LUENA member of Parliament Charles Milupi has resigned his parliamentary seat to take up the leadership of Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) party which he officially launched in Lusaka yesterday.
Mr Milupi who was an independent member of the National Assembly said he will re-contest the Luena seat on an ADD ticket.
He said he has written to the Speaker of the National Assembly Amusaa Mwanamwambwa to notify him of his resignation from Parliament.
“I hereby announce my resignation as MP, as being a member of ADD has changed my status in Parliament from being an independent member,” Mr Milupi said.
He said his party will also contest the 2011 general elections in a bid to form government.
Mr Milupi said unlike other political parties, the ADD has been founded around a desire to eradicate poverty.
He said it is a paradox that a country endowed with much wealth should have some of its people living on US$1 a day.
Mr Milupi said if an ADD government was elected, it will grow the budget by ensuring that all sectors contribute to the economy.
He said an ADD government will have zero-tolerance to corruption and abuse of public resources.
Mr Milupi pledged that his government will bring back the lost dignity of a Zambian worker and retirees.
He said his party will ensure that jobs are reserved for Zambians, with expatriates only coming in to provide labour which Zambians cannot do.
Mr Milupi said education will be looked at as an investment and not a cost to allow everyone to have access to good quality learning.
He said every province will have a well equipped specialised clinic so that all Zambians can have equal access to health.
Mr Milupi said the ADD will focus on issues and will not be party to politics of insults which have become the order of the day.
He said ADD will put in place a properly functioning civil service which will be founded on principles of adherence to rules.
Earlier, Douglas Shing’andu, who was interim president, said the party was formed in September last year with a vision to bring development to the people of Zambia.
He said the party has been looking for a leader and that after a long search decided that Mr Milupi was the best person to lead the party.
ADD vice president Mathias Mphande said Zambians must embrace the new party claiming that it is the last chance to change their lives for the better.
He said the party will not dwell on power but will focus on empowering the people.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
Another beating awaits MMD, not in Northwestern or copperbelt but Kwayaye hahahahahah. they must be pissing in their pants.
come on you HH ! come Pact ! inflict more pain on the mad dogs. hahahahha.
This is good news, hope our pact partners PF can let our party stand we gaurantee you we will give Milupi a run for his money. This is a good test for our popularity. Am just worried that we may now loose the lozi strong hold, with this new party, some how this changes the game.
Where are are we heading to? God help Zambia.
another by-election..more money wasted and more lives at risks…and he hopes to one day get paid $2000 as zed president…
nkhani yalula. MMD continues,.
He sounds like a maniac.
Pure jokes now. This is politics of poverty. Every Jim and Jack wants to be president. Am sure this boy
is just sponsored by MMD to disturb the PF/UPND Pact. What a useless party. How can we develop when all the country’s money is going 2 unnecessary by- elections? Charles Milupi u are useless.
The Party is called Alliance for Development and Democracy and not the other way round,LT.
Why do peolpe who support the pact appear to have no tolerance for others with so much hostility and animosity towards others.
Let each citizen practice their civil rights in politics.
Personally,i feel ADD should incorporate with Chipimo Jnr to become more formidable.
Every party was once small anyway.
This guy just want to chew free money that is being dished out to all polical parties participating General Elections. What a corrupt mind! The money his party will receive in 2011 is far better than gratuity he has forgone as member of parliament for the year end.:(
This is madness. How do u just wake up and form a party. Milupi are finished. You are even bringing old, finished, clueless and myopic, politicians like Dr. Mpande who can’t even manage his home. I wonder where we are heading to as a country.
Too late to come on the political plateform.Ask Dr.Sondashi,Nondo,Nawakwi.Milupi are you going to have a convention?or it is self imposed like SATA.
It is like every Jim and Jack wants to rule “Zambezi” or rather Zambia.Even the clegy like ‘Fake’ or rather FATHER BWALYA.
# 13,14.
Why the bitterness torwards Sata and Fr Bwalya? they are nt even the subject of the story.
It worries me to see more resources being spent on unnecessary bye-elections when our beloved zambia are wallowing in poverty.
