Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Who will lead Pact?


Some members of the Patriotic Front (PF) and the United Party for National Development (UPND) have remained adamant that their respective leaders should lead the pact raising fears that the opposition alliance may fail to agree on one candidate.

Former Mulungushi Ward councillor and UPND youth activists Edwin Simusamba said PF leader Michael Sata should take a backstage as an advisor and allow UPND president Hakainde Hichilema to lead the pact.

“The major issue for the 2011 campaign will be about the economy, it will be about job creation and wealth creation, Mr Hichilema is best suited because he has demonstrated all these traits to the country,” he said.

But Masaiti losing PF parliamentary candidate Clifford Zulu said Mr Hichilema had everything to benefit by allowing Mr Sata to lead the pact because of the latter’s political experience.

“You can see that HH is not the same person of 2006, he has now learnt politics. You can see even how he looks at issues. All these it is because of his interaction with Mr Sata,” he said.

He said Mr Sata was best suited to be the pact’s presidential candidate because he was action oriented and politically experienced.

Mr Zulu said the PF leader’s political experience can be traced way back from the days for former president Kenneth Kaunda.

“Zambians know what he did as a governor, minister in the Chiluba (former president Frederick Chiluba) Government.

Mr Hichilema should allow him (Mr Sata) even to lead for one term so that we can make a Zambian Mandela,” he said.

Mr Sata had a vision for the country and hence he was best suited to be the pact’s candidate.

But the former UPND councillor Mr Simusamba said the world was now moving towards having a new generation of leaders.

“You have seen what has happened in the UK where they have elected David Cameron and what happened in the US where they voted for Barrack Obama.

[pullquote]On assertions that UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema has no experience to lead the country, Mr. Kakoma said Mr. Hichilema cannot fail to lead the country because he has proved managerial experience both in public and private life.[/pullquote]

“The world is changing towards the new generation and therefore Mr Sata should remain as an advisor in the pact,” he said.

He said having Mr Sata as the pact presidential candidate would be taking the country 10 years backwards.

“As I have stated 2011 will be about the economy and HH is just the better candidate,” he said.

Meanwhile, United Party for National Development spokesperson Charles Kakoma says those arguing over who should be the PF/UPND pact’s presidential candidate are simply wasting their time.

Mr. Kakoma told Q fm in a telephone interview that currently there is no need for anyone to discuss the presidency of the pact because the matter will be dealt with at an appropriate time.

He says since the presidency of the pact has not yet been decided, people should not be concerned but should instead discuss issues that will help the pact scoop the presidency in 2011.

And Mr. Kakoma has described statements by people suggesting that PF leader Michael Sata is not fit to stand for the presidency because of his heart condition as unfortunate.

He says people should desist from making such defamatory statements and instead commit national leaders into prayers for God to give them good health.

Mr Kakoma says people should not concentrate on the negative side of national leaders’lives because that will not help the nation to develop.

On assertions that UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema has no experience to lead the country, Mr. Kakoma said Mr. Hichilema cannot fail to lead the country because he has proved managerial experience both in public and private life.

He has since appealed for calm and called on the pact members to support whoever will be chosen as presidential candidate, stressing that the one who will not successful during the selection process will automatically be the deputy.

[Times of Zambia/QFM]


  1. l-) Well, to me it doesn’t really matter who leads. What’s important to me is to have MMD out. :-t

  2. “You can see that HH is not the same person of 2006, he has now learnt politics. You can see even how he looks at issues. All these it is because of his interaction with Mr Sata,” he said.

    Yes, Mr. Hichilema is not the same person. He has learnt Sata/PF type of politics of insults. Mr Hichilema has now joined the PF bandwagon of ignorance towards the economy and competing to see who will throw the biggest insults at the Govt. There is nothing the PF knows besides thuggery and insults. We all remember how two PF MP’s fought at parliament sometime back. This is the PF, insults, violence, thuggery and Mr. Hichilema has surely learnt this and he has learnt this well it seems. After all, he is learning from the best.

  3. Coming to who will lead the pact, we already know. There is no need to even discuss this issue. Mr. Sata explicitly stated that he will continue contesting elections until he wins. Even though he loses the 2011 elections, he will contest the elections even after that. Mr. Sata has stated this. The PACT will either adopt Mr. Sata or will break. There is no point in discussing this issue because Mr. Hichilema has accepted to be the lesser in the PACT.

