The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) has arrested five students in separate incidents for drug trafficking.
DEC public relations manager John Nyawali said in a Press statement three of the five students were from Mansa Trades Training Institute while the other two were from Lukashya Trades Training Institute in Kasama.
He urged authorities in learning institutions to report all suspected cases of drug trafficking to help create a drug-free learning environment.
“The commission would like to urge authorities in learning institutions to be vigilant with activities that happen in their institutions,” he said.
Mr Nyawali also said the commission had in the last seven days seized half a tonne of cannabis and arrested 90 people from across the country for trafficking in various quantities of the psychotropic substance.
[ Times of Zambia ]
Yangu tata! Pansomo waposapo na dopo 😮 ni mix yashani kanshi? Anyway, one Zed one Nation bane l-) Enoy the the rest of the week :)>-
Zambia is no longer a transit point for drugs. It has become a consumer of not just the low grade drugs but the high grade drugs as well. Gov’t and NGO’s need to focus on building more rehabilitation centres. Train individuals on how to counsel various addicts. Lets try and arrest this decease before it consumes our young vibrant people
Dont be surprised Chiluba is in Luapula, probably he distributed that stuff to those kids.
ukushishita students of nowadays bane. ifwe twali ama transporter bane.we used to put inside our peniiis. deuces bane:)>-
it all depends on how one has been brought up and the experience he has acquired from around probably the skills of adapt at I on s.