Seems like we have another briefcase party in the making to me.:-?
#3 Kapita, please tell #1 & 2 msana wanzili for me that he should read and interpret politics correctly. This party will eat into the opposition votes, especially Western province. Milupi is well educated and well oiled like HH. Note Milupi’s emphasis ……“Mr Milupi said the ADD will focus on issues and will not be party to politics of insults which have become the order of the day”. From this you can see that all that Milupi has done is fill the vacuum left by HH who joined politics of indecency and insults, thereby losing a large constituency of voters who had seen in him a new breed of politicians. Come 2011 ma PACT kaya, but then PACT is already dead anyway.
Katie Good.
Your pro-MMD utterances/propaganda never ceases to amaze or amuse me.I just marvel at times at yr passion for MMD.
2011 is just around the corner.Good timing but too late to come on the political plateform.Count down to 2011.”Kayaa” for Hon.Milupi for causing unnecessary bye-election.
I really don’t understad why people choose to dwell on the issue of “wasted resources for a by-election.” for me, it indicates such short-sightedness to start crying about such. of course he had to join a party in order to contest for the presidency, and if a few million kwacha is what we need to spend on a by-election in order to usher in a potential saviour (NOT meant as a comparison to Jesus) of the sad state of our economy, then i say let it be. i personally think it is a small issue. our government should be able to handle the cost of a by-election without it affecting civil servants and if it can’t, then i think it says more about the pathetic state of our national administration than it does of the milupi. though i am not yet a supporter of milupi…….
…….i know quality when it knocks on my door. i like the little i know of him through the media and i am definitely looking forward to hearing if he does indeed usher in value-based politics. i will judge him on this. and to the person who said by-election will only bring violence, you should note that in the party launch speach, he declared he abhors violence in electons. i have not heard im even ONCE utter a personal attack on any politician. yes, i look forward to knowing more of this ADD and the long term value it offers. i chose not to focus on short term costs which would not even be an issue if government was run right. to the blogger above to comments on timing: who was obama a year before the US elections?
Thats democracy people. He is free to form a party of his liking. But any way the timing is wrong and it stinks of mischiefs. Hope he is not sponsored by the MMD.
What does the Pact stand for anyway? I think Zambians should start asking politicians to state what they stand for. It is not enough just to be against something! What does Sata stand for? What does he represent? Arent Rupiah’s politics the same as Sata’s? How is William Banda different from Sata’s lieutenants or thugs like Nakawala and Scorpion Kadobi? Zambians seem to have a memory as short as that of a microwave oven! When HH went into alliance with Sata he rapidly went down in my estimation. It is a marriage of convienience over principle. Sata was in the forefront of the campaign to bastardise the constitution with the 3rd term campaign. So my final question is: Do you expect Sata to give you a constitution that would be qualitatively different from what Banda will force on you?
Mr Long-sighted, i like the way u talk. Let’s wait and see what happens in the by elections, the result will speak for itself.
kambongolo, MMD are scared. no chance something this big can be MMD sponsored, it would be too much of a risk. Milupi has always spoken on the shortcomings of the MMD government, esp in the PAC. it doesnt make sense that he is MMD sponsored
you should have been there at the launch, the place was packed!!!
Well Mr Milupi may have the freedom to start his own political party but he is not genuinely thinking of the majority Zambians, it is really important that these people assess themselves adequately and the people surrounding them before making such moves. If he is really concerned by the little resources the nation has, then why create a by election? This is really being selfish to the Zambian tax payers. This man really understands how much money the government spends on by election. I wish there was a law to bar such people to re-contest the vacant if they create it on purpose.
I think we need to put more restriction on the criteria of registering political parties. They shuls put thing like one should at least have K5,000,000,000 (five billion kwacha) in the account and have property worth at least K500,000,000 (five hundred million kwacha) and also to have atleast 20,000 (twenty thousand) registered members of the party, in terms of cadres. This might bring sanity to politics. It irritates me when people keep on registering New parties when there some already present. Look at the United states, or the United Kingdom or Australia, people don’t just come up with parties because they don’t believe some of the things their party is doing. People have to go into the existing parties and make changes within before the national.