    Mr. Sata has stated that he will continue contesting elections until he wins. So why are we even discussing this issue when we already know who will lead the PACT.

  4. I can see this LT is an MMD campaign tool now I understand why the comments pls my fellow bloggers let us unite and de-campaign this unfair media and what ever nonsense they write about the pact we counter react. This nonsense must stop

  5. In politics, the worst thing is to trap members for long time in a valley of uncertainty on the fundamental issues of leadership and political power framework in view of the challenges political marriages of convenience create.

  6. Voters align with leadership that is clear, historically risk-adjusted, measured across a broad spectrum of criteria and with a record of holding best practices and building upon them. When norms are missing in party politics, members become disillusioned and susceptible in the political arena.


    Does this PACT circus offer a leadership that is clear, historically risk-adjusted, measured across a broad spectrum of criteria and with a record of holding best practices and building upon them??????????

    If not, then forget about this circus binding in editorial sections of tabloids only. Applied politics is about real scenarios not utopia-(Politics 101).

  8. HH has to lead, he is the best man come on PF we have a young man, who is very capable. Support our man. To be honest we need real change we cant keep recycling politicians. Give our man a chance we promise you you will see real change. We shouldn hide behind saying it doesnt matter who leads. The big truth is it matters we need to pick a candidate who can really bring change, and not just changing governments.

  9. Unless our competitive politic changes the act, voters see no alternative leadership on public issues.

    Zambians are very sober people that deserve civil and issue-based politics that foster national development and unity. As a people we have deep aversion for anarchy and tribalism which the PACT personifies.

  10. flag
    Candy says:
    Sorry to disturb the flow of this debate but a quick one! Whatever happened to the much publicised I had a feeling that their going offline was just in a matter of time. I failed to understand how people would blatantly ignore the simple dictates of intellectual property rights even if they had beef with The Post. Can u imagine me registering just to counter whatever this wonderful platform does? I mean, its has taken a lot of work, effort, dedication and commitment from to get to where they are today, its a powerful brand which informs us. I think people should think thru wat they do. It just made them

  11. We cannot risk our treasured country with irresponsibility, immaturity, hatred and opportunism; otherwise posterity would judge us harshly. We voters expect all political actors to magnanimously appreciate the Zambian spirit of responsibility, democracy and unity.

    Irresponsible politicians brazenly truncating national unity, enduring peace and the democratic process with their narrow end self seeking goals for power at all cost will have it tough again in 2011.

  12. Johnbulls*** u need to learn to tolerate divergent views. U cant just label everything remotely against your belief as being MMD and worth stopping. What kind of democracy will this be? Or are you saying that PF is undemocratic?

  13. ba senior citizen #6 and #5 and also ba Mr. Capitalist #3 wat u MUST know is that the PF-UPND PACT is forming government next year wether u like it or not! if both of u and other few foolz like u two are on mmd payroll just start luking for a decent job bcoz yo mmd shall be out of power next year. im in top leadership of one of the PACT parties so i kno how strong united we are as a PACT!

  14. If all political actors can start showing political will by addressing their own political party residual structural problems in the polity, start institutionalising decision-making process in their entities against individualising everything, the Zambian democracy would nurture even faster.

    Political convulsion devoid of comprehensive agenda for national progress would find no constituency.

  15. Political parties with fragrance for tribalism and writing manifestos that put party patronage as a prerequisite for public service jobs in their administration must be proscribed from politics because they are a danger to national peace.

    Constitutionalising political patronage is actually the most dangerous political pathology we must all reject as self -respected citizens. It is inimical to a dynamic society of the freethinking with choices.

  16. Therefore, the way forward in our democracy is for all political parties to inject democratic leadership in their politics.

  17. The promise of change by the opposition and the Catholic Church priest Change Life Zambia recently led by Fr. Frank Bwalya is, of course, a con. Legitimate change from the burden of big government would necessitate a move toward smaller government. But this is not what they have in mind when they preach change. They wield the word “change” as a shrewd angler wields an alluring fly. It’s a deceptive hook that works because much of humanity is always looking to get more out of life than it is willing to put in. Both the ruling and opposition political party regimes realize this. Consequently both promises the Zambian voter more entitlements, more pork, more privileges, more hallucinations. The sooner Zambians realize politics is a fraud the better this country will come out of its…

  18. The sooner Zambians realize politics is a fraud the better this country will come out of its political dependency syndrome where people think to survive and become wealthy you need good government…now that’s wrong…

  19. The sao called PACT of indifferences must embrace intra-party democracy, increase descent, hold conventions, institutionalise their party decision-making, alienate all cabal crusading tribalism, comprehensively articulate their vision for Zambia to the smart citizens and avoid selling utopia, insults and xenophobia against foreign nationalities.

