POLICE in Ndola have launched investigations into reports that Change Life Zambia director Frank Bwalya publicly insulted President Rupiah Banda after allegedly referring to the head of State as ‘Muwelewele’, a Bemba word meaning useless.
And police have said Father Bwalya has also lodged a complaint that his life was under threat by some Ndola-based MMD youths who were said to be quoted in some sections of the media as saying they would beat him if they met him.
Copperbelt Province police chief Antoneill Mutentwa said Ndola District MMD publicity secretary Alex Mubanga lodged a complaint against Fr Bwalya at Ndola Central Police Station yesterday.
Mr Mutentwa said according to Mr Mubanga, some MMD youths in Ndola were not happy with Fr Bwaya referring to the president as ‘Muwelewele’ at a public rally in Luanshya last weekend.
He said police officers who attended Fr Bwalya’s rally were still studying the matter.
Mr Mutentwa said the Catholic priest had also lodged a complaint against Mr Mubanga who was quoted in the some sections of the media as saying he would see to it that Fr Bwalya was given a good beating by MMD youths.
“We are studying both cases and arrests will be made if there is sufficient evidence,” he said.
[Times of Zambia]
there we go again with the circus. Does the police have anything better to do? Frank Used better words than I would use in describing useless mubwezeni banda! moron!
Honestly i do not think Frank insulted the president the word useless mean ”of no use; not serving the purpose or any purpose; without useful qualities; of no practical good” . Rupiah Bwezani is not serving the purpose he was elected as a leader, thats why Frank called him useless, even me i can call him by that name…………
This child defiling illuminati,should be put in his right place.A CAGE.He has not given us alternative policies but a card coloured red.
Yes, all three contributors above are right. Fr Bwalya did not insult. Useless is not an insult. It might sound harsh a judgment but it’s not an insult. It’s like the word forsake, we use this word so often, it’s not an insult. Police should be professional and not be abused by politicians. Now they are making Fr Bwalya even more popular. MMD should learn from its past mistakes. Chansa Kabwela they humiliated not knowing they are making her a heroin. These actions are what qualifies such words as Muwelewele for MMD
I will never go back to Zed! :o:o:o
Bonse mwe bakatula ba chalo, mwabe inkashi ukukalabana ngenkanda yakuma t.o.l.e That’s my word for you….you can call it whatever you want to, insele or insult, mwachilamo. Atase! :-t
what is happening small it may seem but one day if unchecked Rupiah will run away from this country. People ar angry and let them continu with this stupidit that mubanga can be crushed…there ar more zambiana than there ar mmd fools in zambia..let him not grow big headed. Father Bwalya is a priest who should be allowed to air views of power pipo he serves. if useless if an insult then wil be using his features to describe him like his head.
The term “Muwelewele” was used by Roy “Kalaki” Clarke to describe the late President Mwanawasa and there were no complaints considering that “Muwelewele” was a state counsel who could have taken action if this was an insult.
So, how are the police going to prosecute Father Bwalya for calling a thing as it is: President Rupiah Bwezani Banda in cibemba would be termed u “Muwelewele” as he is just a useless old man of no value to the wellbeing of the country.
RB Banda – Muwelewele, RB Banda – Muwelewele, RB Banda – Muwelewele, RB Banda – Muwelewele
Hello Zedian police…dont you have anything better to do? Like cut grass around you offices or bride some poor alian trying to stay in the land??
Just penzalise umwana wamubuchende uyo.What have you been waiting. Just aim and let it go period then next.
This Fr Bwalya should just join the PACT. Going it alone will result in him being seriously bruised by the heavyweights.
This iz how swift the police should have moved in probing thoze who threatened to gang-rape Edith Nawakwi.
Ba Maureen,
He is a PF cadre Sata is scheming to handover power to after a 4 time straight defeat in 2011 should the degree clause not be enacted for the 2011 election.
Oh gosh this is so ancient behavior. Go catch a thief or something please
Leave the Fr alone he has not committed any offence at all. We deserve better from our Police Service and not running up and down when politicians cry. From time to time citizens complain to the police about more important issues but they get poor reaction because there is no transport. oh my word…
#5 I can’t blame you for having such anger,these days it’s just so annoying to read stories in the Zambia press,those of us in diaspora actually wonder if we would be able to fit in,i personally think i would be jailed in Zambia because i do not have reservations when i want to express my opinions & i don’t mean vulgar language but straight language which would otherwise get misinterpreted as insults by Rupiah & his bootlickers.
We have some archaic and draconian laws in Zambia which actually take away our freedom of speech,we need changes.
In a true democracy, people should not be afraid of their goverments, goverments should be afraid of their people.
Iyeee, how could I rush to comment and forget to say goodmorning t’yall??! I’m very, very sorry. Please forgive me!:((
And now… (drums rolling) …. Good Morning!:d:)>-
I feel so much better now.<:-p
Arrest him. Ryy Clarke used Muwelewele in satire, he did not mention Levys name directly. Bwalya stated directly that the head of state chiwelewele, a clear insult, punishable under the Z law.
Explainations about insults which appear in the POST do not work in court. Things like a p-e-n-i-s is a p-e-n-i-s because it is a p-e-n-i-s, and therefore its not an insult can not be used in court. Mulongeni! azakambila kusogolo
“UNIP”Here we come ! Those were the days when Vigilantes were all over like Makanta.This is Late Levy`s Mistake of following RB from the village where he was busy chasing around Inkwale mumabala!