It is not the fault of Milupi that the resources will be wasted on a bye election thats what the constitution entails and Milupi did not make this constitution. He was elected as an in Independent so why should we be having by-election for an independent MP joining a political party?
I strayed into Mulungushi and witnessed the launch of ADD. Ohh that was spectacular and indeed a different tone to zambian politics. i was impressed with the guy. they are people you only see once and you know they are true leaders. we need to give this guy a chance. am personally tired with the current crop of politicians. At least for now i know i have someone to vote for in 2011 and that is the ADD president. The Pact is not sustainable, HH has lost it by aligning with the King Cobra!
just for statistics, am reliably informed that Milupi got over 6000 votes in 2006 and UPND candidate got less than 200 votes. what will make people all of a sudden change their mind against him? the guy is an achiever, i bet the UPND/PF pact wont shake him. wait and see!
i dont understand why some people think ADD has been sponsored by MMD. If thats the case do you think he would have resigned his seat. No No No he seems to have very high self esteem. so to me he is not the type that can be cheaply bought.
I personally like Milupi’s objectivity, but running for presi does not look too feasible for him.
you should have been there at the launch for you to appreciate that ADD is not a briefcase party.
This poor boy, Milupi is just a selfish maniac. MMD sponsored briefcase party sponsored to spoil oppostion. Who does this boy think he is? Poverty stricken. Bought by William Banda with few kwachas.
On “LUENA member of Parliament Charles Milupi has resigned his parliamentary seat to take up the leadership of Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) party which he officially launched in Lusaka yesterday… Mr Milupi said the ADD will focus on issues and will not be party to politics of insults which have become the order of the day… Earlier, Douglas Shing’andu, who was interim president, said the party was formed in September last year with a vision to bring development to the people of Zambia,” I wish Mr Bachelor Honours Degree Electical and Electronic Engineer now unelected or selfimposed president of ADD all the very best in his endeavours for he has what is needed of a Zambian President but I am sad that Mr Shing’andu chose the MONARCH style.
B blest o…
Ok for starters, Milupi makes more sense than Sata….will wait and hear more after he wins back his seat. Can someone post his full CV
On “Mr Milupi who was an independent member of the National Assembly said he will re-contest the Luena seat on an ADD ticket,” I like Mr Milupi’s following of the Zambian Laws over his joining ADD and wish all the very best in the upcoming MP Luena byelection that he has deliberately created especially that this by-election will be a test of the mighty UPND’s popularity under the visionary leadership of president and 2011 presidential candidate HH in Western Province ahead of 2011 elections.
If the mighty UPND wins the Luena MP Seat, president HH will have proved that he is ready to form GRZ Administration as Zambian President after 2011 presidential and general elections.
Should HH not be UPND-PF PACT president candidat, I may support Milupi instead Chipimo Elias Jr…
Continuing on “Should HH not be 2011 UPND-PF PACT president candidate while Mr PF/Sata MC is picked to be PACT presidential candidate, I may support unelected selfimposed Charles Milupi instead of unelected selfimposed leader Chipimo Elias Jr” if ADD goes for a convention simply because Mr C. Milupi has a plan for Zambia which he started unleashing when he expressed interest to lead Zambia after then (late) President LP Mwanawasa’s 2nd Term ends in 2011.
I hope PF cadrs and all real patriotic Zambians — not necessarily Patriotic Front (PF) cadre Zambians — will understand my well-meaning plan for Zambia to make real change by not letting UNIP and MMD dictatorships remnant MC Sata who is currently disguised as a champion of suffering Zambians in his leader of PF capacity…
MMD is likely to carry the 2011 cup. This time it will be only 20% votes and the rest will be shared. PACT with 19.5%. this is bad news to the PACT especially that western province was a potential vote supplier. Now this guy might even get all constituents from WProvince. Kaufela.
