Friday, March 7, 2025

Prostitutes flock to South Africa ahead of the 2010 FIFA World Cup


As soccer fans gear up for the biggest football extravaganza of the year, prostitutes too are flocking to South Africa ahead of the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

With the World Cup slated to kick off in June, prostitutes are eyeing good money as an estimated 500,000 football fans visit South Africa.

Many sex workers from Zimbabwe are leaving for South Africa, triggering calls from human rights and church groups to impose checks on human trafficking and prostitution.

However, prostitutes arriving in South Africa are optimistic about their future.

“If ever there was time to make money, this is the right time,” Christian Science Monitor quoted Shuvai, a Zimbabwean commercial sex worker working at Maxime Hotel in Johannesburg, as saying.

Shuvai, 22, says she arrived in Johannesburg at the end of March with eight other prostitutes from Zimbabwe.

Cyril Mwamba, 32, travelled over 1,700 miles from Zambia’s Ndola Copperbelt to reach the World Cup.

She said: “When we came here [Summit Hotel], we were not so sure whether we would be able to attract rich and well-paying men since back home in Zambia men were looking down upon us.”

Saying that she now earned R2,000 (about 270dollars) per night, Mwamba added: “I am convinced that after the World Cup, I will be able to buy my own car.

“Cars are cheap here in South Africa.”

Several hotel workers have also noticed the recent influx of prostitutes.

A hotel general manager, who declined to be identified, said: “From the look of the fully booked hotels around Johannesburg and Pretoria, we think these female sex workers could exceed 40,000.

“There are some from outside Africa from as far as China, Pakistan, India, Hong Kong, and Venezuela, who are here for prostitution.” (ANI)




  2. Good business strategy by these intelligent prostitutes!
    Anso kukaba s ex overdose ku SA
    Wapya nchite book ticket yandi mwana

  3. iwe #3 ninshi uli li hule nayiwe we shud not support such things please because it is wrong:”>:”>:)>-

  4. Guys make sure you test Cyril Mwamba before she travels, we dont want to be exporting weak people who will embarras the nation. You can contact me for criteria if you want….

  5. #6 Ubusoshi bwakale, long before you were born. This trade will go on whether you support it or not, elyo aba they insist on protection. You are right, ndihule naine wine.

  6. Ba lusaka times you have fogoten to alert people that zambia has become a haven of Drugs. and these users are coming to zambia in the name of tourists. SAY NO TO TOURISM OR YES TO DRUG BASE IN ZAMBIA.

  7. # 3n 8 its all clear was wondering as to why you were so quick to support the act anyway ni fyo fine :-?:-?

  8. ok that explains why its so dry lately with ba solola bien pa Zed:d. Hope you get your car my dear Mwamba and be safeb-)

  9. Ala kukaba sansa nabo ku South. I wish Obama could work on this comprehensive fimo fimo. Twachula fwema illegal muno mu self-imposed prison.:d/

  10. If you can’t stop them, tax them. The SA gov’t would equally profit if they had to impose “s.e.x tax” on the brothels like they do on all other commercial transactions.

  11. Is Zambia sending some o S.E.X workers to benefit from the world cup since our team will not be playing?

  12. #22 we have already sent bena Mwamba as advance party to do the sampling!
    We are among the early birds

  13. No 11 u are very funny. U have put in very simple words the thoughts that where going through my mind. Anyway even with inflation Im sure there will be proper market segmentation. There will be some to match any pocket;)

  14. these prostitutes seem to be more strategic planners than our cabinet. for them they have already seen hope and sent Mwamba in advance to make sure their team benefits, to our government, no planning to make Zambia benefit. a prostitute form china sees hope and buys an expensive ticket but George kunda cant see that. its high time we included some of these ladies in the cabinet to help Dora Siliya and other on planning. we need people who can see things in advance, as the bible says that where there no vision people perish. we cant all have visions only leaders who are in fore front must be more alert. a vision from the villager may not benefit a country but Rupiyas vision is our hope unfortunately he is in the air traveling next to dora siliya.

  15. yaba! ifwe abaleya ku world cup tukalya bwino sana! Good service to the spectators after a hard days work!

  16. The same happened in Greece during the Olympics, but it was not news because ‘white people don’t do s e x ‘ Or as they say, ‘No s e x please because we are English.’

  17. VIVA Amashasha { amazoboli, ama huuuuuuule, ba mayo, banakulu, ba gelo ba pa Zambia, VIVA to the fallen addis abba Avenue hero’s who went this trade a way to help support the poor families as a source of living in the GOD FORSAKEN COUNTRY (christian nation) VIVA zambian cultures!!!!and papa was a rolling stone:d:d:d:d:d:)>-

  18. This is almost funny:d anyway let them make some quick bucks, my bemba translated bemba says “ichingila mumubili tachikowesha”.Awe kwena all these are signs of the world financial crisis.

  19. # 31-This is almost funny anyway let them make some quick bucks, my bemba translated bible says “ichingila mumubili tachikowesha”.Awe kwena all these are signs of the world financial crisis.:d

  20. be careful ba solola, bakamwipaya muma rooms umomwine. there are no jokes pa SA, bakamishitisha ama works ba pa hotel. Mwamba namotoka tawaka shite. benda nenfuti ama men pa SA. tukonfwako.

  21. #27, thanks a lot for that comment. I had exactly the same on my mind. If prostitutes can see “business”opportunities, strategize and take advantage of the seemingly favorable atmosphere!! Offcourse prostitution is evil and we must fight it, but I just like how these prostitutes who are not graduates of studies in Business and Economy, are able to see and act. The other day Vera Chiluba(Tembo) was bla bla bla, Zambia will benefit from the World Cup in SA, HOW?? Only Vera knows!!

