the time the Kafue Gorge hydro power station was constructed only 400m was exploited with the view of exploiting the remaining 200m at a later stage to meet future electricity requirement. The expansion of the existing power station per se will not result in any additional generation of power. Feasibility studies have been done in KK’s time by the Swedish and by the Americans in FTJ’s time. Ba RB niba sanwapofye.
You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair.
– Chinese Proverb
Sata is just being negative and this strongly contributed to the limited progress we are making as a country. Any expansion of our elctricity generation is welcome especially since we and the region are facing shortfalls. Second our electricity tarrifs are the lowest not the highest in the region. A person of jis age and experince in Government should not criticise verything but encourage some positive development. Unfortunately for Zambia, this man is the alternative to MMd and he can not ven be sincere over the tarrifs . He can not welcome plans to expand electricity generation. With political leaders like this, who need terrorists
Sata only knows how to address kaponya call boys. how do you expand some thing that will crumble at the slightest sign of earth works. every incumbant leader throws sweeterners to the electorate during elections, it is nothing new. FJT sold council housing stock when he was feeling the 3rd term mood which sata vehmently tried to force own our throats.
All of us should be debating terms of such financing and not where and how. Sata and all those who seems not to know where this power station will be, read the article atleast three times…………….it’s clearly stated that it will be in lower kafue gorge. And feasibility studies have been carried out on a number of sites before including Itezi tezhi, northern province, lower kafue gorge even near Vic falls, so why all this noise……….shut up!!!
Madmax thanks. And to add on as a country we should be happy with the proposed increased generation as a idea. All we should question is the conditions of the loans.
The man with two degrees has spoken, imagine how proud his universities are to read articles like this. What a joke to academia.
By the way which universities are these? I would like to send my child there he is also a grade six drop out.
Madmax ni webo ukwetepofye brain apa.very objective and you’ve just spoken my mind.
Patriot and some other guys who seem to be so negative with Sata i can tell u, u ar very behind. this man is well informed jst try to research on his point of argument. for now is the only person in zambia who seem to shake this government when he says somthing. remember the issue of manda manda, he was the first person to expose the mmd. so yo patriot u ar jst some sponsored mmd chap.
We have a fool by the name of MC SATA, one who doesnt want any form of investment esp from the chinese all he thinks is they bring salaula…….what a low and shollow minded person. And you expect such in State House God forbid O!
there is no good reason for anyone ever to vote for Sata. or is there?
All of you wait until after the election in 2011. There will be no project. The money coming in is for election campaign. Watch this space!!!
I was priviledged to be in Zambia in 1991 during the demise of UNIP. When peolpe make up their minds, thats it, whether patriot, shinia shi.tizen or indeed feteran likes it or not it will happen. Do the Chinese have the cash, yes indeed they have, do the ordinary Zambian benefit, nay!!
You may want to insult Sata today but for your own information, he is one of the people who can bring sanity back to Zambia. I for one will vote for him and campaign against him if he tries to go for a second term
The principle of transferring wealth into the hands and title deeds of Zambians is being hijacked by the Chinese further deepening the poverty of Zambias future generations because as far as the country should be we as Zambians should have been participating in acquiring these loans from chinese banks but managing the projects with our own engineers and owning the projects ourselves. Perhaps we can source the funds from China but have the Germans build the facility. How about that?
ALOZI where r u? :d its really funny for someone to think MC SATA can bring Sanity to Zambia. Its like saying Idi Amin took sanity to Uganda …………….. do you really know MC SATA?
#40, do some simple research on your own, then you can answer your own question and we can all benefit.
Part 1
Q: “But, the reality is where are they building this plant? Because we (the) people in Zambia, we don’t know …. So, we don’t know where they are building it….”
A: At Kafue Gorge Lower, project has been on cards for many years.