  20. why is LT not telling us about the police blocking fr Bwalya from launching a red card campaign. LT is ON MMD ticket. i have noticed that they rarely talk about RB’s bad side or indeed MMD.

  21. Other than greed, tribal instincts and lack of patriotism, the basis of the so-called fragile PACT in its unpacked state to nowhere is missing by all logic. The fragile PACT by a cabal of tribal leaders is missing it instead, the misleading men at its top are increasingly getting incongruous to all progressive initiatives and what voters want in the country. These cabals are giving precedence to their tribal bases over nation interest.

  22. MMD propaganda,it really doesnt matter,Objective is to sent somebody to his farm in Chipata:-j:-j:-j:-j

  23. It’s a stupid PACT if the drama of leadership was not ironed out in the beginning. It’s irresponsible for both leaders not have addressed this issue with first, their respective party members then second each other. I bet Bwezani is enjoying this ticking time bomb.


  25. The opposing politics of a PACT is utopia

    They are opposing national development, capital investments around the country

    They are opposing energy sector development of Hydro electric plants

    Opposing construction of economic highways and feeder roads around the country

    Opposing construction of the New state of art multi service Youth sports complex in Lusaka

    Opposing construction of a web of economic rail lines linking the country to Angola, Mozambique and Namibia

    The are opposing national unity and peace.

    Its a cabal of unpatriotic tribalists in a circus to nowhere

  26. Ba senior citizen, i think it is becoming too much of you. Viva pact whoever leads we will vote . MMD .. sobwe!!!!!!. Civil Sevants todate still have not yet been paid their april 2010 saries after diverting their money to Mufumbwe by election which disappointed them.

  27. # 26 Senior Citizen. All those things you are mentioning exept the so called STATE OF THE ART SPORTS COMPLEX(HAVE TO SEE IT FIRST) are mere talk. We have for example the GREAT NORTH ROAD which is very important to our economy in a very bad state. What is your masters doing about it? The stretch of about 70km Livingstone/ Zimba has taken more than 3 years and still not yet finished. We dont want to hear/read your English. Give us details on projects being executed which will benefit our economy. Some of us do not belong to the PACT but have seen what MMD is doing. THERE IS NOTHING TO SHOW. I WILL SAY THIS AGAIN, ZAMBIA TODAY LOOKS LIKE ITS JUST COME OUT OF A CIVIL WAR.

  28. “He said having Mr Sata as the pact presidential candidate would be taking the country 10 years backwards. “As I have stated 2011 will be about the economy and HH is just the better candidate,” he said.
    Zambians we must guard against leaders with strong appetite for State House. Those who will do anything in their power to be Presidents. We need men or women whose priority is service delivery. Servants of all Zambians regardless of region or ethnicity. Who exhibit maturity and caution in deed and speech. This is no time to pre-occupy ourselves with political minds but rather economic minds. Political experience though necessary is not the major factor in a growing economy vulnerable to externalities. Its high time we get this notion of political experience out of our minds.

  29. senior citizen makes my day bcoz he is amusing with his shallow thinking

    if MMD has a proper clearly written agenda for the country,they would not be wasting money taking the little man to luapula coz all banda needs is to go to the part manifesto.
    as things stand RB does not have time to go check for himself what Zambians need and worse still he has not sat down to just see whats wrong in Zambia.

    so Mr senior citizen can you give Zambians a proper record of projects that MMD is doing to bring about tangible development
    am sure you now know that fuel prices have been increased and teachers not paid April salaries
    MMD is in charge of the country so all they need is just show Zambians what is being done whilst the opposition is laboring to explain their agenda

    Zambia deserves…

  30. Well, this article is all over the place,I think the journalist has not given his opinion.
    The UPND president should be given a chance, the leaders that come from as far back as Chiluba times .. come on guys, if they havent changed anything for donkey ages, what will be different this time around. Rise up Zambians, we have everything it takes to take our country to great great heights, Human Resource,Natural resouces, especially Human resource….. Some day hey!!!

