Sunday, March 9, 2025

Take a strong stand against graft, RB urged


FLASHBACK: Kabwata MP Given Lubinda (L) and Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba

The Patriotic Front PF has observed that unless President Rupiah Banda takes a strong stand against financial irregularities being highlighted in government institutions, he will not be able to tackle the rampant corruption.

Speaking to QFM in an interview, PF Spokesperson, Given Lubinda said that President Banda should take decisive steps in dealing with the high-levels of corruption in government if the vice is to be eradicated.

Mr. Lubinda added that President Banda has already found himself in a very complicated scenario and predicament, because he himself has not been transparent.

He has since challenged president Banda to commit himself to seriously tackling corruption by taking a leading role in condemning acts of graft and taking appropriate action against those engaging in corrupt activities in public institutions.

Mr.Lubinda was reacting to the financial irregularities highlighted in the Auditor General’s report concerning the Road Development Agency RDA and some local authorities.


  1. A good call bo Lubinda.It is now an open secret that guys in RDA,immigration and other bodies are corrupt up to the bones.:-?

  2. Good Evening

    So much has been already been said and very little has been done in terms of rooting out corruption in Zambia. Moreover, the opposition’s advice to the legislative government on transparency sounds like stones coming from a glasshouse. How transparent are they themselves? 😕

  3. Lets talk and also ensure our parties are clean who stole the funeral contributions to the late Mutongas Funeral. Yes Govt sticks but SATA PACT President also sticks so much.

    Please Lubinda Challenge him and they will soon discredit u and chase u from PF…..PF is like UNIP of OLD SATA and Only SATA no elections at least KK stood with a frog!!!!!!

    I know soon i be called an MMD loyalist……our dear PACT Cadres can fight and beat u up coz u support them …well next year we scared for Zambia…………now that we have ADD so shall we go or we shall vote for Chipimo Jr …not PACT or MMD

  4. ati shani iwe ka mo taim. ishina kwati ulikaponya! awe i missd you wawumfwa? ya ba madam is in a bad mood today, elo you know umusungu nga azanda. awe but i know how to control her. so apa just beocz sister wakwe called me and asked me to go for drink with her nachimukalipa. awe yes i slept with the sister buti kale nd i told her about it bane. u cant lie to the woman you love. but after that kwati takwata trust. advice please bane? oh iye i forgot there was news to analyse here,ok i think given chipondo, and is more handsome that uyo umunankwe, ati nani?? bmg. deuces bane:)>-

  5. When is the PF report on PF led councils going to be released Mr. Lubinda? It has been over 3 weeks now.

  6. #3. Matulity is important. Lubinda is talking about a serious issue here and you are bringing in irrelevant issues. Understand the context and contribute based on the issue at hand. Petty minds like yours have taken Zambia backwards. What Lubinda is talking about is an issue of national concern which every right thinking Zambian should support regardless of political affiliation. # 3 grow up or stop making comments, we are in the 21st Century !!!

  7. #5, you mean the Minister of Local Government does not have the numbers? What does he and the president talk about when they meet? I don’t the bald headed rasklaat that got you all confused about roles and responsibilities but it is the job of Minister of Local Government to put together reports council performance, both financial and operational, and go over them with the president in their regular meetings That is how the president would know whether the minister is in front of things in his ministry or not. Because seriously, if you take out some councils out of that ministry the minister’s usefulness is rendered null.

    If somebody is refusing to submit the numbers since the system is not integrated, the minister must say so.


  8. # 5 Mr. Capitalist
    “When is the PF report on PF led councils going to be released Mr. Lubinda? It has been over 3 weeks now. ”
    PF think Zambians are dull. We are still waiting gentelemen. Now we know PF/UNDP have not being doing any work, only chewing funds and insulting. What a joke of an opposition party.

  9. These criminals are encouraged by the many cases that have been dragging in our overloaded courts of law for years.

    It will take decades before all pending cases are cleared. By which time they would have become stale.

    In Africa, corruption is the second largest income generating activity after tourism !