Ndife, I was born and brought up in Zed. I am living witness of Sata’s managerial prowes. Can you remember how he sanitized the Ministry of Health, What about the Local Government Ministry. When MCS was Lusaka Governor, there were bye laws against spitting defeacating and peeing in Public as is the case now. You cannot compare Sata to Amin unless you jaust have a pathological hatred for the man. By the way are you eating from the MMD Pot? I am just a patriotic Zambian trying to crave for a better Zambia I grew up in.
Part 2
Q: “ “Those are wishful thinking, and what they are doing that is a political campaign. We have adequate facilities at the Zambezi River and the Kafue River. We don’t need a need a new Chinese plant. If we wanted to expand our existing facilities…we could extend those, but they are using that for general elections next year. There is nothing realistic,” Sata said.”
A: (i) Kafue Gorge Lower is actually on the Kafue River downstream of the existing plant. (ii) the existing facilities have already been expanded to their maximum potential, but this is not enough to meet our current electricity requirements. (iii) it has nothing to do with elections in 2011, the shortage of electricity in Zambia (and the SADC region too) is well known; power blackouts were actually part of…
Part 3
Q: Analysts say construction of the electricity plant is scheduled to begin next year, and possibly completed in 2017. But, opposition leader Sata dismissed the assessment.
A: Since full feasibility studies are available with Sinohydro, 2017 is realistic as Chinese funds are available. In fact this is the same time frame envisaged under IFC, but in this case subject to IFC raising the funds.
Part 4
Q: “ “First of all, $1 billion is a lot of money. If it is (a) $1 billion project, where are they building this project? How do you build a project of $1 billion without feasibility studies? How do you build a project of $1 billion without showing the site where this thing is going to be?” Sata asked.”
A: Full feasibility studies on the Kafue Lower project have been conducted, the latest and most current by IFC, a wing of the World Bank. Not long before that, the Chinese themselves through Sinohydro did one full study when they were first approached by government to fund the project. Government observed a lack of interest in the project by World Bank and other western developers/financiers. The feasibility studies are in the public domain at MEWD and OPPI.
Part 5
Q: This report on LT is from Voice of America, VOA.
A: Oh my God! People are so ignorant even when this information is regularly available in the Zambian newspapers, and also they can read the feasibility reports free of charge. As for Mr Sata, is this the leader that is show casing Zambia to the world! Somebody please confine him to within Zambia’s borders where we can democratically tolerate this type of ignorance!
But the exposure of this ignorance is very good, i.e. if anyone any doubts about their leader, the “future” president of Zambia, I mean in 2030.
Part 2
A: ((iii) it has nothing to do with elections in 2011, the shortage of electricity in Zambia (and the SADC region too) is well known; power blackouts were actually part of Sata’s campaign strategies in 2008.
Katie Good,
The Goodness about Zambian Politics is that which ever negative way you try to potray MCS, as long as the people want change, it shall come. Go to Zambia and see the rot and poverty and may be you may undestand the crave for Change. I have acquired a robust digital Camera and will start a blog to show case this rot next time I visit my mother land
Katie Good
I have no doubt the intention to ride upon the lukcy streak of Chinese willingness to invest in Zambia is well intended as the most easily accessible route for capital ivestment financing. However, look into the future, a 100 years from now and consider the costs of servicing the loan by Government viz a viz the return on investment on the project. ZESCO’s lack of re-investment is unique to all utilities in Zambia, whether energy,water,infrastructure etc. The point here is that without a proper infrastructure development programme we shall perceive huge loans as the answer to our problems when in fact our national infratstructure re-investment programme is flawed. The British left us very good foundation for Town and Country planning,look at the strustures now.
Zambia Prophet,
it is true that the intention to ride on the Chinese willingness should be pursued,. In other words we would be insane not to want to benefit from the booming chinene economy. Yes again we need to look at the terms 25 years, 50 years 100 years from now but we can not afford to simply reject such offers when we dont have the finances for all these projects. Expansion or development required external funds and if the cost / benefit analysis shows thats its worth it then government should go for it.As for a proper infrastructuere development plan. it may exist and ant serious country has to include the chinese as part of such a plan. This is what nearly every other country in the world is doing. They are borrowing chinese
Hold your fire chaps! There is just too much investment talk that to extent, the guys in GRZ or Regiment (formerly known), have even forgotten to keep checks and balances on the so much talked about inter. investment. The big questions is “Who have benefited from such investment(s)?” I doubt if the ordinary Zambian’ lives have improved in the last 10 years. If someone questions such investments, it could be wise/logical not to jump to condemning such individuals who are only voicing out concerns.