  31. All the candidates primary aim must be to develop Zambia and avoid the blame game.If President Mugabe and Morgan had decided to work together earlier, Zimbabwe would not have through those difficulties.Who ever will emerge winner in 2011 must move the country forward and avoid the temptation to use state machinery to fix opponents. God bless our nation. One Zambia One Nation!

  32. Two Billion Kwacha menat for the Mansa-Luwingu-Kasama road was stollen by Peter Machungwa, a longtime minion of RB and HeftyJay. Ba-fi-ka-la ba MMD ni ba kabwalala. 2011 kuya bebele ma-to-le yenu.

  33. wow:d Miss Daisy. Am doing fine. Mother city is cold and wet, not so nice. Its good and glad to hear from you Miss Daisy. How are keeping? and whats up with the USA flag?;)

  34. Only Parties that hold Conventions should be allowed to participate in National/General Elections.

    Use modarate language, if you think Sata is a recycling politician the let your brother stand on UPND ticktet since you are all fresh and very I said very Educated.
    My advise to Pact supporters try to use good language for your leaders like MMD supportrs respect theirs. Dont be so immotional. Tribal decease will still lead you fail. Swollow your pride. Hope Mwavela

  36. HH to lead and SATA to be advisor…..Let take politics to another level by allowing fresh air/ideas.and depend on mandalas when seeking advice.

  37. This PACT thing is a joke. HH has betrayed the young people and his responsibility to change things particularly modernising politics. If you shake hands with the devil you must know what to expect. HH will cry one day, watch the space! Sata is a mposa mabwe proper. He is even more UNIP than RB. Come to think about it, at his age do people think that Sata can reposition Zambia, motivate and create partnerships that can lead the country to prosperity? I doubt if Sata is even thinking of Zambia, say 50 years from now and beyond? He has little time left in himself. He is old and tired period. I am very suspicious of his desire to become president, maybe he just wants to have unlimited access to medical care as the time is ticking. Have people forgotten that he was one of the very few chaps…

  38. I can’t understand what people see in Ba Sata, all I see in him is a thug who plays on the minds of the ignorant Zambians. How can one honestly turn around the economy in 90 days? wake up you people. HH is slowly embracing politics of thuggery and slowly becoming like his partner, he equally promises free education up to University, he is a big time day-dreamer!!!. Rupiah has proved his incompetence and how he’s the opposite of the late levy’s legacy; he MUST go back to his farm in 2011. Its really hard to find somebody to vote for, they are all wrong candidates. Mostly likely Sata will lead the impact but he’s too violet…..[-(

  39. Hey guys… FACTS TO NOTE

    The MMD is going HH or Sata
    We are tied of these fools
    They have robbed us of a good zambia
    Unza fees are being hiked abnormally
    Civil servants salaries
    Fuel prices
    Violence in Mufumbwe.

    Wat ar these mmd cadres on this blog sayin?
    anyway it will be for there good

  40. On ““Zambians know what he did as a governor, minister in the Chiluba (former president Frederick Chiluba) Government… Mr Hichilema should allow him (Mr Sata) even to lead for one term so that we can make a Zambian Mandela,” he [Mr PF’s Zulu] said” it is clear that Mr Sata MC of the PF worked collectively in the capacities mentioned above and failed Zambians terribly and so Mr HH, the 2011 presidential candidate of UPND, must nevr allow a failure Mr PF/Sata MC to be the PACT’s 2011 presidential candidate.

    Let the UPND-PF PACT members go for a convention or conventions in all 9 provinces of Zambia to vote for a 2011 PACT presidential candidate and then if it so happens that Mr Sata MC wins, the UPND Group must ditch the PACT and go it alone with HH as presidential…

  41. Continued:

    Let the UPND-PF PACT members go for a convention or conventions in all 9 provinces of Zambia to vote for a 2011 PACT presidential candidate and then if it so happens that Mr Sata MC wins, the UPND Group must ditch the PACT and go it alone with HH as presidential candidate for they already have a winning team and strategy of not going for .

  42. Continued:

    Let the UPND-PF PACT members go for a convention or conventions in all 9 provinces of Zambia to vote for a 2011 PACT presidential candidate and then if it so happens that Mr Sata MC wins, the UPND Group must ditch the PACT and go it alone with HH as presidential candidate for they already have a winning team and strategy of not going for a UPND convention till 2012 after the tripartite elections.