    Only the intervention by the Lord will help us.

  10. #9;: So UPND/PF controlled councils chewed up the money. You know chewing the money is criminal. You have the auditor general reporting to the member of cabinet; the police force reporting to a member of cabinet, the reformed ACC reporting to the VP. You have all the drag nets and the SWAT at your disposal. What are they waiting for? What more, you kc know them by name, go get their arses hauled up and locked up. Crying foul off the field aint gonna help. Take action!


  11. Trouble is, toughening stance on corruption will be going back to “the legacy.” And the current leadership has decided they don’t want anything that reminds them of “the legacy.” So, while this is an important call, it is sadly falling on deaf ears. [-(

  12. Yes I echo the other’s sentiments. When the Audit for PF councils was done, the PF promised to release their own audit of their own councils within a week. It been over 3 weeks and they have all gone quiet. I guess the process of doctoring and cooking numbers has taken longer than the PF 90 days economic formula miracle predicted. Big and loud on words, Kaponya style and zilch on action. The fact we have these reports out in public just goes to show how transparent the MMD government is.

  13. Some people are so foolish n hopeless! Mr Given lubinda is talkin about ending coruption in ths nation but some mmd cadres are comment lyk 2years old chaps, when wil mmd n its cadres be serious about national issues? Lets learn 2use our brainz b4 commentin! The matter of fact is that PF sensible pipo. Nt ths mad mmd with its useless n hopeless cadres.

  14. It is very unfortunate that our govt is corrupt starting from the President.Banda is in a good bed friend to Chiluba, by doing that he is sending a wrong message to all civil servants. The fact that the head of state is corrupt means that anyone in his office can be involved in corruption and get away with it. We need someone who really has a heart to improve and develop our country though that kind of a leader will take years to come by…. We are helpless but we hope for the best….

  15. To be honest, these days I have lost hope in all our politicians. Its very difficult to believe whatever they are saying….They are full of lies and do not want to listen to civilians its pathetic…They worst so much time attaching and insulting each other, we are not interested in such things. We need them to tell us their goals and what kind of development they will bring to our country. All of them are so childish and have no focus, one moment they will say what their plans are the moment a fellow politician attacks they lose direction!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Walai shani mune.I didn`t see your posting nizi.Madam ama jealous ka ? ifyoyaka nowonder when you have her pa muzika she is more of a queen mother always in control.ha ha ha.Deuces mune:)>-

  17. Thieves and cohorts cannot take a firm stand against their pre-occupation. They will steal and continue stealing, esp that 2011 is an election year, and they have everything to gain and nothing to lose!

  18. #14 Bootlicker. Are you saying the government will just be transparent and sit back. These things are happening every day and we know the culprits. But unfortunately its like we are now embracing THIEVES. If they are guilty officers in those PF managed Councils arrest them. What is the government doing about it. I dont think we will see any development if people entrusted with our funds are being encourared to steal. All those loans you have aquired will end up in peopls pockets. If the current government can control these things and focus on develepment, I will be on the first plane to vote for MMD come 2011.

  19. Bwezani is verx cnrupt, so how du expect him 2finish coruptiön in ths nation? The only solution 2endin coruption in ths country is by voting bwezani n his foolish frend chiluba out! So lets all register as votaz n vote next year, zambianz are sick n tired of ths mad government full of thieves n hopeless people! May God help us b4 bwezani n chiluba finish our money.

  20. No.22 You want to vote out the MMD but you have not given us the next one or choice. Please give us yours. But let me advice you, your choice should not be the PACT (PROFESS AND CONFUSE THEM), no. In this so called PACT all the members have some bad records of some sort, so as Zambians we are tired of old falks and those who want to steal so that they can cover up what ever they have lost in the past PLEASE TWAPAPATA……………ALAAAA

  21. Someone is talking about public money which all Zambia should benefit. Here come unconcerned citizen brought in PF money just for a kamasmall grouping. Pliz lets talk about our stole PUBLIC FUNDS. Be matured

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