Interesting how most people forget what’s important: development of the Zambian people. Can anyone site any community where the Chinese have at least built a school, a hospital, anything? If they can’t put something back into the Zambian society what good is their investment? This is why the govt should be careful, and that’s why we must not approve of every last investment without scrutinizing the effects it will have on our social environment. And yes, Zambians can manage enterprises as well as any Chinese – some seem to suggest that every Zambian is a thief, corrupt. That’s very short-sighted and irresponsible – is that the picture we want to paint in the diaspora? No wonder foreigners still think we live up some trees![-(
Hello ladies,
Our problem is people. The people we put in office. They are the ones who make decisions for us. When we see a fool vying for the high office and he has the gift of the gab and can fool many, we just to our computers to blog. Is that all we can do? Come on people….you are part of the problem. As long as you dont acknowledge this, we will continue having people like Sata, Banda, Chiluba etc. and we will continue sitting here by our computers typing our views. If you want change you have to do something other other remote blogging.%-(
#51 Mr Alozi, I live in Zambia and I am in touch with the situation “on the ground” as you red cards would claim. When I hear this talk about change the question that I always ask is “change to what?”. No one on this blog has ever answered that question, and if you cannot answer that simple and silly sounding question, then do not talk to me about change. So Mr Alozi, answer my question “change to what?” Maybe some leaders on the Zambian political scene are such an embarrassment that their followers cannot answer the question by mentioning names. But they have this lazy hope that people will vote blindly because someone has shouted “change”.
Alozi… dont know MC SATA…..
At Local Govt the MEZAPH Flats the same man u praise got the funds for the project banked it in his own account and after gaining interest , he surrendered the money. At Health are you aware that DR Kaseba was sponsored to the UK and he actually tried to promote her but the system refused him. Do you realise that the Same man was arrested in the 50’s for a non political issue…..actually a criminal issue… u know that the man alleged his passport was lost when actually it had a malawian deportation stump which meant he could not go to the US, manipulated the system and quickly got a replacement…..are u aware of the Chawama issue….the kabwe convention what do u know about him. When Finance releases money for a ministry to implement programs
2. When Finance release funds to implement developmental projects do u attribute success of the project to the minister? i find that very inadequate….it means the sytem at that time worked. You keep on thinking there is nothing Banda is doing they have trying finished implementing Mwanawasa projects, Schools , Hospitals are being built. As much as i dont agree with Banda on alot of issues , SATA isnt better either… ALOZI make HH be the PACT President then we can talk.
Mabvuto Njala…issues please!!! any desenting view means we r MMD…….please grow up. What am telling you is look at the UK right there was a shadow cabinet , they had their programs for the country they shall stick to them. So tell me what is the health care plan for youre govt , what about investments what incentives are you and the PACt going to give Zambia. Who in your own language will lead the PACT? And what are his qualities dies he have alot of children out of wedlock? what kind of track record……???? these are issues you want me tote for sata? never ……..and mind you we are forced to love who we love. let it be you love SATA thats you……if you were God we would not live.
Mabvuto Njala…issues please!!! any desenting view means we r MMD…….please grow up. What am telling you is look at the UK right there was a shadow cabinet , they had their programs for the country they shall stick to them. So tell me what is the health care plan for youre govt , what about investments, what incentives are you and the PACT going to give Zambia. Who in your own language will lead the PACT? And what are his qualities ? does he have alot of children out of wedlock? what is his track record ……???? these are issues. You want me vote for Sata? never ……..and mind you we are not forced to love who we love… let it be , as you love SATA thats you……if you were God we would not live.