    Following my above comment and “He has since appealed for calm and called on the pact members to support whoever will be chosen as presidential candidate, stressing that the one who will not successful during the selection process will automatically be the deputy” in the news item, the whoever will not be successful will be deputy presidential candidate must be out…

  43. MMD BOOT LICKER: Yeeterday you condemned for telling point blank that your fuel hike will affect the economy you even said I got my qualification from Matero Zambia.Please check what your minister is saying about the fuel hike and judge who has the matero qualification between you and I.You fool mmd kaponya ( Machende aako wanvwa unyina maanu)

  44. Following my above comment and “He has since appealed for calm and called on the pact members to support whoever will be chosen as presidential candidate, stressing that the one who will not successful during the selection process will automatically be the deputy” in the news item, the whoever will not be successful will be deputy presidential candidate must be out of the question since only president HH has to lead the UPND-PF PACT if the PACT has to continue surviving. I urge the PACT to let Mr Sata to be an Advisor when he shall lose at the PACT presidential candidacy elections.

    Thus, the deputy 2011 presidential candidacy must electable also.

    Be bless all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto…

  45. #42 i believe there is no other way of saying it without it sounding any better than the way i put it. The truth of th matter is that the pact partner leader has indeed seen alot of governments. We are talking about change, please tell me what change are we bringing if we keep recycling the same old politicians.

  46. # 56 Mulanfu Chisapi u are fool, a cheap and disgruntled ***** u think that your mad MMD fathers and mothers are worth another chance no ways begin to read the lines

  47. Mr PF/Sata MC must never be allowed to be President of Zambia because of his deficiencies.

    On Mr PF’s Zulu’s “Mr Hichilema should allow him (Mr Sata) even to lead for one term so that we can make a Zambian Mandela,” he said…. Mr Sata had a vision for the country and hence he was best suited to be the pact’s candidate” which “we” is in the above is being referred to? Why do we need a Zambian Mandela? We dont need a Mandela here neither do we need an Obama but a Zambian personality who believes in himself and God, our Creator. What aterrible idea from the PF man!

    By the way, what vision has Mr Sata MC got except for being a bootlicka of KK and Mr FTJ Chiuba even to the extent of supporting the Third Term, and also pilfering a chunk of the UNIP…

  48. Continued:

    By the way, what vision has Mr Sata MC got except for being a bootlicka of KK and Mr FTJ Chiuba even to the extent of supporting the Third Term, and also pilfering a chunk of the UNIP constitution just because of lack of proper education which makes a person literate enough to qualify for an MP election under the Zambian Constitution guidelines of 1996?

    If the UPND decides to make a mistake of support Mr PF/Sata MC’s 2011 PACT presidential candidacy, I will decampaign the UPND Group tooth and nail and support NAREP’s E. Chipimo Jnr since the MMD’s Rupiah Banda and MMD itself have been mislead into becoming an irrelevant tribal party lead by a clan of Easterners to the extent that they have killed intra-MMD-party democracy by embracing a monarch system.
    Matt 6:33…

  49. truth be told…it matters who stands……..if sata stands i will not vote the pact because the thought of such a old dictatorial leader in power it would be just the same as voting for R>…atleast RB tries to be a gentleman…unlike the other….if hh stands i would vote for him and hope he has not been corrupted by the system that has created sta and rb

  50. Kadoyo, for some reason, that doesnt sound like ya.. the flag, pshh, i dont know why i dont have flag from SA, maybe they have all been sold out to football fans in preps for WC. lol

  51. #7 Senior Citizen- There is more foolishness in MMD than in the PACT. The only difference is in MMD you have a sitting Repulican President whom every body is afraid to challenge lest he victimizes them. Remember what Chiluba did at the end of his 2nd term? Not even Sata could challenge him at Mulungushi and those who dared were chased from the convention. Yes there will be difficulties to reach an agreement but as they say all is well that ends well. Just wait before you start lapping your tougue like a dog that has been shown a bone.

  52. Sata needs to get an accredited degree and a grade 12 certificate first. Without these, he is going nowhere.

    The 2011 race will be between HH & RB and there is no doubt about that.