35// Notice that Milupi is financial strong enough than probably all the presidential candidates except HH. He built modern houses for everyone in his village and financed his campaigns to parliament. He is quite clean in terms corruption and abuse of public resources and more disciplined. However, he is not very popular in Western: he is a copperbelt businessman. The only problem MMD and UPND/Pact will face with Milupi is that he can physically show what he has done for the people. Milupi does not give promises but practically does what he says and as a result he is gaining support in Western. If RB does not complete that half way abandoned Mongu-Kalabo road, then Milupi is assured of more 75% of Western votes next year. However, Milupi says he is not power hungry but service oriented.
If Milupi decides to make the corruption fight a priority, you can be assured with certainty as he maintains his word. The guy is much better than his face can tell. However, the timing of the party is surely not right as he could have joined any of the existing parties. Probably he does not want to be associated with any. But for sure, he is not State House greedy. MMD now has more homework in Western and should not take Milupi lightly as he is viewed as the new Nalumino Mundia by some sections in Western. Mundia is popular coz during his time ZESCO power crossed the Barotse plains to Kalabo, Mongu-Senanga rd and other big projects done too. Mundia and Richard Ngenda are among the most loved and popular pipo in Barotseland.Whoever, is alikened to the two is surely lucky guy in Barotse.
MP here in Zambia stands fo Mensitral(Monthly) Period.
# 40KK11- Arithmetically wrong. If Milupi takes WP then RB will lose a large chunk of his lasr vote. Remember RB beat Sata by a mere 30 000 votes country wide while Sata got abosolutely Zero in WP. Go back to the drawing board.
Here is a problem if neither MMD nor UPND could attract this man. Certainly he is not the PF 90 day’s development & parastatal for cadre type of scum bag.
It is possible that he will change the game plan and fortunes of major political parties. It’s sensible to say that things on the ground won’t be the same again. Dr. Mphande may have rusted but is a man with ideas too. I talk to him very often. I see now how these 2 birds have flocked together. MMD should start to robustly address reasons why such clear thinkers are forming new parties. Honestly & quickly. Appeal for patriot & citizen to get out of the blog into the public.
This is just a common Political Game the MMD has been using for years now, when they sense that the situation is not on their side. Milupi has been bought to stand between the PACT and split the votes in order to give the MMD an advantage in the Western Province. Not long time ago, Inonge Mbikusita was bought by the MMD in a simmilar manner, she formed a Political Party, few weeks after lossing the Elections she was given a very big post in the “States”. Equally, Shamapande was sponsored by the UPND to split votes in Central and S.Province agaist MMD. Therefore, Mr, Milupi is not alone, He is supported by the <<< party. he is just like a POND in the Game of CHASE. Balemubomfya..it is common pa Zed anyway…
#44 you also need to rethink your conclusions. The political climate now or in 2011 is not the same as in 2008 for some leaders. To be specific, Mr Sata’s fortunes may not be as good. With the passage of time this man has exposed himself dangerously, and voters have come to understand the capacity of man. The 90 days magic mesmerised people then but it is unlikely to work again this time. And then there are issues of the PACT and its presidential candidate.
The exposes and the persistent u-turns do not contribute to confidence building among the electorate either.
to all the people saying add is an mmd sponsored party, read the post today and see what george kunda says himself: that add is upnd sponsored!! so, mmd know that they have nothing to do with the party and upnd know the same. why are WE arguing about it??
ps i hear HH is already in western province campaigning for the by election before its even been called. don’t worry HH, i understand…i’d be scared too if i were you!! we all know sata won’t let you lead the pact, much in the same way you will not allow him. so you better keep you politics clean this by election as you will surely be crawling, begging to join add once luena goes to add.
thanks for the sanity restored to politics milupi
Abene Zambia we will not go anywhere as a country. I mean we have politians with milupi’s calibre who is a very intelligent individual who would lead Zambia forward but we still want to support individuals like Sata whose primary concerns are to get into power by all means. let our politicians win our votes by stating developmental plans and not insults and name calling. Any fool can insult others. Well done to Milupi for recognizing a need for change in our current political arena, and may the almighty God bless you sir.
Congratulation son of black bull.Milupi please dont be scare let go forward big man ,we are behind you.We LOVE you and we will support you in every way possible.Kwisu uyoyange mutanga amulimu