  22. Bravo #6 I realised #3 is too shallow in his/her analysis of issues, so I opted not to respond coz could have been arguing with a f..l, you know who. Thanks anyway and shame on DESTROYER who has just destroyed themseves.

  23. :((:d xexexex batoteni batoteleni bani ba Mwamba awe muntu niku nvela mushe…..the commodity seems it will be more than the consumer na ku ma China konse.its just sad that our country is not getting its rightful place in this world cup we could at least built stadiums to gain a little something not woodlands stadium….:((:((:((

  24. PF MP Nsanda Denies Wife and Refers to her as Prostitute

    The Lusaka Local Court was this morning characterized by bursts of laughter after Kitwe?s Chimwemwe constituency Member of Parliament Willy Nsanda referred to his wife Febby Mumba as a prostitute.

    Mr. Nsanda who appeared in court after Febby, aged 48 filed for divorce said he never married Febby but only had an intimate affair with her.

    He said he was surprised that he was called to court for divorce when he was never married to her.

    Mr. Nsanda said as far as he knows Febby had sexual
    relationships with other men who include an officer from the economic empowerment commission Ernest Muwamba and wondered why he was unduly summoned for divorce.

    Meanwhile Febby told the court that she

  25. I can advise ex-Mrs Nsanda to go down to south africa. Madam use that first instalment from ba MP wesu to travell and make more money…..

  26. Atleast Zambian prostitutes made it to the world cup unlike the Zambian football team.Get the trophy of prostitution,buy expensive cars,bring them to zed,look rich and last but not the least stop being a bitch(sex worker)since you have got what you wanted.

  27. Yes sisters go there and represent us.Make em chinese and other dudes to shout like “Oh Zambia oh Zambia put me down” if you know what i mean.Lol:d

  28. Bazeni bakashana. ala mukwayi apatebeta Lesa tapafuka chushiiii..but remember to use ama condoms….mukafwa pofye nga mapanga na world cup ikashale..tukanwinepo nomukonyo…:o:o:o

  29. Nine chale….like that….Sex tax…but will the price to controlled…
    wonder how the price would look….

  30. Friends, There are many lessons we can learn from this article. One lesson we can get is that prostitutes are much better than the MMD government. The prostitutes knew before hand that the World cup will be hosted by SA and they planned for it and at the end of the day, they shall have food on the table. But the Zambian government on the contrary knew it but hasn’t made a plan of getting those revenues from people coming from all over the world. We can laugh at the prostitutes, but he laughs better who laughs last. I wish Mwamba was the minister of sports and tourism in Zambia. she would have planned for something profitable for the country than let the dollars go back.

  31. BUSINESS IS BOOMING.Give money to the people who have less income and the are likely going to spend it.Thats great news for South Africa as there P.P.F is likely going to shift outwards due to the fact that spending has increased.

  32. Go girls! go and sell your Indeed shall sell :)>- Just like hot pancakes =))=))

  33. Yeah thats what am talking about.Kanshi you guys down there in sasa like abena matworld nabena bootlicker make sure that you help make sure that the sisters operate in a smooth environment.And you mwaiche mwamba babombe mwana tukese kwela mutoka iyo.

  34. The law of supply and demand at play. Amaule will be cheap in SA becoz of over supply. I feel pitty for the guys in Zed. The supply will be lower than demand so they will be forking out a fortune for a round.

  35. Economics Teacher: Can you give us an example of a complete business failure due to professional negligence ?
    Student : A pregnant prostitute ! =d> :))

  36. He he he, ze do not call me The Ghostrider for nothing he he. Tizakukila che pa Joburg manje! this is what they call watching the worldcup in style.

  37. #18 Ka’doyo
    How do you know that it is dry with ba solola bien pa zed. Have you been going out looking for some????:d/

  38. 56 Lozi Girl Sweetie Pie lol, No but I do subscribe to the SB(Solola Bien) Stock exchange monthly journals and the steep out-flux of Zimbabwean solola biens from Zambia to SA has brought stocks tabling downb-). Its a crisis8->

  39. Who the hell would want to do a whore named Cyril? On the other hand, the law of supply and demand means te rates are gonna go down.
    No. 55 Ghostrider, see ya at Royal Park.

  40. ;;)…haro! My name is Cyril, i am coming from Zambia to so buzinesi here in sasafrika…and you are from…?;;)

  41. Facts of life, se.x is a human need and it sells well…AIDS or no AIDS, there will be se.x in any society so stop being holier than thou. Infact its more rampant in the so-called “born-again” churches with their infamous “over night prayers”. Just condomise , full stop.

    1. Be strictly business professional. No one really loves you so do not be fooled.
    2. No emotional ties, so no kissing. You can catch Hepatitis B and C.
    3. No matter how much money is on the table, use a condom.
    4. You are still a human being and no amount of money is worth dying for, so walk away from violent men and give them back their money.
    5. Always, always work in pairs. One should take note of the car number plate, hotel room no. etc. Do not be lone rangers.
    6. As soon as you get your money, give it to a trusted person for safe keeping.
    7. Keep away from sleezy places such as Hillbrow, you will pay for more than your body.
    8. When you have done all this, remember that you will give an account to your Creator at the last day.

  43. When supply is in abundance, quality improves and prices go down. For those who already use such services this is good news. I bet Zambian ministers and MPs are busy scrabling to make travel arrangements to SA.

  44. yeap..all the brothels and strip clubs in johannesburg are getting packed with ladies…..n the brothels are now opening up @ 10a.m…..nice variety of ladies though! bring ur own Condoms is what i say!!!! else we’ll be singing “oh happy day” when ur coffin goes down……
    royal park hotel and summit club is where we are tonight ’til sunday, care to join us?

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