  53. FACT , The world is not moving to electing new generation leaders. This is a fallacy. Anthony Gordon Blair was the youngest UK Prime Minister at 46. After him, came an older man Gordon Brown. The world’s youngest head of state is the King of Bhutan (26 when he ascended the throne in 2006). Queen Elizabeth was 26 when she became head of the Commonwealth in 1952! Josiah was 8 years old when he became King of Israel c640 BC! US elected a youthful looking JF Kennedy in the 1960’s but still got the Septuagenarian Reagan years later. THESE things come and go and they have nothing to do with generations.

  54. its triky.may be a neutral person like sakwiba sikota or chirwa should lead the PACT.this is so cos
    If sata is elected leader of the pact;Many pipo who believe in new and smart politics of young generation will NOT vote for him.This is the same for HH if elected as PACT leader, those die hard Sata’s supporters who sympathyses with his age and health will not vote for HH.May God deliver us to remove MMD, how and when you know FATHER.

  55. “20 years domicilled in Zambia!!” That is one of the qualifications to be a Presidential candidate! What was Chiluba’s MMD government thinking about when they put this into our constitution? There is a great fear of Zambians in the diaspora among Zambian politicians. Even Levy showed terrible contempt of Prof Chirwa. Let us get rid of this backward statement in our constitution. Otherwise, I have no chance to serve my country in the highest office when I retire.

  56. Foolish argument,why do people allow the times to interview them?, They want to make a name?,so that we read abt them Newspapers that they have said something??.The enemy will want to take full advantage of everything said,so any argument will be very good meat for the MMD.

  57. 69 THE SAINT you are not the only one affect by your ““20 years domicilled in Zambia!!” That is one of the qualifications to be a Presidential candidate! What was Chiluba’s MMD government thinking about when they put this into our constitution? ” Dr Clive Chirwa is also affected and that is why late Mr LP Mwanawasa mentioned about it when referring to Dr Clive Chirwa (Prof).

    Nevertheless, NCC seem to have change the ““20 years domicilled in Zambia!!”” to 10 yrs domiciled in Zambia and so let us well-meaning Zambians support NCC so that the new clauses of the aove nature and the amplified ones like the University Degree from a recognised university in place of must be literate which had a no implementation can be adopted by…

  58. Simple advise Let pact adopt HH and MMD feature Mutati.Look at Tanzania,DRC or Botswana they all have young and vibrant Leaders.Why keep on clinging to old guards come on guys. By the way what happened when these two above failed to agree at former Dr.Kaunda’s residence in kabulonga.

  59. sane Zambians are not interested in mare change of gov.they are interested in alternative leadership that can offer hope and progress compared to the current regime. unfortunately i do not see how these two “gentlemen” HH and Michael Sata can provide leadership when its been more than a year since they pronounced any policy statements, what happened to the UPND free education and PF tax cuts and “more money in your pockets”. am afraid both have lost direction and they might just not make it in 2011…

  60. Ba mastro ”Tonga Bull”. You have every right to campaign for your party UPND and confirm third position. Dont think that all zambians are foolish. I thought as a pact we had one focus? Please dilute your inner tribal appetite. CHANGE. people are in a pact unconditionally. Honest speaking, SATA has far much better chances than HH dont be cheated..

  61. Theonly time Times of Zambia will write an article on the Pact is when they want to potray disunity disorganisation, anything that can sway people from supporting the pact. Mubepelefye bane when time comes for you to go ninshi it has come….:d/:d/

  62. What happens if the Pact was to announce SATA/HH as it’s Leader? Remember these Monkeys are still making there fake book (Constitution), and can put very funny clauses to target disqualification of that Individual. Let them finish drafting there fake book and we will another the Pact Leader after that. For now let’s continue with what we’ve been doing, mobilising more and more people into the Pact.

  63. I think both HH and MCS are playing astute politics by keeping the MMD guessing as to which of them will be the PACT Presidential candidate. Clearly, that is eating the hearts of the MMD and their agents, the likes of Senior Citizen and Mr. Capitalist, whose wish seems to anihilate the PACT canditdate, if only they could know him in good time. BRAVO HH AND MCS! Looks like those who are dying to know the PACT candidate are having sleepless nights. Well, hold your fire. You will know in good time!
    My advice to all well meaning PACT supporters is to keep cool and avoid polarising remarks and comments.

  64. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Party launched

    As democrates we welcome Luena independent Member of Parliament Charles Milupi for resigning from the August House to lead his own ADD. We are in a democracy where people have the right of way. we believe that competition in any discipline is progressive and good for the country.

    Congratulations and all the best Milupi.