So expect anything towards 2011 elections this guy is pure UNIP!
Fr Bwalya should have done that along time ago because ubuwelewele started the day Levy died. The only prostitute getting paid the whole amount is DORRRRRA
Oh Crap Why cant we be like our colonialists very liberal and conservative discussing serious issues that affect the pipo not selfish unjustifiable matters every one has the freedom to express their views if I feel Bwezani ziko Kumbuyo chiwelewele why shouldnt I be able to mention it, ichi chiwelewele chesu chifwile cha umfwa ifyo abantu bale sosa en not start looking for faults in those that are saying the trueth nabo bakapokola fiwelewele fye its like they gat nothing to do instead of investigating serious matters they are busy trying to make a fuss out of one simple matter…. schopet.
yaba. yusilesi ni yusilesi, chapwa
The charge is defamation or bringing the president’s name in disrepute, something like that, but it is wide so you have to be careful when you refer to that institution.
#1, 2, 4, 7 Are you okay? It is obvious from your blogs that the word ‘manners’ is missing in your families’ vocabulary.
By the way, a complaint has been brought before the police, it did not originate from the policemen who attended the rally. So Mr Mutentwa is obliged to investigate because a citizen has complained. As for “father” bwalya are you really a priest? Is that why your rally is reported to have been shunned by Luanshya residents? I do not support violence of threats of violence from anyone, but I know enough about humans to say that if you act uncivilised towards them some will respond in the same…
People wakeup in the morning to go for work Toadys Job plan ” discuss and analyse the word MUWELEWELE” afterwards arrest the culprit am sure for the Police its already an insult they are just waiting for William Banda to give them Orders or is it a go ahead. ubu abuwelewele:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o
How can a country develop if we are going to be discussing such small issues. Lets go back to the drainage system in the capital city.
When a good leader is in charge, its easy to tell from the mood of the people he leads. They walk with a spring and with their heads up and straight, they walk with a purpose knowing that though things are rough now they are moving in clear and hopeful future. Non of that is happening paZ, unless of course you belong to a certain clan or your are part of looters or just a simple minded cadre eating from the crumbs falling off the high table like Mubanga or Boot licker. Lets not demonse brave people like Bwalya, with courage enough to risk their lives, sacrificing their careers just to say what we all know is happening but too afraid to speak out. Fr Bwalya, your reward is greater than the loot these corrupt elements are busy stashing away.May the good Lord bless you.
Iwe Katie Good get lost. Why do you want to force people to believe that RB is not useless?. You cannot legislate against peoples’ opinions. How can you take people to court to force them to say RB is intelligent, handsome etc?. Banda is a politician and people have opinions about him one way or another. A lot of people didnt vote for him because they believe he is useless, corrupt and simply not qualified for the presidency. Are you going to prosecute them all ? The i.d.io.ts who are saying it is the law be reminded that laws can be unconstitutional or they may go against the grain of UN conventions like Freedom of conscience. You cannot prosecute people on account of their beliefs or opinions. Come 2011 a lot of people will not vote for Banda because they believe that he is useless
Rupiah Banda has become an idol to MMD members.In other countries you can say what ever you want about the President and you wont be arrested. But in Zambia it is another thing. It’s true Rupiah Chiwelewele what is doing for the people of Zambia? He has becoming an idol, when is going out of the country or coming back ministers and MMD members at the airport singing welcoming him. Does it mean they don’t have something to do? That’s why Zambia will never been developed instead people working they at the airport singing UBUWELEWELE BA MMD INCLUDING RUPIAH. I have never seen this in other countries.
Someone has a thick head in the the police service. Kalaki was taken to court for the same offense and it was thrown out of court. How do you expect it to stick this time? Useless service if you ask me. What, you are going to arrest me too for calling you useless?
just leave the priest alone. we have heard enough of praise singing for rupiah. some chaps that are benefiting from this MMD may even thank rupiah for increasing the price of fuel. if someone has failed, lets point out that mistake. i long to see a better Zambia before i die, i love zambia like father bwalya does. some of us dont have a gwanda to run to when things get bad. viva ba priest!
Touch not the anointed hand of a man of God.Rest you get cursed.You guys needs holy communion direct from vatican.After that serious defeat of face beauty contest a couple of months which was a Father Frank won a landslide victory
I doubt if Bwalya is annointed. Such hatred coming from a purpoted man of God?
Katie 24, i dont think its right for you to be bringing my family in this. What manners are you talking, are you that thick to that you dont even know the meaning useless?? What i have written is my opinion and you have a right to yours. Actually Frank is right, Rupiah banda useless, when he was campaigning last year he promised us that he will reduce corruption, poverty and create employement, has he done that? What plans has your relative got for agriculture, health and education?
Fr F Bwalya didnt insults but described who RB is. What’s wrong with that? Unless it is RB calling others puppy. Who is he? A mmd god or something?
E buwelewele bwine ubu bakapokola mulecita…No substance in your investigation.
Spend our tax on matters of substance. Ala![-(
All of you bloggers are useless like your fathers and your fore fathers even mothers. Then accept this.I hope this sounds good for you and your family and you will accept it. An insult is a word that is demeaning in the eyes of the public, maybe am wrong, correct me. I BELLIEVE GOD NEVER CREATED ANYTHING USELESS.
Honestly speaking when will MMD stop making Fr. Bwalya a hero for nothing. Your actions are just making him a hero for nothing at all.