Friday, September 6, 2024

MMD accused of continued violence in Mufumbwe


United Party for National Development (UPND) has accused the MMD of having continued perpetuating violence in Mufumbwe even after the by-elections.

Speaking during a press briefing at the party’s Secretariat this morning,UPND Spokesperson Charles Kakoma said the ruling party is devastated by the loss of the Mufumbwe parliamentary seat and has continued to stir violence in the area using Chief Chizela.

Mr. Kakoma revealed that the UPND has received information that people’s homes in Mufumbwe have continued to be burnt for having supported the UPND.
[pullquote]“If the violence continues despite the aftermath of the election, the UPND will react and the violence will turn into a serious crisis,” Kakoma said.[/pullquote]
And Mr. Kakoma said Chief Chizela has ordered over 12 subjects out of his Chiefdom on grounds that they have been supporting the UPND.

He named some of those who have been chased as Frank Kazangama, Chrispin Chinyama, Sambaka Sambaka, Robert Kateti, Robert Kanyama, and Headman Likunde of Kalambu village among others.

He sais Chief Chizela has been using some retainers from his Chiefdom to harass and evict some people out of the Chiefdom.

Mr Kakoma noted that apart from the Chief retainers, Chief Chizela is allegedly using some other named people to perpetuate violence including village headmen.

Mr. Kakoma has since cautioned the ruling MMD to order Chief Chizela to stop perpetuating violence in Mufumbwe before the UPND youths react.

“If the violence continues despite the aftermath of the election, the UPND will react and the violence will turn into a serious crisis,” Kakoma said.
[ QFM ]


  1. Where is ZP and what have they done about this unacceptable move? Let the government condem rather than wait until it gets out of hand.

  2. Govt will only react after UPND retaliates so that UPND cadres are arrested and accused of having started the violence….Animal farm!#:-s

  3. can you please take this guy to lusaka high court so that he can face the law. you know the police are toothless because the appointing authority is in shit so the best is drag this illiterate chief to the courts and push for his de-registration then he will know that in fact with the new politics we don’t need these IDI.OTS called chiefs any more. teach him a lesson. these chiefs are so poor to reason properly. look at luapula chiefs, what will they do when UPND/PF pact wins the elections. they will become fools in the eyes of their subordinates. can someone please advise these chiefs. i advised my chief to accept whoever goes to his palace and get their money and bicycles if possible. no need of being behind one party.

  4. i have always reasoned in myself that luapula is the most illiterate provice in the country but i never convinced myself until chiluba’s developmental meeting with them. if that provice is not careful they will remain batubula just like that. we don’t needs chiefs votes to win the elections and these stance i thot could not repeat itself after what chitimukulu went thru. that chitimukulu need to advise his friends in luapula and tell them to stay way from being partisan because soon they will brief the dust. but lets wait and see. the drama will be as nice as it was when we defeated 3rd term and mwanawasa was not as cabbage as we thot he was. kafupi alitobela panshi. now here comes another comedy. we are coming

  5. Kakoma is just an overzealous cadre with a dangerous longing for connectedness and voice in a world where his future is brink.Politics of lis and sensationalism will keep failing UPND. Kahaye had wisdom and tacity that gave Mazoka’s UPND a place dignity in politics. But the marriage of infantiles Ichilema and Kakoma has reduced UPND into a circus trapped in school yard politics. This is the same Kakoma whose dangerous incompetence is displayed by his baseless argument that there is and shall be a PACT in 2011 when Sata is daily making vows to keep taking ballot rejects until death seperates his ego.

  6. Just prepare Mfumbwe like Solwezi Central where the MP turned abducting terrorist criminal now before the courts on criminal charges is heading for a bye-election soon come what may. In a matter of weeks the independent courts of justice will be hearing a petition that will lead to nullification of the results.

  7. When is the petition so that we put this ugly thing out of our eyes? Otherwise we shall be fed on rumours and counter-rumours everyday.

  8. Desperation in MMD camp. Chief Chizela was promised a Prado if MMD retained Mufumbwe. Those are the developmental meetings RB is holding with the socalled chiefs.

  9. #5 please Lean to reason. What Kakoma is doing is just reporting and the gornment should move in. Those are security matters and not just :)):)):))

  10. Its better we have war in Zambia so that Zambians can appreciate their Land. Zambians never learn! UNIP messed up economy with its PIG. MMD is on the verge of bringing Zambia into conflict. Let there be war! We shall see what will happen to all the loud mouths.

  11. Violence begets violence – there will be no end to this situation as long as these blind chiefs are given a platform from which to talk. Their subjects will continue to suffer poverty and it’s notorious “5 offshoots” made famous by KK. The only chiefs worth their salt in Zambia these days are those with integrity like the Litunga – maybe Kazembe too, but he needs to be watched, he could fall from grace too.

  12. This ka chief ni ka galu,already he is in court togather with the MMD losing candidate over a ka Mine they grabbed from Hetro Mining.What nonsense is getting into our politics? MMD lost & they should concede defeat,this will prepare them exit safely from power in 18 months~X(~X(~X(~X(~X(~X(

  13. shame on you fi mwadya mweka dad (MMD). muli mpombo sana. why should you false the situation? you lost and you are yet to in 2011.

  14. Senior Citizen your attacks on Hon. kakoma is uncalled for. What else does you want if MMD can not attend to people who are being victimized due to lose of your party? Shame on you.

  15. Bamfumu ba Kizela mwaleta musebanya ku mulaka wa ki Kaonde. Just when the veil of shame that linered over the Kaonde people for decades was about to be lifted, this Chief Kizela comes with even a thicker and wider veil of shame and with all his might casts it upon his people. He is a sham of a chief. Shame on him yesterday, today and forever.
    I hope this will not be so with the other respectable and more glorious Kaonde Chiefs Kapijimpanga, Ingwe, Mujimanzovu, Matebo, Mukumbi, and indeed His Royal Highness the Great King Kasempa the shining star annointed to be Priet-King of the land of my forefathers.
    And may our other holy and great Kings Litunga, Mwata-Kazembe, Mukuni, Kalonga Gawa Undi, Chitimukulu, and Mpezeni live long. Long live our Kings.

  16. #5 Senior Citizen….is there a politician in Zambia called ‘Ichilema’? or you have now reduced yourself to a name calling minion? and you call yourself a consultant! no wonder Zambia is going to the dogs. Dislike as I may some of the policies some politicians peddle, I can never call anyone names like you and those you deride as Kaponyas do. Take a hard look at yourself and stop embarrassing the Intelligent young Zambians who want to debate on real issues regardless of their affiliations whether to RB, HH or Sata.

  17. What Hon Kakoma, that drunk. Chech him out when he is top at parliament Motel or Rapsodis he is just like any other fool not wporth the title Hon.Its all politics he is doing

  18. #6 Unwise So Called Senior Citizen,

    Your political analysis and view is extremely poor and I have come to liken you to someone who makes comments because they have to say something. I advise you to keep quiet for some time and let other people make wise comments. You are seriously making a fool of yourself (No malice involved)

  19. The defunct MMD should accept defeat in Mufumbwe and stop the violence. Chief Chizela should think like a leader and not a cadre. Let him leave area himself and move to Lusaka!!!

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