  65. KAPITA HAKAINDE and Maestro Hhehhehhehhe

    Zambia will never develop cos of selfiness. How old was CHILUBA wen he became presido. Again you want a young presido HH. Chiluba was very fresh in politics but he miss up things. Give us another reason y u feel age matters in politics. Your names tell us your good reason

  66. #37..zambian, #39 kadoyo(same person).. by the way am also in the mother city..
    but my question to you..are you that one who was raising up your behind the other day saying that you are proudly G.A.Y?:-\”.. i think i know who you are..i think saw you at the independence celebrations…so all those flash..flash things you have, are from the ‘back’.yayayayayayayay!

    Any way the issue of who leads the PACT can not be set side:-?,,, i think leaving it for the last 12th hours is very unwise..the sooner the better

  67. I have no problem with who ever is made president. I am ready to vote for the pact president finished. What I want is to remove MMD in 2011. then arrest William Banda, Mulongoti, RB, Kunda, Shikapwa and finally put Chiluba in prison for 20 years. AMEN.

  68. Guyz when i analyse critically.Technically and following the curent trend of modernization,HH could make a good and modern computer age president of the PACT but the issue of winning elections is another thing.That guys is only popular in one corner of the country.But take a look at the popularity of PF leader.Football is not only about displaying skills of dribbling in the pitch but victory always goes to the team that scores more goals.Now my point is when choosing a leader,we should make sure we choose an electable leader supported by the majority who are members of both PF/UPND.United we stand divided we fall those who are not.Otherwise we gonna be either the greatest winners of all time or the most embarrasing political race ever.

  69. 79 Thanks for that. We will keep quite, but let’s continue recruiting as many brothers and sisters as we come across, most expecially in the peri-urban and rural areas.

  70. Take a look at this,if the PACT fails to resolve this in a mature manner the one and only alternative of the electorate is to go for the ruling party.which puts them at a very advantageous position.coz all droplets falling from the mounth of the might lion PACT will be put to good use in order to secure the incumberncy.Therefore its only Unity of that can keep us afloat.Otherwise if we are to play our cards nicely the deafed will be eminent and there will be no question about it. :)>-:d/

  71. Ba Sata awe!Please Zambian let us not think so low by voting for Sata.Think twice,it is not too long ago when he used pangs in Chawama.He is a true…….dictator

  72. I have an issue with those of youwho are suggesting that Sata should lead the pact on the basis that he has more political experience. Going back to history when KK became president he did not have much experience in politics and facts are there to show that he did well as leader in his first 10 yrs as president. David Cameron, Mendelev and Obama have not been in politics for long but are still doing well. If anything most politicians who have been in politics for long are stuck in old ways of thinking and rarely come up with radical new ideas that can move a country forward. The only way we can move away from the old political older is to elect new leaders like HH and retire the old guards like Sata and RB otherwise will be stuck UNIP culture for another decade. You have been warned!!!

  73. My comment is still valid.When i was applying for employment,the qualifications were attached.
    (1)Grade 12 certificate
    (2) University degree
    (3)Experience 3 years in the similar field
    (4)Post graduate certificate an added advantage.
    I did not have the experience and i lost out.So Sata only experience,no Grade 12 certificate
    no University degree ,no graduate certificate .Ifye fyena twaka na.Sata go back to the land and make Zambia green or be the headman,period.

  74. They can both stand, the one who comes first is president and the colleague becomes deputy. The only problem is if RB beats them both.

  75. Friends, I have enjoyed your comments but let us look at this issue from a different perspective. If HH and Sata had joined hands together, we wouldn’t be talking about MMD now. This party would have finished a long time ago. With the new pact in place, MMD is doing everything possible to disrupt the peace and harmony in the pact.If we look at history of Zambia, we see the Southerners and the northerners join hand together to get the freedom we have today. Nkumbula and Kaunda, and Mazoka and chiluba worked together. Even at this time lets pray that HH will give the seat to an elder, Sata and work together. In fact if HH will swallow his pride and surrender the seat to an elderly person he will carry the respect of the day.Don’t compare zambia to USA or Britain, we have many things to…

  76. I will vote for change!!! Be it Hakainde or Sata. Look at what has happened in UK. Why cant we do the same?? Why do we have to fight and spill blood on things that just need a simple reasoning? Ninkanda yafita nangu mano yacepa????

  77. The problem with Zambians is that you talk about democracy fail to live by it. Why is there a pressumption that Sata/HH should lead the pact? Why not subject both leaders to internal democracy and then let the winner lead? Is this not what UPND leaders have been taking about all along? Why are we subconciously worried that if an internal contest were to take place within the pact then the two parties will fall apart? If we want democracy in our country we need to promote internal democracy and the losers should learn to accept the results. If free and fair elections take place within the pact and the loser decides to break away them we the Zambian people should deal with him by not voting for him in national elections. We shouldn’t tolerate the Sakwiba type of democracy

  78. Pliz!!! For the peace loving Zambian who are looking for change come 2011 becareful with the propaganda which you read in Times and Daily mail, even what you hear on ZNBC television aiming to confuse the supporters of the pact. Be focused and look forward to a great fall of Jericho(MMD)!!!!!!!!!!

  79. Kakoma, you are a wise man. no need to debate presidency, but how to strengthen the pact.:((:(([-([-([-([-([-([-(

  80. It is better not to announce the leading president for the UPND/PF alliance yet.There has been alot of assasination attempts on the leaders of the alliance by the MMD’s WILLIAM BANDA led party cadres joint efforts with the ZAMBIA POLICE and other STATE OPERATIVES.This was evident during the just ended bye elections in both Mufumbwe and Milanzi.The MMD want to know as soon as possible whose going to lead the UPND/PF alliance in 2011 so that the opponet is eliminated before the 2011 general elections. It is deliberate move that the pact delays to announce their leader in order to create further panic in the MMD.There is a big crack in the MMD that ministers have now approached the PACT.Just wait and see my peace loving Zambians.Don’t forget to register as voters.Change is inevitable!

  81. The one who is going to be the President of the PACT is Dr. Guy Scott and the Vice is Kakoma, lets not waste time guys. HH and Sata will be advisers of the pact.:)>-

  82. In zambia we need to look at someone’s tuck record. You cannot compare Chiluba with HH. Chiluba had a criminal record while HH has a record of success in his dealings and life.. Chiluba stole a ten Kwacha from an old lady one time in his life, therefore how do you expect him not to steal when he is a president. Expecting Chiluba not to steal as president would be compared to putting a hungry monkey in a field of maize over night and expecting it not to eat a single one.

  83. as there are too many posts to read i just will say what i think 😀

    in my opinion sata should start to lead and hand over to HH at an appropriate time. Maybe after a year or two. I dont know if that is possible but i think it is.

    While sata is leading.. HH can advice on economic issues and after he handed over he can advice HH on the political issues. At a certain moment Sata reaches the age that he should stop active politic anyway.

  84. People please listern to Charles Kakoma’s advise.This is not the time for worrying on who will lead the pact wait for an appropriate time and whoever will be picked who represent the pact and the other one will be automatically be deputy.Moreover when you are president you dont do everything alone,but you delicate.Who ever stands on the Pact will be our leader what we want is MMD red card.

  85. Senior Citizen has sent alot of messages, its a sign of saying MMD kuya bebele. This chap is panicking. Obviously he has also stolen our money in Billions of Kwacha.

    Senior Citizen, we are going to arrest you next year for stealing our money.

  86. No. 59. John bull you must be a mad man to believe that a school drop out can successfully lead a country like Zambia to prosperity. Look, you can get your Sata in Plot 1 but you know very well he can not meet the demands of managing a country that needs to catch up in terms of devlopment. By the way since you disrespected me I want to tell you that I think you a judgemental ***** who is a chancer in life.

  87. I cant pick any sense from Zambian politics and bloggers alike. The best you Zambian people can do is learn from us South Africans. We are less than 20 years in democracy but we have demonstrated how capable we are in using the brain. Whatever is done in my country is a symbol of true democracy and of the great people of Mzanzi. Make yourselves useful on the continent coz i had the opportunity of visiting Zambia (Vic falls) and i just saw how messed up your country is! Do something

  88. Our test for pact is now Luena seat, if UPND gets Luena back then HH would prove to deliver the Pact. The doubting Thomas-es will be ashamed. Let us wait and see.


  90. Ba Sata, Mwasesensela chilya kawa, Tata Namukula, lekeni to bring confusion in this peaceful country of Zambia. Why a symbol of sake, Isoka Isuma umuntu yakana noku mulya. EIMWEE TATA, You have biten HH. and failed to eat him. shame on you. Live to the young ones.

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